Chapter 1: Abduction

Falling asleep... That's all Sonic could remember from the previous day. He awoke with a very groggy feeling, unable to completely focus on what was going on around him. (Trying to ignore a pounding headache) He breathes deeply and manages to bring his surroundings into focus. "what the-?" the blue hero questions as he looked around the cold and unfamiliar metal room. He finds his friends Tails and Knuckles laying unconscious in the room with him. "Tails! Knuckles!" Sonic cried in panic as he quickly ran to his (self adopted) little brothers side. "Come on little bro, wake up!" Sonic said as he gently tried to nudge the young fox awake. "S-Sonic?" the two tailed fox asked as he sleepily opened up his aqua blue eyes. Sonic sighed in relief seeing Tails was alright. He reaches out a hand helping his little brother to his feet, then walks over to check on Knuckles. He nudges the red echidna hoping to wake him up like Tails, but Knuckles doesn't respond. "Come on sleeping beauty, it's time to wake up!" Sonic said playfully.

His friend grumbled and growled irritably as he finally opened his violet eyes. "What do you wa- ... wait what's going on? Where the heck are we?!" The ruby echidna scrambled quickly to his feet with thousands of questions running through his mind. "I don't know" the cobalt hedgehog quickly replied. "Wherever we are, it can't be good." Sonic finished as he looked over to Tails who was now examining the cage bars to the room. "Hmmm... this is very weird." said the fox kid. "What's up little buddy?" asked Sonic, seeing a confused look plastered across Tails' face. "I don't know what kind of metal this is made from..." Tails said curiously. "So what? That's not going to stop me!" said the red echidna as he backed up then aimed a powerful punch at the metal bars only to recoil back shaking and falling onto the floor. The metal bars didn't seem to be damaged at all. Tails and Sonic both roll their eyes in annoyance. "Knuckles, not everything can be settled by force." said Tails shaking his head. "I know that! But do you have any better ideas right now?!" asked a fuming Knuckles. "As a matter of fact I - " the twin tailed fox's sentence was cut off by the sound of a door electronically opening in the distance.

A large creature black as night entered the hallway and made its way to the three heroes cell door. A foreboding energy could be felt in its presence as they froze trying to make sense of the monster in front of them. No body features could be truly identified because it had such a dark shadow like body. The only thing they could distinguish for fact were its piercing red glowing eyes. It felt as if it were staring into their very souls as it let out a lowly growl and unlocked the door to the room they saw as their prison. The dark one started to reach for Tails trying to grab him. The now terrified fox backed away until he was against the wall shaking with his ears pinned back against his head. "N-No! Go away, I'm not going with you!" screamed Tails as it drew closer to him. "Leave him alone!" Sonic growled angrily as he and Knuckles rushed to attack the black creature putting their fears aside. The dark being let out a horrifying scream and slammed both Sonic and Knuckles to the metal walls of the room. The impact knocked the air out of both of them. "No!" Screamed Tails who was now trying to angrily attack the monster who hurt his friends.

The dark creature grabbed Tails as the fox struggled with no success to escape it's hold. It took Tails out of the room with it, locking the metal doors behind... Sonic and Knuckles panted heavily trying to steady themselves. They look at each other with both fear and sadness in their eyes. "H-He took T-Tails..." Sonic shakily trailed off. "He took him, and we couldn't do anything!..." Sonic's voice now sounding angrier. "Calm down! There has to be a way to get out of here and still save him." Knuckles stated sternly trying to ease both of their nerves. "You're right..." Said the blue hero calming down a bit more now. Knowing what Tails would most likely do in a situation like this, they both started to investigate the room for a possible means of escape. "Look up there." Knuckles pointed to a small air vent in the wall close to the ceiling of the room. It was still made of the same metal but looked a lot thinner. "Could we fit through that?" Sonic asked while eying the vent questionably. "Only one way to find out!" said the eager echidna punching the vent bending the metal of it a great deal. "Agh!" Knuckles held his bruised fist in pain. "Knucks! Are you alright?" the cobalt hedgehog asked with worry. "I'll be fine." Knuckles replied honestly. "Besides, anything's better than waiting for that thing to come back and drag us away." Sonic nodded to him in agreement. Knuckles readied another punch until both of them froze at the sound of the electronic door opening from down the hall once more. "Shoot!" Knuckles quickly said in frustration as he turned his attention to the dark one making its way toward their prison once more.

It growled as it made its way into the room with them again. Sonic froze as he could feel it's glowing eyes on him, staring him down. It reached to grab him and - "Oh no you don't!" Knuckles punched the creature back from Sonic and positioned himself between the two at conflict. Tears began falling from violet eyes, he was hurt at the thought of losing another friend to this beast. The dark creature growled in annoyance and began to approach once more. "Time for a knuckle sandwich!" the ruby one battle cried as he aimed a barrage of punches at the monster. The dark one let out another gut wrenching scream as it grabbed Knuckles restraining him completely. "W-what? no... c-can't move!" Knuckles kicked at the beast violently, tears still flowing down his face. "Knucks hang on!" Sonic yelled to him as he made a desperate spin dash attack at the creature that was hurting his friend. Before he could see what hit him, the blue hero felt himself slam against the metal wall once more and gasped for air now trying to steady himself on his feet. He felt dazed from the heavy impact and his vision was now becoming dangerously blurry. The cobalt fell to one knee clutching his side, and all he could do was helplessly watch as the dark being took his friend away. Now he was the only one left. He was truly alone. Then everything went dark...

End of chapter 1!

What will happen next? Where and why are they there? Will Sonic and his friends survive?

This is my first story in many years and the only one I've ever posted online, so please review and let me know if you enjoy this story or tell me how I can improve. Thanks!

Fun fact: The Shadow creature is an alien, and it is based off of something I saw at a very young age. It's not the same, just based from it.