Hi there, this is a little something that has been on my mind. I was going to make it a one shot, but it won't let me. However, if I do decide to continue this, it won't be long. I would say probably a two shot, maybe four chapters at the most. I wrote this pretty much in one go, so I hope it makes sense.

I do not own Glee or the characters, neither do I know that much about The CMAs. Here goes...

Twenty five year old Mercedes Jones sat on her luxurious couch, staring at the frozen image of her estranged boyfriend Sam Evans, with tears cascading down her lovely face.

Just minutes before, he appeared on the Red Carpet of the Country Music Association Awards, accompanied by a hot blonde, hanging off his well defined arm.

As the cameras flashed, capturing the supermodel/country singer from every angle, so too did the memories flashed through Mercedes' mind.

It's been well over a year, since their messy breakup and to her, it still feels as though it happened yesterday.

As she played and replayed his walk on the Red Carpet, her heart shattered to pieces, and every one of those pieces belonged to him and only him.

She admitted that fact, months ago, after not being able to move on. She was ruined, completely and utterly ruined. No man will ever measure up to him.

As her eyes stayed locked on his handsome face, she completely tuned out the world. She didn't hear the door opening, neither did she hear her three best friends enter, their faces wrought with concern.

The only thing she registered, was the feel of multiple arms, lovingly embracing her from all sides. That brought her out of the current state she was in.

Twenty minutes before...

Quinn Fabray, Mercedes' longest and dearest friend, was just watching the Red Carpet coverage of the Country Music Awards, but instinctively had to stop.

With a heavy heart, she picked up her phone and dialed a familiar number.

As she waited for the person on the other end to answer, she looked at the frozen image of her ex high school boyfriend, turned friend and studied his profile.

Her heart plummeted as she comprehensively drew a well thought out conclusion.

As the person came on the line, she unfroze the picture and turned the television off.

"I'm guessing you saw what I saw," the husky voice of Santana Lopez said, over the line.

"Yes, I did. We need to get Kurt and go over to Mercedes. She has to have seen it. Are you going to call him or pick him up?"

Santana hesitated for a beat, then answered saying,

"If I know Lady Hummel, and I do, he's on his way as we speak. I'll meet you there in a few."

They both hung up and made ready to go to their friend.

As Santana knowingly said, Kurt was indeed on his way, to be with his dear friend.

As he sped towards her sprawling home, he fought the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Oh Mercy-me, hold on. I'm on my way."

Mercedes was his best friend. They've been through so much together. She was the first person he came out to, about his sexuality and she has never once held it against him.

Even a brief pause in their relationship, thanks to their now ex friend Rachel Berry, couldn't break them apart. They actually grew stronger and more solid after that and even lived together for a short while.

As thoughts of his ex friend Rachel Berry came to mind, he began to stew.

He along with Quinn and Santana, wholeheartedly believes that she is responsible for the trouble and consequent breakup of their friends' relationship.

On pulling into the driveway of Mercedes' huge property, he heard the friendly honk of another vehicle, and knew who it was right away.

He brought his to a stop and exited, to see Quinn and Santana alighting from theirs. After a brief embrace, the three headed in, to see their mutual friend.


"Mercedes, honey are you alright? A worried Kurt asked.

Wiping the tears that were persistently leaking from her eyes, she softly said,

"No...I'm not. It hurts...so bad Kurt..."

She broke off, as her heart-rending sobs echoed around the room.

All three embraced her once again, but whilst Quinn and Kurt were crying, anger burned within Santana. In her mind, she pictured herself giving Rachel Berry the beat down she richly deserves.

The three locked eyes with each other and a silent conversation passed. Quinn, at once moved towards the nearest bathroom, in search of a wet towel to wipe her friend's face. Santana moved towards the kitchen, and begun the process of brewing some strong coffee, while Kurt stayed with Mercedes, silently rocking her in his arms.

On Quinn's return, he pulled back and kindly said,

"Diva, let Quinnie clean you up. You are too fabulous to have a snotty nose and a tear stained face."

This brought a chuckle from her and she shot a grateful look to both him and Quinn. Kurt continued.

"We are going to have some coffee and then, we are going to talk. You are not alone Mercy-me. We are here for you, always...and everything will work out. I sincerely believe that."

Mercedes allowed Quinn to clean her up and although her heart was torn to shreds, she took strength from Kurt's words.

"There, all finished," Quinn said, just before she placed a soft kiss on her cheek. Kurt did the same to the other cheek, just as Santana arrived with their hot drink.

The four sat quietly, lost in their thoughts and sipping their beverages.

A few minutes later, Mercedes breached the silence.

"Thank you guys. You always have my back...and I couldn't ask for better friends." Her words brought tears to their eyes, even the very tough Santana Lopez.

"I have no one to blame but myself. If I had just...listened..." She left the statement open as tears threatened again.

For the first time since she arrived, Santana spoke.

"I blame the hobbit. She caused this. Her Jewish, selfish ass wanted Trouty for herself. When guppy lips didn't return her advances, is when she decided to play dirty...targeting you. You and guppy were innocent in all of this."

Quinn and Kurt wholeheartedly agreed, both shouting, "Hear, hear!" and nodding vigorously.

Kurt took the opportunity to add his two cents worth.

"I think that, show stealing, talent hogging, b.i.t.c.h always wanted Sam, in my opinion."

Mercedes' eyes snapped to his, as did the others. He went on.

"As I recall, we were having our Monday night Pot Luck dinner, this is just after I was released from hospital. Mercy-me, you and Sam had apparently decided to get back together.

You both arrived with Artie and Sam asked for a drumroll, to announce that you and him were indeed back together. Now, I didn't see this part, but Sam did...he saw the look on that hag's face and he could tell she wasn't happy to hear the two if you back together.

After our heckling about the two of you ever being together, and not seeing any chemistry between you and him, Sam kissed you on the spur of the moment. I don't have to tell you, but I actually saw Rachel fake a smile and quickly changed the subject.

She was jealous of you, always has."

Mercedes' jaw dropped.

This was news to her. Yes, they have warned her in the past about letting Rachel into her personal affairs, but she, with her big heart, never took their warnings serious.

"I didn't know. She acted as though she had my best interest at heart...and I believed her. I am such a fool. Minding her cost me the only man I love.

Back then, she always had something to say about me and Sam...but, mostly him. She was the cause of one particularly bad fight between me and Sam and it hurts me to say this, but, I believed her over him. I don't think he ever got over that. Now that I look back, she was the problem in our relationship and I think it got to a point, where Sam couldn't take it anymore."


Sam had just returned from a model shoot in Paris, which lasted well over a month, and he couldn't wait to be with his beautiful girlfriend.

He knew he was also overdue for some studio time, but that will have to wait.

He arrived at their shared home in New York, itching to be with her. By all accounts, she was supposed to be home, she had promised him so.

He let himself in, and was surprised to find their home empty, or so he thought.

Feeling a little bit put out, he decided to head upstairs to their room, take a shower and change.

Inside their room, he placed his bags in the closet, and started stripping out of his clothes. Naked as the day he was born, he placed the clothes in the hamper and proceeded to the bathroom.

He took his time bathing the last month off of him as he thought about his lovely girlfriend.

"You're so gonna get punished Miss Jones," he said to himself.

A huge smile blossomed on his face, at the naughty thoughts that were running through his head. He looked down at his now erect member and cheekily said,

"I can't wait either buddy."

Meanwhile, miss Rachel Berry has been at Sam and Mercedes' home, in one of the guest rooms, wasting the day away.

Mercedes had told her of Sam's imminent arrival, and had also told her, to tell him, she has stepped out for a few minutes.

Rachel really had no intention of telling Sam anything. In her twisted head, she decided to use that opportunity to make a move...on him.

She heard him enter and listened to his heavy footfalls as he came up the stairs. Minutes later, she was at his bedroom door, with her ear pressed to it, trying to pick up any sound or movement. As fate would have it, she heard the shower running.

Quietly, she entered the room, and ducked behind the bed, waiting with baited breath.

Sam finished his shower...some other activities, and returned to the bedroom.

He walked to his closet to look for something comfortable to put on, and the minute he did so, he felt a strange presence in the room.

He turned, his green eyes scanning the length and breadth of the room, but didn't notice anything out of place. Shaking off the feeling, he went back to perusing his clothes.

He almost jumped out of his skin, when he felt arms go around his torso and dropped to his towel clad manhood. For some reason, the arms felt all wrong...too skinny and not smooth enough.

His eyes instinctively dropped to said arms, the color and size were all wrong too. He grabbed the groping hands and spun the culprit around, almost losing his towel in the process.

As he tightened his towel around his waist, his handsome features turned red and stony, and anger rolled off him.

"What the hell Rachel. Are you out of your Goddam mind?"

The crazy Jew smiled, looking deeply into his eyes and dreamily answered,

"Why would you ask that Sammy? You know that I have always wanted you...you want me too...I can feel..."

She was abruptly cut off by a now livid Sam.

"What? First of all, don't ever call me Sammy again, secondly, you may want me...but...I. don't. want. you. Now get to hell out of me and my woman's room. You're so lucky that she isn't here. Get out!"

His icy words sobered her instantly, also the hard look on his face. She ducked her head like a wounded puppy and exited the room.

As she made her way back to the guest room, her twisted mind began to work again. She sat heavily on the bed, allowing idea after idea to run rampant through her head.

After a while, anger boiled within her and she decided to hatch up a plan.

"Mercedes have everything. The talent, the record deal, the huge house, and the guy. I have nothing. Why should she get everything?" she grumbled to herself.

Just then, she heard a door close and her curiosity got the better of her.

She cracked her door open and peeped outside. Seeing no one, she ventured downstairs.

She could faintly hear Mercedes singing softly and a sinister smile appeared on her face.

Following the sound of Mercedes' voice, she noted that she was in the kitchen. Just before she entered, her face morphed into someone who was clearly upset and about to cry.

She ran to Mercedes, catching her by surprise, and engulfed her in her stringy arms.

Fake tears ran down her long face, causing Mercedes much concern.

"Rachel, what's wrong? Is it bad news?" Crying 'uncontrollably' the incoherent Rachel stuttered out,

"S...Sam." Mercedes' heart went from beating normal to erratic immediately.

"What about him. Is something wrong with him?" she frantically asked.

Hearing the panic in Mercedes' voice, she laughed internally. She pulled back wiping her fake tears and quietly said,

"No...nothing is wrong with him. He's here actually..." She was cut off by a relieved Mercedes saying,

"Thank God. You had me worried there for a moment."

Seeing the happiness returned to her 'friend's' face, she decided to put her plan into action.

"He came a short while after you left. I didn't get to tell him your message... I think he was drunk...and upset...that you weren't here.

Anyway, he started saying all of these weird things...like...he's always liked me...and you don't have to know...and...and...he...tried to kiss me...but I pushed him off...right away. I told him that you were a good woman and my friend, and he doesn't deserve you."

Mercedes stared incredulously at Rachel Berry. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sam? Her Sam? He would never act this way, but looking at the woman in front of her and seeing her this upset, placed a bit of doubt in her mind.

Tears stung the backs of her eyes, but she gathered strength and kindly said,

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Rachel. I will talk to Sam. There has to be an explanation for this. You can let yourself out. Can you please excuse me?"

Fake tears were replaced by fake concern, as she embrace Mercedes and said,

"I'll call you later."

Mercedes felt as though her whole world had fallen apart, as she walked slowly up the stairs, heading to her room.

Sam, on the other hand, was still reeling from the incident.

He tried breathing exercises to calm the anger that he was feeling towards Rachel. When that didn't work, he filled his mind with thoughts about the woman he loved more than anything.

His composure shattered, as she entered their room and he saw the look on her face. He moved towards her, seeking to take her in his arms, but she took a few steps back and held her arms out, to stop him.

"Baby? What's going on?" he warily asked.

Mercedes' heart missed a beat. Seeing him standing there in the flesh, after not seeing him for over a month, she almost forgot about everything and jumped his bones.

"You tell me Sam. I met Rachel downstairs and she had a lot to say."

At that, Sam knew exactly what she was speaking about and why she was acting so aloof.

"Look baby, I don't know what...that...what Rachel told you, but she is not your friend. She was in our room, when I came out of the shower...waiting for me. You know what she said to me? She said she's always wanted me and that I want her. She called me Sammy, for God's sakes, no one else but you, my mom or my sister calls me that."

Truth rolled off of Sam in waves, but it made no sense for Rachel to tell her lies. She all but said that to him.

"Look, Rachel can't gain anything by telling me lies, she's my friend." Anger welled up in Sam.

"And I can? I've always been upfront with you and I've never cheated on you and I never will. She is not your friend Mercedes. She's twisted as shit. She groped me...my penis. I had just come from showering and I was naked, except for a towel..."

He was cut off by Mercedes saying, "I never said that you cheated on me Sam, but I don't know what to believe. This is...messed up. She thinks that you are drunk. Are you?"

Sam couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't believe that the woman he loves would take someone else's word over his.

"You should believe the man you love. For you to ask if I'm drunk...that hurts. You know me Mercedes. I'm not a drinker...a social drink once in a while, but that's it. I came home just to be with you... I missed you...so much.

There is so much temptation out there, not just in the field of modeling, but, as a singer, you know that...but you know what? Just like you, I haven't once been tempted to take the bait.

There's a reason for that. It's because, I love you Mercedes Jones...more than anything in this world. The perks from being rich and successful doesn't matter to me...you do. I would give it all, just to have you as mines...for eternity.

Standing here and having you question that, destroyed me. There's been so many times that Rachel Berry has given you 'advice', which, in fact, didn't benefit you or our relationship one iota.

She tried to get you to move on with your career and leave me, because, in her words, 'Sam will only hold you back'. I was just getting a foothold in the modeling world, didn't have a record deal...didn't even have a job, and she wanted you to abandon me.

I could go on about the things she did and the 'advice' she gave, but I think deep down, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You are a sensible woman Mercedes and you have a choice to make."

With that, he stormed from their room, and as he pulled the door open, he almost ran over Rachel, who was eavesdropping on their every word.

The look he gave her was murderous. For the first time in his life, he felt like hitting a woman. He shook his head, froze her in an angry green stare and said to her, "You will get your just rewards."


Quinn and Kurt were speechless. They knew Rachel was destructive, but they never knew she had stooped so low. Santana, on the other hand knew.

"Just say the words Wheezy. That Broadway reject needs a good beat down, Lima Heights Adjacent style."

Mercedes stood from her seat.

She walked to the other side and planted a grateful kiss on her Latina friend's cheek, trying to calm her. She looked at all of her friends and earnestly said,

"Forget about Rachel. She'll get what's coming to her and more. Trust me. Right now I need to get Sam back, before it's too late."

She began to doubt herself at this point.

"You guys don't think it's too late, do you? she worriedly asked.

All three had something to say, but it was Quinn's words that gave her the push to make her move. Kurt said,

"It's never too late. Sam loves you Mercy-me. I sincerely believe that." Santana said,

"Listen Aretha, I'm not into this mushy crap, but I know that 'Fish lips Evans' loves you. That white chocolate loves him some sexy dark chocolate."

That broke the tension in the room.

Quinn was the last to speak, she said,

"Mercy, before I came over here, I was watching the CMA Red Carpet coverage and the moment I saw Sam entered, I froze his image on the screen. What I saw, gave me reason to believe that he's still unequivocally in love with you.

People saw him with a woman hanging off his arm, and smiling, but I saw a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes and those very green eyes full of pain. We all know that anybody who's somebody, hire people to accompany them to special occasions. I have no doubt that this is one of those times. You need to make the first move Mercedes...call him...or better yet, go to him."

Taking strength from her friend's words, she calmly said,

"I'm going to Tennessee."

The other three locked eyes, again conversing silently. As they watched their mutual friend make her way upstairs to put things in order, Kurt clapped his hands excitedly and said,

"Blaine and I are way overdue for a trip.

Quinn said, "I need a holiday," and Santana said,

"Me and Brits need to get away, plus, I know of a certain hobbit who's living not too far from there. She's going to rue the day she meddled with Wheezy and Trouty."

Well, that's it. Worth continuing or not? You tell me.