This turned out way longer than expected...

Quick note, if you're unfamiliar with inhumans... her origins may be a little confusing _

Oh and I'm swapping the order of 2 of movies, hope no one minds:))

The jet left them a few miles away, having to hide their presence so they wouldn't spook her, but Thor had been impatient the entire the flight there. As soon as the airlock opened he took on ahead, hammer in hand, ignoring The Captain's shouts. He prouded himself for having grown a lot in the past few years, having learned from his lessons and becoming more calculated with time. It all seemed to have gone out the proverbial window as the aircraft hit the ground. He was filled with a thrill he couldn't explain, something akin to the one before a battle. He blamed it on the urgency of the situation, the Tesseract was highly important and it needed to return to Asgard as soon as possible. But deep down he knew he was lying to himself. And doing quite a poor job at it, too.

The mansion came into view fast, golden statues decorating the front lawn in dissaray. It was quite huge compared to other midgardian houses, but not much compared to anything on Asgard. As he got closer, he realized the figures were not statues at all, but human men encased in gold, their faces forever twisted in horror. It was a cruel fate and he wondered if they died instantly or slowly suffocated on the inside. He was not scared of the woman and he was not one to turn down a fight, but even he had to admit what he was doing was foolish - going head first to an enemy he knew close to nothing about. Could she turn him to gold as well? Could she do it from afar or did she need to touch him? Will he join the poor souls scattered in her garden?

None of the scenarios he played in his head as he pushed open the heavy doors could have prepared him for what actually happened.

Evelyn had been expecting the Avengers to make their entrance sooner rather than later. The blue toy she acquired was even more spectacular than she could have ever dreamed, it gave her the power she had always wished her: teleportation. She was happy with her newfound set of skills. Never had she thought a silly supplement pill was going to give her powers and flying was still pretty neat. But as it was human nature to crave just a little more, it could have been better.

Though, apparently she was not entirely human. On the other hand, inhuman was rather dramatic and made her feel like she just had to be bad. Or at least just a bit on the morally gray side. She wasn't entirely sure if the Terrigen did more to her than activate her powers. In the brief explanation she was given by some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents she was left under the impression some people were not as lucky as she had been with her new abilities. She should probably stop complaining about not getting exactly what she wanted and be grateful she hadn't grown scales or went insane instead.

The truth was she had always harbored a darker side, pushed deep down by society's never-ending list of rules and proper etiquette and a desire to make her mother proud. But under those layers of pristine white shirts and ugly plated sweaters there had always been a little devil waiting to burst out. It would have been tragically comedic if she would have sprouted horns and turned red, but in a poetic justice kind of way. Thought it seemed that the Terrigen didn't care much for moral alignment.

She petted the orange tabby that brushed by her leg, one of the many strays she had gathered over the day and a half she had been living there and went to the window. She was admiring her handiwork on the front lawn, wondering if she should add one more statue on the far left corner by the hedges, when he came down from the sky. She had not been expecting the God of Thunder to show up.

After her encounter with Earth's mightiest and after she stole from them, research had been in order. She spent way more time than she cared to admit to anyone reading about each and every one of them. People everywhere were curious about New York and the heroes that saved them and news, or sometimes just rumors, blasted the internet like wildfire. She found more about some and close to nothing about others, but what everyone was clear on was that the gods of Thunder and Mischief had went back to Asgard. Yet there he was, looking all sorts of hot and just a little bit angry. The smirk on her lips was impossible to control as she made her way to the door to greet her first guest of the day. She was going to enjoy herself a little bit.

Thor pushed the door open prepared for anything. Or so he had thought.

She had been right there by the door and in the second it took him to realize, her arms were around his neck pulling him further inside the hallway, soft lips crashing onto his, sweet and warm and entirely irresistible. And so he kissed her back, their mouths like two pieces of a puzzle. Her nails scraped the back of his neck as she grabbed a hold of his hair. Her body was pressed flushed to his as she was floating off the ground, just a bit above him, and for a moment she felt like she was slipping away. On instinct, his own arms encased around her frame pressing her even tighter to him and she smiled into the kiss, biting his lover lip when she pulled away.

"And I thought you'd never come." She was just as he remembered her from that day: confident and flirty. And a little too dangerous. His grip tightened around her, but this time to make sure she wasn't going to escape. Her intoxicating smile only grew, her eyes lighting up with what he could only call, for lack of a better word, mischief. Still in his arms she let her finders trace one of the clasps on his cape and it started turning golden beneath the skin. It spread like ink on paper and stopped suddenly as her hand took hold of his chin instead and lifted his head to meet her sharp gaze. "Careful there, handsome. It would be a real shame if you'd be reduce to a garden gnome."

"I'm not here for games. We know you took the Tesseract. It belongs on Asgard." She traced a finger from his chin down his neck, her eyes soft and warm. She looked nothing like the killer she truly was. Or was she? Maybe she couldn't have killed him on the spot, but her seemingly delicate hand was still resting just above the collar of his armor.

"Maybe I should visit there next. I imagine it's quite the sight."

"The only place you'll be visiting is a prison cell." She laughed, placing her head on his shoulder like it was the most natural thing to do.

"Oh you're so sweet, thinking any prison could hold me." He wondered if he should demand she be taken to Asagard to be imprisoned. If Loki couldn't escape, Evelyn surely had no chance. But before his thought was fully formed her lips were by his ear, a shiver running down his spine as her hot breath tickled.

"Your friends are finally here." She was out of his grasp in an instant, her hands pushing his apart just enough to fly up and away. As the team barged through the door he finally took her in better, the silky black robe hanging dishevel from her body. Her arms were covered under the long selves, but her legs were bare and neckline revealing. He was glad he hadn't noticed her state of undress when she had been in his grip. She wicked at him when his gaze finally went from the ridiculously low helm of the robe to her meet her eyes.

"Miss Evans, there doesn't need to be a fight." The Captain stepped forwards, reminding Thor there were other people in the room now. What would they have thought if they came just minutes earlier and saw them in their embrace? What had he been thinking? From the air above them, Evelyn sighed and crossed her arms, the top of her breasts even more in sight.

"I imagine there will be, I'm not handing over the cube."

The arrow was shot without warning, but she still caught it with little effort. What she didn't count on was the explosive on it. She was blasted on the opposite wall, the air being momentarily knocked out of her.

"Find the Tesseract!" The redhead took off running along the hallway. Evelyn almost smirked, but she decided to play it as if she was worried. No need to play all her cards just yet. She pretended to go after the other woman, but as the Captain came to intercept her she turned, taking him by surprise mid jump and hitting him square in the face. What followed was a series of dodging various things throws at her, from shields to hammer to arrows. She learned her lesson with the last one, no more catching stuff. They were good opponents,but her focus turned to the one who claimed he was a damned God. She had seen him fight in New York; he was not on his best game. Was it perhaps because of her? She made it her mission to taunt him.

"God of Thunder or not, you're getting slow." She flew around him, his other 2 team mates stuck under a bookcase she punched them in. Her hands went around his neck from behind, her chin resting on his shoulder as he tried to grab at her. "Or maybe your heart's not really into this fight. Rather we'd be up for other things."

"Stop this nonsense!" His large hand took hold of her ankle and he pulled her off him. Or more precisely, she let go and floated in front of him, his fingers still curled around her leg. She smiled innocently, but her eyes spoke of sins, daring him to move his gaze up her leg. He heard the Cap finally help Clint from under the pile of books and splintered shelves and was met with her other led in his face as she spun in mid air. He was sent flying, releasing her ankle in the process. She was gone from sight for maybe a moment, before returning with Natasha, her hand glowing around the Widow's neck, the fabric of her suit already turning to gold.

"Guys, we have a problem." The redhead had the Tesseract in hand, or rather, just the carcass of it, one of the sides smashed open. It wasn't glowing anymore, clearly missing whatever had been inside of it. The sleeve on her right hand, the one curled around Natasha's neck, moved up her arm revealing a blue stone encased in a golden bracelet. She already had the Space Stone on her, they lost before the fight even begun.

"This is going to play in two ways. One, you leave here, never come back and we all live happily ever after. Or two, your friend here is going to be very shiny in a minute." Her eyes snapped to Clint as he was pulling on the bow's string. "I may not have time to fully turn her, but she will have one hell of a hard time ever breathing again." He lowered the bow reluctantly, his jaw clenched.

"Just let her go and we'll be out of your hair." The Captain put his shield down and held his hands up in surrender as he took another step towards the two women.

"And for a short while you maybe actually will..." She looked serious then, lips in a tight line and brows furrowed, no more games. She looked at each of them in turn, lingering just a moment longer on Thor. "You really don't have anything better to do than chase little ol' me and this silly blue rock?"

Just as she said that Stark's voice echoed Natasha's in their earpieces. "Guys, we have a problem."

They didn't get to hear the rest of it, the roof coming down on them in a blaze. Evelyn used the stone to get outside, discarding her hostage there with a push. She went back into the house, zapping in and out of places, making sure all her kittens had gotten out safely and saving one that got trapped behind a fallen door. She got back outside, feline in hand, the once pristine white fur covered in some sooth. She scowled at the small patch of dirt like it had insulted her entire blood line.

The day was turning more troublesome than she had anticipated and she was thinking of just leaving and leaving everything behind. It would take them a while to find her in some small town in Japan and she was pretty sure the cherry trees were in full boom that time of the ear. She cared very little for the house in particular, but she did long for a place of her own. Next time, she will just buy the damn thing with gold. She turned to see the rest of the Avengers scurrying out of the flames, Thor helping the limping archer. She looked at the Asgardian, his long hair clinging to his face from the heat inside, his jaw so sharp and well defined it could probably cut diamonds. She remembered the feeling of being crushed in those strong arms, his lips on hers hungry for more. There was definitely some chemistry there and it was a god dammed shame he wasn't up to some more fun, even it turned out to be jut that - some harmless fun. Their eyes met across the lawn of golden statues and after a moment he frowned. She blinked out of sight the next, missing the robot that blew her mansion up.

She was halfway across the world, underneath a cherry tree with a bottle of sake, Gandalf - the white kitten - snoozing on her lap, when news of Ultron reached her. She hadn't stopped to analyze the who fired at her house and why that day and it turned out to bite her in the ass. The Avengers were an annoyance, but that murderous robot was something else entirely. She scrolled on the phone, her mind already half made to interfere, when she stumbled on a video of the AI.

"I was designed to save the world. People would look to the sky and see... hope. I think I'll take that first. There's only one path to peace: their extinction."

Well she couldn't have that, could she? She looked up the robot a little more, until she found something big was going down in Sokovia. That had to be good enough. She chugged the rest of her sake and let out a long sight. For being called Earth's mightiest heroes, the Avengers were sure attracting a lot of trouble. She stood up, placing Gandalf on the blanket in her stead and straightening her kimono before using the stone still on her bracelet to get tho where all the action was at.

She hadn't expected to find Sokovia in the air, slowly ascending. She cocked her head at the sight, arms crossed and lips pursed. She should have probably researched more, but she doubted she'd understand the science behind it or the reasoning of an AI gone rogue. She flew closer to the edges of the city, still cautious of the whole thing when she heard screaming from her left. There was the good ol' Captain America trying hard to keep two cars from falling over the edge. She was already flying towards them when the cars slipped forward and a second later she was beneath one of the cars, stopping it midair. The other one flew past her, but there was no one in it anymore. As she flew up towards the edge, she saw the Captain and Thor looking strangely at her, car held overhead. She placed it on the ground with a thud, the family inside scurrying away to safety.

"What are you doing here?" The God of Thunder sounder almost panicked. She eyed him curiously, eyebrow raised. He had been missing from a few of the heroes' fights with the AI, but she hadn't taken it as anything. Those reports were mostly speculations and hearsay anyway, but it there was something strange about him, something different.

"Well, that's a nice way to thank me. I should just go, let you guys handle... this." She gestured towards the crumbling edge of the road, annoyance seeping through her every word. He glared at her and turned to walk away.

"Go ahead, we don't need you."

"Actually we could really use all the help we could get." The Captain chimed in, looking her up and down before nodding once more. "Don't think this gets you off the hook for the Tsseract though."

"One crisis at a time, right?" She winked at them and darted towards the sky where a flock of robots were coming in, smashing them to pieces with her bare fists. They looked like the Ultron fellow, but not quite and she figured if she killed the brain the minions would follow. Wasn't quite sure what the floating country would do in that scenario... hopefully descend back in it's place painfully slow. She was scouring the place, punching robots and occasionally helping people to safety blonde god turned up again, his hammer getting a robot that had snuck behind her and the two kids she was leading away from the street and into the carrier. She turned towards him, the kids running toward who she assumed were their parents.

"I could have handled it."

"Sure you did."

They smacked a bunch more of the metal pests, their supply seemingly endless. He got quite a few at a time with his hammer and she observed his tactics and tried mimicking a few. She was strong, but had little experience in actual fighting. So as he grabbed a mini-Ultron and swung him at his brethren she copied the move, a little squeal of excitement leaving her lips. She knew how to punch stuff, that wasn't hard, but it was actually kind of fun to smash things in style. They were back to back again, robots swarming around ans Evelyn got that deja vu feeling.

"This reminds me of New York." She offered the god a cheerful smile, but his scowl seemed to only deepen. Had she lain insult on him and his family somehow? Was his ego that bruised over not retrieving the damn glowing stone from her? "So, would you feel me in on what's happening around here? I seemed to have misplaced my earpiece." She was met with more silence from the man, albeit they were busy tearing robots apart. Still, it bothered her she had no idea if there was a plan in sight or not. They were evacuating the civilians, so things were not looking good. They were done with the latest batch of Ultron's spawns and she flew away from him. No need to ponder on what was going in that pretty head of his, not her problem.

She made her way to across Sokovia, smashing and punching robots here and there, but still no sight of Ultron. She was about to search for any other Avenger besides Thor to get some information, when she stumbled upon the archer, Hawkeye, with a kid in his arms. A ship came in sight, guns drawn, before she could even open her mouth to ask any question. Now, she had very little experience with any of the mess she found herself in, crazy AI and floating chunks of earth, but that aircraft screamed trouble. It started firing but she was on it, picking up a long metal pole, probably from a street light, and throwing it like a javelin. It hit the guns straight on, but not before she got hit in the shoulder.

The next couple of minutes were a blur. For all her strength, she was a bit of a baby when actual pain hit her. Or perhaps she had gotten too used to not feeling it. She had gotten hurt in New York as well and at her mansion a few days before, but those were scratches and bumps compared to whatever was happening to her then. Blood was soaking her kimono, so it was probably not pretty. She didn't quite dare look.

What she remembered came in flashes. A white haired man appearing out of nowhere and stumbling before them, right leg bloody. Hawkeye helping her and the man to the carrier, the three collapsing on the floor. She remembered hearing thunder like never before, right before Sokovia was blown to bits. And she remembered Thor coming on the carrier, all wet. Even with all the blood loss she would have still teased him a little, if not for the surprise and concern in his steel blue eyes when they landed on her. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight, her patchy vision focusing only on him.

And then he took a step towards her and she blinked away.