A/N: Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! First off, I want to thank you all for the amazing reviews, I didn't expect this story to succeed, to be honest. Second, sorry for the little cliffhanger at the end of the last chapter, hope I didn't make you too angry :)

Also, something to note, the next chapter will be the chapter where stuff mostly goes down, this is kind of a filler chapter, but that doesn't make it any less important. With that aside, enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 2: Something's Not Right

(Sonic's POV)

I can't recall how long I was standing there after Amy had left. It seemed like an eternity and it probably was. There was a big storm of thoughts going through my brain at lightspeed, which I guess suited me considering my agility.

As I decided to go for another extended morning run, considering I needed to think a lot of things over about what happened the last couple of days, I still remained optimistic somehow, though. Most likely the reason was the fact that it was only Amy that had turned a cold shoulder on me so far and I guess I thought it was from Amy's complicated personality.

Stepping foot out the front door, with still nobody around except for Amy about an eternity ago and she probably ran off to God knows where, I sped off for the routes I found yesterday, with the objective - trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

As I was running through the forest, my mind's activity didn't slow down whatsoever, not even a tad bit. It was still as fast as me. Hmm… It seems like everybody is scared of me, or something? Maybe Amy just hates my guts today for waking up so late? Okay, wait, that makes zero sense.

I figured I wasn't getting anywhere with these mindless theories, therefore not finding a plausible explanation. My best guess was that time would tell and I just have to talk with the others to maybe get even a slight hint towards what's going down because I decided to sleep in a few hours. Not soon after, I picked up the pace in hopes of it clearing my mind for even just a split second, I wanted away from these thoughts so desperately.

After speeding up, my mind cleared up slightly, but I was still distracted enough, where I near missed a tree and thanks to my reflexes, I managed to skillfully maneuver around it.

"Whew… that was close," I mumbled to myself and mentally slapped myself. Focus, Sonic! You don't want to come home with injuries, or else the others will get more scared of me. I laughed out loud as I thought about this. Then, for a moment, I was surprised I was laughing at this weird situation.

I shrugged and looked up towards the sky, which I noted the time with and I figured it was time to head back to the place where everyone resented me - home. I quickly changed my destination by turning myself around and running back all the way through the route I had set for myself perfectly.

After just only a few minutes, taking my pace into consideration, I soon arrived at the gates of the huge mansion. I eyed the roof of the mansion longingly, thinking if I should just go up there and forget what Amy did, but the logical side of me was telling me to go inside and maybe see what's up.

Since I decided to follow my logical side, I raced through the front doors, as I was still standing still at the gate entrance, which also caused a large amount of noise. Because of the noise I had just made, the person who was standing in the kitchen again, who was Ella, noticed me and I hoped she would say at least something to me. Just as my luck had it, though, she didn't even bother enough to give me a glare or anything and just walked away from the kitchen.

I raised my brow in confusion once again, because now it seemed like Ella was in on this 'prank' also. I walked into the kitchen and noticed by looking at the countertops, that she was cleaning them, but the thing was that she left half of it dirty, obviously because of my presence. I sighed sadly whilst I was trying to form another idea.

After a few minutes of tapping my foot and holding my hand on my chin in thought, I had formed my next action. I was going to go find Chris because I knew we had a stronger bond than he did with any other anthropomorphic being in this house and I had a small sliver of hope.

Since Chris usually always hid upstairs, I concluded that was the first place to go look for him. So I started walking upstairs, my shoulders hung low, but that didn't mean the hope I had developed disappeared. Because I am usually a very sneaky and stealthy person, sometimes even on accident just like this time, when I made my way upstairs, I saw Chris in one of the bean bags with no one else around and he didn't seem to notice my attendance because of my stealthiness.

In hopes of actually talking to someone for the first time on this already horrible day, I shouted, maybe a bit too loud.

"Hey, Chris!"

I saw Chris flinch at the volume of my voice and possibly not expecting me out of all people to show up, he slowly turned around and glared at me with the exact same glare that Amy had given me previously, except this time, I could see a new feeling in addition in his eyes. It was… fear. I was perplexed, to say the least, as Chris, not even two seconds after, bolted past me and down the stairs.

I probably stood there like an ice statue longer than I was frozen in place with Amy's reaction before. New theories were starting to develop in my head and with that also, my optimism was slowly starting to turn into pessimism. My mind was starting to prepare for the absolute worst.

So it does seem like some are afraid… some just plain despise me. But what's the cause? Oh god, this is too hard! I silently yelled in my head as I grabbed my head between my hands, my mind overloading with this newly acquired information.

Then, I brought my hands back down in front of me, with my palms facing downwards in a way to calm myself down. Okay, chill out, buddy. Don't give up now, you need to figure out what this is, but not like this, you've come too far!

After calming down for a few minutes, I decided to head downstairs again, my shoulders hung lower than ever before in pure depression and pessimism, also in silent hopes of some being in this household pitying me. I figured I would just head outside and climb up on the roof again, as that was the place I usually went to, to clear my thoughts and to relax, the trees being the second on my list of those types of places.

I opened the front door and slammed the door shut after I was outside out of frustration. Climbing up the roof, whilst sighing in exasperation, I was finally happy I could be in the place where no one could hurt me. Soon after, I closed my eyes and put my arms behind my head and laid down and let my thoughts run freely through my already confused mind.

Since I always lose track of time while I'm in my relaxing position, I soon eventually lost it again up on that roof and when I finally decided to open my eyes, I was surprised to see the sun already setting. Huh, I always thought depressing days would go by slower than usual.

I shrugged mentally and proceeded to jump down on the soft grass and make my way to the front door, this time cautiously opening and closing the front door as I didn't want to be seen at this moment, considering everyone's reaction when they laid eyes on me today, so I granted them their wish.

I sighed in relief as I saw nobody in the house again, as usual for today and I liked it that way right now. Since apparently now I had lost all my friends due to some presumably dumb reason, I had nothing else to do and I was extremely bored. I never went on runs twice in one day, except for emergencies, so I concluded the best thing to do right now was just head to my bedroom and try to sleep this horrible day away, still hoping that this was a very long dream and I would wake up tomorrow with my friends all there, smiling at me and not loathing me as if I was some sort of ogre.

It took me a good few minutes until I finally reached my bedroom door and I opened it, closing it after me when I entered. Turning on the light in the room, I walked to the side of the bed and literally dropped dead in my cozy and warm bed. Oh, how I loved sleeping right now.

I took off my gloves and shoes and tucked myself under the covers, closing my eyes and hoping sleep would take me quickly this time. But, of course, knowing my luck, that never happened and instead, I stayed up for probably around half an hour before I finally descended into a deep slumber with my heart completely broken.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter (even though it was somewhat filler) and please review if you have any thoughts. Also, I'm sorry if I take a bit longer to update on some chapters, considering it's the end of the school year and I have exams to attend to. But putting that aside, I still can't wait to write the next chapter as that's the chapter where things go down, and I hope you're excited as well.

Until next time!