AN: Yo peeps, new chapter here. Next chapter we start the tournament round and the next chapter after that will conclude the festival arc.
Next arc will be Red Room arc, where Izuku and Cap take the Black Widows. STRIKE and Avengers head to Russia to assist Hill who has made contact and needs back up. Classic Marvel characters will be seen in this arc and Melissa is in for a wild ride.
Also my next my hero story is out. The magneto story won and the first two chapters are up. Izuku: Master of Magnetism is live and up. Anyway I hope you enjoy the second event of Capture the Flag, Quirkless style.
All Might
Chapter 17: Capture the Flag
Silence, nothing but silence was in the arena. The arena where all of UA's best and brightest, the future of heroism, a stadium that allowed them to display their skill was silent. The silence was filled thanks to one individual, one person, one student, one archer. Izuku had told everyone not to underestimate, he told them not to sleep on him, but they didn't listen.
Now Izuku stood in front of the audience, the student with a victorious smirk on his face and guess what. This was only the first round. What other tricks does the teen have up his sleeve as the second round begins?
"So, what's next?" Izuku asked as he raised his arms behind his head, not worried at all by the glares that he was getting from the other students. Students that were supposed to be better than him and every way thanks to their quirks, but for this event he was victorious.
"How did you get here so fast?" The question was asked by Katsuki, and he was hot if his face could attest to it. Katsuki was pissed that he was lost to deku, but he wasn't the only one. Shoto, Danny, Melissa, and Mei could not believe that Izuku had beaten them. I mean they didn't even see him or hear him during the whole race. He was there at the beginning and then the next he was gone.
No one could understand how Izuku beat the other hundreds students, the only ones that knew were Owen, Nezu, and Inko. All three of them were SHIELD agents and knew of the ground bridge. It was the only way that Izuku could have won the race.
"Hmmm...That was for me to know and for you to never know. Now, what's next." Izuku told him and Katsuki was about to strike him, but Midnight cracked her whip when she saw that Katsuki was ready to attack Izuku. And even if he did the teen was ready to take him down again.
"Alright, enough! You two will be able to fight each other...if you make it pass the second event. Now, everyone looks to the wheel." Midnight pointed the wheel next to her that looked like something from a game show.
"Ladies and gentleman, let us spin the wheel of fortune to see what our competitors next test will be." Mic commented as Midnight gave the large wheel a spin that made it go round and round.
All the students saw many games on the wheel some were hoping that would land on their preferred one. There was Calvary, Domination, Search and Destroy, Dodgeball, 5 vs 5 Basketball Tournament. That last one was something that Izuku was hoping and praying for. But he got something that wasn't better, but just as good.
"The second round of the Sports Festival will be….Capture the Flag!' MIdnight announced and the crowd roared with approval and anticipation. The students smiled as well for their powers would do wonders for them in this type of environment especially after Present Mic explained the rules.
"The rules for Capture the Flag are simple, the student must capture a flag in order to advance to the torment round. There will be sixteen flags that will be hidden in the forest, the students' job is to capture it, but that is not all. They also make it back here with the flag in hand in order to make it to the final event." Everyone understood the rules and got ready, but Aizawa had something else to add.
"And since Izuku won the first round, he gets to pick the stipulation of the match." Izuku raised both his eyebrows and everyone looked at him. The students, the audience, and the cameras were on the surprised teen as he just thought about what he just heard.
"So, let me get this straight. I get to choose the rules of the match." Midnight confirmed his question with a nod, but Izuku still wasn't convinced.
"Can I tell them to do this with their arms tied behind their back?" Midnight nodded and the students began to sweat. They were worried for what the archer had planned for them, all but Mei and Melissa.
Their alliance was still there and Izuku gave his word that he would help them get to the second round. But his next question would make them and all the girls worry.
"Can I tell the girls to do this event in cheerleading outfits?" Izuku asked with a smile and Midnight again responded with a nod. All the guys screamed for Izuku to choose that one as did some males in the audience. The girls on the other hand showed the displeasure when the teen felt the glares of all of them.
"Heh, it was just a question, but don't worry ladies. I have something else planned for you and everyone else in this event." Izuku looked back at the students, the students who all have powers that could easily destroy him. Let's see how well they do without them.
"I've chosen my stipulation. The students will have to do this event with no powers." Everyone was in an uproar and it was not just the students. Some pros that are in the stands and watching the festival didn't like how Izuku was just handicapping the students.
"That's not fair!" Katsuki yelled and many shared his opinions.
"The kid's got a point. They need their powers in order to be heroes." That statement was said by a pro hero in the stands and Owen was close enough where he heard him.
The super soldier just rolled his eyes at the so called pro. No magician has one trick, they expand tricks to better and more unpredictable. He learned that from his mother when she took to a magic show in London.
Izuku heard the murmurs and the compliance from the people and the students, and he got tired of it. He wasn't the only one though, Aizawa was sick of it as well and the fact he heard it from veteran pros made him even more sick. He was about to say something, but Izuku beat him to it, he just wished that he had the censor button ready.
"Oh, boo-fucking-whoo!" Izuku mocked the students whining with his hands, the teen rubbing his hands under shades like crying baby.
"You poor bitches need powers to grab a fucking piece of plastic. Do you want me to hold hands? I know this is a big step for you all." Izuku finished the sentence with a sweet and mockingly motherly tone. When he saw that everyone was silent and in shock he continued.
"A good hero once said that a pro can't be a one trick pony, and I see a bunch of them motherfuckers here in front. And you know what I was going to have fun with this, but now this training. Let's see how you all do without your powers in the field of battle, because you never know. There might be a day when you don't have them." Izuku turned back to Midnight who had a shocked look on her face as well, but also a lustful one.
"Let's start the damn event so I can school these little babies." Izuku ordered Midnight in a very dominant tone that got her blushing and she was not the only one Melissa had covered her face because she found Izuku super hot right now.
"Oh, I love man when he shows his dominance." Izuku didn't show it, but he was smiling ear to ear when he heard that. 'Yeah, baby.' Izuku thought cockily as Aizawa decided to add more to what Izuku said.
"Izuku, is right. What are you going to do if you face someone like me? Someone who can take your powers away just by looking at you. If you can't handle something like grabbing a flag without powers then you all have no business being heroes." Aizawa told them the truth, his words hurt and their faces told the story. Izuku smiled knowing he was right, but that was not all.
"Well since the rules are no powers, then you all have to wear these inhibitor collars. You can put them wherever you want, but they must be on. If not then you forfeit the event and will not proceed to the finals." Mic gave the students the ultimatum and they had with no other choice but to accept the rules that were given to them.
"Don't look so glum, kids. Since you have no powers you will have another use for weaponry. Introducing...paintball guns." A group of bots brought large crates that were filed with paintball guns. There were two types of guns, rifles and pistols. Everyone started to grab their own type of guns along with the collars to dampen their powers.
While everyone was doing this, the flags were being planted around what was the race course. Izuku had grabbed his bow and arrows, and then met up with his team. While walking everyone was glaring a hole at him, he knew that he was public enemy number one, but they would stand no chance against him in this event.
Izuku was trained for an event like this thanks to Barton and SHIELD. The students were in his world now. No powers, no quirks, no nothing. All they got was their wits, will, heart, and the paintball gun in their hands.
"You seem to make everyone hate you." Mei told him as she had the rifle paintball gun in her hands, the black tech collar around her neck to stop her from using her Zoom quirk.
"I don't think so, I think this is a side of me that people just don't understand yet. Besides you and Melissa don't need to worry, just stay close to me and I get those flags for you."
"For once I agree with you." Izuku turned his head to see Melissa holding two pistols in both hands, she looked super hot to him right now. Melissa also liked how the guns felt in her hands, for some reason it felt natural to her. 'Weird.' The blonde teen thought as Izuku began to speak to them again.
"Just follow my lead girls and stay close. This terrain is my territory and this is my world. Right now everyone is like me and Melissa. For years they relied on their powers, and now they won't know what to do without them. They will scramble to find the first flag they see and then the others will go at him. While us three, we will go deep in the forest and lay low. Let me find the flags and you two cover me. Got it?"
Both support girls nodded their heads and Izuku smiled turning his back to them. He looked at the monitor which began its countdown, the teen eyes shined with intensity and excitement as the numbers slowly reached zero. He was about to show this school and the country what the best archer in the world could do.
"Five...Four...Three...Two...One...GO!" When the alarm sounded the students took off running into the forest searching for the flags. Izuku held off the girls, he didn't want them to go off yet. They went through the tunnel last, the girls worried they were going to lose flags, but Izuku had a plan.
"Stay close." Izuku told them as they went deep in the forest and everyone in the audience watched as the students searched for the flags. The easy ones were the flags that everyone could spot, they were wide in the open, but that also meant they were the ones that everyone would gunning for.
All students targeted the easy ones first and just got annihilated by each other, paint was on everyone as all students were trying to kill each other over one flag. Other students went deeper in the forest to find the much harder flags and some even partnered up. They figured that an alliance was better in this event than going solo, but the thought of one betraying the other linger in their thoughts. Remember there are only 16 flags, meaning only 16 students can move on to the finals. This event was basically winners take all.
It was five minutes into the event and no one had yet successfully secured a flag, if they did they were quickly shot at by their fellow students. But Aizawa, who was watching this, was just utterly disgusted. Disappointment was not even the word to describe how he was feeling and everyone should be glad that the bandages are covering his face, because if they weren't they would be getting the glare of their lives.
"This is pathetic." Aizawa was hot and Mic knew it. He has been best friends with the lazy man since their younger days in UA, hell he named him Eraserhead and he has never seen him this pissed. And honestly, he couldn't blame. Mic was even disappointed at what he saw from the students.
"Yeah, this…this is pretty sad." Mic said simply and honestly, he didn't want to be as harsh as his best friend, but what he was seeing was sad. A student right now was failing to climb a tree. A tree, I mean it just showed them how much these kids today relied on their powers to do everything.
"Nezu, after the festival is over we are creating a class dedicated to surviving and fighting without your powers." Aizawa's tone left no room for argument and Nezu had already planned on this later down the road, but after what he is seeing now it's better to start now rather than later.
"Wait, something seems to be going on. It looks like a certain archer has finally decided to make his move." Everyone's ears perked when they heard that the man that selected the stipulation for this event has been quiet ever since the start and now from what everyone seeing Izuku was starting to show his skill.
A group of students were trying to grab a flag that was in the tree, one of them tried to climb it, but was shot down and electrocuted. When they saw him on the ground the teens saw that an arrow was embedded in his but.
"Oh, shit." One of them cursed as he was next shot by an arrow that shocked him, and the third and final one was entrapped by next thanks to another one of Izuku's arrows.
"Help!" The student screamed, he looked to be from the general course as he heard footsteps coming near him. The trapped teen looked up to see Izuku with a smile on his face, the teen didn't bother looking at his captured prey for long. He decided to climb up the tree like a pro and grabbed the flag.
"Yo, Mei. I got your flag." Izuku called his friend and the student along with everyone else in the stands saw the support girls come out of the bushes. Melissa held a flag and Izuku gave Mei's her's.
"Thanks, Zu." Mei took the flag, now all three members have their flags. Izuku had already caught his, the audience didn't know about it since he was stealthy like that. SHIELD training came in handy for this event.
"We should head to the gate and secure our spots in the next round." Melissa told them and Mei nodded, but not Izuku. Izuku said this was going to be a training lesson for the students and he is going to keep his word.
"You girls head over there, you know the way. I'm going to stay behind and...have some fun."
"What?" Mei had the look of confusion on her face, but Melissa shook her head. She was going to let Izuku do Izuku. If he didn't make it so be it, they got their flags and they know the way to the gate.
"Mei, let's go." Mei didn't bother arguing with her friend and followed her to the gate, but before the two left Izuku gave them something to be embarrassed about.
"Thanks for the threesome girls. I enjoyed it while it lasted." Izuku said with a smile and both girls Mei stopped in their tracks after processing what they just heard. It wasn't just them either, everyone in the audience heard his statement and blushed.
"Don't stay like that!" The girls turned back to yell at their prevy best friend only to see him gone. Izuku was gone like he never was, it was almost batman like.
"WOOOO! It looks like there is romance going on in the hallways of UA." Mic commented making everyone that was male compliment Izuku for getting a threesome from two beautiful, yet quirky girls.
"We have our first two winners in the event!" Everyone in the forest heard Mic commentary as they stopped what they were doing. "Melissa Shield and Mei Hatsume are the first to arrive at the gate with their flags."
"No thanks to Izuku though. He got them flags...Heh, guess it was a gift for the threesome."
"No, it wasn't!" Both the girls yelled at the erasure hero with big heads as he did his commentary.
Izuku went back in the forest, he had his flag already in his back pocket. It was safe and secure, but right now that didn't matter. What mattered as he climbed a hill that gave a good view of the forest was that he was going to school these kids in survival training. Something that Barton and Logan beat into him.
Izuku with a camera drone behind him turned around and smiled. He stuck out his tongue as everyone watched what he was about to do. The teen grabbed his bow from his back, he then took an arrow out from his quiver and lined it up with the string of the bow.
"Show time, kids." The archer said excitedly, this was about to be fun and easy picking. Hell, this was almost similar to the UA exam where he just sniped all of the villain bots. But their difference here is that instead of mindless and voiceless machines, you get reactions out of the screaming and petrified students.
Minoru was petrified, he had a flag in his hands and was trying to get to the gate. His short size was working for him for once as he used the bushes for the cover. He poked his eyes out and saw that the coast was clear, he was so close. He just had about another mile and then he was in the finals. If only it was that easy.
Izuku with his advanced shades that gave him the ability to zoom in on a target saw the grape teen and running in an open and wide area. A archer's dream shot.
"Sorry," Izuku apologized as he opened his right hand and let loose his arrow and the narrow pointed stick flew like a bullet. The arrow made a wisp sound in the air as it neared Minoru and when it did the tip opened.
Minoru was running and before he knew it he was caught and pinned him to a tree. The teen widened his eyes as he was trapped like a trapped animal in a net. The surprise of Izuku's arrow made Minoru drop his flag and the person he didn't want picked it up.
Katsuki had seen the grape teen get snapped up by the net, his clothes were painted with a rainbow of colors as he went through war searching for the flag and now one just fell right into his hand...literally. Minoru glared at Katsuki as best as he could, but since he was pinned to the tree it wasn't much to fear. Not that Katsuki was afraid of him, Katsuki sees Minoru as a small fry that is on his way to the top.
Izuku saw Katsuki pick up the flag with his shades and smirked, he had loaded another arrow, ready to take down the ass. Izuku was ready to fire it, but something happened to him. He lost the urge to fire, in fact he didn't want to shoot it. No, this wasn't the place where Katsuki should lose. Not in some woods, no, his defeat should be on a much grander stage.
'The finals.' Izuku smirked, and withdraw his shot. There will be other ones and another time for Katuski, he just needed to wait.
'I'll see you in the tournament, Katsuki.' Izuku thought ominously, he wanted to fight his former friend again as Katsuki. This time there will be no teams and no time limit. It's just going to be them.
Izuku saw Katsuki run to the gate and enter it to officially make it to the final round of the festival. The teen aimed his bow again and pulled back his string, but this time the teen didn't fire it straight ahead.
This time he turned his arms to the side and let the arrow loose, hitting a student and giving him an electrocution. Izuku didn't even bother turning around to see him and everyone was impressed at the teen's archery skills. Especially a certain someone who was watching from halfway across the world.
"So, my baby brother got himself a padawan. You always did want to be a teacher, Clint." Trickshot, the murder of Hawkeye and the dark archer for the Red Skull spoke as he watched the festival. Everything that he sees in Izuku, he saw in his brother. His skills, his personality, the shades. He could see that his brother left a good impression on the teen, which is impressive for not many children of today know about the Avengers.
The once great hero team has been forgotten through time thanks to the public and government. The actions of the Avengers so many years ago changed the world. On that day so many years ago in Germany, Red Skull and the Avengers changed the world forever that and made it what it is now.
"I can't wait to meet you, little robin hood." Trickshot spoke with a smile as he finished his beer, when done he ordered another one from the bar that he was in.
Izuku continued to the torture the students that were searching and he was having a blast doing it. Izuku was just shooting for the fun of it now, at first was to make sure that certain individuals don't make it to finals. Make things easier for him, the teen knows there are certain people in this festival he can't beat and those are the ones he doesn't want in the tournament.
"HAHAHAHAHA!" Izuku laughed hysterically as he continued to empty his quiver into the woods, shooting helpless teens like a machine gun. The crowd could see on the monitor that explosions were happening all over thanks to Izuku archery skills, but even with that there were some that Izuku was trying to prevent from getting in had capture their flags, which at this point was easy. The hard part was getting to the gate with the barrage of arrows being shot at them.
Danny had taken cover behind a tree as he held his gun in one hand and the flag in the other, he had secured it, but now he had to cross the gate. He knows that four people have made it, three of them were announced. Katsuki, Mei, and his cousin Melissa. Izuku was the fourth, but his name was not announced, but everyone that was watching right now knew that he was in the final round.
Danny took a deep breath, without his powers crossing the gate was not harder than it seemed, but he could do this. He was his father's son after all. Danny popped out of cover and Izuku saw him running, the teen smiled widely and quickly loaded three explosive arrows. It didn't take him long for him to fire the arrows and the next second Danny felt he was back in the minefield. Izuku's arrows were going off all round him, he really didn't want him to cross that finish line.
When he saw that he missed his target Izuku cursed and went to grab another arrow, but he felt he had one left in the quiver and saw that it was his smoke arrow.
"Damn, I got careless. I guess I had too much fun." Izuku said sheepishly as he looked back down to see that students were coming out of their covers, those that were not trapped by his nets were moving to the gates because they had their flags.
"Oh, well." Izuku started to head back and gate to the gate, but he was blocked by a group of students that contained some members of class 1-B and 1-A. From his class it was Sato, Tsu, Sero, Mezo, Jiro, Denki, and Yuga. As for class 1-B it was Sen, Pony, Juzo, Kosei, and Yui.
Izuku moved to grab his last arrow, but they all trained their guns at him making him stop. "Izuku is cornered and trapped by the students 1-A and 1-B! What is he going to do to escape?" Mic commented as everyone saw that teen indeed trapped and from all sides, but even with that the teen didn't seem to worry. He kept a calm and cool look on his face as the teens kept their guns on him.
"Drop the bow and kick over here." Sato ordered him, Izuku could see that he had it rough, if the dirt and paint were anything to go bye.
"Alright," Izuku dropped the bow first and then kicked over to Sato, but his hand was still on the last arrow in the quiver.
"*Ribbit* Remove the arrow slowly from the quiver." Tsu gave the next command and again Izuku nodded his head, Owen smiled knowing what his friend had planned. Izuku took the arrow out slowly as he could and when it was fully out the teens saw that there was nothing special to it.
"Drop it." Izuku heard the command and did what he was told, and the students didn't realize that Izuku had trapped them. The archer dropped the arrow and when it landed on the ground smoke appeared before all the students covering them and Izuku.
"Get him!"
"Don't let him escape!"
"Watch out!"
Everyone heard the shouts of the students, but they couldn't see what was happening. The smoke covered the camera as well. No one knew what was happening, that includes the students that had already crossed the gate. But when the smoke cleared they were all surprised at what they laid their eyes on.
The smoke began to clear and a figure was walking towards the camera, when he was close everyone saw that it was Izuku just casually whistling a tone of a song. But that was not what had them shock.
What had them stunned was that there were unconscious bodies all round the teen, Izuku and took twelve students down and he did it easily. No arrows, just his fist. Powers or no powers, that was an impressive feat and everyone had to see that.
"Good workout guys," Izuku thanked them for the workout as he picked up his bow and began to make his way to the gate. There was no one that was going to stop him, even if they got in front of him to block his path they would end up like the twelve that tried to jump him.
It didn't take long for Izuku to reach the gate and when he passed the finish-line he saw that he was the last one to pass. The emerald archer saw Mei and Melissa, they were the first then it was Katsuki. He then saw Danny, Shoto, Momo, Fumikage, Tenya, Eijiro, Ojiro, Mina, Ochako from his class had made it, but they were not the only ones. Itsuka Kendo and Neito Monama from class 1-B, and Hitoshi Shinso from general classes had made it to the finals.
All sixteen students held flags in their hands and outside of the three that formed an alliance they looked terrible. But even with that they were able to make it here, proving that they didn't rely too heavily on their powers.
When Izuku entered the gate the alarm sounded for the event had officially come to end and the sixteen that were worthy had made it to the final round.
"That's it ladies and gentleman, the sixteen finalist for the tournament have been revealed. Now, let's see who they will be facing!" The crowd roared in approval and stomped their feet to make even more noise.
"Face the monitor competitors," Aizawa told them and all the students along with the crowd looked at the large jumbotron and saw images of the students all lined up.
Their images were on playing cards and the cards went into a black top hat like for a magic trick. The top hat spun and spun as fast it could and when it was done it poured out the cards. Each card was next to the other and when the first two cards revealed brought a shock to everyone.
"Match 1: Shoto Todoroki vs Melissa Shield." Present Mic announced with excitement and enthusiasm. Izuku whistled at that one and looked at Melissa, he didn't see fear in her eyes. Izuku knew she had something planned. The question is: Will Shoto be ready for her?
After those two, the next two cards were revealed. "Match 2: Mei Hatsume vs Tenya Iida." Mei had a smile on her face and Tenya nodded his head as he was ready for battle. When those two were revealed the next cards revealed themselves making Izuku smile.
"Match 3: Izuku Midoriya vs Momo Yayorozu." Izuku took a glance at Momo and saw her confident look, she was not afraid of Izuku. The archer himself had a smile and blew a kiss at her, making her turn her head away to hide her blush. After Match three it was the next two cards revealing Danny's opponent.
"Match 4: Danny Yagi vs Hitoshi Shinso." Both teens looked at each other and their expressions didn't change, they just kept stoic looks. Neither knew what to really expect, but they would be ready for it no matter what.
"Match 5: Katsuki Bakugo vs Fumikage Tokoyami!" Katsuki growled in excitement and Fumikage had some sweat coming down his brow, this was going to be tough for him thanks to the hot head's quirk. But he was not going down without a fight. The next two cards flipped over and revealed the next match.
"Match 6: Itsuka Kendo vs Ejiro Kirishima!" Ejiro pumped his fist in the air and Kendo cracked her knuckles. Even Izuku was excited for this match, that one was going to be a fight. The next two cards were revealed showing the seventh match.
"Match 7: Mina Ashido vs Ochako Uraraka!" Both friends didn't want to fight each other, but knew that this was an opportunity that they couldn't blow. They nodded at each other and silently promised each other that they will still be friends after this. That left the only two cards left for the final match and like the rest it revealed itself.
"And the final match will be...Mashirao Ojiro vs Neito Monoma!" Both men looked at each other, Neito confident and cocky while Ojiro kept a cool head.
"There it is ladies and gents, the tournament round is set. The eight matches are set. Now, let the final event of the Sports Festival….BEEEEGGGGIIIINNNNNNN!" Mic screamed hyping up the crowd and they didn't even need the hype. The crowd erupted into a loud roar when the cards were officially revealed, each match looked more impressive than the last.
The combatants were ready, Izuku was ready, Mei was ready, Melissa was ready, Danny was ready, they all were ready. The final round was about to begin. Four rounds, sixteen students, and only one champion can be crowned. Who will walk away as champion of UA? Who will have the bragging rights to call themself the strongest student in UA? Find out next time for the tournament begins.
In New York City
Fury had stepped into the house of the sorcerer supreme and she won't lie, she was creeped out. The house of Steven Strange was a real life haunted house. There were strange artifacts that she had no doubt were magical items in some way. There was a jar of eyeballs that kept blinking, a box that had the word Pandora written on it, a case that held a golden sword, strange paintings of people she never met or heard of, and she got the feeling that their eyes were staring at her.
But Fury kept her calm and stoic look, and simply moved forward. She kept walking forward past all the artifacts until she came to the stairs that would lead to the second floor. If she head up she would be heading deeper into the house. She took a deep breath and grabbed the railing, and when her hand touched the wooden railing she was teleported.
Fury lost her balance and fell to the ground as she was somehow teleported, she wasn't even sure that what happened to her, but all she knows she was in a hallway and now she is in a library with thousands if not millions of books. The dark skinned woman got up and looked around her to the library, she didn't want to know how a house like this could hold all these books or how one man could read them all. But they don't call him Doctor Strange for nothing.
"Hello, Amanda." Fury heard her name be called by the deep and old voice. She turned around and looked to widen her eyes as they laid upon the master of magic himself. Doctor Strange was hovering above the Director of SHIELD, his red cloak keeping from touching the ground. Steven Strange had grey hair and a short trimmed grey beard, blue clothes, orange gloves, and a strange amulet around his neck that looked like eye.
"Doctor Strange, it's an honor." The good doctor lowered himself to the Director level and asked one simple question.
"Tell me what happened to Clint Barton?"
To be continued
AN: Fury begins to have her talk with Doctor Strange, Trickshot now knows about Izuku, and tournament begins. So much is happening and it's only going to get better. Now for review this is the tournament bracket and one more thing the matches will be random. So who ever wins the first round will fight different opponents in the quarter final.
First Round
Match 1: Shoto vs Melissa
Match 2: Mei vs Tenya
Match 3 Izuku vs. Momo
Match: 4: Danny vs Shinso
Match 5: Katsuki vs Fumikage
Match 6: Kendo vs Eijiro
Match 7: Mina vs Ochako
Match 8: Neito vs Ojiro