Chapter 5

*Five Years Later*

Stacie smiled at her computer screen as Lexi finished updating her on the promising trials she was doing at the Conrad Industries facilities in London. The two had been speaking on conference calls for the past month after Lexi encountered some issues resolving a formula for her research. Stacie was surprised when her mother called her and asked her to work with Lexi on troubleshooting the issue, but she agreed as long as it didn't interfere with her work.

"I hate to admit it, but you were right. I was focusing on the wrong components," said Lexi.

"It happens to the best of us, especially when we are so invested in getting it right. Sometimes an outside perspective helps and I am happy I was able to be that for you."

"Thank you and happy birthday, by the way. It is your 30th, right? Any plans?"

"Well, we are having a party at the house tonight and then my parents are going to watch the kids so Bree and I can go to a spa the rest of the weekend."

"I can't believe you have two kids already."

"Trust me, I can't either. The twins are a handful, but they are the best handful I could ever ask for. I hear congratulations are in order for you as well. Have you set a date?" Lexi blushed, but smiled as she showed her engagement ring.

"Not yet, but I hope to soon. Lindsay wants a destination wedding, but I am not so sure. They can be expensive."

"True, but you deserve it. Besides, I am sure if you show my parents the great work you have accomplished this year, your bonus will cover the expenses. I will be sure to put in…" Before she could finish her sentence, Aubrey sauntered into her office wearing a long black coat and stilettos. Stacie's eyes widened.

"Put in…um…a good word for you. I just remembered I have to go….work on…something," said Stacie as Aubrey locked the door.

"Tell Aubrey I said hello," giggled Lexi and Stacie's eyes widened.

"What? Why would you say…no….I have…there's a scheduled thing…"

"You have a tell when it comes to her. Your eyes light up anytime you mention her and I am guessing by how nervous you suddenly got, she is there. Hi Aubrey," called Lexi and Stacie smiled sheepishly when Aubrey walked around the desk and waved at the screen.

"Hey Lexi," giggled Aubrey.

"Well, as fun as this is, I will talk to you later. Bye," Stacie rushed out before quickly signing off and closing her computer. Aubrey shook her head in amusement.

"I love how easily we make you squirm when we talk to each other."

"It's weird. I mean how would you feel if Dean and I were all chummy?"

"That wouldn't happen. I am pretty sure he hates you."

"That's not the point…what do you mean he hates me? I didn't do anything!" Aubrey gave her a look and Stacie huffed.

"Hey, if anything, I should hate him."

"You do. That is the first time you have said his name in years."

"And the last, I can't stand that guy. How does he even know about me though?"

"He is still close with my dad. They talk all the time. Besides, we both knew deep down my heart was never in it. I am sure it didn't take many conversations with my father to figure out why." Stacie grinned as she spun her chair around to face Aubrey.

"Oh yea, what needed to be figured out? That you have the hots for chicks," teased Stacie and Aubrey giggled as Stacie pulled her over to stand in between her legs.

"One chick in particular, she is quite sexy and has a birthday today."

"Oh really, did you get her anything?"

"Well, we have a house full of people at the moment, which meant no morning sex…"

"A travesty, utterly ridiculous," grumbled Stacie.

"So I figured I should make it up to her in her office," explained Aubrey as she untied the coat to reveal black lingerie underneath. Stacie licked her lips and nodded as Aubrey straddled her waist.

"Happy birthday, baby," whispered Aubrey before teasingly kissing her. Stacie moaned and hoisted her onto the desk, ready to make up for the lack of morning sex she was craving.

A couple of hours later, Aubrey and Stacie entered their home expecting to be met by their son and daughter, but instead the house was quiet. They could vaguely hear the sounds of laughter coming from the backyard and both smiled when they saw the twins swimming with EJ and Derek while Helen and Eric took pictures of them. Stacie wrapped her arms around Aubrey from behind and rested her chin on her shoulder.

"Your brothers are such great uncles. I couldn't ask for a better family, Stace. After I told my father everything, I thought I would never have a chance to have something like this again."

"Our family is pretty awesome. I think we should keep them."

"Definitely," giggled Aubrey.

"Your dad has come around though." Aubrey sighed.

"But I still don't know if it is a good idea. I know he loves the twins, but he is unreliable and they need stability and…"

"They have all the love and stability they could ever need. Trent won't change that. At the end of the day, it is you and me. We will always be there for them, so the only question is do you want your dad in your life?"

"I don't know anymore. I am glad we can talk on the phone more and he is trying to make amends but I spent so much of my life worrying about what he thought of me. I don't want that ever again."

"Good because you don't need his approval. You know where I stand on this. It is your choice. As long as he is respectful in our home and good to our babies, I can take him or leave him so…looks like they spotted us," whispered Stacie and Aubrey giggled as the twins squealed in delight.

"Momma, mommy," they began shouting from the pool and Stacie sighed happily as she opened the backdoor.

"There are our babies, you having fun," asked Stacie as she and Aubrey sat down in two of the lounge chairs.

"We were until you got home, old lady," said EJ as he handed Hayden to Helen, who wrapped him in a big towel. Derek handed Bella to Eric, who wrapped her up as well.

"You are older than me, you dork," laughed Stacie.

"Yea, but you have a wife and kids while I am still an eligible bachelor," teased EJ.

"Aw, is that what you tell yourself to not be sad about checking the single box on your social media profiles?" EJ stuck his tongue out at her and she playfully glared at him before giving Hayden her full attention.

"Come here, bubba," she cooed and showered him with kisses when Helen placed him in her arms. Aubrey cuddled Bella close to her and dried her off before placing her daughter in Stacie's other arm. Hayden giggled when Aubrey blew on his belly.

"Today is momma's birthday. You ready to party," she asked and Stacie smiled as the twins began dancing in her lap.

"Oh no, don't tell me you are teaching them how to dance," teased Stacie.

"And what if I am," challenged Aubrey.

"Then I will have your best friend come over and undo whatever nonsense you teach them. You are my love, my heart, but you dance like a white girl from the 80s." Aubrey gasped dramatically.

"First off, how dare you? The 80s were amazing. Second, I am a wonderful dancer."

"Oh yea baby, your dance moves are aca-awesome," teased Stacie. Helen kissed her daughter's cheek and Eric gave her a hug.

"Happy birthday, my love," said Helen.

"I, for one, think you are a great dancer, Aubrey," said Eric and Stacie smirked.

"He is only saying that because compared to his moves, you are," said Stacie and Eric chuckled.

"I don't have to be a cool dancer. I just have to be a cool grandpa," he reminded. Helen shook her head in amusement.

"And that you are. Bree, do you want to help me in the kitchen," asked Helen and Aubrey beamed with happiness.

"Definitely, we'll be inside if you need us," said Aubrey before giving Stacie a sweet kiss. Stacie looked at her mother over her shoulder.

"I am watching you two. No Stacie gossip," warned Stacie and her mother scoffed.

"That's the best gossip," teased Helen as Aubrey laughed. Eric sat down beside his daughter and held out his arms to Bella. The two-year-old happily reached for him and he snuggled up close to her.

"I remember when you were this little," he said and Stacie smiled at their interaction as Hayden began to fall asleep in her arms.

"Did they take a nap," she asked and Eric smiled sheepishly as he pointed at EJ and Derek.

"It's their faults," he said quickly and Derek's jaw dropped.

"You traitor," called Derek from the pool and Stacie sighed.

"It is fine. There will be so much going on tonight that they'll be exhausted by bedtime. They can take a quick nap," said Stacie. She kissed Hayden's hair and rocked him as he cuddled closer to her. Bella's eyes began to droop in her grandfather's arms as well. While Aubrey always knew she wanted to be a mother, Stacie was surprised by how much it was second nature to her. After finally becoming an official couple, Aubrey and Stacie moved in together. Aubrey relocated to Portland and was more than happy to have a fresh start after the divorce. She and her father didn't speak after she left Georgia and he was not in attendance when the couple got married a year later. Once the Rad Tech research facilities were completed, Stacie and Aubrey moved to Los Angeles. They were happy to find a house in a neighborhood close to Beca and Chloe's and often were around their best friends.

The couple knew they wanted children and reciprocal in vitro fertilization became their method of choice. Both wanted to be part of the process, so after choosing an anonymous sperm donor, Stacie's eggs were used to make embryos and transferred into Aubrey's uterus. At first, Aubrey was worried the process would be difficult since she was older, but her pregnancy went smoothly. What neither of them were prepared for was finding out they were having twins. While twins ran in Stacie's family, it never crossed her mind that it would be a possibility. Isabella Elizabeth Conrad and Hayden Eric Conrad were born two weeks after Stacie and Aubrey's wedding anniversary and the two-year-olds were a beautiful handful. Stacie smiled down at the beautiful baby boy in her arms before glancing over at Bella sleeping soundly. She never realized how fulfilling motherhood would be, but couldn't imagine her life any other way. The sound of her wife and mother laughing from the kitchen made her roll her eyes.

"What are we going to do with those two," asked Stacie and Eric winked at her.

"You know it will only get worse once Chloe gets here. I swear the three of them are trouble."

"And to think mom didn't even like Bree at first," said EJ as he got out of the pool and dried off. Eric chuckled as he remembered when his wife found out Stacie was with Aubrey again.

"She was adamant she wouldn't like her when she first came over to the house, but that last about an hour," said Eric.

"If that," chuckled Derek and Stacie sighed dreamily.

"Bree can make anyone fall in love with her when she tries. She was really nervous that night though. Now we can't get the two of them apart," said Stacie as they heard more laughter. Eric smiled serenely as he looked back toward the house.

"Once your mom realized all Aubrey had lost out on, she couldn't stay upset. I never was. I can't imagine a world where I would practically disown any of you because of who you love and that is saying something because EJ doesn't have the best taste in women." Stacie had to cover her mouth to stifle her laughter and not wake up Hayden. Derek buried his face in his towel to do the same, but EJ dramatically clutched at his chest.

"That's just cold, old man," said EJ and Eric winked at his son.

"But seriously, your mom has always had a big heart and when she realized not only had Aubrey's father abandoned her, but she had to grow up without a mother, she was a goner," said Eric and Stacie nodded in agreement. Helen was very vocal about her concerns about Aubrey when Stacie first told her they were back together, but after that first day, she and Aubrey had been close. Stacie smiled at her family and hugged her son, realizing just how lucky she was.

That evening, the house was full of their friends and family for Stacie's 30th birthday bash. All the Bellas flew in for the night and many planned on staying the weekend to explore Los Angeles. Many of Stacie and Aubrey's friends from work were in attendance as well and all of them were absolutely in love with the twins. Hayden and Bella got plenty of attention and as Stacie predicted after tons of playing and dancing the toddlers were fast asleep by the time the party really began. Stacie and Aubrey were grateful the twins were heavy sleepers just like Stacie was because everyone was enjoying the festivities. The couple along with Beca and Chloe were sitting outside by the pool and Chloe checked the video feed on her phone of the kids' room again.

"Chlo, the three of them are fine," assured Beca and Chloe sighed.

"I know. I just want to make sure we can hear them if they wake up," said Chloe and Aubrey nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry. We have our watches synced to the cameras. If they start talking or crying, we will know," assured Aubrey and Stacie smirked.

"We are such old ladies now. Bec, did you ever think when you arrived at Barden you would be out here in L.A. with your wife, two best friends, and the kids," asked Stacie and Beca smirked.

"Definitely not," said Beca before taking a sip of her beer.

"I did," said Chloe and Stacie rolled her eyes.

"Yea right," said Stacie and Chloe scoffed.

"I did. The moment I saw Beca, I knew we would end up together and since her dream was to be in L.A., I would be in L.A. with her. I knew you two would eventually figure it out too. It is like I told Becs. You were always totes endgame," assured Chloe.

"She did actually say that. After Aubrey's bachelorette party, I wasn't sure you two would ever get together and I was done trying to meddle. We both agreed that you two needed to figure it out on your own, but Chloe always said it would happen."

"There is no way you could have known that," said Stacie.

"Sure I did and I can prove it. CR, Amy, come here," called Chloe. Cynthia Rose and Amy got up from the table they were at with Emily, Lilly, Flo, Jessica, and Ashley and made their way over.

"What up, ginger? We're busy, so make it snappy," said Amy.

"Yea, we are about to whoop some ass in beer pong," said Cynthia Rose.

"How did you find stuff to play…you know what, never mind. I learned a long time ago to not ask questions," said Aubrey. Stacie tenderly kissed her wife.

"It is the only way to stay sane," agreed Stacie.

"What have I always said about Stacie and Aubrey," asked Chloe and Amy thought for a minute.

"That Aubrey was totally a bottom," said Amy.

"Chloe," shrieked Aubrey as Stacie and Beca shook with mirth.

"Besides that," said Chloe unfazed by her friend's outrage.

"For the record, it's 50/50," said Aubrey.

"Cool story bro," said Amy.

"It is true. It is none of your business, but true," assured Aubrey.

"Really Hunter," asked Cynthia Rose and Stacie grinned cheekily as she nodded.

"That's how I knew we were meant to be. The Hunter is only willing to submit to her," said Stacie and Cynthia Rose gave an impressed nod.

"I see you, Bree," said Cynthia Rose.

"That's not what I was even talking about. What else have I always said about them," asked Chloe.

"You mean that they are destined and will always find their way back to each other," said Cynthia Rose.

"Yea, all that sappy crap like the soft, mushy center of Bhloe that you are. Don't worry, Short Stack. We still love you for your hard exterior," added Amy and Beca shook her head in amusement as she flipped Amy off. Amy blew her a kiss and Chloe smiled smugly.

"Exactly, Beca and I were destined and so were Aubrey and Stacie. Totes endgame," repeated Chloe and Aubrey smiled lovingly at her wife as their friends nodded in agreement. She kissed her before holding up her glass in a toast.

"To endgame then," said Aubrey and they all toasted to that. Aubrey pulled Stacie into her arms and sighed happily before tenderly kissing her again. She never thought she would have the love of her life and their amazing family, but it all did feel like it was written in the stars.

AN: The End! What did you think? There was a bit more angst than I am used to writing but it felt necessary for the storyline. I hope you enjoyed the eventual Staubrey Love!