Hi! I've been trying to figure out for a while how y'all pit comments up here and I guess this is how! Here is the first couple of chapters, hope you enjoy! Sadly, it will be getting angsty round here quite soon so buckle up lol. If y'all have any feedback/comments please share them. Thanks and enjoy :)

The Doctor, Ryan, Yaz.and Graham weave their way purposefully through a crowded square on some distant planet the Doctor was in the middle of describing to the others.

"... And the people 'ere are basically like you and I, well you, but they 'ave an extra arm, well I say arm but I mean more venomous spiked appendage but you get the gist-"

The rambling Yorkshire voice falters taking the others by surprise as the Doctor's favourite thing in the whole universe was talking very fast about impressive and clever things. Their surprise was further increased when they heard a strangled sob coming from ahead of them where the Doctor was now stopped in her tracks. The Doctor was shaking with largely silent tears at the sight of a beautiful head of curls in the crowd ahead. She runs forward without caring who she jostled on the way and launches herself at the woman, wrapping her arms around her tightly and sobbing into her shoulder.

The woman is quite taken aback by this unexpected assault and looks first down at the unfamiliar head still crying onto her denim jacket and then around for any explanation. Yaz, Ryan and Graham had jogged after the Doctor and were skidding to a stop as the woman looked up at them.

"Doctor?" Asked Yaz tentatively.

Something lit up in the strangers eyes. "Doctor?" She directed the question at Yaz in a disbelieving yet hopeful tone. Yaz half nodded still entirely disorientated by the scene. The woman choked out a kind of laugh and took the woman encircling her gently by the arms moving her to face her.

"Doctor?" She asks the still hiccuping, tear-stained woman in front of her.

The Doctor can't choke out an answer so she simply moves forward meeting her lips to the other woman's. The curly haired woman immediately reciprocates bringing her hands up to the smaller woman's face as her arms stay as ever wrapped around her as if scared to ever let her go again. Although the Doctor continues to sob, their kiss ebbs and flows and the Doctor's crying subsides as she pours all the words she can't get out into the kiss.

As they break apart, the Doctor whispers through a wobbly, teary smile, "River."

She pulls River Song close again and whispers next to her ear "River. My wife. My River, Professor River Song."

River traces smooth circular Gallifreyan on the Doctor's back, soothing her and holding her until the sobs between words stop wracking her body.

She gently pulls the Doctor around again to face her. "It's been a long time for you hasn't it." It's not a question.

"River you 'ave no idea how amazing it is to see you." The Doctor looks so earnest with her eyes still shining with tears it hurt River to witness so she pulls her in for another quick kiss.

When the break apart, River looks over the Doctor's shoulder to see three very confused looking companions standing with their mouths hanging varying degrees of open.

"Doctor you haven't introduced me to your friends!"