A/N Alrighty, here's the end. Sorry it took so long to get it out, but inspiration only comes when it does… So much Charming Family fluff. Hope you enjoy!

Charming gently draped the hoodie he'd brought over Emma's shoulders to ward off some of the chill. As he did he grasped her shoulder with enough of a squeeze to assure his daughter that her current state was not a sign of weakness, but one of strength. She just had to give herself the space and time to get through it. As Emma had learned, her family was already planning to give her all the love and attention she needed.

With a parent on each side of her, Emma stood from the chair and moved toward the passenger seat of the truck. Apparently the true realization of how weak she currently was didn't strike her until after she was seated. Any energy she'd had earlier was now sufficiently gone.

David steered the truck as carefully as possible toward their apartment. Eventually Emma succumbed to resting her head on Snow's shoulder. She was wiped. What was it about a teeny tiny surgery and an overnight stay in the hospital that had her so exhausted? Oh wait, maybe it was just that; surgery and sleeping, or lack thereof, in a hospital. She silently reasoned.

It wasn't until they parked that Snow realized her daughter had fallen asleep during the drive. Emma's breathing was even and deep. Snow's mother's intuition nudged her to not wake their sleeping princess. Charming had just opened Emma's door and was reaching for her shoulder when Snow stopped him. "Why don't you just carry her in? She's already so tired that a little help won't hurt her." Charming shot a smirk toward his wife, one hundred percent sure that if Emma woke, she would not be happy in the least. But, on the off chance that she stayed asleep, he could help his daughter like he would have her whole life.

"Alright, let's give it a go." He said winking at his wife and lifting his daughter into his arms. Sure enough, Emma just settled into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder instead. To him it felt like he was carrying his baby to bed.

As David set her down on the couch, he shot Snow an amused look. "You win. She's going to be so confused when she wakes up though." He chuckled.

And confused she was. Two hours later she began to wake up. Blinking against the daylight, she tried sitting up, only to be met with aching muscles. She laid back and just rested for a moment.

However, she wasn't content to just lay there. This time she rolled slightly onto her side, just enough to get her legs off the couch and give her enough leverage to push herself up to a sitting position.

The mouth watering smells coming from the kitchen told her someone was home, and by the delectable smell, it was at least her mother. As she took in the smell, she immediately realized how hungry she was. Like really hungry. She hadn't been that hungry in days. A small smile came across her face at that realization.

"Mom?" Emma questioned as she pushed herself up and shuffled toward the kitchen. "Emma, you're awake." A soft voice said. "Yeah. Um, mom?" "What is it sweetie?" Snow ran a tender finger down her baby's cheek as a confused look came across came across Emma's face. "Did dad carry me in?" Snow took a deep breath, not wanting a confrontation, but desiring to tell the truth. "He did. You were fast asleep and I figured it would be the best thing at the moment." A soft chuckle escaped Emma's lips. "I guess I'm really not myself when I'm sick." She gave her head a slight shake. "No one saw, right?" She amended. A soft snort came from Snow. Only Emma would care if she was seen being carried by her father.

"Oh Emma… I'm just glad we can be here for you." "Me too mom." By this time, Emma had taken a seat at the table. "When will the food be ready? I'm starving!" Snow shook her head slightly, strong Emma was back with a vengeance. "A few more minutes." Snow diverted her attention back to the stove. She was preparing grilled cheese with tomato soup. Something she knew Emma loved and would eat tonight.

"Where is everyone else?" Emma finally asked as she glanced around the apartment again. "David took Henry to the drugstore to get your prescriptions." Emma nodded and leaned back against the chair closing her eyes and allowing the sweet scents and thoughts to fill her mind.

Finally they all settled in for a family dinner. The food tasted amazing to Emma as she savored each bite longer than normal. What she had done to deserve the love and care of this family she didn't know, but she was sure glad she had it now. And even though life still wasn't easy, moments like these were certainly worth the effort.