Thanks for reading. Hope you like the story so far. More is coming.

Chapter 08: Disagreements?

After dealing with bringing Stiles and the rest of Beacon Hills back from the Ghost Riders,

Stiles, Malia, Scott and Lydia managed to graduate high school. Emilia helped Isaac to graduate via correspondence as he wasn't quite ready to go back to school after Allison had died. Isaac wasn't sure he'd ever be ready to return to Beacon Hills so he was quite happy to look after Toby. Lydia and Emilia had taken Stiles to Quantico, Virginia to attend the Pre-FBI program, Emilia leaving Toby with Cora and Isaac on the way.

"Lydia and I'll be back in a few days," Emilia said as she handed Toby to Isaac and the toddler instantly wrapped his arms around the werewolf's neck.

"We can handle him," Cora smiled as Toby put his head down on Isaac's shoulder. "You already know that he loves Isaac,"

"I know, call me if he gets to be too much," Emilia said before she hugged Cora, then Isaac and Toby.

"Don't you let my nephew get hurt," Stiles warned both of them before he quickly kissed the top of Toby's head.

"Stiles, he'll be fine with them," Emilia shook her head as Lydia took Stiles by the hand. "It's not the first time I've left him with them,"

"What? You've left Toby with them before?" Stiles questioned as Lydia wrapped her arms around him forcing him to return the gesture to her.

"Yes, now get in the car Stiles," Lydia said, she just happened to be the only one that Emilia had told about leaving Toby in the care of the two wolves.

"Wait did you know?" Stiles questioned as Lydia pushed him towards the car while Emilia hugged Isaac, Cora and Toby.

Cora wrapped her arms around Emilia again and hugged her tightly before Toby wanted to give his mother one last cuddle before she left. Emilia smiled as Isaac handed him to her once more before she kissed the top of his head and told him to bed good for Isaac and Cora. Toby snuggled up to his mother before he was being held by Cora again.

Soon after, Emilia and Lydia had gone back to Beacon Hills after leaving Stiles in Quantico, Virginia. Emilia was sitting with Scott, Melissa, Chris and her father in the McCall's living room. They were talking about Tamora Monroe, a new hunter that Gerard Argent had found. Melissa wanted to see pictures of Toby more than anything else.

"Monroe, she's lying to you. She wasn't at the school that night, she wasn't even working at the school," Emilia said, she'd had a list of the faculty from Natalie and Coach Finstock.

"How do you know?" Scott questioned, they'd just been talking to Monroe in the tunnels he may have been listening to Monroe's heartbeat but so was Emilia.

"Because I know, don't worry I've left Toby with Cora and Isaac," Emilia told them, she didn't mention that she'd become Isaac's legal guardian. "Gerard told her to say that,"

"Em, what is it?" Scott raised his eyebrow, how had they not picked up on Monroe lying to them.

"Lydia's mother gave me a list of faculty that was at the school the night of the attack," Emilia said as she pulled out the list from her pocket and unfolded it before handing it Scott. "Her name is nowhere on that list and it's everyone that attended,"

"How did you convince Natalie to give you the list?" Noah questioned, looking at his daughter and then at Scott who was reading over the list.

"Dad, this is me we're talking about," Emilia stated, Natalie had always liked the older of the Stilinski children. "Natalie loves me after ll the time I babysat Lydia,"

Scott read over the list again, Emilia was right – Tamora Monroe's name was nowhere to be seen on the list of faculty. Emilia handed Scott a second piece of paper which showed her transfer papers – after the Beast of Gevaudan. Emilia pointed at the dates which proved that Tamora had been convinced by Gerard.

"Look, she doesn't know that Natalie and Finstock gave me the faculty list or papers," Emilia explained before she motioned for Scott to show them.

"That's three weeks later, she couldn't have known about the Beast no one outside of Beacon Hills knows," Scott said with Chris nodding in agreement. "Well except the Calaveras,"

"Just keep watch on her. Look we haven't told Stiles about any of what's going on," Noah said, he knew that Emilia was concerned about the young pack members especially since none of them had picked up on the lie.

"Think about it Scott, the night that you, Stiles and Liam met up with Chris at the High School after following Parrish. The only heart-beat that you heard was the guy that Parrish told you that you couldn't save," Emilia said, Chris had told her about that night after she'd insisted being told everything. "You told me that yourself,"

"I know," Scott nodded, he remembered telling Emilia that the day she'd returned to Beacon Hills after leaving Toby with Isaac and Cora. "You can't tell Stiles what's going on,"

"I know, he'll still work it out though. This is Stiles we're talking about," Noah said, Emilia shared a look with her father that caused her to laugh. "He'll find out,"

"Not if we don't tell him. Dad, he's safe. He's away from Beacon Hills," Emilia said, taking a deep breath as she looked around at everyone. "Look, we can keep Stiles out of this for as long as possible, but we all know that my little brother will find out,"

"In the tunnels, that night that we met Monroe. What were feeling?" Scott looked to Emilia and then at their parents.

"Monroe, she was telling you what Gerard told her to say. You would have heard her heart beating, no one can slow their heart down to appear dead," Emilia said, running a hand through her hair as she took a deep breath before she started talking again. "That anger she was showing. That was all Gerard, he was prompting her,"

Chris agreed with what Emilia was saying, as did her father and Melissa. Scott was still not quite sure that he believed Emilia but her heart was saying otherwise, she was telling the truth. Chris knew how easily Gerard got into the minds of young women, his daughter included. As Emilia and Noah were leaving the McCall's, Emilia stuck around to talk to Scott.

"Monroe doesn't know that I'm not human. Gerard doesn't know, you can use me to your advantage," Emilia said once Noah had gone and it was just Emilia and Scott sitting in Stiles Jeep.

"You want to put yourself in danger for what? What if you get killed? What about Toby?" Scott questioned, thinking that Emilia hadn't thought things through.

"Scott, I didn't spend six years in the military for nothing. They'll think they're teaching the Sheriff's kid something," Emilia said as Scott flashed his eyes their Alpha-Red at her, hers almost immediately flashing golden at him. "Yes, I've killed people but – but Scott you have to remember it was war. And to answer your Toby question. He's safe,"

"What if they stab you to test you?" Scott questioned, running a hand through his hair and over his face. "Where is Toby anyway?"

"I told you, he's with Isaac and Cora. They're safe," Emilia smiled at him taking a deep breath before she spoke again. "I'll slow the healing down. It's not like I haven't before,"

"We can do that?" Scott blinked, Emilia nodded she could do it, Talia had taught her how. "Em, we're safer with you than without,"

"I know kiddo. I do," Emilia said, they both knew that they had to do something – maybe Emilia could infiltrate them, maybe not.

"You can't leave Toby without a mother...without a father...I know you and Derek..." Scott trailed off, of course he'd worked out that minor detail about Emilia and Derek.

"Damn it Scott, you can't use Derek and Toby against me," Emilia muttered, running a hand over her face as she looked at him and then towards the house. "I'll either do it, or I won't,"

"Don't do it,"

Emilia sighed, she was going to do it regardless of what they said.