Happy Yule

A lot had happened these last few months since Harry was attacked with his memories of a previous life, a distant one at best. A lot had changed from his memories. He alone, a tender child 11 years of age, albeit being the chosen one, managed to accomplish a helluva lot.

Monroe walked hand in hand with Amelia and Susan, easily becoming a part of their lives. Fudge walked in tow with them, but he wouldn't be minister for long, not if Harry could help it.

Sirius walked with the gorgeous Lilian Skeeter, a.k.a Rose -the hooker Harry and their band of lawyers at DeathStar had saved, rather easily. She had worn a tight shimmery dress hugging her curves in all the right ways. The low cut of her dress revealed her tight and pert breasts, a sure sign of her youth, which Sirius had admired and jumped to date, her background unimportant. She introduced herself as being home-schooled and moving in just recently to help out her sister, Reeta, who had become a little celebrity. No one was none the wiser. Harry would miss her, to be sure, but he was certain he would find other witches.

Skeeter was busy socializing with the Elite of the Wizarding community. Mostly traditional purebloods who heavily congratulated her on her latest publishing on Dumbledore history. She heard plenty of stories from people who now wanted to be written on "by Skeeter", and her smile grew larger because she knew she would never run out of stories her boss would make sure of that. It was Harry polyjuiced as Sirius, who planned to wait until her following was large enough to then start their own Press company. The publishing of the book and ministry investigation at Hogwarts revealing the several deathtraps on the third floor accumulated with Dumbledore's suspension from Headmaster duties as well as the ICW. The latter due to their lawyers at Deathstar pointing out a severe conflict of interest. It was surprising to say the least. The trial was up and coming, but Harry was certain they would win.

Severus Snape had become a celebrity as well, practically a hidden Lord. The Death-eaters, well ex-Deatheaters now, were gathered around him as he once again recounted the magnificent end of their Dark Lord. The Deatheater spawn had grown senses and realized how much better life was in the wake of their masters demise. Little did they know it took a mere potion and killing curse once the horcruxes were destroyed. Harry wasn't sure if Severus had informed them that he was his son. Harry was not, but in his frenzied state, months ago, he'd thought it a good idea and it was indeed working out. With Severus' edging, and their hands pressed tightly at DeathStar, the ex-Deatheaters would have no choice but to publicly support Harry's new venture, a summer school for all magical beings and creatures. Harry vowed to start it before the start of the next school year. The little 'mishap' of all Azkaban prisoners dying was forgotten, covered by everything else happening.

Remus had been contacted and would be meeting them soon, Harry had just the plan for him, that is if he rose from his pond of self-pity, Harry would make him in charge of the summer school. It would be the perfect place to meet Tonks, when members of the ministry would be called in to explain their profession to the kids. More than once, he noticed people inquiring about him, they were about to find out soon. A flutter of butterflies once again enveloped him, not the good ones.

Harry looked back to his band of friends. Draco and Neville were enacting a hilarious encounter as the girls giggled and added details. Most of his classmates, Padma & Parvati, Terry, Cormac, Daphne... did end up there, due to their parents, and hovered around their little group. Through connections with Hannah and Neville, others like Justin F, Dean and Seamus had made it as well. Susan gave him a small look of concern as she studied him, that damn witch was mature well above her age. Harry just smiled widely, shaking his head. She discreetly left the group and approached him backstage. No words were exchanged as he softly took her hand and twirled her. As the danced, his eyes darted around once more, he hoped he didn't miss the signal by Sirius,

Harry had given several speeches before, but never like this.."It'll be okay" whispered Susan as she squeezed his hands. He smiled and leaned forward to kiss her cheek as the group, faraway, hollered. He gave them the finger as he laughed along and let her walk back, they were told not to approach him yet. His eyes, still on her, were grateful, and she smiled a welcome back at him.

They were all gathered at Potter Manor. It was small for a gathering this big, but the insides were closed. The Yule festivities were taking place in their large gardens. The 21st of December was by no means a warm day, so heating charms had been placed around the arena, as well as those beautiful muggle heaters, making excellent decoration. Makeshift snow covered the skies but did not actually fall over them, they were protected by some shields. All important contacts at the ministry and other wizarding institutes, seldom a few (Hogwarts, St. Mungos, shopkeepers at Diagon and Hogsmeade), the purebloods holding seats at Wizengamot. Harry hoped that one day all could mingle amicably, muggles, squibs, werewolves and whatnot. Dinner was a brilliant affair, catered by a prestigious Muggle firm, there were delicacies from all around the world and the crowd succumbed as they tasted more flavours than they ever had.

Harry remembered the speech would begin once dinner was served, but nonetheless jumped when Sirius' patronus reached him. He paced to the backstage, a make-shift area the catering, performers etc. were using. He used Occlumency to clear his mind, as he heard Sirius' booming voice "Let's give a big hand for the Weird Sisters" as the band of eight men entered backstage,

"I would like to start by congratulating Mr. Monroe and all of St. Mungos for their radical changes" No one need to know they were separate from the ministry, who knew the frenzy it would cause. "Starting January they plan to expand their operations, hire more healers, potioneers, researchers you name it and advance Wizarding Britain at a faster rate than ever before. And a huge shout-out to Ms. Amelia Bones, you know her as Head of DMLE, to me she is a dear friend and the very caring godmother of Harry, thank-you Amerlia for your incredible support from the very start. Couldn't have done it without you"

Added Sirius with his characteristic wink which said man later swore made a few ladies swoon. But they all listened attentively.

"My godson and I would like to thank-you for celebrating this auspicious day of Yule in our humble home" a small laughter erupted "Alright maybe not so humble, ladies and gentlemen, if you do not know him yet, please welcome Harry Potter"

Sucking in a deep breath Harry walked in, as confidently as he could, and stood next to Sirius. Harry wore expensive silk robes, his rubbish excuse for glasses were gone and his green eyes shined bright, he was tall enough to be a third year, and fit from his exercise. Yes, that was how the audience gathered would see their wizarding hero, not some scrawny crumpled boy. The audience was mesmerized by the sight of the chosen one. Harry saw, actually saw, a lot of his ex-classmates blush.

He cleared his throat to quiet the audience "Tonight is a true celebration, for getting here has not been easy. Sirius and I have faced strenuous challenges. Whether it was his largely misjudged sentence or, as you may well know, the events of 31st October 1981" An uncomfortable silence gripped the audience. Allowing Sirius to interject easily enough, like when they'd practiced

"But do they, Harry?"

"No, I guess not Sirius" The audience was gripped in a trance, Harry hadn't even told his friends, or Monroe, Amelia nor Severus, all eyes were fixed on him as he would alas reveal the secret.

"Before that I would like to talk a little about myself, after the demise of my parents I was placed with a muggle family by the executioner of my parents will, a man you know well, Mr. Albus Dumbledore" the crowd broke out in gasps and whispers, Harry continued "The muggles were horrid to me, afraid of my powers and whatnot, I was locked in a cupboard, neglected, abused even" There was near outrage, their hero, abused?

"But I do not hate muggles, I blamed a system that instilled fear in the minds of muggles regarding how backwards our society is, and equally vice-versa. I blamed our unprogressive society that allowed us to fear a mere mortal so much that we, till this date, can not utter his name." quickly continued Harry

"This is evidently You-know-who, the man who murdered Harry's parents and countless others" added Sirius somberly, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"But I do not wish to dredge all that up" of-course he did, but hopefully he wouldn't have to as much later "I am merely glad that I am in a place today to take a stance, make a change, and I alas have friends and family supporting me" he said proudly, as his gaze swept by his little band of friends and Sirius, and Severus for his own benefit.

"Sirius, think they know about ol' Grimmauld Place?" added Harry after a good pause. The theatrical effect of their speech was much much intended.

"Ahh yes, Grimmauld Place, my ancestral family home, has now...been turned into...A museum! Open for all! Not just any museum, it will cover detailed recounts of the last two wizarding wars. Harry and I believe it is essential to understand what happened in order to prevent a repeat." said Sirius slowly, allowing them to process

"It has everything, testimonials from brave souls who lived through the wars, artefacts, letters, pictures and I give a detailed recount of the exact events that transpired that very Halloween night." added Harry seriously.

"To prevent us from fearing each other, Sirius and I want to take steps to make our society more cooperative. There is a better kind of peace than division, it is unity." continued the lad

"We profusely thank each and everyone of you for coming out here and showing your support on this beautifully festive day. We hope you will continue supporting us by visiting our splendid museum. It is time to put everything behind us and move forward." ended Sirius, enunciating each syllable clearly.

"Alright Harry, think we bored them yet?" said Sirius still on the sonoros charm. Harry smiled, all his previous nervousness dissipated, his dogfather had chosen this end.

"Haha maybe...think we ought to call the band back?"

"100%. Weird Sisters please rejoin us!" boomed Blacks heavy voice.

The guitarists started the tune of their most famous song as the audience quietly clapped. The "sophisticated" audience wasn't quite sure how to act. No matter, Sirius would tell them. He shouted "Are you having a fun time?" The adults were confused, but the children ran to the front cheering and jumping.

"I said are yoouu haavinngg a fuunn tiimme?!" catching on, the vastly diverse crowd shouted back some form of encouragement. They had quickly transformed from political influencers to performers, few cared at this point, the wine was settling in and it was a party after all.

"Hmmm seems our crowd is unusually boring...what if we performed for them?" bellowed Sirius once more. Harry shook his head laughing, perhaps his godfather was crazier than he was, just maybe.

Their brilliant, expensive robes transformed to the gory leather outfits the band members wore, each grabbed an extra pair of spearheaded mikes and belted out the lyrics to a public favourite song of the Weird Sisters.

Harry jumped as the sea of people enveloped him and chanted his name. He blinked his eyes open, no that did not happen, but the high was the same. His heart was beating like crazy and Harry regaled the feeling of once again, being truly happy. On having more than one companion to rely on, surrounded by friends and family, being adorned and admired by the public, having the power to change opinions and frankly, get shit done.

A/N : ANDD? How did you like it? Only took me like two days to write (on and off)! Anyways so I wasn't sure where this story was heading so I wrote this as a possible end. If I decide to continue writing, think of it as an interval. Gives me leeway to "keep the creative juices flowing" (btw still looking for a BETA!) Hope you enjoyed! Stay Safe, Follow and Review xx