Author's note: This is book two in an ongoing series! The first book was titled Fur and Fangs, and you can find it on my profile right here! For all returning readers? I am so glad to be writing for this story once more! Updates every week, and extra info on my tumblr; speaking of which! Please check out my tumblr for more content, info, updates, and more! hopefulbadgerjunara ,
By the way! Wanna talk with more supercorp/supergirl fans? Hang and chat in a safe space with other LGBTQ+ folk? I recently made a discord server, you are welcome to join! It's free, and just a place I hope people can chat and feel safe! Link for the server on my tumblr!
Fur and Fangs part two, My Feral Lady
Chapter 1
A bittersweet Christmas eve eve eve eve Eve
"No, you may not!" Sam stood straight taken aback by Ruby's boldness.
"Come on just one!" Ruby appealed.
"Someone's impatient." Lena laughed, slinging her arms over her taller alpha from behind as Kara placed another ornament on the tree.
"I said no." Sam argued to wide puppy dog eyes. "Ask mama." Sam rolled her eyes.
"Thanks, Mom! Love you!" Ruby cheered, for some reason expecting Alex to be much more of a pushover. "Mama?" She turned to her newer mother.
Alex was curled up in a tight ball, her softest blanket tucked in and around her. The omega was clearly hurting, her body sore from the unending stress she had been putting herself through.
Spotting the exhausted omega, and recognizing the beaten and battered look of a woman who felt as if all she could ever encounter again were failures, Lena spoke up. "Uugh? Is it normal for Christian families to open presents before Christmas?" Lena attempted to save Alex from having to speak.
"It's just one!" Ruby protested, already able to see her chance slipping down the drain.
"And it's supposed to be on Christmas Eve, not the twentieth!" Sam added.
"I mean, what is the twentieth but Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve." Ruby struck a prideful pose. "I mean it is really the same as Christmas Eve isn't it?"
Lena watched on at her fellow omega, witnessing as each time the word was spoken it struck Alex like a new knife slicing through her from yet again an unexpected direction.
She shook from her perch on the couch, her eyes sealed shut, a failing attempt to block out the name of the woman that had filled her nightmares. Even through her painfully scrunched face, Lena could see the tears streaming down onto the blanket. Even Kara had noticed by the end of Ruby's Eve filled appeal.
"I… Mama?" Ruby spotted the alpha and omega paring standing and staring at her mother.
"Just one sweetheart, but I think it's best we open it in your room." Sam grabbed a present from under the tree.
"Mama? What's wrong?" Ruby asked again, growing more concerned.
Alex still hadn't even opened her mouth, she was just crying in her small ball of blanket. Her sore muscles and exhausted mind couldn't handle the strain.
"Ruby!" Sam warned.
"No mom!" Ruby snapped.
"Hey there sweetheart." Kara forced a soft expression as she knelt down in front of Ruby. "I've had a really hard day, alphaing is hard work, and I would really appreciate if I could have a couple of minutes with my sister."
Ruby's face twitched angrily.
"Please. I need some time with my big sister."
Ruby leaned in. "I know what you are doing. You take care of mama or else! You'll have more than just her alpha to deal with." The pup whispered into Kara's ear.
"I'm sure. I'm shaking in my boots in fact." Kara teased back.
"Or else!" Ruby snarled protective.
"Ok kiddo. Ok." Kara nodded, now more serious.
"Good." Ruby huffed before she and her mother filtered out.
Sam despised leaving her omega, there was nothing worse than seeing her mate in so much pain. But none of that changed anything. It did nothing to change that all of her unending efforts and pleas to get Alex to stop training and relax had fallen upon deaf ears, that no matter how many attempts she made to soothe her mate, it made absolutely no difference. That the only thing that had convinced Alex to take even the slightest of reprieve from her endless training was when Maxwell had been starting various fights with other wolves for seemingly no reason, and even that seemed to only be an attempt for Alex to test her hand at displaying her newfound wolf powers. The alpha could only hope that her omega's sister was capable of giving her the help that she could not.
"Hey there sis." Kara greeted kneeling down by Alex as her sister finally opened bloodshot eyes.
"You need to stop." Lena was nowhere near as soft and soothing as Sam and Kara had been.
"You know exactly what." Lena glared.
"Baby." Kara looked up and brushed a hand against Lena's thigh.
"No. She knows what she is doing, and she knows what it is doing to her." Lena took a breath before redirecting back to Alex. "You can't just heal like you used to. Not to mention, I'm pretty damn sure your attempts are making it worse."
"I'm never going to get my magic back if I never try to use it!" Alex protested.
"And what? Beating your knuckles bloody is the only way to test your magic?" Lena could see she hit a sore spot the second it came out.
"I would test it on Jess but I'm the one who got her taken! She could be dead for all we know!"
"Al, you don't know that." Kara reached out, going to hug her sister.
Alex recoiled.
Kara's hand fell, her heart sinking with it. She felt hopeless, forced to watch on as her sister fell apart. However, her hopelessness only lingered for a moment, quickly replaced with anger as she could hear Lena leaving her side and returning to the opened box half filled with ornaments.
Lena was nothing if not nonchalant as she picked up another of the ornate decorations, inspecting it as her alpha began to boil over. "You can beat yourself bloody all you want but it won't help. It will only keep hurting Ruby." Lena spoke up. "That what you want? You wanna fuck up that kid by making her watch as you slowly destroy yourself?"
"Lena." Kara hissed, still wanting to approach the issue with more tact.
"No! If she thinks she is doing anything other than hurting the ones she loves most, then she is delusional."
"Stop!" Kara demanded.
"No! I won't stop! Because I am not interested in watching my alpha suffer because her sister won't stop pushing herself until she breaks!"
"I'm not breaking!" Alex lept from the couch, immediately regretting it as she felt her whole body sway unstable.
"No, you're just bending yourself into something unrecognizable."
"Lena stop it!" Kara's face twitched angrily, her wolf befuddled with the conflicting desires wishing to fight the woman hurting her family, and not to be too harsh with her mate.
"Kara, how is this different from when I wouldn't feed?"
"It isn't. Fuck this is worse. At least when I was beating myself for my mistakes it wasn't an activity, it was just me trying not to take life!"
"I am trying to save your friend!"
"You are aimlessly attempting to punish yourself for a mistake you didn't make."
"Lena please stop." Kara whispered, exhausted with all the fighting.
"Fine. But I don't need to watch my friend destroy herself. Enjoy your Christmas traditions." Lena dropped the ornament she had picked up, fighting to keep her head high as she walked out.
Alex waited a beat, just long enough to allow the silence to set in. "I'm going to bed."
"Like fucking hell you are!" Kara snapped.
"I'm tired Kara. Everything hurts. I need sleep."
Kara sarcastically hummed in agreement. "Yeah, and why's that?"
"Because I've been desperately trying to figure out how to use my powers again."
"Alex, I love you. But do you not think Lena is on to something in even the slightest?"
"No, I'm trying to get Jess back Kara."
"And you think this is the best way? You think this is effective?!"
Alex huffed at first, but pained whimpers won out as her battered joints prevented her from getting anywhere fast.
"Have you even made any progress? Beating yourself? Can you heal any of it at all!?"
"No I can't effectively heal myself! But that doesn't mean I am not progressing at all!"
"Really? Then what progress have you had? Because from what I can see, all you have accomplished is some really elaborate self-harm."
"Look!" Alex huffed, pulling up her sleeve, revealing a nasty gash on the back of her arm, the wound so deep it was still open despite seeming days old.
"Jesus Alex! Does Sam know you have that!" Kara rushed to Alex, going to grab at her sister's arm, consumed in worry.
Alex held up her free arm stopping Kara. "Watch." Alex fumbled a foggily forgotten chant. Flourishing her hand over her arm Alex's magic clearly still existed in one form or another as her purple flames surrounded the wound. The magical embers whispered around the edges of the cut. Her flesh slowly seemed to heal, the cut closing; an exact time lapse of a wound healing. Kara's jaw dropped, shocked and surprised especially after her sister had just told her that this was not something she was capable of again yet.
"Alex! Alex! You're doing it!" Kara flooded with relief to see that her sister was able to heal herself, hoping that this could mean Alex would no longer need to put herself through this.
Alex winced, her concentration flickering, and the fires of her magic clearly grew unruly.
"Alex!" Kara shook and stammered, unsure what to do.
"I… it's fine, this is what happens"
"What! What happens!" Kara worried.
Alex's face grew more serious as her attention diverted from Kara towards her arm. It looked like she was struggling, a strenuous concentration like threading a mental needle with string instead of thread.
"Alex! Alex! Stop! What the hell is that! Stop Al!"
"Just… give it a second…" The elder sister fought to concentrate.
"Alex it's turning black!" Kara screamed, going to yank at Alex's arm, but seemingly being pushed away by the air. "Fuck Alex! Something is wrong! What is happening to your arm!"
Alex's expression had slowly degraded into agony, her magic once so fluid and flawless was striking out at her, dark and burning her as she tried to control it. The wound not only felt like it was being exposed to the heat of a white-hot iron poker, but also as if she were being cut into all over again.
"Alex stop it!" Kara roared. Her terror only grew as she attempted to grab at Alex once more, to stop her sister as the magic backfired, but Alex only seemed to continue doubling down. Still, Kara was stopped by an invisible force.
"It's fine… just have … just have to." Alex stalled as if she actually knew a way to reverse the growing damage. But in all her stalling, it only became more clear how much her magic was lashing back at her. The wound bubbled and opened further than it had been when she began. The edges of the open cut turned black, looking as if it would rot her flesh from the inside out.
"Alex!" Kara growled, her dominant wolf demanding it of the fellow pack member.
"Just a-" Alex couldn't get out another word before Kara was shifted.
The alpha wolf launched at Alex, experiencing none of the resistance she had prior, now the invisible wall had disappeared completely as she tackled her sister, pinning her hands to the ground with infuriated growls.
"I was getting close Kara!" Alex protested.
Kara's scared eyes did all her talking for her.
"It's fine. I… it isn't healed, but it's fine." Alex deflecting gesturing for Kara to release her wounded arm so she could prove that she was alright.
Kara glared more intensely at her sister but allowed Alex to reveal her arm. To Kara's relief, there were no burns, no longer any discolored flesh, just the same wound as before, despite the fact that now it appeared deeper and longer.
Kara backed up, shifting human again as she stood once more.
"Why the hell would you show me that! Why would you do it! It made the wound worse!"
"Because I'm getting closer! It was much worse at first."
"Worse? What is worse!?"
"Turning a small scrape into a sizeable gash, rinse and repeat, and now it looks like this."
"What the hell is going on out here?" Sam stormed back into the den. "Why are you two making all that noi-"
"Hey baby." Alex sighed, waving her wounded arm, knowing there was no hope of hiding it now.
"Alex! What the hell happened to your arm!"
"She's been doing it to herself." Kara turned to Sam, her voice hollow with fear.
"You what!?"
"She isn't just training to fight. She is hurting herself with the hope that she can learn to heal it again. But each time she tries to heal it, it only gets worse."
"I have to relearn somehow Kara!"
"Well, you won't be learning or relearning anything that way!" Sam snarled, stomping her way over to her mate on the floor and picking her up. Alex fought the hold, but Sam was strong, much stronger than Alex.
"Thank you for trying." Sam glanced at Kara. "I have it from here."
"Put me down." Alex grumbled.
"Put me down!"
"Alex. Please stop hurting yourself. We can find some other way to-"
"This is the only way to save Jess. It is my fault. My mistake to let Eve go. So I have to fix it!" Alex cut her sister off.
"Well, you are welcome to find another way, but I'm not letting you outta my damn sight until you prove you aren't gonna keep hurting yourself like this." Sam knew it wasn't her place, that even if Alex was her mate, it didn't mean she had full control over the omega's life like that, but she couldn't stop herself. Her wolf needed to be able to take care of her mate, to ensure that her lover wouldn't suffer like this any longer.
Kara glanced to the fellow alpha, her eyes transmitting both warning and thankfulness.
"Kara, I think I have her from here. I'm sorry about this. Can we finish up the tree another time?"
Kara nodded softly, hesitant but still appreciative that the alpha would take care of her sister in the ways she couldn't.
"Where's Lena, are you two good to head home? I'm sorry I can't see you out." Alex grumbled and fought her alpha's hold as the woman all but ignored her to say the politest goodbyes she could given the situation.
"Lena got a little frustrated and is probably waiting outside for me."
"Well, at least I'm not the only one with an angry omega."
"Yeah, thaaanks." Kara drawled sarcastically.
Sam's face pulled on an apologetic smile.
"Take care of her ok?"
"Of course."
"I can hear you two!" Alex growled.
"Goodnight Al. Take care, and please listen to her." Kara didn't wait for her sister to respond; not that Alex planned to anyways. Instead, Kara turned, her head hung low as she followed the path of her mate's scent out to the back alley.
"Whatcha doin out back here baby."
"Shh!" Lena's hand snapped up in a silencing motion.
Kara was initially taken aback by the bold move coming from her omega. She watched on, however, curious what had Lena in such rare form.
Lena sniffed along the walls that formed the thin city alley.
"Lena?" Kara whispered softly.
The omega sniffed closer along the wall, slowly reconstructing events in her mind.
"Baby?" Kara placed her hand on Lena's shoulder.
The omega spun in a quick one-eighty, her eyes glowing with a dark fury to match the territorial growls that thudded from her throat and echoed up in between the building.
"Love?" Kara's hand recoiled cautious.
"She was here. She was here that night!"
"I know."
"Meters away! Kara, she must have been taken fucking minutes before she was supposed to come inside to the safety of the bar."
"I know. Do you not remember that it was me that found the note?"
"She bleed in this alley! Just a couple bricks and mortar separating us from her! But we were still all so oblivious!"
"This isn't your fault."
"Really Kar? How! How isn't it my fault! I'm the one that asked her to help!"
"That doesn't mean-"
"I knew that there was a threat! We all knew there was more than a threat of retaliation!"
"Jesus! Why the hell was she even out here?! You and I were cuddled up in the back of the bar! In safety! Why wasn't she back there with us! Whose idea was it even!"
"I…" Lena fumed, finding it so much harder to place blame on her alpha than herself.
"It was my idea."
Lena ground her teeth, her animal craving to shift, to let loose and run from this treacherous trap trying to tame the tremendous instincts which had so suddenly become a part of her. Her wolf needed to howl, let loose, to mourn what she had lost, and most of all, to tear that treasonous woman's throat. How could she! Spill the blood of one of her own! Even if they are vampires, how!? Lena raged, fighting with the wolf within her fighting for emotional comprehension.
"Do you blame me for what happened to her?" Kara trembled, pulling back. All her fears, her worries and anxieties about bonding to Lena and then Lena no longer wanting her anymore surging back to the surface.
Lena's head swam in rage, her fury blinding her to her hurting mate.
"Do you not want me anymore?" Kara's voice trembled and broke awaking Lena back from her turbulent emotions.
"Look I get it! I pushed you into this! It has all been so fast! I… I… I just want you to be happy Lena! I'm so afraid that I've done the wrong thing by mating you and locking you into this!" Kara all but collapsed.
"Kara… no, you didn't push me at all! You effectively stalled me for a good two weeks at least in fact." Lena grabbed Kara, pulling her in close. "Of course I want you." Lena whimpered.
Kara clung back protective, needing her omega close. "I just don't want you to regret-"
"I don't. And I don't blame you."
"Then you can't blame yourself either." Kara tried to reassure her mate.
Lena fought to growl, wanting to contest that there was some way this was all her fault, because if it was then there would at least be someone who she could easily blame. But her growls died out into soft comforted whimpers as she caught Kara's scent. The wonderful eye of a torrential hurricane she loved, scent of fresh rains hitting virgin soil. It was the most beautiful scent on the planet, and it made being angry almost impossible.
"That's it baby girl." Kara smiled, breathing her omega's scent in deep in return. She offered her neck, volunteering it with loving kisses to Lena's beautiful flesh.
"Damnit, why do you have to make it so hard to be angry or upset?"
"Because you love me." Kara lightened.
"Asshole." Lena teased unconvincingly.
"That's an idea isn't it?" Kara pulled back with a cockily suggestive eyebrow wiggle.
Lena's face was a flash of anger then longing and back to anger. "I hate you for making that sound so nice."
"Someday maybe?" Kara nipped at Lena's earlobe.
"D… damnit." Lena whined as she slickened for her alpha.
"Good girl." Kara held Lena tighter, preparing to return to the topic of their surroundings. "So, did you find anything new out here. I won't lie, I was in a bit of a hurry when I investigated back here."
"You were in only a t-shirt, so I can't blame you."
"You find anything?"
"Other than that my senses continue to amaze me?"
"Not much." Lena broke from the embrace, sniffing along the walls once more. "God, it still smells like it was only minutes ago that they were here! I… it's infuriating! Like she only just slipped away!"
"I know. I'm sorry love."
"I can smell her blood! Where she was wounded, but then it gets here… and the trail is…"
"I know."
"But how does the trail just die like that!" Lena paced aggravated.
"I know, it's probably because the street out there is busy, so many scents pass by so often, now that it's a couple weeks later… you won't be able to pick back up on it."
Lena nodded, a part of her wishing to curse and punch a wall, but the rest of her knowing there was no point and that it would only make things worse.
"Anything else?"
"I… does it smell like there was a fight?" Lena blurted out like it was something she had been sitting on for months.
"What exactly does a fight smell like?"
"Well… look, Jess is no fighter, but it is just hard to imagine her going down without throwing so much as a single swing… without drawing a drop of blood?"
"What makes you think she didn't."
"If she connected, she would have cut Eve. Jess keeps those claws sharp." Lena brandished her nails, the antithesis of Jess's; clipped short, unadorned with any polish and filed down to be smooth.
"And If she'd have swung, we would have heard a ruckus coming from outside."
"Maybe Eve knew that and ended the fight before it started?"
"Maybe… it's just… feels like there is something we are missing."
"We will figure it out. One way or another."
"Yeah." Lena nodded distantly.
"Let's go home love. We can investigate more on my holiday vacation. My omega needs some rest for now."
"Yeah." Lena sighed, taking one last look around as if it would hold all the answers.
"What the hell have you been doing!? H… how could you have been hiding this from me!" Sam fumed, carrying Alex into their bedroom.
"It's winter, it isn't that hard to have an excuse to wear long sleeves." Alex rolled her eyes, still struggling to be let down.
"I can't believe you! How can you do this? Hide this from me!"
"Hide what! That I'm trying to get control of my powers back? That isn't new! Nor is it anything I've been hiding!"
"I!" Sam grumbled, wanting to return to yelling and screaming her head off despite the fact that it had gotten her nowhere so far.
"Please put me down!" Alex stopped struggling and attempted a less aggravated approach.
"Fine." Sam was tempted to carelessly drop her mate onto the bed in anger, but instead, she restrained herself and gently placed Alex down.
"Thank you." Alex sighed, shifting on the bed, attempting to find something comfortable while also vying to regain any sense of control at all.
"How many more wounds do you have?"
"What?" Alex covered herself up with arms of insufficient body armor.
"I know you. I'm certain that isn't the only one. So how many open wounds do you have like that?" Sam was unyielding, she needed to be capable of taking care of her omega, no matter what.
"It's only a couple of scratches and scrapes Sam."
"Maybe at first! But now they are deep wounds! It's a fucking miracle none of them are severely infected." Sam huffed, turning around and heading off into the bathroom adjoining their bedroom.
"Baby?" Alex suddenly filled with a rush of fear at the sight of her alpha walking away in a huff. "Baby where are you going!?" Her voice wavering as she sat up higher on the bed, peaking up, an impatient puppy worried her owner may not return.
"I'm getting something from the bathroom!"
"Sam come back!" Something in Alex wound tighter with fear.
"What Alex!" Sam poked her head back out the door to the bathroom.
"Please come back."
"What's wrong baby." Sam sighed, re-entering the room with bandaged and ointment in tow.
"I… just… my wolf got worried!" Alex pawed at the bed anxiously. "I! She got scared you wouldn't come back!" Alex stammered embarrassed at her wolf feeling so weak in how she craved her mate.
Sam inhaled a restraining breath, plopping the first aid supplies down next to Alex. "I'm mad at you. I'm really mad."
Alex shrunk and whimpered.
"But that doesn't mean I am going anywhere love." Sam wrapped her omega up in her arms. "You are my mate. You can't lose me this easily. But if you keep going down this path… I just might lose you, and that? That is unacceptable. I won't have my omega getting hurt or sick on my watch!"
Alex clung back to her alpha, brimming with adoration as she surrendered into the hug.
"That's my girl."
"I love you." Alex whimpered softly as the alpha kissed her cheek. "God it is still so weird getting used to my wolf."
"Maybe she wouldn't be quite so scared if you stopped hurting her."
Alex withered under the forceful glare.
"It's ok. But really, if you focused in remedying yourself with your wolf, maybe your magic won't fight you so much?"
Alex looked back dubious.
"Ok, ok, maybe not. But still, life is a lot easier when you aren't fighting with your wolf so constantly." Sam offered soft nuzzles, intentional touches to spread her scent over her omega.
The small efforts of scenting worked perfectly, setting Alex at ease, and pushing her to be just a little more receptive to positive and healing advice. "You… You smell…"
"I know. You smell transcendent too my beautiful girl."
"I! Ooh!" Alex melted.
"Now, does my good girl think she can take off her clothes to let her alpha have a better look and a chance to take care of her?" When Alex didn't immediately yield Samantha tried again. "Come on love, be a good girl. Let your alpha take care of you." She adorned her second appeal with gentle kisses to Alex's neck.
"I… Ohh. Yes, yes my alpha." Alex nodded back in agreement and consent as she went to pull her shirt off over her head. Her whole body was covered in blackened and purple bruises. The sight was beyond sickening to witness, almost turning the alpha's stomach in a combination of anger and concern. Despite her welling rage Sam gritted her teeth and assisted Alex in removing her shirt as she struggled, mobility limited from tight and sore shoulders.
Alex hissed and whimpered in pain, her whole body far too tense to remove her bra.
"May I?" Sam requested, gentle hands on Alex's sides tracing along the bra straps.
Alex nodded a weak whimper.
"My poor poor omega." Sam's swift fingers were mindful not to be too rough as she slipped the underwear off.
"T… Thank you."
"Where did you get all of these." The alpha traced along the wounds timid but loving.
"I… a couple places."
"Where." Sam was stern as she ushered Alex down onto her back in order to remove her pants.
"The gym…"
"And hunting in the woods." Alex looked away shameful.
"What were you hunting!?" Sam couldn't help but chuckle.
"Bears, deer, anything to help hone my instincts. We need to be sharp."
"Jesus Christ Alex." Sam pulled off the last remaining articles of her mate's clothes.
"Bears are big love. Wolves heal faster than humans, but it isn't perfect by any means. If a bear gets a good swipe at you they could kill you. Not to mention, we don't know what the hell all this backfiring magic is doing to you."
"It's winter, they are slow."
"Can you even walk as a wolf without falling down yet?"
"I'm getting there, I barely fall anymore."
"You need to stop doing stupid stuff like this love. Please."
"I need to-"
"No, you don't."
"Yes, I do Samantha! I need to be able to fix-"
"Alex! I can't stop you, I won't force you to stop. But I won't subject my daughter to watching you fall apart."
"You wouldn't!" Alex snapped.
"I love you, and I will do anything to protect you, but the same goes for Ruby."
"You wouldn't!" Alex growled.
"Yes Alex! I would! I just spent twenty minutes explaining to my daughter why her mother broke down crying for seemingly no reason! She is scared! What do you think will be going through her head if she sees all these cuts and bruises? Do you think she would just be ok if she saw any of this? Because she is barely ok now! You scared her Alex!"
Alex crumpled.
"What do you care more about Alex? Training to hunt down Eve, or taking care of your pup… Our pup."
"It's up to you Alex, but if Ruby does not come first for you, then she shouldn't be here." Sam swallowed, trying to sturdy herself for what she would say next. "It will kill me if she and I have to leave. But I will do it if I have to in order to protect her.
Alex fought through fear to speak up but nothing came.
"So? What's it gonna be Alex? Should I wrap you up or start packing a bag?"
End of Chapter 1