There once was a hobbit hole. This was a very long time ago, so if you go on your own adventure to find this hobbit hole and are unable to find it, well don't blame me. Inside this hobbit hole, you may find a nice warm meal with nice hospitality, or you might find it cold and empty, with dust covering every open surface. (Most Hobbits would be horrified by such a welcome).

On the days where this particular hobbit is not home, he is probably off plundering some village or possibly counting his gold again. The thing is this hobbit is not only known as Bilbo Baggins. He is also known as Smaug the Dreadful, Smaug the Magnificent, and occasionally Silvertongue.

You see, Belladonna Took and Bungo Baggins had found a young dragon stranded outside the Shire soon after a miscarriage of their own. They had taken him in and brought him to another wizard who gave him a temporary disguise. This disguise was able to be shed by Bilbo at any point in time, giving him back the characteristics of a dragon, but whenever he wanted, Bilbo could become a hobbit again.

The destruction of Erebor had not been a malicious event, planned years in advance. Bilbo had actually been quite young at the time, only five years parents had disappeared overnight, leaving signs of a struggle. Bilbo had panicked, following the trail that the dragon smugglers had left behind. The signs that had been left behind disappeared at a mountain. Unbeknownst to Bilbo, the mountain was Erebor and it was inhabited by dwarves. He landed on top of the mountain, and then he saw the forges.

Despite being so young, Bilbo knew that the people who had managed to capture his parents had taken them to some kind of forge in order to make weapons and armor, for dragon scales and dragon bones are among some of the strongest materials in the world. In a panic, he tried to find his family in the machines and lava. He ended up burning the place in the process, but Bilbo didn't mean to cause all of the death and destruction. He just wanted his parents back.

Alas, they were already gone, somewhere even farther west and over some unnamed mountains very far away. After everyone ran away, he continued on in the cover of night, but injuries that the dwarves had left him with continued plaguing him and he crashed in the forest near the Shire where Belladonna and Bungo found him.

On one fateful morning, Gandalf the Grey was walking down the path toward Bilbo's house. He was clad in a long grey cloak that masked his feature in a mildly ominous way. As if to contradict this, he was merrily whistling to himself, trying to envision the 'hobbit' that he hadn't seen in over a decades.

Gandalf came across Bilbo smoking a pipe in front of his house. He was perched on top of the sturdy fence that surrounded his property and he was currently smiling toothily at the hobbits who happened to be walking by. The group flinched before walking faster, muttering among themselves and avoiding eye contact with both hobbit and wizard.

This made Gandalf pause in the middle of his whistle. 'Why would the hobbits treat Bilbo like that?' He wondered. 'He was such a happy and well-liked little hobbit.'

Bilbo had known that Gandalf would be arriving long before he entered the Shire.

He was on his way returning from Erebor when he saw the wizard making his way toward the Shire. Concealing himself, he saw Gandalf meet up with several dwarves and heard them discuss their plans.

He had barely managed to stifle a chuckle at the plans. They were scheming to defeat him! As if that was even possible. Belladonna and Bungo, his surrogate parents, had taught him many different ways to defend himself, not all in his dragon form. The dragon form was quite useful though, as it did have the slight perk of fire breathing.

This might be a good time to mention that he did feel bad about taking the dwarves' home, but he did not feel bad enough to give anything back. He would have gladly given the mountain back, but his natural instincts dictated that he would not ever willingly give up his gold now that he had his claws on it.

As funny as the idea of this motley group defeating him was, the next event on their agenda happened to be recruiting a hobbit to help them! And it just so happened that the hobbit that Gandalf had in mind was one Bilbo Baggins!

At that point, Bilbo had removed himself from the scene. He was having far too much trouble holding back his laughter and after all, Belladonna and Bungo had also nearly beat into him how to properly receive guests.

Bilbo returned to Bag End, made enough cakes and other items of food for the dwarves, a wizard, and a dragon, all of whom had just returned from a long, arduous journey. He stored the food and decided to go wait in front of the hobbit hole for the group to show up.

So obviously, he was not surprised by Gandalf the Grey's appearance. He was however, surprised by the fact that the wizard was not accompanied by the dwarves.

Bilbo did not show his confusion of course. That would be poor manners. He simply jumped off of his fence post and strode up to Gandalf with his hand help out, clearly expecting a handshake.

Gandalf obliged with a large smile upon his face. "My dear hobbit," he exclaimed. "It has been far too long!"

Bilbo smiled in return. "Good afternoon Gandalf. I was just about to partake in some tea and cake. Would you like to join me?"

After they were both settled with food, Bilbo slyly asked, "How far have you come? "

Gandalf took a swig of his tea. "I have been walking for many long days and nights. It is an enormous relief to get off of these old legs in a comfortable area." He gestured around him. "And this is very comfortable." Thankfully, the wizard did not look too closely, for if he had he would have seen a layer of dust covering most everything.

Bilbo smiled. "Thank you for your compliments. Surely you did not walk for so long with no company?"

Gandalf looked uncomfortable, as if he did not want to reveal that information, so Bilbo smirked inwardly in victory. Making the wizard uneasy was always an accomplishment