Considering the role their bond plays in my third story I went back and rewrote this so that it would reflect to a small degree the power and intensity of the bond.

To think I would love a human…but then why did I? His mind went back to the night of the full moon. He had touched her, breathed in her fire. His body screamed at him that night to finish what he started. An ache clenched his chest since that night, that Sesshomaru was desperate to ignore. His soul yearned to be one with hers.

He flew towards Rin at break neck speed. The fear was getting stronger, something was wrong. A human should not have been able to trigger that in me, it should have been another noble Yokai like myself. I can sense where she is without needing her scent. The sword calls me, we are connected through it. Love…he needed to know. He sensed her getting closer. When he found Rin, she was slumped against a tree. She was surrounded by ten marauders. They made remarks about the size of her waist, the beauty of her body and what they were going to do to her. They stunk of drunkenness and arousal. Sesshomaru growled in fury.

She looked exhausted. Rin's hand held her left side while the right hand gripped her katana. Through this strange bond, Sesshomaru knew Rin could not stand up. He waited behind the men, who had yet to notice he was there. She wanted him to believe in her, he would not intrude on her fight until she asked. Rin looked up at him and nodded, giving him silent consent to come to her aide. Rin was too exhausted to call the whip forth and push them back. It was all she could manage to keep her head up.

"Leave," Sesshomaru commanded them.

"Looks like this one wants a piece too," one of them approached Sesshomaru.

"Leave, now," Sesshomaru commanded again. This time for emphasis he released his energy whip and let it slash through two of the thieves. They fell to the ground screaming. Fear filled the air, Sesshomaru reveled in his power, the ability to cause fear in only a few seconds and send his enemy fleeing. They took their fallen comrades and fled. "Rin, this was not a safe area to rest."

Rin flashed an annoyed glare at Sesshomaru. "I thought I could make it farther, forgive me, it hurts so." She was near tears. She tried to adjust herself only to slump back against the trunk of the tree. Rin wiped her nose and stared at the sky. "Kagome-sama calls it adrenaline. Once the fire of battle left me, the pain of the wounds overcame me. I fell by this tree. I can't move. I held them off as long as I could." She saw his eyes overcome with concern, "I ran through the river, how did you find me?"

Sesshomaru walked to her side. He could hear her heart pounding faster. His own did the same. He felt a warmth and sadness, he couldn't tell at this range if it was his or hers. Her eyes were coated with black circles. She is weak and tired. She needs care. "The sword, somehow it connects us." Sesshomaru knelt down next to Rin on one knee, "I see no wound that could cause the great pain you are in. Where are you injured?"

"The sword?" She muttered, "so it was your sadness I felt in the cave, after I said…" She let go of the hilt of the sword, the sorrow dripped from her awareness. "The bear yokai, before I hooked your ankle. He threw me against the wall, back first." Rin struggled to sit up to allow Sesshomaru to see the injury on her back. Her muscles rebelled against her, flaming as she moved, causing her to wince. She had to bite her tongue to keep from crying out. Defeated she fell back onto the trunk of the tree. She succumbed to the pain and let out a wail. "Why did you come, now? You've been away for almost a year. I thought you hated me, after what happened." She couldn't say what it was almost too embarrassing.

His eyes were intense as he gazed at her. Sesshomaru wrapped his fingers around Rin's shoulders. He pulled her upright. He reached around her front and attempted to untie her obi. She grasped his wrists to stop him. "What are you doing?"

He could not only feel her panic, but smell it as well.

"No…please not again," the last time hurt so badly. She begged him.

"It's alright. I'm only looking at the wound." He loosened her obi enough for him to lift the back of her haori. Her back was completely covered in black and blue bruises. His heart, sorrow, it came washing over him. He stroked the soft, sensitive skin on her back with one crooked finger. He looped his tail underneath her and carefully helped her lay down, "you are hurt badly. I should take you back to the Miko."

"No, Sesshomaru-sama. I told you, I want to leave the village," she relaxed into his tail. It did not stop the pain in her back but felt better than the dirt and tree trunk she was against before. "Why did you come?" Her voice was breaking, "why?"

Sesshomaru stared into the sky, "Totosai came. He was going to explain the secret of your sword to you."

"You made it from yourself, didn't you?" She didn't know why she had never thought of that before. She ran her fingers over the ruby eyes.

He nodded his head.

"Here," she took the handle to give him the sword. As soon as she touched the hilt her mouth fell open and her eyes widened, "you can't." Her gaze was piercing as she stared at Sesshomaru in disbelief. She had meant to return the sword, to sever their connection and instead all she felt was overwhelming, affection, for her.

So, she can only feel what I do when she is touching the sword. Why did I need to know where she was at all times? "Rin," he took a deep breath, "I came to see if what he told me is true, you feel it as I do. Rin," he gently cupped her chin his hand lifted it so he could look into her eyes, "Rin..."

"I'll return the sword, that way the link will be severed?" His hand felt so warm against her face, so at home.

He simply shook his head, while turning his gaze to the sky, deep in thought. Something changed the moment he caught her in the cave. The moment his arm snaked around her waist. She was no longer the little girl that ran circles around his legs, she was strong, proud and powerful in her own right. She was attractive, she was his.

"Why can't you just talk like a normal human being?"

He chuckled and half smiled, "This Sesshomaru is not human."

"You know what I mean. You haven't come to see me in almost a year and you aren't one for talking unless you are about to kill someone. Why did you come back? Why are you here? Why can't you just let me go? Why are you still holding my face?" She held the hand that was hold her chin. She felt the heat pass between them.

He took a deep breath, in that breath came the sweet scent of morning dew, Rin's scent. He was unsure how to form the words, and worse, he the great Sesshomaru feared speaking them out loud. "Rin, before I met you, I was cold, calculating. I saw myself as above all others. None were worthy of being in my presence. Compassion was for the weak, and I was not that. When I brought you back with Tenseiga, it was the start of something, that I still do not completely understand. I learned to feel Rin, rage for others, sorrow, fear, joy, laughter, all because you were with me. I would never have learned to master Tenseiga, I would not have been able to let go of Tetsusiaga, or regenerate my arm and create Bakusaiga without you. You are my heart Rin, and this Sesshomaru is not ready to be without you," with the words spoken he leaned over and pressed his lips firmly against hers. He tasted her mouth. She tasted amazing. He felt her shudder as she gripped the hilt of the sword tightly. Together their hearts raced. He used his thumb to widen the part between her lips and lick the roof of her mouth. He kissed her deeply. Sesshomaru could tell she was shocked at first. He continued until she lifted one arm and wrapped it around his waist. He stroked her hair and smelled her neck, softly nibbling on the tender sides. He took in her shivers. He ran his hand through her hair and held her gaze for a moment before breaking the kiss. He embraced her more fully, as soon as he did, she yelled out in pain. He could equally feel the pain she was in as understand from the cry that moving her in that way had hurt her.

She winced, "forgive me Sesshomaru-sama," there were tears in her eyes, "it hurts so badly."

Sesshomaru nodded. He removed his armor, set it aside and laid down next to Rin. With the greatest care, he pulled her onto his chest until he could feel her flush against him, stomach down. He felt a timid hand part the top of his haori and come to rest just below his neck. "Then this Sesshomaru will stay with you while you heal."

Rin gripped his shirt as she sobbed. "I'm sorry…" She could no longer hold back the pain she was in. She had kept a brave face to scare off the thieves but now she could no longer ignore the pain, it was crippling her.

"Stop Rin," he wiped her tears and softly kissed her forehead, "You fought bravely."

She was gasping for air, she could hardly breathe as she sobbed, "Sesshomaru-sa," he covered her lips with one finger.

"No…you will call me Sesshomaru," he corrected her. For emphasis he placed a bolder kiss upon her waiting lips. If he could, he would kiss her wounds away. If they were open he could use his blood again and risk the fever it caused, but the skin was closed, except the mark that ran below her eye and the one on her arm.

Through the bond, he felt her exhaustion, her weakness, she had not eaten in days, and her body could no longer give her strength. The pain was crippling, if he did not make an effort to ignore what he felt coming through from her, he would have buckled over himself. It tugged at his heart, to see her in so much pain and not find any relief. Sesshomaru absentmindedly stroked Rin's shoulder while she shuddered against him. "Can I do anything to relieve your pain?"

"What happens between us now?" Rin could barely get past the flaming of her back, but she needed to know.

Sesshomaru let out a rare soft chuckle.

"You just kissed me, ow," she squeezed his shirt ruffling the lapels, the tears were coming again. "This hurts so badly," she let her lips rest on his neck. She felt at home in his arms, warm, whole. "What happens between us now?"

He answered by pressing his lips to hers again. Rin greeted his lips with her own. "You are no longer a child Rin, our relationship cannot be like it was before. This Sesshomaru, craves more from you."

"More?" She questioned him.

"More," he answered, pulling her lips to his. The kiss became more intense. He felt a fire building inside of him again, a yearning to complete what he started so long again. He pulled back from her, "you're in so much pain. Tell me how to ease your pain?" The backs of his fingers ran along her cheeks.

Rin's heart fluttered in her chest. "Can you fly like this?" Her voice was barely audible.

"Of course, why?"

"I mean laying down, I don't think I can get up again. I'm so tired," Rin tried to adjust herself only to cry out in pain. "Can you find a hot spring? I'm so tired…I wanted to l-l-l-eave, and soak in the sp-sp-spring, b-b-but I can't move, it hurts, it hurts."

His heart was breaking, if he allowed her emotions to wash over him anymore he would be in tears next to her. He laced his tail around waist and then beneath her legs. "Can you hold on?" When he looked back for an answer she was already fast asleep. Silly woman, she was so anxious to get away from this Sesshomaru she didn't think about what she was doing to her body. In the past I would require Jaken to provide sustenance for Rin, if she could not. Now I will.

Proudly he raised his nose in the air and sniffed deeply, he did it over and over again until he found the trace smell of sulfur and water. Happiness, washed over him. He knew where he wanted to take her. He gathered his yoki, knowing that if he did not hold on to her, she would fall. It didn't take long for him to take her to the place where they had both been the happiest, where he had almost let her go when she was sick. There was a hot spring near the field of daisies. The place where he felt the closest to her. He feared placing her on the harsh ground despite the soft soil, it was cold and every so often she would wake with a whimper. He placed a hand on her shoulder and gently kissed her cheek each time as if willing her body to close the wounds inside.

He flew with her to a river to gather water to drink when she woke, and those sticks she used to cook fish. Keh…this Sesshomaru has become soft, cooking for a human. He did not want Jaken near. He could have easily called for the green monster. Sesshomaru yearned to be alone with Rin. He wanted to explore the warmth that was spreading from his chest, filling his blood with fire. He wanted to make love to her. Rin slept curled against him, only stirring occasionally. He woke her every few hours long enough to encourage to drink water before she collapsed against him again.

Two days later in the middle of the night he felt her stir again. Immediately his hand was on her shoulder. This time she grasped his hand with her own. It was warmed from spending so much time within his fur, she squeezed it and looked up at him in a way he hadn't seen before, "Sesshomaru-sa," he covered her mouth with his own teasing her lips open so he could drink her deeply.

"Sesshomaru," he kissed her and asked her softly, "are you awake now?"

"Yes," she answered softly. He watched as her eyes slowly opened. "How long did I sleep for?"

"Two days," he tickled her cheek with his finger.

She nodded.

"Do you still feel pain?"

She nodded again, she still could not bring herself to stand. He handed her the water he had collected so she could drink something. "You came back," she sighed. "This makes me glad."

He floated gently with her towards the hot spring. As he did, he removed his own haori. His armor had already been set aside, he removed his obi and loosened his hikama. Carefully, he sat Rin up and cradled her back against his chest. He felt her shudder at his touch, "what are you doing?" He felt her trepidation. He reached in front of her loosened her obi. He used his mokomoko to brace her while he removed her own haori, revealing the battered and bruised flesh. He reached a hesitant hand out and gently touched the wounds on her shoulders, exploring the lines of shoulder blades and tracing the line from her back down to her buttocks. When he reached for her obi, she grabbed both his hands, and winced, she was breathing hard, as was he. "What are you doing Sesshomaru-s…Sesshomaru?"

"Helping you into the hot spring, are you now suddenly able to move yourself?" He cocked an eye brow at her.

She turned to face him, she covered her chest with her hands. He finished removing his own hikama and strode proudly past her, unashamed that he was completely naked before Rin. Rin hid her eyes in his tail. He lowered himself into the warm water and felt muscles he hadn't realized were tense begin to relax. He took Rin's legs and pulled them into the water, and held her under the arms while he helped her in. She was shaking. Now that the sword was not on her, he could no longer feel her mood. So, she was right, if it isn't in her possession, I can feel nothing. Despite the warm water, she trembled nervously in his arms, he sniffed her neck to gauge her mood, and fear permeated the sweat that dripped like dew from her ear lobes to her shoulders. "Rin, do you fear me?"

"I fear what happens when you become angry with me," she still used her hands to shield herself from his eyes, but it was not easy, her muscles were sore and she felt like her arms didn't want to listen to her commands. "You leave, but you don't tell me if you are returning." She rest her head in the crook of his neck and found his hair in one of her hands. She stroked it softly, not understanding why it felt so comfortable. "How do I know, after this you won't do it again, should I displease you?"

He looked up at the moon, it was full, like the last time he had seen her almost a year before. He considered her question, Rin was right whenever he became overwhelmed by the emotions he had spent years pinning down he left the village Rin lived in and did not return. Sesshomaru spent the time telling himself that she was safe, happy, and that she no longer needed him, and eventually he missed her laugh, her innocence, her smile and the time he spent with her. He used his hands to slowly pour water over her shoulders. He was unsure how to answer.

Rin wanted to get off his lap, to get away from his heat. The way he held her, she could feel him hard against her legs, that was the closest she had ever been to any man. She was breathing deeply and swallowed hard. She tried to pull away from him, but one of his arms was wrapped around her waist. His hand felt at home around her and he encouraged her to rest her head against his chest while he used a cupped hand to pour water down her back. Get a hold of yourself, she breathed heavily, so maybe he was serious, maybe he really loves me. And you know him, once he wants something he won't stop until he gets it…That was all she needed to think for her to finally register what he wanted from her.

"Your heart is pounding," he whispered seductively in her ear.

Rin didn't know how to answer. She tried to stand up but her legs immediately buckled underneath her, head went down into the warm water. A strong hand reached around her waist and she was back on Sesshomaru's lap. Was he laughing? She threw water at his face and then gave up and accepted his embrace.

Sesshomaru wiped the drops she splashed from his nose, "are you so desperate to get away from me?"

"I've never…" She leaned forward, trying to adjust herself so she didn't feel the heat of his loins against her thighs. "I've never…" The heat of his chest mixed with the springs felt like heaven on her back, but kami he was so close to her.

He took in the shape of her breasts floating in the water, the tremble of her body against his, the softness of her thighs and how the heat between her legs seemed to call for him. "Been with a man before," he finished for her.

"I don't understand this," she told him, she was trying to get away but her body wouldn't listen. "One minute, you wouldn't lay hands on me…the next, your…"

He could think of no way to comfort her other than to cup her chin and kiss her deeply. This time she resisted, but it wasn't in his nature to accept resistance, he continued kissing her until he felt her resistance melt. He used his other hand to gently rub her back, touching it softly. She was still stiff. He pulled her close to him, "Rin…" he tilted her head back and poured water across her brow and slowly massaged her temples. "This Sesshomaru wants to make love to you, it will not happen, unless it is what you want."

Her eyes were wide and alert. "Make love to me?"

"Yes," he said as if it was the most serious thing in the world, "I wish to hold you close to my heart." Her breasts were pointing at him. The flow of the water created a river between them, he could no longer resist, he bent over and teased one with his mouth.

Rin felt a heat building between her legs, she arched her back involuntarily towards Sesshomaru. "Stop," she said, the ball of fire was growing almost to pain, "please?" She wasn't ready yet.

She could read the disappointment in his eyes, "just let me get used to being here," she rested her head on his chest. "I'm sorry." He continued to use his hand to lap water against her bruised back. "It's just the sensations were new and last time," she feared saying it, "last time you hurt me."

His stomach pitched, she hadn't said anything.

"You made me feel like you didn't want me, like I was unworthy of your affections. You shared something with me, and then took it away without explaining why…why Sesshomaru? Why did your eyes turn red? I thought that only happened when you are channeling a great amount of Yoki." Rin was trying to understand this changed Sesshomaru, who was caring for her, who was making it clear he wanted to be intimate with her. She made an offering and kissed the skin slightly above his collar bone. This time he shuddered, he smiled down at her. His skin was hardened with muscles cream in color.

"Rin, that is very personal." He adjusted her in his lap. If he got any closer to her throbbing center, his eyes might change again. He could not read her emotions clearly.

"And what you did to me wasn't personal? No one ever touched me like that before! And what you are trying to do with me now?" She held his hand, "this is new for me, Sesshomaru."

"Now, I'm trying to heal your wounds," that wasn't entirely true. She was beautiful. Why hadn't he taken the time before to get to know her body? To see that it was not a child's body? He loved how strong and independent she had become. She no longer needed his protection. Rin could stand on her own two feet. He never imagined a time would come when they would fight side by side. It was attractive, it was what drew him too her.

"And then?"

He took a deep breath, "then it was primal," he kissed her, deeply, taking in her scent and the taste of her tongue, "Rin I am not human, if I choose a partner for life, it does not happen the way it would for humans. It's not like Inuyasha and Kagome, there is no courtship period, no roses and flowers. It's primal, it's a deep-seated need to connect to someone and bare your children. I was channeling my Yoki, had I not stopped myself, we would have been bound to one another…I didn't believe for a moment, a human would be the one to activate that need in me. Had you been Yokai, you also would have gone into an instinctual mode and there would be no stopping, not until the act was finished and only afterwards a recognition of the bond created. If I hadn't stopped myself I would have taken you even against your will. The feeling was overpowering."

Damn this knot in my stomach, and oh how it burns down there. She put one hand on his face until he was facing her. "You would have raped me?"

Rin was met with growling next to her ears. "Do not term it like that."

"You said you would even if I didn't want it."

"That is why I told you to leave me and refused to look at you, I would not do that to you Rin. I would not act like the thieves that killed your friend."

A flash of sadness washed through Rin, she thought about Satsu. "Is that what you want from me now? To bind yourself to me? Not just to make love to me, to make me yours?"

"Rin," he stroked her stomach, she flinched again, "are you injured there as well?"

"No." She was unsure what to say, "it just feels new, I'm not sure what to do with all the sensations I'm feeling."

"What feelings?"

Rin blushed, there was that heat she felt, and then the fact that it was starting to be comfortable sitting on Sesshomaru-sama's lap while they were both completely naked. Rin stopped her train of thought there and thought about what it would mean to be bound to him permanently. Do I love him? Her mind tracked back to the memories of the blushes, the heart flutters, the way it had become impossible for them to be around each other without fighting, like they were both battling themselves internally. "It feels nice, being here with you, like this."

His eyes lit up as he kissed her, "I will not bind you to me without your consent. It would make this permanent. I will become jealous of any who look at you, I will kill the one that touches you, and if we make love while I am in that state, I may not be able to stop myself from taking you, even if you beg me to. If you were a yokai you would feel that permanence to me, but as you're not it is I who would be wholly bonded to you. Only death or great heart ache can break it."

"It sounds like a marriage." Rin gathered his hair from behind his back and pulled it towards her. She ran her fingers through it deftly. "What happens? How do you do it?"

"My yoki will flow into your body, into your soul. You most likely will feel nothing, perhaps you will. When it is over, our souls will be one. It happens during an act of intimacy."

Rin's eyes were like saucers taking in what Sesshomaru was saying. "What about children? I thought you hated half-breeds, I can't give you a full-blooded Yokai," she sighed. She felt so comfortable next to him. Did he even understand that?

Sesshomaru poured water down Rin's front, once more causing her to shiver in his lap. He enjoyed her innocence. Could I bare a hanyou? I spent years nurturing hatred towards Inuyasha for causing the death of our father, but he does not give up, he keeps fighting.

"Sesshomaru?" She asked, she took him by the chin and pulled his face to hers. "Could you stand to father a hanyou?"

He pursed his lips.

"You can't say it, can you? You're ridiculous!" She threw water in his face.

If it had been anyone else showing him so little respect, dokkasu would have covered their bodies, but it was comical to him coming from Rin, and endearing. She was with Sesshomaru because of who he was, not because she feared him. "Rin," he felt her trying to squirm off his lap once more, it helped that she was weakened or this game would become boring. "Rin," he knew he had to answer her, but what was the answer? "This Sesshomaru's blood would father a hanyou stronger than any Yokai. And if you keep trying to get off my lap you're going to drown."

Rin's smile lit up her eyes. She put her arms around his neck and this time she kissed him. He felt her pressed against him, her body was soft. When she pulled away, her face was still concerned. "You never answered me, if I displease you again?"

"I will not stay away so long again." Sesshomaru embraced Rin. His arms circled beneath hers. He kissed her neck and nibbled along her collar bone. He took in the shape of her breasts running down his chest. His mouth swept down to her pink nipples. Rin gasped as the sweet pleasure tingled between her legs growing in intensity.

Rin wondered if he would mind if she touched him, it was still taught and pressed against her thighs. She let her hand fall if to just to feign touching the tip, it was hard and smooth.

This time he let out a slow rumbling moan. "Rin, I can help you understand what your body is feeling." Sesshomaru knew she had touched him like that on purpose. It had made him want to grab her and take her right then. He raised one knee and let her lean back, exposing her breasts to him. He firmly touched her breast, this time she did not fight him, she closed her eyes, and he felt her shiver. "No," he instructed, "eyes open, look at me." He toyed with her nipple and enjoyed watching her back arch, until she gasped in pain and removed his hand. He laughed quietly, "as eager as this Sesshomaru is, I think we should wait until your body is more healed." She looked disappointed. "Is something wrong?" He asked her.

Rin flushed red. She didn't want to tell him that she felt like he had lit a fire between her legs, and she wasn't sure how to put it out. Rin was sure that she needed his help. She was in pain yes, but what he was doing felt more wonderful. She drew his ear close to hers and whispered, "there is a fire inside of me."

Sesshomaru smiled at her and laughed. "Can you withstand the pain your body is in?" He traced her collar bone with his finger and smelled her neck, she was yearning for his touch, but had yet to truly understand that. Sesshomaru lifted Rin, "straddle my lap."

"Okay," her stomach was doing flips on her, her hands shook as they held onto his broad shoulders. She moved her legs around his knees. Rin gasped when he set her down.

He was entertained, by how she equally hungered for him and trembled in nerves on his lap. Like this he could feel himself pressing softly against her opening. If he moved her only slightly he would be inside. They were both breathing faster. Curiously he kissed her neck, her collar bone and then slowly worked his way to her left breast. He caressed it sharply. Then buried his mouth in it, teasing until he felt her arch. Sesshomaru braced her back with his arm, so as not to cause her pain, but just as he knew she was feeling pleasure he used his other arm, to reach between her legs. One of her hands immediately shot down and grabbed his wrist. "Sesshomaru?" She was breathing fitfully, her level of panic spiked.

"Trust me," he mumbled in her ear, "trust me, to relieve that fire you feel. You will like how this feels."

"What are you…?" She couldn't finish her sentence.

"Touching you," he replied deviously, "here," he circled her bud.

She rocked against his finger, "oh…that feels good," she kissed his mouth.

She tried to hang her head on his shoulder as he toyed with one of her nipples between his fingers and felt the pleasure shoot between her labia, but Sesshomaru didn't allow it. He wanted to enjoy watching her eyes shoot open, watching her mouth open in a soft pout, hear her moan and groan in deep pleasure. He steadily circled her growing bud, enjoying the sounds she was making in his ears, the desperation forming in her eyes.

"Sesshomaru," she moaned, "please…stop…" The sensation was almost too much for her. She continued to hold his wrist tightly in one hand while gripping his shoulder in the other. Sesshomaru was teasing the fire within her and instead of putting it out it was getting hotter. She was unsure how much more she could handle. "Please," she begged, her head fell on his shoulder. Rin was unsure if she truly wanted him to stop, it felt exquisite and intense all at once, almost more than she could take.

"You will feel relief soon." He growled and pulled her head back. It was taking all his control to not be rougher with her. He wanted her to feel sweet release. She did not know yet what it felt like.

"Please," she plead with him. She started following his motions with her hips as she straddled him, one hand held his wrist tightly while the other held onto the side of the hot springs for dear life. She could feel the fire building from within her, it was like a straight line to her stomach burning a hole through her middle. "Sesshomaru," she moaned as inserted first one finger and then a second deep inside of her. He felt the barrier, the sign that none had been there before him, he wanted to spare her the pain, and told himself he would wait until he felt her pulsing against him, and then he would sever it with his claws.

"Rin," he rubbed his forehead against her chest and rolled her nipples in his mouth, using tongue to catch them, he took her free hand, and brought it lower into the water, where he used his hand to guide hers to himself. This time his eyes shot wide open, he helped her stroke his member. She was on the edge, he would push her over, carry her from the water and then bury himself within her soft folds.

"Please," she begged him. The pleasure was shooting from her center into her stomach, "Sesshomaru," he heard the desperation in her voice, she was there, "oh," her breath was rasping and quick, she was pulsating against him. Rin was exactly where he wanted her to be.

He groaned with her, feeling himself stiffen even harder. Before she could tell what he did, he ran a swift claw through the barrier, breaking it. He lifted her from the water underneath her bottom in one arm while continuing to stimulate her with his fingers. She didn't even notice what he had done. He sat down underneath the cherry tree with her on his lap. She noticed the dangerous look in his eye. It was only then that Rin realized he was serious about making love to her.

He pulled her hips closer to his. He held her hands in his, one in each hand. She was still pulsating, "I don't know if I can do this," Rin trembled. She shook her head, "Sesshomaru, please. I don't."

He kissed her softly, gingerly then pulled away, "if you wish to stop, I will." He was breathing hard.

She began to cry, "I don't know." Her body felt hot and she sensed a need to give him what he had given her. "I'm scared."

He lifted her face to his, "I will be gentle."

"I've seen you do this before. You never looked gentle," she shook her head vehemently.

Sesshomaru chuckled, "you are not a demoness. I will not throw you to the ground and care not for you in the morning." He cupped Rin's chin.

"I'm afraid it will hurt. I'm afraid you'll make me pregnant. We aren't married, I shouldn't be doing this," her forehead rest against his.

"Who is here to watch us? I will not abandon you, Rin. If this pairing makes a child we will raise it together. " He caressed the hair from her cheeks, "You may feel some discomfort. I will enter slowly and move carefully," he lifted her buttocks up until she was hovering just over him. She felt him find her entrance, he thumbed her clit again causing her to fall against his shoulder in pleasure. She tried to bury her face in his shoulder, but he lifted it up again, "Let me look at you. I want you to know who fills you, who is the one that gives you this intense pleasure," he stopped for a moment, his voice had spiked similar to when he boasted during battle but then it became soft as he helped her to part her legs more to make more room for him, "and the one who is in love with you."

"You love me?" Her voice was soft. The only thing stopping him from entering was her knees digging into the forest floor.

"You are my heart Rin," he spoke as he kissed her mouth. "Do you not share my love?"

Rin nodded. Sesshomaru's very hungry erection was dipping just between her lips, licking against her core. "I do. I always have." Maybe that is why it's been so hard to be around him. "I'm still scared."

"Trust me, Rin," he pulled her hips down over his. "Relax," he pressed his fingers inside her. "Relax your opening." When he felt her muscles loosen he removed his hand. "Ready?"

Rin nodded her head, her body ached for what he had to offer her. "Slowly? Please?" Rin carefully allowed her legs to lower.

Sesshomaru adjusted his legs, it would be easier if she were on her back, however that was the part of her body that was the most injured. He slid his middle finger across her bud then inside her opening. The movement brought another moan from Rin's lips. He used his other hand to bring her face to his. He laced her lips against his own as he did, Sesshomaru helped angle her hips over himself until he began to advance.

Rin whimpered against his neck, she adjusted her knees on either side of him, "I'm scared," the tears continued to roll off her cheeks. Her muscles clenched.

"Don't tense," Sesshomaru comforted her, "are you sure you want this? We can stop now. It won't hurt as long as you relax and accept me as I enter."

"How do you know so much about human virgins?," she whispered.

"Is this what you want Rin?" He asked her again, his crescent moon still pressed against her forehead. His eyes searched hers for an answer.

Rin felt the fire heating up again as she hovered over him, her back was getting tired. She felt warmth for Sesshomaru unlike she had for any other. Even Kohaku had not made her lips burn, or skin tingle when he kissed her. "I'm ready." She grasped his member in her hand and brushed it over opening, "just hold me?"

As her legs lowered, he advanced inside of her. He felt like a hot iron going inside. She felt her muscles stretching as he began to fill her. The sides burned, she didn't feel the pinch of pain others spoke of, but there was a slight sting. In only a few moments she rest on top of his lap, with his member fully engaged. Sesshomaru held Rin's hands in his, his forehead had not left hers, "does it hurt?" He stroked her cheek, removing a lone tear.

"It stings a little, my back is tired," her voice was almost inaudible. He felt firm and hard between her legs, she felt him so deeply within her, Rin couldn't tell where ended and she began.

Sesshomaru leaned back against the sakura tree. He pulled Rin over on top of him, "rest your head while your body gets used to the feel of this Sesshomaru." He busied himself massaging her nipples in his hands and kissing her lips. The movement caused him to slip further inside of Rin. He lift Rin up enough to take in her body. His golden eyes stared up at her. Her lips were perfect, thin on the top with a rather pouty bottom lip. Firm hips pressed against his own. Full breasts with beautiful pink nipples. Holding back was almost more than he could take. He ran his hand through Rin's hair before he rocked his hips up the first time.

She felt his first thrust and nearly became unglued, "ah…" Her hands fell to either shoulder. A second thrust, she gripped his shoulders, eyes full of lust stared back at her, "oh…"

A smile creased his lips, "move your hips with me," his hand rested on either side of her buttocks, the next time he slid up, he helped her find her rhythm, "mmmh," he purred. He felt snug inside of her, like a slick wet glove, gripping him. He touched her cheek with the back of his fingers, "okay?" He pushed against her again.

"Mmmh," Rin couldn't hold back the noises flying from her mouth. The first few thrusts were cautious, adagio, rolling into her now they were coming stronger and faster, making her gasp for air, her insides coming alive. Her body was begging for another release. She could feel her moisture washing over him, covering him. She stroked his bangs from his eyes, the edges glowed bright red, but had not completely changed the way they did under the light of the full moon, it must be so difficult for him to hold back like this. "You're holding back," she gasped. She boldly bent over and kissed him moving her hips with his.

His hands now sure that she was in sync with him moved to her breasts, massaging her nipples, taking them in her mouth, he stopped to take in her eyes, the way she was grinding against his full shaft, "Rin…I" he felt weak, "Rin," he couldn't get the words out. He was holding back a river of yoki that wanted to pour from his soul into hers, a desperate need to bond to her. Sesshomaru was too proud to beg, he needed release in more ways than one.

The strain was clear in his eyes. Golden orbs tottering on bleeding crimson. His teeth slightly elongated. It was almost as if she could feel the dam inside of him breaking. "Bind me to you," she rasped with the next thrust. "Sesshomaru, make me yours," Sesshomaru stared intently into her eyes as if he his soul was linking with hers through the connection. It was like a flood of Yoki entered inside of him. It flowed through his body, meeting the sweet warmth of Rin's soul. She rolled her hips against his, holding onto neck, her muscles so close to releasing once again.

He hadn't taken his eyes off her, and he allowed himself to lose control. His eyes immediately pitched red, his body trembled and he pushed her against the soil. She's hurt, she's hurt…at least remember that much. He quickly put his mokomoko to cushion her. His hands greedily reached for her hips, pushing her harder against his own. One claw dug into her shoulder. She dug her nails into his shoulders, hanging on for life, as he thrust in and out. Rin winced as he grazed her shoulders with his teeth. "Mine," he groaned against her neck, "one soul, our soul. Become one with me." He wrapped her legs around his waist, the motion freed her fire, she shook against him moaning in ecstasy. The muscles in his arms tensed. The yoki raged in his ears in a blinding fury, "become one with me." She felt him thrust one last time and then he was still and panting in her ear. She was breathing heavily. He could smell the faintest scent of her first blood. He felt invigorated knowing that he was the first to explore her deep cavern. Sesshomaru gently pulled her back into his lap and allowed her to rest her head against his shoulder. "I love you," his voice was low, almost inaudible as he cradled Rin's chin in his hand. He warmed her mouth with his own. "You're mine now."

"I love you," she muttered in his ear. "I've always been yours."

He could feel her tears streaming from her eyes and dripping slowly down his back. He kissed the knuckles of one of her hands, "alright?"

"Yes," she numbly tried to move off his lap only to be reminded of how much pain she was in. Rin buckled over on top of him. "Forgive me, I still have trouble moving."

He pulled her back to his chest in a sweet embrace and lifted her chin to look into her eyes. "Did I hurt you?"

"No," she lied.

He touched the blood on her shoulder he knew was inflicted by his hand, "mmh?"

"Just a little."

Sesshomaru tenderly wiped the tears from her eyes, "tears?"

"I'm just happy," she kissed his mouth softly, "thank you for coming back." She continued to embrace him.

There it was the bond, he could feel her in every inch of his mind. Where he was instinctively protective before, he felt as if parting with her would be his death. Sesshomaru's heart now belonged to Rin, he would never be able to part from her at least not for long periods of time, the separation would cause him pain. He gazed into her eyes and smiled as she yawned into his neck. He helped her lay down, using his tail to buffer her. He took some of the water he had gathered and offered it to her drink. When she finished he took his white haori and used it to cover both of them. She began drifting off to sleep before he had made it comfortably next to her. He pulled her to his chest, making sure her injured back was flush against him, the heat from his body would continue to soothe her wounds. This woman had changed him, he stared at the stars, they were under the light of the full moon once more. I see now, this is love that I feel.


They remained in the field of daisies until Rin could walk comfortably on her own. Sesshomaru left only once to find Jaken and have him send a message to Kaede and the rest that Rin would stay with him from now on, he had no interest in being parted from her. He instructed Jaken to bring salves from Jinenji and food for Rin as well as clean clothes from Kaede's hut. Sesshomaru warned Jaken that if he said a single word about Sesshomaru's relationship with Rin or came near their camp at night, or at all, Sesshomaru would kill him. The warmth that he felt for Rin only continued to grow.

It was as if that first week was their honeymoon. He spent the days applying the salves to her back, watching as the bruises faded. She asked him to walk with her along the River's edge, and they shared deep conversations. The second night after she woke from sleep, Rin shyly buried her head into Sesshomaru's chest and whispered in his ear, asking him to take her in his arms and make love to her. He obliged her request happily stoking the fire within her again until she was calling his name and pulsating against him.

When the second week had finally ended and she had her strength they travelled back to Kaede's hut to gather what things she needed. Sesshomaru reminded Kaede that he had left Rin there only until she had grown old enough to make her own choice, and she now had. Kaede berated Sesshomaru about Rin being old enough to wed now and that should take precedence over him taking her with him. Sesshomaru failed to mention that he had taken Rin to his bed and bonded her. All it took was an icy glare to end that conversation.

A month later Rin was picking berries by the river which she was taken by a wave of nausea. Sesshomaru was somewhere, she was unsure where with Jaken tending to something while Rin was left with A-Un. Her morning breakfast of figs, berries and nuts now lay on the forest floor. Rin touched her stomach, feeling truly happy. She had not cycled since she and Sesshomaru were together. Rin washed the vomit from her mouth, and from her clothes knowing how sensitive her love's nose was. She made distance between where she threw up before she put her hand on the hilt of the sword and focused, calling Sesshomaru. They had practiced taking advantage of the bond the sword created and within moments she felt a gush of wind fly past her. He was in front of Rin with a smile on his face.

Sesshomaru felt truly happy. This too was a new feeling, to not be brooding, to not be angry, but to simply be content. He embraced Rin in his arms, "you felt joy in this calling." When the feeling washed over him, he knew she wanted him near, but there.

Rin pulled his face down to hers and kissed him intensely before taking his hand and placing it on her stomach, "the strongest hanyou," she whispered in his ear. "I'm pregnant."

Sesshomaru's heart was full to bursting, he lifted her in the air by the waist and spun her around. "You're sure?"

"I threw up again and I'm late," she hoped he understood what she just said.

His crooked finger circled her stomach. My child grows inside her. He felt the sudden urge to feel himself inside of her. "Come let's find somewhere private." He took her hand leading her to trees that would provide them with cover.

"What? Why?" She followed after him. He tugged her along.

When he thought they were covered by bushes and trees, he pulled Rin to the forest floor. "Oh…" Rin laughed, "I should have known."

From the distance a pair of beady eyes watched them, "disgusting, a dai-yokai fouling his blood with that of a human…just wait Sesshomaru-sama, you now have something to lose and I will have you on your knees in agony."

I want to thank everyone who posted reviews for this story. We've been discussing in a forum how it seems that stories are getting less and less reviews these days. So we decided to all commit to reviewing the stories we read at least once. I personally am going to add #reviewolution, because I hope people understand authors feel encouraged by recognition of their work whether its a good job, you suck, or this part could use work.

So I am going to take a moment to thank the 12 people that have reviewed my story!

Gogo Yes something new thank you!

Overinathousand Yeah yea kagura definitely had a place in Sessy's heart but we don't need to go around on everyone's story and post our blogspots. Who knows in the end how things will work out for Rin and Sesshomaru. Anyone else want Rumiko Takahashi to make a small comic series about them? Or make a movie? I would!

Lucy Thank you, you are one of my most faithful reviewers and every one you wrote encouraged me to get my stories posted already!

Guest Thank you! And thank you for saying it's well written. I actually have been re-reading it and OMG if I say once again or once more, I'm going to smack myself silly.

Ginnik Thank you for the encouragement and validating the hard work it takes to write a plot out. I did have so much fun writing this!

Tay Yes I am glad I didn't post an unfinished fiction! I made up my mind to only start posting once the story was either 3/4 finished or all the way done, I do not want to post half done fics that never get finished.

Therec3iver My other faithful and amazing reviewer thank you for all the reviews and the emails and the reading suggestions I have had so much fun talking to you. Anyone else have some good sess/rin fics please send them my way!

Iyetea Look at us so many years after the Final Act writing stories! If no one has checked Iyetea out there is some good stuff on their profile.

Swampgirlinez Thank you! Hope you enjoyed my other stories too!

Guest Thank you! I'm glad it's complete too!

Gayle Nightingale Thank you! I know typically now I only read complete works but I have been trying to find ones to follow if nothing more than to encourage the writers to finish their work.

TJCAT01: Thank you so much, blushes! Inuyasha is my all time favorite. I loved writing this story!