Chapter 23
As much as Wilhelm dreaded it, the first day of school had dawned. Wilhelm was wearing his typical white shirt, jeans and boots, along with his t-bird jacket for the occasion. He parked in the student parking lot next to the rest of the T-birds and headed to the school's main entrance. Meanwhile, the others had already gathered. Wilhelm sighed and headed to the chool's entrance. "There she is," he said, straightening out his leather jacket and smoothing his hair.
"Hey Kenickie!" Putzie called out. "What were you doin' all summer, huh?"
"I was workin, which is more than any of you kids can say. I was luggin' boxes at Bargain City."
"Yeah, savin' up for a new set of wheels."
"Hey there's Zuko!"
"Hey, hey! Danny!"
Danny turned and smiled.
"So what'd you do all summer, huh?"
"Oh I was hangin' around by the beach," Danny said casually, "with Kendra."
"The ladies haven't arrived yet," said a familiar German accent.
"Bill Schwartz!" Danny said. "Was startin' to think you wouldn't make it!"
"Always for you louts," Wilhelm said with a chuckle. "Where is the lovely Marty Maraschino?"
"She ain't here yet," said Sonny. "Ya know… she was gonna be my girl before you swooped in."
"Too late, La Tierri," Wilhelm said dismissively, waving his hand. "Ah… there they are."
Wilhelm sauntered over to the ladies and smiled. "Entschuldigung," he said to his friends. "Martina?" he said softly.
"There's my Wilhelm," Marty cooed, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him softly.
"Oh God," Rizzo groaned. "I almost forgot… you and Bill. Come on, girls."
"Rizzo's jealous," Marty explained. "She and Kenickie… they've been going through a rough spot."
"Ah," Wilhelm said with a nod. "Let's get to class, ja?"
"True love and he didn't lay a hand on you?" Rizzo was with the others and Sandy, minus Marty, of course. "Sounds like a creep to me."
"Well he wasn't," Sandy replied, "he was a gentleman."
"What was his name?"
"Alexander," she said softly. "Alexander Schwartz."
"Hey that's Bill's cousin!" Frenchy said excitedly. "He goes here! Oh you didn't know?"
"He never told me."
"I bet you'll see him at lunch. But meanwhile, Sandy I… think we ought to get to class."
Thanks to Marty, meanwhile, Wilhelm was lagging behind the other T0bitds, who had once again victimized poor Eugene Felsnic, who was gathering himself on the stairs.
"Seems like you could use a hand," said Wilhelm.
"Oh hey," said Eugene. "You gonna prank me too?"
"Germans never stoop that low," said Wilhelm, picking up Eugene's books. "Besides, do you have any idea who you were named for?"
"Some dweeb, I bet."
Wilhelm gasped. "Mein Herr does not know?!" he cried, surprised. "Your namesake is Prince Eugene of Savoy, who assisted the Holy Roman Emperor time and again! Why he was one of the greatest generals in all Europe!"
"Guess I got a lot to learn about history."
"And being cool," Wilhelm said, "and I mean truly cool. Calm and collected under pressure, dressing the part. I'll show you. Come with me to class. We have much to discuss, you and I."
In class, Wilhelm found a spot and sat down. "Kirschelein," he said softly when he saw Marty was sitting next to him.
She kissed his cheek and giggled. "Hey" she said softly. "McGee's about to hit us with the announcements."
As the principal went through this morning ritual, Wilhelm smiled.
"The bonfire, then?" he said.
Marty nodded knowingly. "It's a date," she whispered.
When the announcements were over, Wilhelm straightened up and cleared his throat.
"Mister Schwartz," the teacher said. "I trust you've been boning up, as always?"
"Day and night, Mein Herr," Wilhelm said smoothly, "I am hard at it."
The other T-birds snickered. Wilhelm had scored a point.
"Then you would, perhaps, tell me what we'll be studying this year?"
"The Romans," said Wilhelm, "for one. I see why, but I say the Germans were greater then Rome."
"Shall I go through the times we sacked Rome?" Wilhelm offered. "Clearly Aleric and the other German warlords were stronger."
"Right then," said the teacher. "Welcome to history class." He rolled through his start-of-term spiel, and Marty leaned over and whispered, "Well played… but your girlfriend's Italian."
Wilhelm nodded. "I'll try to spare your feelings then, my dear Martina," he muttered.
After class, in the hallway, Wilhelm ran into no less a person than Patty Simcox.
"Hey!" she said cheerfully. "Another year, another dose of knowledge, Wilhelm!"
"Ja, that's right," he replied. "Good for us."
"And might I say how handsome you look!"
"Marty Maraschino would agree with you there," Wilhelm said casually.
"Marty?" said Patty. "What about Marty?"
"My girlfriend," Wilhelm replied.
"Oh," Patty said softly, stepping back. "If I'd known, I'd have… oh. I see…" She cleared her throat. "Oh."
"Es tut mir leid, Patty, I should have told you."
"No, it's okay… I was just… you know…"
Wilhelm smiled. "I know," he said, "we used to date once upon a time, but when you left to ocus on your studies…"
"I understand," she said sadly. "No, I get it."
"Wilhelm!" Marty cried.
"Kirschelein!" Wilhelm said suddenly. "I was just telling Patty that you and I were…"
"Patty Simcox?!" Marty cried. "Oh! Oh, that… that witch! How dare you even think of stealing my Wilhelm! You evil… you… you…!"
Marty ran away, crying.
"Damn it," Wilhelm muttered, walking briskly after her.
"What did I do?!" Patty cried, throwing her arms up. "Ooh, that Marty!"
Wilhelm continued to follow in Marty's footsteps. "Kirshclein, I can explain!" he cried.