A/N: Hello, hello. It's Sunday again, so that means a new chapter. To Hade's-Daughter17 , PandaKami, We Are all Dreamers, Minalichen, mgreenleaf, Dowlsgal92, and Jayfeather912, welcome to the fave-fam.

To Cat2k10, sillysammijo, and Kagz419, thanks for leaving a review; it's nice to get praise for one's work.

And thanks to all of you for taking your time reading my story.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha: this series and all of its wonderful (and gruesome) characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I do, however, own Aiko and her background story, and plausible other OCs that may appear throughout this series (I've not completed writing this story as of yet).

And now, onwards with the show:


Chapter 30 – Out of Balance


The sun was hanging low on the horizon when I finally headed back to the taijiya village. For hours, I'd been trying to figure out what I should do, and it seemed like there only was one solution to the conflict. I didn't make this decision lightheartedly, but I had to prioritize what I had to do. I just hoped that Kagome would forgive me.

When I had returned to the others, the smell of roasting boar met my nose but was soon shadowed by the tense atmosphere that emerged with my mere presence. InuYasha was there, looking up at my entering form. He looked like he anticipated something to go down. His body was slightly tense, and his golden eyes were narrowed at me. I glanced at him, though with neutral eyes. It would seem that he was waiting for me to start the debate all over again. But I had no intentions of discussing it. I'd already made up my mind of what I was going to do.

So, as he waited for me to speak, I gave him a simple smile. However, I could feel that it didn't quite reach my eyes.

"When's dinner ready?" I asked in a soft voice.

My question seemed to melt away the tension that had been hanging in the air, and InuYasha turned his eyes away from me. Sitting with his arms crossed over his chest, he closed his golden eyes and seemed to relax.

"Soon," Miroku answered my question, and I turned my focus to him.

He was sitting near the roasting boar, slowly turning it over the warm flames that licked the tender flesh of the meat. Shippō was sitting next to him, his green eyes sparkling with anticipation for a lovely meal. My gaze moved and I saw Sango sitting with Kirara curled up like a little fur ball on her lap. She was slowly combing her fingers through Kirara's soft fur which made the little feline purr gently. Then my eyes landed on Kagome, who was looking at me with suspicious brown eyes. She clearly didn't think that I would easily had let go of the debate. Normally, I wouldn't have, but my mind was already made up about what I needed to do. Standing where I was, I looked into her eyes like there was nothing wrong. Her eyes widened like she had figured out what I was intending to do, but just as quickly as they had widened, they regulated back to their normal size and became filled with worry. Yet she didn't say a single word, and I was both surprised and relieved that she wasn't going to reveal my intentions to the others. She turned her gaze away from me to look in front of her. I took her silence as a good sign and walked over to her. Sitting down next to her, I awaited dinner to be done.


After we had eaten the boar, we all got together and tried to decide what our next steps should be. Our first plan had been to find the castle with the help of Sango since she had been to the castle. But when she had tried to remember the way, there was nothing. She had no recollection of how she hadn't gotten to Naraku's castle. So that idea went into the trash bin.

I wasn't super focused on what the others were planning because I had my own plan to follow. But I did pay enough intention that whenever I was asked what I thought of this or that idea, I had no problem in answering them truthfully.

It grew late into the evening, and the first ones to go to bed were Sango, Kirara and Shippō. There was nothing abnormal with either of them being the first to fall asleep. Sango was still recovering from her injuries. Kirara was a cat, sort of, and cats usually slept whenever they got an opportunity for it. Shippō was just a kid and needed a lot of sleep so that he could grow up. Sango lied with her back to the fire, while Kirara and Shippō was curled up together near Sango's back.

The rest of us made a bit of small talk before deciding to go to bed as well.

Lying on top of my sleeping bag with my back turned to the fire, I acted like I was sleeping. But in reality, I was waiting for the others to fall asleep. It would be easier to take off if there was no one to stop me. I felt slightly guilty about leaving the others so that I could find Ūgama, but I had to do it.

I was a liability the way I was now. Unstable. With Gin growing weaker and weaker while it seemed that it was growing stronger; the way it was heading was towards disaster. I didn't feel comfortable with how it seemed to change me. Before Miroku had showed me how to meditate and expel the anger I felt – which was due to its yōki – I had been ready to beat InuYasha into a pulp. I was afraid that I would have done it if I had let it take control. Which its yōki was trying to do. To take away my control. I had a feeling that whatever seal had been placed to keep it at bay had been weakened, though I didn't know what had weakened it. Whatever was happening, it was causing Gin's deteriorating health. The others couldn't do a thing about it since they knew no more about my yōkai blood than I did. But I hoped that maybe this Ūgama – my plausible ancestor – would have some knowledge and was able to help me.

Time was moving slowly while I waited for everyone to have fallen asleep, and I felt that it was slightly tearing at my patience. But I kept myself focused on the end goal. With me seeking out Ūgama, I would hopefully make myself stable again.

InuYasha's gentle snoring and Miroku's deep and slow breathing reached my ears, and I knew it was time for me to act. Slowly and silently I got up from my sleeping bag. My eyes landed on Kagome who was lying next to me in her own sleeping bag. She seemed to be asleep; her breathing was slow and gentle while her eyes were closed in a soft manner. Trying to make as little noise as possible, I placed Ōginsairensā in the back of my obi and grabbed a hold of my duffle bag. While holding my bag in one hand – its weight a bit heavy in one hand – I tiptoed my way over to the entrance. Before I exited the hut we had occupied the last five-six days, I let my gaze sweep over the others to make sure that none of them had awoken while I had grabbed my stuff. They seemed to all be in deep sleep. My heart began to ache a bit with leaving them behind. Especially Kagome. They all had found a way into my heart. Kagome had always had a place in my heart like I had one in hers. After all, we were sisters in any meaning of the word except for blood. Shippō was like a little kid brother that I've never had. A lively kid with a big heart.

Though Miroku was a big pervert and that made me trust him a little less, he had shown me how caring he could be. He was wise and seemed to have an answer to many different things. Even when it came to me and my absurd heritage. He had helped me out when it seemed there wasn't any help to get.

Then there was InuYasha. He was a kindred spirit in many ways. He was protective about the things he cared about. A fighter. And he was like me when it came to food. Except for the period I had with no appetite at all, we were both able to eat a hell of a lot of food without gaining weight. And we somehow seemed to understand each other's emotions without giving words to them.

Even though I haven't known Kirara or Sango for that long, they had managed to find a tiny spot in my heart.

Kirara reminded me a lot of Kagome; their souls were both gentle and pure. There also seemed to be some sort of connection between us, but I had a feeling that it had something to do with her recognizing me as being a descendant of Ūgama. Though I hadn't proved it to be true yet, the evidences of me being related to him seemed to prove the fact true.

I had barely known Sango for a day, but she had already helped me immensely. She was the one who had told me about Ūgama, and that was what gained her a big fat plus in my book. It pained me to know how much emotional pain she must be going through. Loosing everyone that you've known and cared for your whole life was never easy. Losing my father had been the most painful experience I had encountered in my sixteen years of living. She was going through the same pain, but only many times over. She had not only lost a father. She had lost a whole village of people she'd known her whole life.

With an unspoken goodbye, I exited the hut and slowly walked away from it. After a few feet, I stopped up and shuffled my duffle bag over my shoulder, using the long rem it was sporting. The rem went over and across my chest with the bag itself resting securely against my left hip bone. When everything was like it should be, I began to walk again. The loose gravel underneath my feet grinded softly against my waraji with every gentle step I took towards the exit of the village. Before I reached the still damaged entrance to the village, I heard fast approaching footsteps from behind me. The gravel seemed to be grinding harshly against each other and seemed to make my ears hurt. I had gotten somewhat used to the near-silence that had surrounded me with my stealthy attempt of an escape. Stopping up, I slowly turned around to see who it was that I apparently had awoken, and I was surprised to see that it was Kagome.

"Kagome-chan?" I whispered with wonderment; she was the last one I had expected to come running after me in the middle of the night.

She quickly caught up with me. When she was standing right in front of me, she gasped deeply after air. She looked a bit exhausted with the stretch she had run.

"Aiko-chan!" she breathed out breathlessly, though I could hear the imploringness in her breathless voice.

I felt a sudden sadness engulf me at being confronted by her. Tears prickled in my eyes with what I was about to face. I was more than sure of that she would try to stop me from leaving them. But I had to!

I felt myself harden with resolve. No words she could throw at me would stop me from seeking out Ūgama.

"Whatever you have to say," I said in a harsh voice which made me want to flinch away at my own harshness, but I didn't: "I'm going!"

She sighed at me and her eyes turned sad when she looked me in the eyes: "I'm not here to stop you…"

My body became rigid with her surprising statement. I hadn't expected her to say those words.

"I just wished that you would've told me that you were leaving…" she continued on in a hurtful manner.

Now I just felt extremely guilty. I hated it when she was hurt. And this time I was the one to blame for her pain. The tears began to stream down my cheeks, and I choked down the sob that tried to crawl up my throat and out of my trembling lips. Dear kami, how I hated myself for hurting her.

"Ssh," she gently shushed at me and stepped closer to me.

She grabbed a hold of my hands, gently holding them in a supporting manner: "Hey, I get why you're leaving us. You need answers, and it seems like this Hiito Ūgama may have them."

Her voice was gentle now, supportive of my decision. She gave me a soft smile while her brown eyes shone with love and care.

"It's not the only reason," I whispered out in a gruff voice, affected by my crying.

I sniffed, trying to make my nose less runny: "Something is wrong with Gin," I whispered.

"What do you mean?" she asked me, confused and worried.

"It feels like… Like she's dying…" I whispered fearfully.

I didn't like how weak she had grown over the last couple of days. Kagome's eyes enlarged with fear for my health.

"I have a feeling that it has something to do with my okā-san's blood. Gin told me that there was a seal to keep it at bay. But it seems like it has weakened immensely and it's affecting Gin…"

Understanding laced with the present fear that was gleaming in her eyes: "You're hoping that Ūgama can help you help Gin?" she asked me.

I nodded: "I feel that if I don't fix Gin soon, something dire will happen. Like me ending up hurting …" I sighed with dread: "… You … and all of the others!"

Some of her worry seemed to dissipate a bit: "You would never hurt me or the others. Your heart wouldn't allow it."

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and tremblingly breathed in through my mouth.

"I don't want to, but my okā-san's blood; it! … Whenever I feel its yōki course through my veins, I get so angry and filled with bloodlust! I have no control over it!"

I was breathing heavily now, feeling my blood course fiercely through my veins. I was riling myself up without any reason to do so. Closing my eyes, I tried to suppress the adrenaline that had begun to course within me. My hands clenched themselves into tight fists while I focused on calming down.

Kagome let go of my clenched hands, only to wrap her arms around me. Her embrace was warm and tender, filled with comfort and support. At first I didn't hug back, but that was rectified when my arms wrapped themselves around her slightly smaller form. Then I focused on the feeling of her within my arms. She was so warm and soft. It felt nice. I couldn't understand how she always seemed to be as strong and unwavering as a rock. No matter how distraught I was, she was always there, a solid figure, to keep me sane.

"I'm sure that things will be alright… You're gonna figure it out…" she whispered encouragingly into my right ear before she pulled a bit away.

I opened my eyes and looked at her face. Her eyes were a bit watery, but she was smiling at me with reassurance.

"Now go," she said and invigoratingly patted her hands on my upper arms, "The sooner you go, the sooner you'll be able to join us again!"

She gave me a big grin and let completely go of me, taking a step back while she folded her hands together behind her back. At first I didn't move. I only stared at her face feeling slightly confused. But then I couldn't help but copy the grin she was wearing. My lips twisted up into a full smirk. Confident. Convincing. Then I quickly dried my tears away with the sleeve of my osode.

"Are you that eager to get rid of me?" I jokingly asked her, knowing full well that she was anything but eager to see me go.

She laughed lightly at my joke: "No, I just want you back as quick as possibly!"

My smirk softened into a tender smile: "I don't know how long it will take… but if I can make it, I'll try to return to Kaede's village within a month's time."

She closed her eyes and returned my tender smile with one of her beautiful soft smiles where she closed her eyes in contentment.

"Deal!" she exclaimed happily.

She opened her eyes and looked at me with a soft shine in her brown eyes, wordlessly wishing me good luck on my journey. I nodded a single time, then turned around to exit the village. When I was on the other side of the damaged entrance way, I looked over my shoulder to look at her. Lifting her hand into the air, she waved me goodbye. I returned her wave with a waving salute. Then I returned to walking away from the taijiya village, onwards on my own journey to find Ūgama.


I had been traveling for what felt like a few hours. It was hard to determine since I was in a very wooded area. The trees concealed the night sky with their leafy crowns which made it impossible to determine the time by the position of the moon. Though I couldn't see the night sky, the silvery beams of the moon was sharp enough to shine down between the leaves and light up my path. I couldn't be hundred percent sure that I was heading south, but I had a persuasive sixth sense that told me that I was heading in the right direction. And I trusted that feeling.

Suddenly I felt an approaching yōki, the yōki seemed familiar. I couldn't recall where I had felt it before, but I had. It felt nonthreatening, but I didn't want to take any chances now that I was on my own. My hand landed on the tsuka of Ōginsairensā, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. I took a defensive stance and awaited the arrival of the ever approaching yōki.

The leaves to my right began to rustle when something seemed to try to breach the foliage. Slowly I began to unsheathe my blade, but before I could completely draw my weapon, a familiar head appeared from the foliage. Then a second head appeared. I blinked in surprise when I saw the two green dragon-like heads. The two pair of yellow eyes zeroed in on me blinking a single time like it hadn't been expecting to encounter me. Then a greeting growl came from both the long necks the dragon yōkai sported.

"You?" I said, flabbergasted at seeing Sesshōmaru's dragon companion.

It quickly walked over to me and I sheathed my blade. When it was close enough to me, it stopped up and stretched its long necks to present me with its heads. Its eyes closed quickly when my hands landed on a head each, scratching its heads affectionately.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked while I let my fingers mingle into its soft manes, "Aren't you supposed to be with Sesshōmaru-sama?"

When Sesshōmaru's name tumbled out of my lips, I opened my eyes in a panic. If I were to encounter him now, it wouldn't be good. I couldn't risk him getting in my way of finding Ūgama. Using my ability to sense yōki, I let my feelers stretch out as far as they could go. But the only yōki I could feel was the dragon's. It would seem that Sesshōmaru wasn't nearby… or that he was masking his yōki. But why would he mask his yōki now that I wasn't with Kagome? Wouldn't he recapture me now that I wasn't with her?

There was a soft rumble coming from the dragon while I kept petting its soft manes. But when I stopped the petting, it pulled both of its heads away from my stifled hands and looked at me with its intelligent yellow eyes.

"Is he nearby?" I asked in a serious tone.

It looked at me intensely for a few seconds before both heads shook from side to side, indicating that Sesshōmaru wasn't nearby. That made me sigh in relief. I didn't need more on my platter, what problems were concerned.

"Thank the kami," I whispered and closed my eyes.

My hands began to pet its manes again while I mused to myself what I should do about the dragon being here with me. That's when an idea crossed my mind.

"You know," I said gently while I kept petting its soft black manes, both heads rumbling with pleasure: "I'm headed towards the south … looking for a man named Hiito Ūgama."

One of the heads gave a chuff like it was indicating that it was listening to what I was telling it.

"A friend told me that I may be related to him," I continued on, "And I have a problem that he may be the only one who can help me with…"

This time both heads chuffed in unison.

"Would you like to join me on my journey?" I finally asked it and I stopped petting its head.

Both sets of eyes opened to look at me, the yellow orbs observing me with much intelligence. Then both heads surged forward and surrounded my head. One head on either side, they nuzzled their smooth and scaly cheeks against mine and rumbled pleasantly. I chuckled softly at their gesture and took it as its consensus for joining me on my journey.

"I take that as a yes!" I happily exclaimed.

It rumbled with pleasure which turned into a purr when I patted it lovingly on its turned-away cheeks. I couldn't help but be ecstatic about this turn of event. I had gotten a helpful traveling companion.


We used the next couple of hours to travel through the forest. When we exited it, my eyes were met by open plains of grass. The view in front of me was beautiful to witness: the moon's silvery rays of light made the grass look like a dark turquoise green color while a mild wind swept over the plains, making the grass roll like gentle waves. The view made me wish that Kagome was here with me to enjoy the beauty.

We settled down for the rest of the night, and at dawn I was awoken by a splitting headache. I could feel how a strong yōki enveloped me in an icy embrace and knew that it was its. Without disturbing my traveling companion, I sat down to meditate. Getting through the steps were easy and I soon found myself back within my mind, surrounded by darkness like the two previous times I had been meditating.

Time was at a still while I searched around me. I knew that it was hiding somewhere in the dark and knew that those electric blue eyes would soon be staring at me. Curiosity and anticipation filled me while I waited for those eyes to look into my own eyes. I wasn't disappointed. To my right, I saw those electric blue eyes and was soon staring into them. They seemed to engulf me with how intensely they were looking into my own green eyes. Again, they seemed to shine like lightning striking with a certain coldness and calculatedness shimmering within their sparkling sheen.

Subconsciously I registered that the eyes seemed to come closer like one of us was approaching the other. But as the eyes seemed to come closer, it felt like something within me grew further and further away. And I didn't like that feeling.

I was torn away from my inner darkness when something seemed to pull me out. Gasping deeply, I felt the oxygen burn my lungs when it entered them. My eyes sprung open and I was looking into two pair of yellow eyes that was shining with concern. Had I stopped breathing again like the last time?

Taking multiple breaths, I felt my heart slow its previously fast paced beating. And after a while I felt calm enough to speak to the dragon.

"I'm alright," I whispered, "Sorry that I woke you up."

It chuffed at me and took a few steps back so that I could sit up. Sitting up I saw that the dragon yōkai was still looking at me with a worried demeanor. I sighed tiredly at its gesture, though I could understand where it was coming from.

"You don't need to worry, I'm fine for now."

It didn't seem to believe me but nonetheless it let go of its worried demeanor and turned its attention to the sky. Getting up from the ground, I walked over to it, joining it in its skygazing. The sky was a gentle light blue with small white clouds scattered across the charming blues. It was relaxing to look at.

I turned my attention to my companion just as it turned both heads towards me.

"Let's head out so that we can cover as much ground as possible before it gets dark again."

Both heads huffed out in agreement. Then it lowered its body and glanced down at the saddle on its back to then turn its gazes back on me. It wanted me to get up on its back.

"Are you sure?" I asked it.

Both heads nodded. I looked at the saddle and decided to just do it. It would make the traveling time shorter since we would be able to cover much more ground by flying. And I had a feeling that time was of the essence. I climbed up on its back and grabbed a solid hold on the reins. When I was secured, it rose up from its lowered position. And in the next second, it took to the sky at an impressive speed.


I was astonished with how fast the dragon could fly. What felt like no time at all, we had passed over the long range of now-green plains we had seen the night before. The scenery changed from plains to mountains, and then to another long stretch of forest. By the time the sun was hanging low in the sky, I could see the sea in the distance. It was marvelous that I would be able to find Ūgama quicker than I had anticipated. What should have taken a week on foot, had taken less than a day on the back of a dragon yōkai's back. But now came the problem of introducing myself to him. After all, Sango had said that he was a taijiya and I couldn't know for sure if he was going to try exterminate me. It was his job. Yet, he had yōkai blood, so maybe he wouldn't just attack me on sight. I hoped that he wouldn't just attack me.

When we got closer to the sea, I was able to discern a small village close to the shore. The forest we were flying over went all the way to the edge of the town. Hopefully, there was a barren patch amongst the trees that the dragon would be able to land in.

"See if you can find a bare spot to land in within the forest which is close enough to the village!" I yelled to the yōkai so that it could hear what I tried to tell it.

It roared in understanding and slowly descended so that it was flying closer to the tree tops. The speed dropped as well while it searched for a place to land. What felt like no time at all, I felt it descend amongst the trees and I spotted the small clearing it had found. Glancing up, I could see that the town was about half an hour on foot away from where we were landing. It was perfect.

The dragon landed in the clearing with ease and when all four feet were planted solidly on top of the earthy ground, I got off of its back. My legs felt a little sore when I landed on the ground, but otherwise I felt fine. Slowly I walked around it so that I was facing its heads.

Those intelligent yellow eyes, settled into both of its adorable heads, were watching me patiently. My hands sought out a head each and I gave it the affection it was so well deserving of.

"Thank you so much," I whispered to it, "Without you I would first have arrived here in a week."

It purred at me while both sets of eyes closed with glee. At that moment, I wished that I knew what its name was. It wasn't like it could tell me its name itself. But maybe it didn't have a name. While I was traveling with Sesshōmaru, there hadn't been any mentions of its name. It was always referred to as it, you, or dragon. Maybe I should try come up with a name for it. Though that would sadly have to wait since I needed to concentrate on the imminent encounter with Ūgama.

"What I have to do next, I have to do on my own," I whispered to it in a tender manner, "I don't know if he would try to harm you if he saw you, so you can't come with me…"

It grumbled gently like it understood me. Slowly, I stopped the caring petting I had been giving it since we'd landed in the clearing and took a backwards step.

"Take care," I said in farewell and slowly backed away from it.

It softly roared to me in parting. I turned around and exited the clearing we were in and headed in between some tall trees.

While I walked closer to the edge of the forest, I could feel a yōki. Though I had never sensed it before, it seemed somewhat familiar. It somehow reminded me of Gin's yōki, and I wondered if it was perchance Ūgama that I could feel.

Without realizing it, I had stopped up when I had sensed the yōki, but I soon understood that the yōki was gaining up on me. And fast. Super-fast. I had barely any time to turn towards the approaching form before I saw the silvery gleam of a sword arching down towards me. On pure instinct I was able to dodge the incoming attack. My mind was working in a fast pace and I recognized the silvery shine of the long blade from somewhere. However, before I could figure out from where I recognized it, the blade arched towards me in a sideways sweep. I was lucky that this part of the forest had more space in between the trees because I was able to make a hasty jump backwards without stumbling into a tree. Though the silver blade didn't graze my skin, it did manage to cut through my osode, just above my obi. With the same swing, the blade managed to cut the rem of my duffle bag and I heard it fall heavily to the earthy ground.

Shit, he's super-fast! I thought in frustration.

While I was dodging the fast cleaving weapon, I finally succeeded in grabbing a hold on the tsuka of my ōdachi. I dodged another sweep of the sharp silver blade and finally got my blade out of its saya. The next swing of the blade that was meant to cleave me, I parried. My right hand had a secure hold on the black and red tsuka while my left hand supported the back of the blade, about a third of the blades length from the tip of the blade. There was so much force in the overhead swing that the wielder made that I was pushed a few feet backwards before I was able to resist the push. The muscles in my arms tensed immensely with the pressure that was put on them. I was barely able to hold my ground, but I somehow managed. And with the pause there was to the attacks, with me holding the attacker at bay, I had finally time to take a good look at the blade as well as its wielder. I was shocked to see that the blade was a true copy of the one in my hands. Though the blade was shining like pure silver and I could feel the yōki pulsing from it. Following the length of the silver blade, past the silver tsuba, I saw a pair of big and masculine hands. Most of the hands were covered by a pair of black tekkou. My eyes glided further up until I finally was face to face with my attacker. I gasped when I saw the face of my attacker.

A/N: And that's it for now; what do you think?

I know that I've left it on a cliffhanger, and it's cruel of me, but I'm not sorry. Cliffhangers are an annoyance to say the least, but it's those cliffhangers that makes one come back for more.

As of now, I only have one more finished chapter. I've been struggling with chapter 32 for weeks now – hitting a dry spell is always frustrating. I know the general ideas of what I want to happen, but I just can't seem to get it down on paper (or computer screen to be more exact.) If I finally manage to get through the chapter, I would like to apologize in advance if it's not up to standard.

Anyways, enough rambling about me being creatively stuck; I will get the chapter done in time; I promise. Have a pleasant rest of the weekend and stay safe everyone.

A/N – a few glossaries:

Tekkou – protective cloth covering the forearms and the back of the hands.