July 22,2019
10:00 A.M
Melemele Island
It's been a new day for Ash and his pokemon as he is ready to get departed for the Kanto region.
"So Ash what is your next plan," asked Kukui
"Well I am not sure apart from that, I am going to retry all the leagues once again" said Ash
"Ash let's go,it's time for your flight" said Kukui
At the airport
"Professor Oak, we will visit kanto " said Kukui
"Professor Kukui, and professor Butnet younare always welcome.Plus I will show you more of Kanto region next time you visit" said Delia
"And professor kukui, thanks for letting Ash stay with you for the time he was here.You see as a mother I am always worry.If no one is with him he always do reckless acts, sometimes he was at the brink of death" said Delia
"Mom" said Ash under his breath
"Professor Kukui and professor Burnet, I will miss you " said Ash as he gave a tight hug to them.
"Thanks professor, " said Ash
"Bye professor Kukui and professor Burnet, nice to meet you" said Alain
"Let's go " said Ash as Delia,Oak and Alain started to move towards the check in area.
"Finally the good things came to an end, hope we could see him again" said Kukui
Ash is walking away with sad expression.
"Ash, " said Delia as she place her hand on the shoulders of the Ash
"You will meet them soon" said Alain
"Right, we will meet again" said Ash as he looked back at Kukui and give a good bye wave at Kukui and professor Burnet
"Brock, I will miss you" said Olivia
"I will miss you too, " said Brock
"Come on Mr. romeo, we have a flight to take" said Misty
"Bye professor samson oak, professor kukui and professor Burnet." said Gary
Fifteen minutes later Ash is in the plane,settled near window.
"Alola region, I will come again.This is a champion's promise" said Ash
"Hey Alain, what you say, why don't we both take part in indigo league" asked Ash
"Not a bad idea, I will take part and this time I will defeat you" said Alain
"In your dreams," said Ash
"And one more thing, where is dad.Any where about of him" asked Ash
"Not yet, he only call me when he wanted to, a one way communication.He send me emails but I cannot track his location because he masks his IP address by multiple layers of encryption." said Alain
"I get it, surrounded with multiple enemies make you do this.By the way I believe that he will show himself someday" said Ash
"Ladies and gentlemen we are about to take off.Please fasten your seatbelts" said announcer as plane started to take off.
Once Ash is in the air, he can see the alola region getting far from his sight and then he can see his friends in the sky giving him a farewell.
"Bye everyone, " said Ash waving off from inside.
Nine hours later
"Ladies and gentlemen we are about to make our landing in five minutes in Kanto international airport." said the cabin crew member.
Once Ash did all the formalities.Once he is outside the airport Ash turned to Misty and Brock and said "Misty,Brock why don't you come to pallet town" said Ash
"Ash we have to go to gym, you see there are lots of challengers waiting for us." said Brock
"Ok then, " said Ash as both Misty and Brock departed for their city.Ash,Delia, Oak,Gary and Alain boarded a cab and driving for approx twenty minute Ash is outside pallet town.
When Ash,Delia,Alain and professor oak get out of the cab.Ash is then bombarded with the crowd request for the photograph.
"Ok everyone I will give you autograph" said Ash as he gave all the fans his autograph while some people demanded the photograph and few kids asked Ash to show his pokemon.
Once Ash and Alain dropped their belongings Ash and Alain made their way towards the professor oak's lab to drop their pokemon.
At the lab, Ash's pokemon are eagerly waiting for Ash to arrive.
"Hey Ash,who is this " asked Tracy
"Well this is Alain, my brother and Alain this is Tracy my friend from orange islands.He is now professor's assistance" said Ash
"Nice to meet you" said Alain
"Ash are you going to show your pokemon new members" asked Tracy to which he nodded
"I want to see them too" said Tracy
"Sure" said Ash and then he and Tracy went in the backyard where his pokemon are waiting.
"Hey everyone" said Ash to his pokemon after which Ash's pokemon dopiled him
"Guys leave me, I want to show you some of our new team members" said Ash at which his pokemon left him and assembled on sidelines.
"First of all everyone meet the solgaleo, legendary pokemon from Alola region" said Ash as he released his Solgaleo who is standing at height of eleven feet.
"Solgaleo these are my other pokemon, " said Ash to which everyone happily greeted him
"And now meet Darkrai,Zeraora Marshadow," said Ash releasing the three pokemon which Ash introduced his some old pokemon and they started to get along very well
"Wow Ash your pokemon are great," said Tracy
"Thanks, but now everyone please welcome the ultra beasts." said Ash releasing the buzzwole, Xurkitree, phermosa,kartana,nihilego,guzzlord and blacephalon.
When Guzzlord emerges all the pokemon stared at him in awe,but Tracy he was freaked out.
"Um Ash, what kind of pokemon are these," said Tracy
"Tracy these are ultra beasts, and they are from ultra space" said Ash as nihilego came near Ash and started to nuzzle him.
"Ultra space" said Tracy in confusion
" Well ultra space is like , where these pokemon species live, out of this world and they are like aliens to this world.But they visit this world which means there are more unknown species like ultrabeasts in ultra space," said Ash
Ash then release his remaining pokemon which he didn't sent back to kanto during the league
"Alain show me your pokemon too" said Tracy as he released his pokemon.Tracy was amazed to see the pokemon of Alain
"Wait, you have legendary pokemon, mythical pokemon and the alien like pokemon from other world." said Tracy as he takes deep breath and continued " You never seems to amaze me"
"Zeraora, Darkrai,Marshadow want to come with me " asked Ash to which they nodded
"And phermosa,let's go.I will show you my room" said Ash to which she nodded
"Naganadel, give information to the other beast friends about human world,hope they wants to learn more about.And guys you can tell them the adventure we had." said Ash to which they nodded
Ash is now in his room.
"Guys this is my room, " said Ash as he started to place his trophy and degree on the shelf.
"Phermosa" said Phermosa
"You liked the room " asked Ash to which they nodded
"Ash you have came really far Ash," said Alain as he take a glance at his achievements and gym badges.
"But Ash, didn't these gym badges expired" asked Alain
"Yeah, I need to retry league and earn them again," said Ash
Next Day
8:00 AM
The sun rays started to enter the room, falling on eyes of Ash and his pokemon
"Finally a new day" said Ash
Ash's pokemon
Noctowl,sandshrew,venusaur,Lapras,lycanroc,Decidueye,melmetal,Incineroar,naganadel,pikachu,pidgeot ,blastoise,Serperior,metagross,gumshoos,nosepass,kadabra ,Electivire,torkoal,meganium,Feraligatr,scrafty,Garchomp,typhlosion,glalie,boldore,tauros,noivern,donphan,primeape,greninja,muk,gliscor,kingler,Butterfree,snorlax,talonflame,infernape,goodra,hawlucha,swellow,emboar,Staraptor,Heracross,Floatzel,Torterra,crawdaunt,Leavanny,seismitoad,dewott,unfezant,charizard,Lucario,tyranitar,gengar,krookoodile,sceptile,zekrom,solgaleo,buzzwole,Xurkitree,phermosa,kartana,nihilego,blacephalon,guzzlord,Darkrai,Zeraora Marshadow
(A/N: Hey everyone, this is a final chapter for Alola League champion discovery. Hope you have liked this fanfiction.So my
another fanfiction will be continuation of this which will have elements of galar region too,pokemon world championships and pokemon league.)