The graduates of Class Two of the FBI's Special Accelerated Program filed into the auditorium, and Hunter picked out McCall as the third one from the start of the line. He whispered into Chloe's ear, "Do you see Mommy? Wave to Mommy." He waved the baby's chubby arm towards McCall, as the graduates continued to file in and take their seats. When McCall turned to take her seat, she spotted Hunter and Chloe and smiled.

An FBI agent came up to the podium. "Welcome to our distinguished guests, friends and family. For the last few months, your loved ones have been hard at work, learning the basics of becoming a highly trained FBI agent. The group in front of you had it extra tough, though. They had to learn everything they needed to know in a shortened time frame while still performing up to the high standards set for them. Every graduate here did just that. I am proud to swear them in today as fully qualified FBI agents. Will Class Two please stand?"

The class stood, raised their right hands when instructed, and were sworn in. They were then called up to the stage individually to receive their credentials. Awards were presented for top marks in each area, then the ceremony was wrapped up.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for attending. We've had refreshments set up in the dining facility. If you could please make your way there, our newly minted FBI agents will join you shortly," the MC said, dismissing the audience.

The new agents were held back for a few minutes to receive their assignments, before joining their families in the dining facility.


McCall entered the dining facility, and saw Hunter right away. She smiled, and walked towards him.

"Hey, big boy, miss me while I was out getting educated?" she asked.

"I always miss you, but I especially missed you during diaper changes and 2 am feedings," Hunter answered, waggling his eyebrows. "I'm not sure you know how sore my nipples got."

McCall hit his shoulder playfully, and took Chloe from his arms. "How's my big girl?" she cooed to the baby. "Look how big you got. Daddy must have been feeding you well."

"So, where are we headed?" Hunter asked, taking the assignment envelope from McCall's hand so she could hold the baby better.

"New York City," McCall answered. "We're East Coast people, now."

Author's note: This seems to be a good place to put in a "pause", if you will. If you want to finish this as a strictly "Hunter" story, this is where our heroes ride into the sunset. If you'd like to continue reading the story, as a crossover with my other favorite 80's TV show, "Beauty and the Beast", please head over to the crossover section or my author page to find "Though Lovers Be Un-lost".
