I feel like it's been forever since I wrote a Faberry story. So, here l am again... I'm so excited about this story, because this one will be very special since it will have personal memories in it along with Faberry stuff. I dedicate this story to my amazing girlfriend. Thank you for being there for me whenever l need it the most. You're amazing, keep being you 'cause I'm in love with that.
Every review will be appreciated. Oh, also a thank you to you, who are reading this story right now.
On with the story.
March 8th 2061
Dear Rachel,
As the years go by and we are, now, old... l want you to know that l will love you till my last breath. I'm lying here, on this hospital bed, probably writing you my last words. You're sleeping near me and you look so peaceful and beautiful as always. We had a full and happy life, which didn't begin so good if l may add, but we found our way to come close to each other again. I see your grey hair and I smile as l remember them when they were full of colour and life, they're long as they always were and l still love playing with them. I see your eyes and your, now, old face and l still remember that sparkle that l was always and WILL always admire in your eyes. So, this will be my chance, as you lay near me on that small sofa, to write down our story from both of our points of view, because time will never be enough to let me appreciate you fully. People need to know how much we loved each other, since nowadays true love, l think, it's hard to be found... So, let's cut to the part when l met you for the first time, or maybe not for the first time exactly...
October 6th 2017
Rachel was about to leave the apartment, which she was sharing with Kurt and head to NYADA. It was her first day and she was so excited. After all these years of dedication and hard work, she will finally have the chance to fulfill her dream. On the other hand, Quinn was confused. After her rejection from her dreamy college she applied to NYADA as well. It wasn't her first choice, but she decided to give it a shot. You never know what the future holds, right? Her friends always encouraged her to try it, so that's exactly what she did.
"Kurt, l'm gonna go on foot. I want to explore New York a bit more and clear my head", Rachel yelled as she was getting ready for her first day.
"Okay, take care and good luck. Have a nice day", Kurt said as he was getting ready as well.
"Have a nice day too", Rachel said and got out of their apartment.
Rachel was walking on the streets, every step she did she knew she was closer to her dream. She was excited and was singing inside her her favorite song, which was no other than "On my own". That song, and her voice of course, managed to get her the golden ticket to her dream. She was thinking how her first day would be. Would she be able to make new friends? And what about her teachers? Would they be nice or would they be strict? The only thing that truly mattered to her was the fresh start she would have the chance to experience, away from all the high school cherry slushies and the bullies. Well, at least the bullies always bought her favorite flavor. She had put all the high school drama behind her, it was in the past now... Or at least that's what she thought... She was, now, facing the building that would be her second home and she was so ready to meet her new 'family'. She took a very deep breath that she felt her lungs filling up with air, like balloons and then breath out. Rachel was ready to start her journey and become a star... The star everyone knew she would be. She was ready to shine so she entered the building excited. She walked around in the hallway surrounded by people. Were they her new classmates? Were they older than her? It didn't matter much to her, so she continued walking, searching for the auditorium, where her first class would take place, where she would meet people like her... People as talented as she is. She stopped and thought for a minute, before entering the auditorium.
"What if they are more talented than me?", she said to herself silently and freaked out for a moment.
She closed her eyes and thought how much she tried to be there. She knew that there were people like her and as talented as she was, but she knew how much she wanted to be a star and nobody... NOBODY would beat her. She sat in the center of the auditorium, corners were never for her, because corners were for cowards and shy people and she was neither. After her first class was finished, Rachel decided to go out and breath some fresh air as she would eat her apple. Healthy snacks were always her thing, especially now, because now she had a new goal... She would be a star and she would shine more than the real ones and she would fell on a girl... Wait, what? She would fell on a girl? Rachel came back to earth when she realized she indeed fell on a girl.
"Are you blind?", a blonde girl said before looking who fell on her.
"I'm so sorry l fe-", Rachel said, but never finished her sentence when she realized who she fell on.
"Rachel?", the girl said surprised, but not that much surprised, because she knew that Rachel made it and got accepted.
"Qu-Quinn? Is that really you? What are you doing here?", Rachel said and she felt a wave of scare trying to choke her.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?", Quinn asked while helping Rachel to get up and checking Rachel's knees.
"As if you even care", Rachel said, took her hand away from Quinn's fast and rolled her eyes.
"l applied for Columbia, but got rejected so l tried my luck at NYADA and here we are", Quinn explained, looking at a scared Rachel.
"l don't care", Rachel said and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"Well, you asked me, like, ten seconds ago. Are you okay?", Quinn asked again, knowing that she deserved Rachel's attitude.
"Stop asking me that, l'm not telling you. Why do you even care? You made my life a living hell throughout high school. Oh, you tried your luck? It took me years of hard work, dance and voice lessons to got in and you just got accepted?", Rachel stated and her scare turned into anger extremely fast.
"l know and l'm truly sorry for that, but l have changed. Actually, l am not here for the singing part, although it was part of the exams. And for the record l actually did voice lessons as well... From you. I was always watching at you while you were performing and l was taking notes every single time", Quinn pointed out looking at Rachel's chocolate eyes apologetically.
It was like she could see her soul and Rachel couldn't let that happen. Although her cheeks were getting red, she quickly moved her head to come back to reality. What was she thinking? Maybe she was thinking about giving Quinn a second chance or maybe she was thinking how much she wished for Quinn to just disappear from in front of her or the face of earth. Also, now she could hate herself a little bit more, because as Quinn says she actually helped her main bully to get in the same university as her.
"l can't deal with this now. lt's just my first day Quinn... MY FIRST DAY", Rachel pointed out and her eyes were now red, ready to unleash a river.
"Rachel please. I've truly changed. Please... Please just give me a chance to prove it to you", Quinn said, pleading Rachel.
"The HBIC pleading, that's a new one. You changed in just a summer? And what, do you think I'm going to believe that? Will l act like l don't know you? And why does it matter so much to you?", Rachel said confused, but honestly still angry.
"lt just does. Well, yeah let's do that", Quinn said and smiled hopefully, ignoring the first question.
"Wait, what? l actually said it ironically. We can't pretend we don't know each other Quinn", Rachel said, but she could see Quinn's face light up, so she didn't ask again.
"We can, watch us. Hi, l'm Quinn Fabray", Quinn said and extended her hand, waiting for Rachel to say anything.
"Hi Quinn, l'm Rachel", Rachel said after a couple of minutes and she finally gave her hand to Quinn for a handshake.
Two torturous minutes had to pass for Quinn to find out if Rachel would give her a second chance. Those two minutes were like two centuries for Quinn, she could actually feel her heartbeat racing. It seemed like Rachel decided to give her a second chance and follow Quinn's crazy plan that she actually recommended without knowing. Let's hope that Quinn will take advantage of that and finally fix her relationship with Rachel.
Some hours later
Rachel got in the small apartment like someone was hunting her... In fact someone was hunting her, but not literally. So, she entered the apartment where she lived with Kurt. Let's talk a bit about that... Rachel was a small diva and Kurt was... Well, Kurt had to be patient with Rachel's diva attitude. Although he loved his friend there were times when they couldn't get along, there were fights, arguments, but at the end of the day there were gossiping about their favorite celebrities or they were watching musicals together.
"Hey Ra-. Oh my God, are you okay? Were you running?", Kurt said and walked towards Rachel to see if she was okay.
"You won't believe what happened to me today", Rachel said and sat with Kurt on the couch, breathing really fast.
"It's okay, it's over now. What happened that made you so upset?", Kurt said, stroking Rachel's back.
"No, it's not over. In fact it's only the beginning", Rachel said, maybe a bit over dramatically.
"Why are you so negative? Tell me what happened", Kurt said and Rachel started recounting her day till that moment.
Kurt was always there for Rachel and vice versa. Kurt and Rachel became friends after he made fun of her by making a makeover to her, so Finn would like her. Of course, Kurt liked Finn so he wanted to get rid of the competition and by competition l mean Rachel. He felt really sorry when he saw Rachel crying, when Finn rejected her for not being herself, so after that he confessed that he liked Finn and actually became very good friends with Rachel. Even though Rachel ended up being with Finn, Kurt didn't stop being friends with her.
"You can't even imagine who l bumped on at NYADA...", Rachel said and did a small pause, giving time to Kurt to think.
"Wait, you really bumped on someone on your first day?", Kurt said kind of shocked, because Rachel was always aware of her surroundings... Well, almost always as it seems.
"Well, yes, l did. The thing that makes me upset is the PERSON l bumped on, not that l actually bumped on someone", Rachel pointed out.
"Oh, okay. Do l know that person? Was he or she or whatever in our school?", Kurt asked, trying to get some information on who that person was.
"Yes, SHE was in our school AND in Glee club. Come on, think about it... I'm sure you will find it right away", Rachel said sure.
"Hmmm, Tina... No way... Brittany... Hell to the no... Santana... Wouldn't get in NYADA with that attitude of hers... Who else?", Kurt was firing names away, while tapping his chin with his point finger, without getting the name Rachel was looking for.
"Come on Kurt, THINK", Rachel said again.
"Oh my God, was it Quinn?", Kurt said surprised.
"Ding ding ding, we have a winner", Rachel said ironically.
"Are you serious? How did Quinn ended up in there? I thought it was difficult to get in NYADA... ", Kurt said.
"Well, it is, but Quinn told me that she was taking notes whenever I was performing and that's what helped her get in", Rachel said kind of proud.
"What are you gonna do? She made your life a living hell throughout high school", Kurt reminded her.
"I'm well aware of that Kurt, thank you very much. The thing is that she was insisting that she has changed", Rachel explained to her friend.
"And do you believe her?", Kurt said surprised yet again.
"Kurt, you should have been there... She pleaded me to give her another chance. Drama aside, she really pleaded me", Rachel said being almost shocked once again.
"Are we still talking about the same Quinn?", Kurt asked serious.
"Yes, we are still talking about the one Quinn Fabray the HBIC", Rachel confirmed.
"Quinn, pleading... That's a new one", Kurt said. He couldn't even imagine Quinn pleading.
"That's exactly what I said", Rachel admitted surprised.
"So? What happened? Don't tell me you gave her a second chance", Kurt said, looking directly into Rachel's eyes.
"Well, maybe l did...", Rachel admitted silently.
"What? How can you be that naive, Rachel? Did you forget all the slushies she threw at your face?", Kurt said, trying to make Rachel come back to her senses.
"I really saw regret in her eyes, Kurt. I could feel that she felt sorry", Rachel said truthfully.
"Rachel, are you sure about it? I will support you whatever your choice is, but you really need to think what you will do", Kurt told her and held her hands to comfort her.
"It's okay, I've already made my decision and l gave her a second chance... Let's see how she's gonna use it", Rachel said and hugged him.
Same time, Quinn's apartment
Quinn fell on her bed like she was done for today. She was thinking about what happened between her and Rachel. Was asking for a second chance the right thing to do? After all, Rachel was right... She did make Rachel's life a living hell, but she had her reasons. It still doesn't make any sense though. Why would someone bully you and then ask for a second chance? Maybe Quinn wanted to hide something from Rachel, from everyone, even herself.
"What the hell am l doing? I shouldn't have talked to her in the first place. Maybe l should for once leave her alone. Damn you Rachel! I almost told you the truth. Fuck, you make me feel weak and you can read me like an open book... And now I'm talking to myself, great", Quinn said and took a deep breath as she covered her face with her pillow.
Even if she was thinking a lot about what she said to Rachel, she wanted to make things right and she would never regret about asking for that second chance. In fact, she was going to use that chance in a right way and proof Rachel that she deserved it.
October 7th 2017
"Hey, Rachel, good morning", Quinn said, running to catch up with Rachel who was walking a few feet in front of her.
"Good morning Quinn, how are you?", Rachel asked, smiling.
It was like she had deleted the last three years of bullying she had suffered. Rachel really wanted to see how Quinn would use her second chance. She was pretty curious about the, let's call it, role-play.
"I'm good thank you for asking. What about you?", Quinn asked back, showing pure interest.
"I'm good too", Rachel said surprised from Quinn's interest.
Who knew that former bullies could actually feel interest about their former victims.
Suddenly a wave of awkwardness appeared. What were they doing? They were talking like they were strangers who are just starting to get to know each other, but they already knew each other. It seemed kind of stupid to pretend like they met just yesterday.
"Are you sure this is the right thing to do? I mean pretend like we don't know each other", Rachel said.
Rachel didn't want to forget that she already knew Quinn... She didn't want to just forget everything she had been through with Quinn the previous years. Quinn's pregnancy, their performances, Quinn pushing her emotionally that it made her write an amazing song in the end. She just couldn't forget all of their moments, even the bad ones. All of these moments were their past... The past that Quinn wanted to just throw away. Why though? Why did she want that?
"Look, Rach. All l can say to you for now is that l really want... No scratch that... I really NEED that second chance, because I was awful to you and l feel the need to make things right. Now, it's up to you if you are gonna let your former bully to get to know you all over again as the real Rachel Berry and not the 'Manhands' that l was always calling you... among other nicknames", Quinn explained, speaking from heart as always.
"I want to give you a second chance Quinn, but l don't get it. Why you just want to throw everything away? We have memories together that you apparently don't want to remember... But l do. Even though you were awful to me as you say, which is true, l can't just forget about your pregnancy, our performances or every time we were dancing together at the auditorium... And then regionals and when we won nationals... You were there, with us, with me", Rachel said trying to persuade Quinn not to behave like they don't know each other.
"I don't want to be that cheerleader anymore... I need a fresh start with you and -", Quinn said.
"And you will have it, but you don't have to erase everything we've been through. Oh, and you totally can leave the cheerleader Quinn behind, it's up to you", Rachel said stroking Quinn's shoulder, trying to make her relax.
"l just want you to know that l am truly sorry for being a jerk to you for so many years. I don't even know how to make it up to you", Quinn said regretfully.
"Well, you apologized didn't you? That's a start l guess. Oh, you can buy me lunch after class", Rachel said smiling.
"Consider it done", Quinn said also smiling and they returned at their classes.
Rachel didn't like much the writing class at high school, so she was almost certain that she wouldn't like the writing class of NYADA as well. Quinn on the other hand absolutely loved that class. She thought that it was an opportunity for her to get rid of her negative emotions and thoughts on a piece of paper.
"You know, it's amazing how you can express yourself on a piece of paper. I used to write a lot when we were in high school. It helped me deal with the drama that l was into", Quinn admitted to Rachel, who was sitting next to her.
"I'm really glad it helped you Quinn... You've been through a lot... I, on the other hand can't really understand how writing can help you that much", Rachel said sincerely.
Their lives were so different. Rachel had two dads who were extremely supportive of whatever Rachel had in her mind. Like that time when Rachel was a little girl and stated that she would be a Broadway star, so her dads immediately registered her in dancing and vocal classes. Quinn's parents were strict enough even when her grades were perfect, they always wanted more. Like every parent, both Rachel's and Quinn's parents wanted what was best for their children, but they were expressing it differently.
"Silence please. Can l have your attention?", a tall man with gray hair, in his mid 50s said loudly and everyone stopped talking, looking directly to him.
"Thank you. I'm Professor Donald Blye, welcome to NYADA... Let's begin our first lesson with a free writing session. Shall we?", the man said, while loosening his tie a bit.
"Imagine that you have in your hands the thing that you desire the most, what would you say to it? Begin", professor said while walking around the auditorium.
"Excuse me, sir", a young man said raising his hand in the air.
"Yes?", the professor replied.
"Can 'the thing' be a person instead?", the young man asked.
"Of course, unleash your imagination everyone", professor Blye said and everyone started immediately.
Quinn focused on writing and soon she couldn't hear anything but her own voice inside her head as she was thinking what to write. She didn't even realize how much time had passed. Rachel, on the other hand, was in her own little world as well, dreaming about holding her first Emmy award.
"Earth calls Quinn", Rachel said after a while, but Quinn was still focused on writing.
"Quinn are you here?", Rachel called, but this time she tapped Quinn's shoulder causing the former cheerleader to jump from her seat.
"Are you out of your mind? Why did you scare me?", Quinn said, trying to calm her heartbeat, which had spiked up.
"I'm out of my mind? You know, l called your name before I tapped you. You just couldn't hear. Are you on planet earth now?", Rachel said, smiling ironically.
"Let a dreaming girl be, miss Berry", Quinn replied and for a split moment she thought how things would be if Rachel's last name would be Fabray-Berry instead of just Berry.
"Are you done?", Rachel said, looking at Quinn's notebook inpatient.
Quinn immediately put her arms on her notebook, blocking Rachel's view. The small brunette narrowed while looking at Quinn's eyes, but after a couple of seconds she almost widened her eyes. Looking Quinn's eyes could totally be her new hobby, these hazel eyes could swallow her and transport her in a world where nothing else mattered. Rachel seemed rather calm and now she was the one who was lost... in the hazel sea in front of her.
"... Since you're not answering l will take it as a yes", Quinn said and with an extremely fast move she took Rachel's notebook in her hands.
"Sorry, I, um, l got distracted... I was thinking about something, yeah, that's what I was doing", Rachel said, trying to convince herself rather than convince Quinn.
What have gotten into her? Since when she started losing herself in Quinn's eyes?
"Holding an Emmy award in your hands... How predictable?! You know, jokes aside, l think you will make it. I've never seen a person that dedicated other than you of course", Quinn admitted and Rachel's cheeks got a little red.
"Thank you Quinn... This must be the best thing you've ever told me. Now, can l see yours?", Rachel said, smiling wide and giving Quinn her puppy look.
Rachel knew that no one could resist that puppy look of hers, so she hoped Quinn would fall for it and give her what her curiosity was asking for.
"You can totally... Not have my notebook", Quinn said with a big smile, causing Rachel's smile dropping.
"Oh, come oooon. How can you resist my puppy eyes? You must be the first person ever resisted. Buuut you need to know that it's not fair, since YOU read mine. It's only fair if l read yours too", Rachel explained, never giving up on that notebook.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to share with you what I really desire yet. A mystery girl like me can't just share all her secrets", Quinn admitted, but Rachel was about to jump on her and take the notebook for herself.
"This is it for today, thank you for attending this class. See you again next week. Dismissed", professor Blye said, saving Quinn without knowing.
"Saved by professor Blye", Quinn said, shoving her notebook in her backpack before Rachel even got a chance to further protest.
"Still not fair... At least you owe me launch", Rachel said, crossing her hands in front of her chest for a bit and then she started gathering her stuff.
One hour later
"Wanna sit here? This place seems nice", Quinn asked and Rachel nodded.
Rachel was still kind of angry over Quinn for not letting her see what the blonde have written, so she wasn't speaking at all.
"Okay, let's sit. Can you now talk to me? It's very odd for Rachel Berry not to talk at all, unless she is protesting about something... Oh, you're still angry l didn't show you my notebook, aren't you?" Quinn said amused as she was settling her stuff on her chair.
"lt's not fair, that's all. Can't you at least tell me what it is about? I mean without the details", Rachel insisted.
"Why are you pressuring me? Friends don't do that. I told you that when I will be ready l will tell you", Quinn said and Rachel felt embarrassed.
"You are right, I'm sorry", Rachel said sad.
"Hey, don't be sad, it's fine. Look, when the right moment will come, you will be the first person to know, okay?", Quinn said and placed her hand on Rachel's shoulder.
"Okay. What's wrong?", Rachel said when she saw Quinn talking her hand away like her shoulder was on fire.
"Nothing is wrong, l just remembered you don't like when people put their hands on your shoulder", Quinn said and Rachel was surprised.
"How do you even know that? As l recall I've never told you that", Rachel said flattered.
"Well, I've seen you taking away Finn's hand every time he rested his enormous hand on your shoulder", Quinn admitted, getting red.
"l KNEW IT! I knew you were spying on us. I was just feeling your glare every time I was walking down the hallway with him", Rachel said, pointing Quinn.
"Well, l, um, l wasn't spying, pfff. Okay fine, guilty as charged... Now, did you see anyone in class that maybe matched Rachel Berry's expectations?", Quinn said.
"Good job Quinn, you were really subtle. She won't understand a thing", Quinn thought, moving her head over her obvious mistake.
Quinn almost face palmed herself as if she was alone, but then she remembered that she was with the small brunette, so she turned all her attention back to Rachel.
"lf I wouldn't know you, l would say that you are hitting on me", Rachel said, laughing.
"Easy there tiger. I'm just asking out of pure curiosity", Quinn said also laughing, but she was laughing awkwardly, trying to cover her mistake.
"Now, let's order. It's on me", Quinn said quickly to change the subject.
Some hours laters, Quinn's apartment
Quinn opened the door of her apartment feeling like a winner, not only she took Rachel to launch, but she also spent quality time with her. It was like a first date, or that's what Quinn was imagining. She dropped her backpack on the nearest couch, on the way of her bedroom. She was totally up at cloud nine. She turned her back on her bed and let herself fall on the mattress.
"You look like a lovestruck puppy", she told herself and then she got herself up to study.
Same time, Rachel's and Kurt's apartment
"... I'm telling you Rachel, she was totally hitting on you", Kurt said desperate.
Kurt was trying to convince Rachel that Quinn was hitting on her for over half an hour now, but the little diva didn't seem to understand what her best friend was telling her.
"Oh, come on Kurt, she just wants a second chance to befriend me. How is that even hitting? She just asked me if l found anyone attractive", Rachel said.
"Hmm, but l actually said that if l wouldn't know her l would say that she was hitting on me. Well, is she? Nah, she just wants to erase her previous mistakes towards me", Rachel kept telling herself, like she was trying to convince herself that Quinn was indeed asking out of pure curiosity as she said.
"She asked you out on launch, she paid for your launch and she asked if you liked anyone. How could she make it more obvious for you Rachel?", Kurt said face palming himself.
"I disagree with you, now let me study", Rachel said defeated and got in her room, closing the door behind her, loudly.
March 8th 2061
...and that's how l met you for the not so first time. I still remember that stupid question. I'm a person who plans everything in her life... How did l let myself slip, doing this question? Oh my... By the way 'the thing' I desired the most was you. You were 'the thing' l wrote about in my notebook and l still have it if you ever want to read it. I don't think it matters now, but you know, you insisted so much to learn about what was in my notebook that you eventually forgot about it and never asked me again...
Thank you again for reaching the bottom of this chapter. Leave a review if you want. Also what do you think Kurt will do to persuade Rachel that Quinn is hitting on her? Updating my story will probably take a while since my exams are coming up shortly. So, sorry for the delay.