Chapter 07: For I Am Human, Only When with You
Chloe awoke with a gasp. Despite her heaving for air, she was quick to scan her surroundings. Panic suddenly struck her senses as she began focusing her eyes, blinking away the dimness of the room.
"No, no, no. No." She finds herself mumbling under her breath as she starts to stand from the bed, she was placed in. Not bothering to wear her shoes, she quickly runs towards the door. She wonders now if it suddenly became too windy in the room as she finds her vision watery.
It was quiet.
Too quiet.
It was too quiet that she starts hearing her heart wildly beating at her chest.
Was she glad for this confirmation that she somehow made it back?
No. She again repeats. Holding back the tears. She wants to call his name. Even if silently. Yet, she can't find or even will her brain to form the words mentally.
Walking back inside the room, her hands in her face. She felt defeated now.
To go down there. To find him. Despite the unexpected events that they had encountered, she still found him. However, now, he is gone.
She sits by the foot of the bed, hands still covering her face with her elbows resting on her lap. She finally feels the unfamiliar object in right her thumb. Looking at it, at his ring, she finally fails to contain her sobbing.
She tries her best to lower it down but her tears started falling instead.
Why? She asks but was too tired to look up.
She takes off the ring and continues looking at the object.
"Chloe! You're finally awa– !"
Upon hearing her name, she jolts upward and homes her vision to the source.
"Why, is your face wet?" Then a grin forms from his face.
"Are you crying?" He asks her in a mixture of confusion and amusement.
First of all, spell embarrassed. AWKWARD
Second, though she would have wanted to wipe that twinkling amusement on his mug, she was actually kind of relieved.
Third, she releases the breath she was unknowingly holding off since her name has been called.
Meeting him halfway, she somehow hesitates and looks down at his feet. "I, I thought…" Slowly lifting her eyes to his, she then exhales again.
"I thought you left again."
Still a pace apart from her, Lucifer could not yet close the gap between them. To him, he sees a chasm that if he falls into whilst making his way to her, Chloe will be then forever lost to him. So, he clears his throat.
"But of course, I have to wait for you to wake up. I would not want you having these theoretical questions forming in your head if you'd find me gone before having a chat." He makes a sprinkling gesture of imaginary word in his hands towards her head.
A wind picks up outside and brings the chilly evening air in the room through the open window. Chloe follows Lucifer as he moves towards it and gazes outside the city lights visible from her bedroom.
Still a moonless night.
But the stars were trying their best to light the sky.
"How is everybody?" She inquires.
"Well, they thought that you'd be hitting the snooze button for a week but it has only been about twenty-two hours, or so, since your impromptu tour downstairs." He responds while looking at a non-existent wristwatch by his right wrist and returns his gaze outside.
She smiles at his attempt and starts studying his appearance. He was dressed in a fresh dark blue suit now with a black dress shirt, black Italian shoes, and surprisingly, without a glass of bourbon or whiskey at hand.
Hearing no response from her, he turns his head back at her.
"They were all worried about you. But they are fine." He finally says. "The child is still over at Daniel's, but she had Maze to distract her from knowing about you." He points in her direction, indicating her state.
On the strategical point of view, in the event that some demons were able to follow them through the portal, Maze was placed with Trixie to act as her guard. His brother was back at Linda's for both of her and Charlie's protection. His sister, on duty and to provide intel on the borders. Daniel, also on duty while covering for Chloe's. Finally, him with her, both as her guard and to further observe her condition. They just had checked on each other a couple of hours ago, except for the Death Angel.
"Are you feeling better now, Detective?" He says with such gentleness that it has somehow become a whisper to her. That for a moment, she felt his vulnerability.
If she was, to be honest, like how she would have wanted it since there is something, she'd wanted to be discussed with him, she would prefer to say that she feels weird and heavy like she went drinking and doing a set of CrossFit at the same time from the night before. Drinking for her out of body experience. CrossFit for her physical form catching up on the pain from her marking.
"I am good." She finds herself answering though.
"I feel better." She tries to amend.
There was a deafening silence between the two and Lucifer's stare at her became more focused. He clenches his jaws for a while until he can no longer contain it.
"This should have not happened to you." He stares at her eyes, looking defeated. Probably more than she was earlier.
"Lucifer, look. Please do not blam-"
"No Chloe." He interrupts her. "This is all on me."
He looks at her with such intensity that she sees his old self again being projected. The one part of him, where she took long to clearly see. That one part of him that cost her to be parted with him all those months ago. The part where she, no matter how human she is compared to him, would want to help him carry with. To help him, no matter how human she is, ease a millennia's worth of pain. Chloe would want so badly to not see that part of him anymore. She finds no strength in him being like that.
It makes her weak, too.
But she would want to be his strength at times like this. No matter how human she is.
She approaches him by the window and frames his face in between her smooth hands, firmly. Looking back at his eyes, trying also to emanate the same intensity that he has.
"No. Don't do this to your yourself, please."
Lucifer holds her left hand and leans on it. Letting himself fall into her caress. He closes his eyes for a while and Chloe somehow felt contented that he willingly allowed to display himself to her in such a manner. To be vulnerable and more considerate of his feelings in front of her. At that moment, Chloe would want the time to stop for her to gaze at him like this for a little longer.
For once, she would want to be selfish and just stay like that forever. To be the person that he could rely on. She wants to be the very person that he could lean on. To be at ease and at peace.
Chloe had met him for about four years now and she was glad for all those years, the joy and the pain it bought her.
But for Lucifer, she has been missing from him since he flew over the clouds, until he was thrown below, and until he decided to walk among the humans on the Earth's very surface.
He opens his eyes and looks back at her.
He inhales deeply.
He has known it before and has said, but saying it this time felt heavier.
"I love you, but this love of mine had your soul damned when it should be not…" he finds himself unable to continue as tears had started falling off his cheeks and onto her hands.
"I'm sorry."
It deeply upsets Lucifer and he apologizes to her. He blames himself and it pains him so. He breaks off his gaze at her and tries to step back away from her.
Chloe pursues after him. She does want to be selfish, after all.
Moving along with him, she steps forward and maintains her hands firmly on his face.
She then looks him in the eye and tells him, with the utmost sincerity and love that she would want to give back to him.
"If you think that my soul was not supposed to be damned, which currently is, I would still accept it." There's no point in holding back now for her.
"I would gladly accept it knowing that I did it to have you back." Her tears had started falling now, and with her resolve, she continues.
"That you know that I love you and will always be with you."
She proceeds to wipe the tears from his cheeks. However, when Lucifer heard those words forming from her mouth, he proceeds to move towards her and enclose her in a hug. And Chloe responds to equally. They break the hug and looked at each other's eye, both of which want to drown on the other. Still, with their respective hands on each other's faces and with the validation of their love from one another, they find themselves grateful.
Then themselves, engulfed in each other's kiss.
Unlike the one that they had by the beach, though they must admit, they liked that too. Unlike the ones that they had with their previous partners.
Passionate they may seem, but are not in a hurry. More of an assurance that they are certain of their feelings with each other.
It could be said that this is a love that defied a prophecy.
But is still, a love so pure.
All the reasons and machinations of whoever is/were involved, finally understood.
Reason or motive, it does not matter anymore.
It all made sense.
They will find each other.
They were always meant to meet.
Unnoticed to the both of them, under the moonless night, with the star as their witness, a light materializes in the air and forms a curtain of dancing little stars of their own, engulfing the both of them from head to toe.
As they stop and open their eyes, the lights surrounding them which are still unnoticed slowly dissipates. They look at each other's eyes as if a new universe unveiled itself to them.
You are a Miracle.
They both say to their own hearts.
Hi guys, sorry I took long.
Please enjoy this one.
This one too: Get you the moon by Kina (ft. Snow)
I have also back logged on the previous chapters and will reupload them.
I was hoping to recover an old twitter account of mine but it was connected on my old email account (which I can no longer access), so I made a new one to also post updates there. If you guys are in twitter, you can check my account 13pisces_xy.
See you next chapter!