I'm actually quite desappointed by the reviews, I mean, it was the last chap, but I gues people didn't really care about it... u.u

Btw, if you want to talk to me more, find me on Instagram, I'd love to get to know you (AT author . marilia or AT itban . fuyu)! And tell me you're coming from ff . net!

And OMT! I can't believe this is the last update for this story! it's good, but at the same time, it's not, am I making any sense? lol... It was really good while it lasted, I really enjoyed writing it and receiving so many wonderful reviews. Thanks to all of you who reviewed, especially the ones that are here from the beginning, I'm very grateful!

So, now, for the last time, here is the answers to your reviews:

Silvolde: Oh, I see, no problem, mistakes like that happen all the time! And thank you so much for your compliments, it really made me feel great to know the scene was well written, it's really important for me to know the chap was good! And don't worry, here's the explanation to everything! And thank you so much for following this story from the beginning and reviewing possibly all the chaps, Im glad you enjoyed the reading! :D

Luna Nightrider: Me neither! Thank you so much for following this story (and others from me) from the beginning, it means a lot to know people liked my stories that much! And thanks for following me on Insta! (or at least, I think it is, since it has the name Luna Nightrider in the profile, hehehe)

CHSHiccstrid: Thank you so much! It means a lot to me! It's really good and satisfying to know you liked the fact that Astrid was the one to kill Grimmel and that Hiccup's strength is also his weakness! And yeah, I don't really like it when people turn him into a ruthless killer too... I mean everyone should view him the way they like it, but it's just so not like him in my opinion... Again, thank you so much and that's probably the last time we speak in this story, so I hope to see you around in more reviews! :D

CB73: hehehe, I'm glad to know it worked out in the end! And don't worry, Heather is pretty much saved the moment Fishlegs and Gobber arrived in Berk. An yep, exactly! I guess this dichotomy of his heart is something really interesting to explore in stories and it's probably something I'd do if I was to write a sequel, but who know, I might be able to explore it on more stories, too, lol. Again, thank you so much for following this story from the beginning, reviewing almost all (if not all) the chaps! I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :D

Guest: Thank you so much!

Quartz Rider: I'm glad you liked it and reviewed it! I also wanted their battle to be a it longer, but I didn't know what else to do, lol. And there's plenty of Hiccstrid moments in this epilogue! Btw, they were supposed to kiss on the last cha after Astrid kills Grimmel, but it just didn't feel right, so I decided to take it away... Anyway, enjoy the final part! :D

Finally, enjoy the chap! :D

Shadow and Silver


Three weeks later, Toothless and Windshear landed on Berk and their riders dismounted. Fishlegs and Meatlug were the first to come closer; making Heather bit her lower lip and wave at him. Hiccup raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat.

Heather glanced at him. "What?"

"Is there anything going on that I should know?" He held his smile and lowered his voice. "You've never acted like that?"

"What? No. Of course not… But he saved my life, remember?" Her face was hotter than her dragon's fire, and redder than Toothless's fake tailfin.


"Oh, just shut up and go find Astrid at once…" She shrugged, turned away to talk to Fishlegs, a big grin on her flushed cheeks.

Hiccup grinned and walked through the village being followed by Toothless until they spotted a beautiful blonde woman. Astrid looked like a Valkyrie that had just came from Valhalla with a white fur cloak over her shoulders, ordering people around. Hiccup's heart was a mix of joy and sorrow with the sight. Joy to be able to see the girl who he loved, and sorrow for being reminded that she was doing his father's job because he was no longer in this realm.

Toothless warbled and ran to her, being welcome with smiles and a soft scratch under his chin the way he liked it. After a moment, she looked up to the Night Fury rider.

"Hey, Hiccup. How are you?"

His smile didn't reach his eyes. "I'm fine."

She reached for his hand. "I know it's been hard for you… I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I know it's also been hard for you with all the new responsibility and hard for the village, too."

"It is, a little." She nodded. "I bet it's been like that for the Defenders as well."

"True, but we'll manage." His hand moved to hold hers better.

"So… What brings you to Berk?"

"Heather and I came to see the dragons integration."

"Good, we need help. Lots of it! Many don't like the dragons and still complain, while others want to so they won't have to worry about getting attacked and just a minority are like Snot and Gustav who wants dragon to have fun…" She rolled her eyes. "Not to mention the twins that want to blow everything on sight. But what everyone has in common is how are we going to deal with them. Oh, and I want those fire-prevention system I saw on the Defenders island right here, too."

"Yeah, about that, I had an idea…"

"You're going to give Gobber some projects for the system?"

"Well, that, too, but that's not what I was going for…" He cleared his throat, getting redder. "Astrid, I was wondering, since the Defenders have divided their allegiance, most are following Throk in their old ways, but some want to follow me in the dragon way, therefore we can't really stay on the same island, so, since you want to follow on this path too, I thought… well, we thought that we could start living here if you'll have me- US. If you'll have us." He gulped. "So, what do you say?"

Astrid wondered on it. "Well, you do realize that I am the chief of Berk, right?"

"Apart from anything dragon-related, sure. Dad chose you and I do think you're the best leader for Berk."

"Well, then, what are you waiting for? Stoick would have wanted you and your sister to come live here. It'd be disrespectful if I didn't comply to this idea."

His smile fell. "Wait, so you're only accepting us because of my dad?"

She chuckled. "No. I need to keep you close to me, how else can I keep an eye on you so you won't get killed?"

"Ha, very funny. You do realize I have an overprotective fire-breathing lizard as a bodyguard, don't you? The offspring of lightening and death itself."

"Look, how cute! Your bodyguard is playing with a butterfly!" She pointed at Toothless, who was indeed hunting a blue butterfly. Hiccup laughed.

"He can sense it when I'm in danger." He waved dismissingly. "So… Are these the only reasons you'd want me around?"

"No, I can think of some other reasons…" She smiled, stepping closer.

"Really?" His voice was full of hope leaning closer.

"Yeah… You can totally be in charge of dragons so people won't complain to me about them. That'd be nice." Astrid laughed, stepping back a little and leaving Hiccup with a raised eyebrow.

"Again, very funny… Come here, you." He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to kiss her.

"Wow. I guess I just found another good reason."

"Finally!" He looked up, silently thanking the Gods and Goddesses. Then he looked deeply into her eyes. "You know, I think we're at our best when we're together."

She bit her lower lip. Both chuckled and stayed in the other's embrace, foreheads touching. The light and funny atmosphere slowly died, getting replaced by a more serious vibe. After all the events of weeks ago, it was hard to joke around, but they'd both go insane if they didn't do it.

"You know… I've missed you, Hiccup."

"Sorry. We wanted to come earlier, but we had so many things to do. Find a new home for the dragons, relocate, and help the people who have lost their family members… It was overwhelming."

"I know, but I didn't mean only now. I meant earlier. Back when I thought you were dead and back when I thought your name was Nuffink. Though I hadn't really realized it then."

"You didn't miss me when you thought I was dead. You wouldn't come near me if you were on fire and I have the last bucket of water in town."

"That's not true. I never hated you to begin with. I just kept my distance; it's all. I guess I thought I missed you out of pity because of Stoick, but I did miss you, at least a little. For instance, I'd often imagine what would be the next Hiccup-y invention you'd come up with or imagine a witty comeback you'd tell someone or the next joke you'd whisper to yourself thinking no one would hear. I missed those silly things. And then I missed them again after my short stay with the Defenders."

"I missed you too. I'd think of you pretty much everyday since I left Berk six years ago. I've always admired you."

"Good thing we won't miss each other now that we're gonna live on the same island again."

"Indeed you're right, Milady." He kissed her again.

"Now, you have work to do. You gotta show the people of Berk why you're coming here and it's not only to kiss their chieftess."

"Yes, Milady."

"We can meet later at my house."

"The chief house?"

"No, I wasn't comfortable getting the Haddock household. I'm not a Haddock."

"Not yet…" He said, suggestively.

She tried to hide a smile. "Anyway, I though about living it for you, Heather and Valka. I didn't think you'd want to come live here, but you guys could use it if you ever come visit. I'm planning on building another house nearby, but didn't have time to think of it, yet, so I'm still at my parents."

"Alright, then." He kissed her hand. "I'll see you at sundown there."

She smiled and nodded. He walked away with Toothless following him close as they strolled down the village to help the citizens with their new winged friends. Astrid sighed, wondering if they could, together, build a better future than Stoick had envisioned for the tribe.

A future her old chief had never imagined it was possible, featuring dragons and the family he thought he'd lost and didn't even know he had to lead the next generations to a new path. And even though they'd need to keep fighting to save the dragons from the hunters that were still out there, she was sure they could overcome all the obstacles if they were together.

And that's it everyone! This is the end!

I originally thought on having Hiccup assuming Berk's leadership, but as I neared the end, I wanted to make it a bit different. Astrid deserved the role and she got it, so I didn't want to take it away from her. And although they're basically going to rule together, it's quite clear that she is the official ruler of Berk.

I know probably some people will ask if there's gonna be a sequel, and if you're one of them, read until the end. If not, please just tell me what you think of this story; it'll make my day!

About the sequel: I'm almost certain I won't make one, sorry. However, I do have some ideas, but I don't think people liked this story enough to be worth a sequel, after all, it had less reviews per chapter comparing to my other fics. But I do have some ideas and if I like it that much, there's a SLIM possibility that I'll write it down. Besides, the name of this possible sequence would probably be "Shadow and Sapphire", because I'd want to shift the focus more to Hiccup and Astrid and that's how she (wearing blue armor) would be known by the hunters.

The ideas are quite nice, too, I'd like to explore more the feelings between Hiccup and Astrid (maybe even fight over misunderstandings on leadership), show Heather and Fishlegs getting together, how Valka is holding on after loosing the man of her life and her best friend Mala and the fight with the hunters would get more complicated and intriguing.

And I didn't reveal the boss of the hunters for a reason, first I though on putting Drago, especially because Grimmel is (for me) a stronger enemy and I wanted to put him as the main villain. However, if I wanted to make more conflicts against the hunters, there's another more obvious choice of a villain… However, as I said, it's not very likely I'll do it, so don't get your hopes up.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the reading, it was really fun for me to write this story and I think I manage to practice some writing skills I'll use on my next WIPs!

If you liked this, please check out my other stories and if you could check out my original stuff I have on Wattpad and Amazon, I'll be very grateful for your support (links on profile)! I have some original short stories already published and others are on the way, I also have a book that's being translated to English and will soon be published on Amazon.