
"We have to get underway Kaga-sama!" Hagikaze yelled sadly, slowly trying to drag the large carrier girl through the water.

"Leave me behind..." Kaga groaned lowly, oil pouring from her face and mouth as the fires were beginning to spread inside her.

Her bow was broken, her flight deck destroyed and discarded as she was dead in the water now.

Her captain and all reporting officers had been killed when her bridge was struck by a 500 pound bomb as all her fire control systems and back up power was knocked out completely.

She was helpless.

The most sickening thing for her was the ones trapped in her lower decks as their lives were snuffed out one by one.

"Please... save yourself..." Kaga gripped her chest suddenly as she pulled away from the the purple-haired girl.

"I can't stop the fires now..."


"I'm going to burn to death..."

Hagikaze looked over suddenly as her radar came to life.

"The Americans!"

Just miles away...

A small group of U.S. fleet girls sailed swiftly through the sea as U.S.S. Chicago led the way, smacking a piece of gum loudly in her mouth.

The dark, Italian girl skated widely in the water at the front of the diamond formation as a rough voice spoke up behind her.

"Stay in formation Chicago." It was the hard-nosed American carrier U.S.S. Enterprise, her long, grey hair blowing in the wind as her hard grey eyes never left the horizon.

Flanking her were sister ships North Carolina and Washington as West Virginia brought up the rear.

"I've spotted them, a destroyer and a... Carrier?" Washington said strangely as she looked to her flagship.

"North Carolina, take out that destoryer." Enterprise ordered coldly as Carolina brought her 30-30 level-action rifle to bear as she lifted the scope to her right eye.

Her Cross-hair's fell on Hagikaze's face as the hammer fired forward.

"The Americans!"

The Japanese destoryer looked over as she saw a flash on the horizon.

A bullet suddenly passed through the purple-haired girl's right eye, blowing out the back of her head as she was dead before she even hit the water.

Kaga could only stare in to Hagikaze's dead face as the Japanese destoryer began to sink below the surface.

"Kill Confirmed." Washington spoke up, seeing the shot as the grey-haired girl nodded.

"And the Carrier?" Enterprise asked, lifting hand as North Carolina quickly racked another round silently, the spent shell spinning into the air.

"Death! Before dishonor!"

Kaga yanked her heavy breast plate from a chest as she pulled a hidden blade from it.

"Hmmmm, a knife?" Washington said lightly as she looked through her binocular eyes.

"Wait..., looks like she's trying for Hari-kari." The black-haired girl reported alarmingly as North Carolina continue to hold her cross-hairs on Kaga's head.

"North, see that she doesn't..." Enterprise's voice remained unchanged as North Carolina suddenly moved her cross-hairs to the blade above the Japanese girl's head.

The hammer fired again as Kaga heard a loud ping above her head, looking up she saw the tip of the blade was gone as she knew it was now or never.

Carolina swiftly reloaded as her eye never left the scope.

The blade began to swing downward as another shot rang out.

"Aaarrggg." Kaga grinned through the pain as the blade was shot from her hands.

Unfortunately the ricocheting bullet struck her in her lower port side as she folded over face first.

"They said this would happen..."

She had heard stories from all spans of the Japanese Empire about the Americans being evil and making one to suffer.

The fumes and flames caused Kaga trouble breathing now as she slowly reached for a handful of ocean water and swallowed it.

The US Enterprise suddenly realized who it was as she slowly lowered her hand.

"Chicago take West Virginia and clear the sector with Tuna. Washington, Carolina with me, prep fire control." The three U.S. ship girls were almost upon Kaga as the pride of the Japanese Navy tried to rise to her feet and failed.

"They said this would never happen..."

Unable to move, Kaga just hoped that her death would be quick as a hard voice suddenly called out.

"Put her out!" Enterprise ordered as Washington and North Carolina begin to pour water on the Japanese ship-girl.

Kaga moaned softly and she suddenly felt the roaring fires blow out instantly as a massive burst of steam rushed from her downward funnel.

The two girls continue to hose down Kaga as she slowly got to her hands and knees.

Kaga looked up at the hard, grey eyes looking down at her...

"I know you..."

Both girls looked at each other knowingly as Washington looked over at Carolina.

"The sector is clear Enterprise." Chicago spoke up formally as She, West Virginia and Tuna sailed up next to the U.S Ship girls.

"Chicago, take West Virginia's weapon immediately." Enterprise commanded as the Italian girl turned to the mountain girl and held her hand out with frowning eyebrows.

"What? I haven't done anything?!" West Virginia protested as she handed the destroyer her rifle.

The gray-haired carrier only nodded again as North put her hand on West Virginia's shoulder.

U.S.S. Enterprise's eyes never left Kaga as she smirked to herself.

"Girls... you're standing in front of the Pride of the Japanese 1st Carrier division! The Blue Devil herself! and one of the Butchers of Pearl Harbor, The Kaga!" Enterprise announced loudly as West Virginia's eyes widened suddenly as she tried exploding forward. North Carolina's arm quickly slid across the frantic girl's neck as Chicago grabbed her around the waist.

"YOU FUCKING MURDERING JAP BITCH! I KILL YA'!" The dark-haired struggled wildly in both friendly ship-girl's arms, the rest of the group remained silent, as West continued insanely.

"YOU SUNK MY SISTERS!" Kaga could see the murderous intent in the American girl's eyes as she slowly got to her knees properly.

She knew her best chance now to get "sunk" was to enrage the Americans enough to just sink her as they weren't known for taking Japanese prisoners...

Looking up at the yelling girl, Kaga slowly tilted her head and closed her eyes.

A small grin touched her lips as she slowly pointed her index fingers to the corners of her smile and spoke.

"Ohhhhh Sooooo Soorryy." The damaged carrier girl said in a comical Japanese voice that all Americans were accustomed to as West Virginia screamed even louder.

"Get her out of here!" Enterprise finally yelled as North Carolina dragged West Virginia away by herself, with Chicago turning back with the others.

"Tuna, clear us a way home, Washington get your towing lines ready, Chicago knock that smirk off her face." The U.S. carrier girl ordered darkly as the Italian girl stepped forward, her rifle in both hands.

"With pleasure." Kaga looked up as the last thing she saw was the butt of a U.S. rifle.

"We set sail for Pearl Harbor, FULL SPEED AHEAD!"