"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arm. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful... I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight." ~ "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran

On their wedding day, Jorah paced nervously in the guest quarters. He hadn't seen Daenerys since last night at dinner. It struck him how dependent he'd become upon her constant presence. He'd spent months and months away from her, banished and then ill, but now mere hours away were agonizing.

The couple had done all of their formal feasts yesterday, and today they left solely to the wedding and party. The septon walked up to Jorah. "If you are ready, Ser Jorah, we can make our way?"

His mouth went suddenly very dry, and he nodded. Jorah was dressed more formally than he'd been in his entire life, even as a Northern highborn. He was dressed in fine form fitting silver colored clothes with shined black dress boots. There were beautifully intricate and delicate designs embroidered across his chest and arms. His cape was a deep, rich black on the outside, with silver designs embroidered on it as well, but the inside of the cape was the Mormont green. Daenerys had hand designed his wedding day attire, and he was grateful for that fact because he wouldn't have had the faintest clue where to start. His hair was neatly parted and combed, and his beard had been cleaned up and trimmed.

As he followed the septon down the aisle, he stood tall as he moved between the rows of honored guests. His trembling hands struggled to steady themselves. When he reached the front of the hall, the septon led him up to the first platform on the steps, and gestured for Jorah to stand next to to him and face the audience. Jorah had never been more nervous in his entire life, and he'd done this already twice, so he clasped his hands tightly in front of him as he waited patiently.

Then, the hall quieter, and the great wooden doors opened, revealing his bride, on the arm of her only living relative - Jon Targaryen. He blinked rapidly to keep the tears at bay, but could not stop one from trickling down his cheek as he looked at her. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes upon in his entire life and she was his bride. She was tearing up and smiling at him brightly. Her dress was silver in color, with a long embroidered train, and it fit every single curve on her body just perfectly. Though she was pale, the silver in the dress added to her complexion. Her crown was a beautiful silver, with the spikes on it being delicately carved dragon wings. In the center, there was a bright red jewel the glimmered as he stared at it. The crown was new, forged for their wedding day.

Jon led her up the steps slowly, and Jorah noticed him truly for the first time. His hair was neatly combed and his beard had been trimmed as well. He wore an ornate black outfit, with a wolf and dragon facing each other embroidered upon his chest. He smiled at Jorah, nodded, kissed Dany's cheek, and Jorah saw a moment of pain flash across his face. It was gone as quickly as it'd come and he walked down the steps into the crowd.

He locked eyes with Dany. "You look beautiful," He whispered. She smiled and blushed slightly. The septon cleared his throat.

"You may now cloak the bride, and bring her under your protection," He said loudly.

Jorah unfastened his cloak, and she turned her back to him slightly, allowing him a full look at the shimmering and nearly see through back of her gown, and her braided hair. She pulled the bottom part of her hair out of his way as he laid his cloak on her shoulders. She turned to him and he stepped closer to her and she was smiling as he tied the cloak loosely around her neck.

The septon spoke for a couple of minutes, but Jorah and Dany did not hear a single thing he'd said. Then, he looked back the couple and grabbed their left hands and instructed them to clasp each other's hand. They obeyed.

"By the Light of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls," He said as he wrapped a piece of green and cream braided ribbon and a piece of black and red braided ribbon around their hands. He continued, "Binding them as one for eternity," He said and touched his hands to theirs. Then, he stepped back, and instructed, "Look upon one another, and say the words."

Jorah and Daenerys turned to face each other more fully. The spoke in perfect unison: "Father, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am his/hers, and he/she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."

The crowd waited in anxious anticipation as the ribbons were withdrawn from their hands. Jorah moved his hands slowly to either side of her face, cradling her head lovingly. He stepped forward, as her right hand found his waist, and her left hand touched his face. Their lips met, and the crowd erupted into jubilant applause. She was smiling against his mouth, and he couldn't help but return the grin as he pulled back from her.

"Now, then, Ser Jorah, if you would please kneel," The high septon said.

Jorah kneeled before his bride, his queen, as Jon approached Dany. She turned and picked up Jorah's crown. He'd yet to see it, and he stared at it in wonder. Never in his life did he expect to wear a crown, or be a king. The silver crown had a thin band, that was made of thin carved silver tree branches on one side, and a slender, scaled, and winding dragon's body on the other. They forged together in the back. At the front of the crown, there was a small dragon's head and a bear's head holding up a smaller red jewel, one that matched Dany's exactly. It was a crown that represented everything he had been, and everything he would be, and he loved it. It was simple in design, not gaudy at all. Dang smiled as he looked at it.

"Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen, The first of her name, queen of the Andals and the First Men, The Unburnt, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons, crowns her husband as King, Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear Island, to rule beside her."

Daenerys placed the perfectly fitted, light feeling crown on his head, and the Septon, said, "Rise, Jorah Mormont, as King, and walked with Queen Daenerys."

Jorah stood slowly.

"Queen Daenerys Targaryen - Long May she reign!" The septon yelled.

"Long may she reign!" The crowd cheered.

"King Jorah Mormont - long may he reign!"

"Long May he reign!"

The people began to chant. "Long live the Queen! Long live the King!" As they made their way slowly, arm in arm, from the steps and throne to the hall exit. The cheers of the crowd echoed in Jorah's head.