A/N: Hello my lovely readers! I want to thank you for supporting this fanfic so much, I really appreciate it sm 😭😭😭 This is the most follows and favourites I have ever gotten for any fanfic. Also, in this book I might or might not be bringing some of the characters who were pronounced dead in Infinity war 😌😉

Chapter 2

As Tony, Steve and Bruce sped off in Tony's Mercedes Benz to a nearby Mexican restaurant to fill up their empty and starving stomachs, Natasha was in Japan looking for Clint. Rhodey had informed Natasha about the increasingly large amount of bodies being found and confirmed that it was definitely Barton. She pleaded him to find out where Clint was going next, of which Rhodey had informed her it was Tokyo in Japan. Natasha was holding out an umbrella while walking through the streets of China Town, she sighed to herself. She knew exactly where Clint was and what he was doing. She knew it was morally wrong, but who could blame him? Clint's whole family was taken away from him and dusted in an instance; if anyone were in his shoes, they'd be equally as confused, upset and angry as him. Natasha never told anyone else of Clint's whereabouts or actions because she did not want Clint getting into the bad books of her other friends. It was raining and feeling quite cooling; Natasha was dressed in a black waterproof raincoat with her hoodie on, Natasha stopped right behind where Clint was trying to take on a client.

Natasha just stood behind while watching the two fight for their lives, well mostly the other party than Clint. The Japanese man was trying his best to fight against Clint's fast movements with the sword. The older Japanese man was swift with his sword, asking why Clint was doing this to which he replied, "You survived, "in Japanese. Finally, the fight came to an end when the Japanese man lost his stamina and Clint slit his throat. The Japanese man pleaded Clint to help him and he would give him anything.

Clint paused before whispering,

"What I want, you cannot give me, "and immediately impaling the man through his sword. As if a natural instinct, Clint knew Natasha was standing there with her umbrella although his back was facing her.

Clint sighed before speaking.

"You shouldn't be here," He told Natasha before pulling off his hood to reveal his face and turning towards Natasha. Clint's whole face and body was wet due to the rain, but he didn't care.

"Neither should you," Nat replied, looking at him.

"I've got a job to do, "Clint added, turning away from Nat.

"Is this what you call this? Killing all these people isn't going to bring your family back, "Nat told him as Clint was almost going to break down.

Natasha walked closer to him with her umbrella and stood next to him.

"We found something. A chance, maybe, "She continued before being cut off by Clint.

"Don't." Clint cried.

"Don't, what?" Natasha asked.

"Don't give me hope," Clint replied, tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner," Natasha looked apologetically into Clint's eyes before reaching out to hold his hand in hers, of which Clint responded by wrapping his hand around hers.

So, Clint agreed to help out with this new plan of theirs and followed Natasha back to the headquarters. Clint smiled like he's never before in 5 years.

"Thank you, for coming for me Nat. You believed in me when nobody else would, it was rather lonely these past 5 years, "Clint admitted softly on the ride back to the headquarters.

Natasha smiled and chuckled softly before giving him a warm embrace.

"Welcome back, Clint. I missed you too. I'm sorry I wasn't there with you when you needed me the most. I promise you we'll stick together no matter what, "Natasha whispered softly into his ear while their hands intertwined.

"I have to admit Nat, I've done a lot of thinking during these past five years and I've come to a painful conclusion that I've been trying to shake off, "Clint continued slowly.

Natasha turned to face Clint and nodded slowly.

"Go on, Clint. Whatever you are going to say, I'm all ears, "Natasha smiled.

Clint took a deep breath and then let it out.

"I was re-evaluating my relationship with Laura and I've realised that our love has fallen out throughout the years. I mean, I'm loyal and faithful; I haven't cheated on her by having an affair with someone else. I'm super grateful of everything we've had and most importantly our children. But I haven't been happy these last few years. I don't feel any passion, spark or anything anymore…" Clint admitted to Natasha as she nodded understandingly at Clint.

"What are you planning to do?" Natasha asked as she placed her hand on Clint's shoulder. To be very honest to herself, she cared for Clint a lot and at times perhaps too much than a normal friend would. Natasha often kept her emotions and feelings to herself, but whenever she was around Clint, she could always be her true self and she never had to hide anything from him. During the first few years of knowing Clint, before she knew he had a girlfriend who's now his wife, Natasha fell for him hard. After knowing that he had a girlfriend, she pushed those feelings aside and decided on a sibling like relationship with him. She respected his relationship with Laura and would never want to break the two apart just because of the way she felt about Clint. Among all the Avengers, Natasha was the one who was always there for him and understood him the most. Natasha believed in him and put her trust in him the most. She did not care about his bad history and accepted him for who he is today, probably also because she had done many horrible things in the past and yet the Avengers had put that aside and accepted her with open arms into this lovely family of theirs.

Clint thought really hard and long for awhile.

"I… I don't know. For once I really don't know what to do, Nat. What should I do? I still love my kids and want to see them if we ever manage to bring everyone back, "Clint sighs, frustratedly.

"I'm not telling you what to do, but I can give you a few pieces of advice. I'm not that great with relationships, but here's what I know for sure. As a woman, I know that I would have liked to know the truth. No cover ups or half lies, just the plain old truth; no matter how painful it may be for me. "Natasha replied, giving Clint her advice.

As Clint listened, he nodded and thought through everything that Natasha had just told him. He knew what he would do when they brought everyone back, he was not going to pretend that everything is okay. He was going to be upfront with Laura and see how everything goes from there.

Clint smiled and hugged Natasha of which Natasha responded by returning the hug.

"Thank you Nat. Now, let's go to the workshop and meet up with the rest of the avengers. We've got one hell of an alien to defeat and a whole ass world to save, don't we?" Clint chuckled as Natasha joined in and nodded her head while laughing softly.

"Let's go, then, partner." Natasha grinned as Clint and her left the room to go to the workshop together.