Present Time:

"So, let me get this straight. You're a Noah and Noahs are actually vampires, but because you were experimented on when you were younger around 7000 years ago, you are a half-breed of a werewolf and a vampire which is called a blood wolf. Marian Cross is a vampire because a few years after you became immortal, he was bitten by a Noah, which made him one; and that you and General Cross are twins. Does that sum it all up?" Komui asked the red-haired girl.

"Pretty much, now if that is all, I'm going to bed," Allen said, but just before she left, she said, "that reminds me," with that she kicks both Kanda and Lavi in-between their legs, "for calling me a beansprout and you looking at me when I was changing." She walked away and went to Marian's room.

"Allen, come on, it's time to have a check-up," a woman with bright red hair said as she grabbed Allen's hand and dragged her towards the basement, which was used as a lab.

"No! Please, I don't want to do it anymore!" Allen yelled, trying to get out of her mother's grip.

"Don't you get it, Allen? If the 'check-up' works, your brother and you will be able to live forever," her father said as he held the door open for the other two to enter.

Allen's mother and father dragged her to the steel table, placing her on it and tying her wrists and ankles down. The entire time, she struggled. Her mother was holding a needle with a red substance in it; her father rolled up her sleeve, which revealed how many times that needle had stabbed her.


"OOOOOOOP!" Allen screamed as she sat up quickly. She looked around the room franticly, finding herself on a soft bed in one of the Black Order rooms, with Marian at her bed, his eyes glowing, "is it that time of the week."

She got out of the bed, walking over with the door, holding Marian's hand. They walked outside, going behind one the buildings. Allen revealed her neck to her brother.

The next morning, Allen, Lavi and Kanda were sitting at a table in the cafeteria, Marian a few tables away. Lenalee rushed through the door and went over to the others, she looked very worried.

"What the matter with you, Lena-lady?" Lavi asked her.

"I found blood behind one of the buildings! Someone might be injured!" Lenalee said, she seemed slightly relieved to see that her friends were fine.

Allen knew exactly what she was talking about and looked away from them, she said quietly, "Ah, um… that would be my blood."

"I thought you said that you would clean that up?" Marian said to Allen, when he walked up to the four.

"You took more than usual, I was very tired, having to wake up for you, and then you expect me to clean up the mess, in a blood loss state, before morning, of course I'm going to miss some of it."

A little bit later and the five were in Komui's office, "so what is it you want from the Black Order."

"Rooming for 6 months, of course!" Allen said with a smile. Everyone just stared at her.

"Allen isn't that cutting it close. That's around the time that he will be back at the mansion, he isn't going to be happy with this, you do know this, don't you?" her brother said, she said that it would be fine as long as she gets there before he got there.

"Wait! Who's 'he'?" Lavi asked.

"Hmm, oh! A friend, been gone for a bit," Allen said. The others knew she was hiding something, but didn't question it, knowing she wouldn't answer them, as she already told them a lot about herself. She would want to keep some secrets.

"So why exactly do you want spend that long here?"

"Because it's already been 35 years, I've been staying in there and it's soooo boring!" the girl answered, putting her hands into the air.


A/N I won't be publishing that quickly as I used to because I have other stories which I am writing and this is actually a story which is on the lowest priority. So sorry, if I don't publish frequently.