Between the Lines


Disclaimers::: I do not own OUAT or it's characters, just my colorful imagination. What happens when Killian catches Regina making eyes at his Swan? He confronts her of course, claiming his Emma prefers the hetero lifestyle. Regina takes that as a challenge. Let's see what happens shall we? Based on a caption this photo. This is for all SwanQueen fans. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did…


Ever since Killian Jones, known as the infamous Captain Hook had stolen a kiss from Emma Swan and had pursued her relentlessly upon their return from Neverland and rescuing Henry from Pan, he was starting to realize that he was not the only one showing an interest in Emma. He knew Neal wanted her as well, but then Emma had not given the father of her child the time of day, he felt he had her in his grasp now. But that wasn't to be the case. He glared at the Evil Queen. Even though she was also the Mayor of Storybrooke, Regina would always be the Evil Queen to him. He'd caught the looks Regina shared with Emma and that irked him to no end. He didn't like the way Regina would look at his Swan in a predatory, lustful way. He had heard the rumors. That the Evil Queen liked women. She liked toying with men before tearing their hearts out.

But that was a long time ago. He still didn't trust that evil witch. He also didn't like the way Emma let this happen. Didn't she know what the Evil Queen really wanted? Was she that blind? He would need to step up and do something about that. He heard the way Emma laughed and saw the way she looked at Regina before she left for work. He waited until Emma was out of the range of hearing when he made a move. He walked over to where Regina had gone into her office and he followed her inside, slamming the door.

Regina turned and glared at the pirate. Their feelings for each other were very mutual. They hated each other with a passion. "What the hell do you want Pirate?"

"I want you to stay away from Swan!" Killian retorted.

Regina's eyebrows rose. "That's impossible. You know that we share a son. What is it to you anyways?" Her eyes were dark as she regarded the leather clad man in her office.

"I see the way you look at my girl! I don't like it. You need to put a stop to whatever you think is going on. She's mine. Not yours."

Regina's lip twitched with amusement. The pirate was jealous of the bond she had with Emma? "Trouble in paradise?" She hoped so. She really did. Nothing would make her happier if Emma ditched the filthy pirate. A light shone in her eyes. "Afraid she's going to wise up one of these days and leave you for someone much better?"

Killian growled. "You?!" He scoffed. "You'd like that wouldn't you?" He laughed as he rubbed his stubbled face. "I'm pretty sure she much prefers the hetero lifestyle. I have what it takes to give her what she needs. You don't." He sneered.

Regina smirked at Killian, taking that as a challenge. "Hetero? Are you so sure about that Pirate? Shall we make a wager? A bet?"

Killian's eyes grew dark with rage before he remembered his place. She had magic, he didn't. But he felt he had the upper hand here. Emma was his. She'd chosen him right? "If I win, you leave her alone and cut all ties to her. We will take Henry and you will never see them again."

Regina's hands balled into fists as she heard what he said. How dare he?! She was oh so tempted to throw a fireball at him or to tear his heart out. She wanted to destroy him for wanting to take everything good away from him. She wasn't going to let that happen. "I will not lose. When I win, I will send you to Neverland and make it so you will never return again."

Killian was very cocky and smug, thinking he had won already. "How will we do this?"

Regina picked up the phone and called Emma at the station, saying they needed to talk and asked for an available room to meet in.

Emma answered the call."Regina? What? You need to talk with me? Um… How about the interrogation room?"

Regina looked at the Pirate as she answered. "Perfect. See you in ten minutes, Em-ma." She purred before she hung up. "Ready to find out if my Sheriff really belongs to you?"

Killian glared at that bitch. "You think she wants you? Don't make me laugh." He stormed out and headed for the station.

Regina made sure Killian was in the other room watching them through the two way mirror. He could hear everything that would be said, but they would not be able to hear him.


Emma joined Regina as soon as she arrived and they moved to the interrogation room. "Alright Regina, you have my attention. You said you needed to talk with me. What about?"

Regina smiled at the blonde. "I wanted to be real with you, about my feelings. I was hoping we could talk about this without any interruptions."

"Your feelings? About what?" Emma asked, confused about what the mayor was saying.

Regina smiled brightly as she moved closer to her. "About you, dear. I thought it was time to have this conversation with you. I mean we do share a son together. I know our first meeting was not so good. But the thing is… the moment I heard who you were, I felt threatened. But despite the rocky start, eventually, we became friends and I got to know you better. I like to think we bring out the best in each other, don't you agree?"

Emma licked her lips as she realized this conversation was starting to get very serious. What was Regina trying to say? "Um… yeah." She nodded. "Where are you going with this Regina?" She liked it very much that they were getting along better now. That they were able to coexist for their son's sake.

Regina unbuttoned the top of her blouse and smiled when she saw the way Emma's eyes had shifted to what her fingers were doing. Oh yes. She knew how she was affecting Emma by that move alone. She saw the way Emma's tongue slipped out to wet her dry lips. "I know you're currently seeing that one handed pirate… but he isn't the only fish in the sea." She hoped Emma could read between the lines with that statement alone. "You and I, we share a special bond that would never break. Our son, Henry. But that's not the only reason why I wanted to talk with you. I can't stop thinking about you. Every time we do magic together, I feel something powerful happening when we do things like that together. Don't you feel it, Em-ma?" She felt as if their magic brought them closer every time. It got to the point where she couldn't see her life without Emma by her side. She loved how it felt as if they were a real family together. She wanted… hoped for more out of this.

Emma's breath caught as she realized where Regina was going with this. Was the room getting hotter? She liked how she'd been going over to the Mansion once a week for their dinner together, and then it had started to get to the point where she was seeing them more often, a couple times a week. And then after Neverland, after things had changed when Killian stepped into the picture. She found she'd missed their usual routines. She'd been seeing less of her, of Henry. Killian had slowly began taking up more and more of her time. She'd started arguing more with him, not liking it how it felt he was invading her time and space. She had not realized it yet, but she was starting to resent what he was doing. Yet here Regina was saying things to her, it sounded like she was…

Emma took a deep breath, trying to direct her thoughts and to make sense of what was being said. "Yeah… I know I'm with Killian. I know you don't like him, but he's trying to change and I'm well not…"

Regina put her hands on the table, the only thing separating them right now. "There's many reasons why I don't think he would ever be good enough for you. He is not who you think he is…"

Emma sighed as she interrupted her. "How would you know? I'm not… I mean I did once with a woman but I'm not… um…"

"You think you're into the hetero lifestyle? Hmm I think not. What if I said I'm in love with you Em-ma?"

Emma stared in shock at Regina, stunned into silence as her thoughts became jumbled. A slow sensual smile came on the Mayor's face as she got onto the table and crawled closer to Emma before kneeling before her at eye level.

"Wanna bet, Em-ma?" She purred as she began unbuttoning her shirt as Emma's eyes grew dark, dilated. Regina watched as Emma's eyes followed what her fingers were doing as she opened her shirt more. The blonde licked her lips with anticipation, transfixed by what the brunette was doing.

A victorious smile appears as Regina moves closer to Emma. "Just as I thought dear." She spoke huskily, pulling Emma's face closer, she kissed her passionately.

Emma moaned with surprise as she gave into what was happening between them. She took her jacket off and she panted with a need and a desire to be with her Queen. She pushed Regina down on the table and moved over her, capturing the Mayor's plump sensual lips as she kissed her back fervently. She helped to discard Regina's shirt as she buried her face into her chest, while reaching down to unbutton her pants. "I want you! All of you." Emma moaned. "Make me yours."

Regina smiled, feeling elation swelling deep inside her heart at the knowledge that Emma was hers now. She turned to look at the two way mirror and smiled smugly as she curled her fingers into Emma's thick lustrous blonde hair, holding her, feeling possessive and loving the feeling of Emma possessing her and claiming her. "I. Win." She loved knowing that the Pirate clearly never had Emma. "You're mine now, Em-ma."