Well Druna fans, this is it! I really hoped you guys liked this story just as much as I enjoyed writing it! I doubt this will be my last Druna fanfiction, so look for more in the future! Here, we're jumping ahead to post-Hogwarts. Enjoy! =)


Setting: The Ministry of Magic, Spring 2001

"Draco, have you gotten those drafts finished for printing?"

Draco looked up at the middle-aged man who just entered his office, and he scrambled to put away the object that he was looking at. He shut his desk drawer that had the object in it.

"Yes, I have." He straightened the stack of parchment that sat on his desk and handed them to his fellow co-worker in The Quibbler, James Garrett, who was an editor, and had a bald head with tufts of brown hair near his ears.

"Thanks," said James and eyed Draco for a moment. "You know, I still haven't figured out why they haven't moved up to being an actual writer for the magazine. You have great ideas that deserve to be made into an article. You don't deserve to be back here cooped up in this tiny office."

"I can tell you why," Draco said, leaning back in his desk chair and folding his arms. "It's simple—my father. He won't allow me to be moved anywhere above head editor, or put into a different department."

James sat down in one of the chairs in front of Draco's desk. "Why? You have the talent, and the ideas. I mean, your piece about the snorkack, that was good. It should have been printed. Heck, it should've been the key to promoting you to writer."

"I know, but like I said—my father will not let Mr. Bartley move me anywhere. It's…" He sighed in frustration. "He's holding a grudge. He has been for the past three years."

"Why? You're the nicest guy I know. Why on earth would he hold a grudge?"

"Because—he's Lucious Malfoy. And… I went against his wishes. Or traditions, more like."

"Oh..." James enthused. "The famous Malfoy family traditions that I heard about. How did you go against tradition? Getting this job, and not one that he wanted for you?"

"That's part of it, but there's something else."

The man studied Draco for a moment, his bald brow furrowing in concentration. "Does it have to do with Xenophilius's daughter who you're seeing, who works in the writing department?"

"That's exactly it. He never wanted me dating her, and now… let's just say that I want to take the next step. He's not going to be happy about that, but I don't care. I never cared. She makes me more happy than anything else in the world."

James nodded. "Well, good luck, Draco, and congratulations. I say that because I know that girl would be a complete loon for saying no."

Curious choice of words. "Thank you."

James stood up and left the small office, and Draco sat there, eyeing the closed door for a moment. He opened the drawer to his desk again and pulled out the small black box. He shoved it in his pocket and left his office.

Out in the main corridor to The Ministry, where the large statue once was that was taken out when the war ended, he spotted Harry Potter, Ron Weasely, Hermione Granger, and Dean Thomas. The four, as well as several of their graduating class, joined The Ministry about the time Draco did—the fall after graduating Hogwarts. Harry caught sight of Draco and waved. His three friends with him looked to see who Harry waved at and Draco held up a hand, and Hermione, Ron and Dean returned the gesture with smiles on their faces.

They have all come a long way. Their final year at school was rather interesting, with Draco and Luna being in an open relationship. It took a while for Luna's friends to accept the bizarre pairing, but come graduation, Draco was invited to a 'End of Hogwarts Career/End of Wizarding War' party. The party was full of students that Draco had once bullied the previous years, but they let him in. And talked with him. And got a feel of the type of person that he became because of knowing and loving the girl who was once called the looniest girl at Hogwarts.

He was finally accepted.

"Draco, what are you staring at?"

Draco jumped out of his thoughts and turned to see the very person who made him happier than someone who was given a euphoria potion. Her kinky blonde hair fell past her waist as it usually did.

"Oh, nothing, just thinking." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "How was your day?"

"Rather dull, actually. I wrote a paragraph, but then had writer's block the rest of the day."

"Well, at least you are writing for The Quibbler. My father's still not going to let me budge from my position as head editor."

"He'll come around some day."

"I hope, but it's not likely. Now—let's go. I want to take you somewhere. Take my hand."

"I would be happy to."

She did so, and they apparated out of The Ministry. Wind suddenly whipped their hair, and feathery green grass surrounded them. Luna's mouth opened at recognizing where they were.

"This is..."

"Yes, the clearing in forest the where I fought that snorkack." He turned to face her, and her eyes shined in the evening light. "This is the place where I first wanted to kiss you. Remember how I fell on top of you to protect you from that animal, and after you wanted to see my Dark Mark?"

She smiled, and Draco's limbs slightly weakened. She was so beautiful, he could hardly take it. His heart hammered with what he wanted to ask her.

"Yes," she said. "I remember very well. That was the first time I ever felt something for you. I didn't know what it was then, but I found out later that I was falling in love with you."

He took her into his arms as the warm evening wind blew. "I was falling in love with you, too. I didn't know it then, either. And I love you now. Luna..."

He pulled back and took out the little black box from his pocket, and Luna's eyes went wide.


In the evening air and among the rustling trees and waving grass around them, Draco knelt on one knee. "Luna, you have made me the happiest I could ever have dreamed of being. You saw the good in me, and made me a better person. Far better than the terrible person I was before. You helped me see through the darkness of my life and see the good. I hope that you would agree to being next to me for the rest of my life so you can help me push away the darkness of my past and help me become better. Honestly, I can't live without you." He opened up the little box to reveal silver ring with a large diamond in the center, and several smaller ones surrounding it like a flower. "Luna Pandora Lovegood, will you marry me?"

Luna squealed and embraced him, making both of them topple over into the grass. And, contrary to the last time they were there, Draco looked up at Luna and felt her curvy body on top of him.

"Yes, I will," she said, and Draco beamed. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her inviting lips, taking in the fact that he will be able to kiss them and be happy for the rest of his life.