In the morning, there was light shining all over the surface on the world, including the inside of Coco Jumbo. Narancia was faced with such light, which caused him to wake up. His eyes opened and immediately closed from the sudden brightness. "Ah… damn sun..." He said with an irritated tone. He tried to go back to sleep, but it was unsuccessful. He sighed in defeat as he stood up and walked to the fridge to get something to drink. The gangster got a bottle of water, uncapped the top and drank almost half of it. "Refreshing…" Narancia was about to go back to his seat but then looked at his teammates. He was always grateful for having them. After all, he wouldn't be here without them. The boy smiled when he went to look at each one of them.
Mista was like a brother to him, always making jokes and having fun, and being great partners during battles. His eyes went to the next person, which was Abbacchio. He was like a dad to him, always scolding him when he did something bad or got on his nerves, but that was because he was trying to protect him, which Narancia respected greatly. Next was Buccellati, the one that saved him, technically. Sure, Fugo was the one that found him, but the man with zippers all over his clothes was the one that taught him how to live. He almost teared up at the memory. He was about to comment on the next person, but then noticed something strange.
He saw not one, but two people on the brown chair, those being Giorno and Trish. He silently gasped at the position they were in; the blond's arms embracing the girl, while she had her face in his neck. Narancia dropped his water bottle, mouth still agape. No fucking way. This must be some kind of illusion. Maybe it's a stand! Narancia thought. He quickly pulled out his radar, and scanned the area. He detected only five other signals, those being his fellow gang members. Ethier my radar somehow malfunctioned, or this is reality. Why have didn't they tell us before they had something going on between them? He shook his head. Well, if they wanna have their moment, then I won't be rude and disturb them. He turned his body towards his seat on the couch, and then took a step forward.
The sound startled him, jumping back with a shout. "AHHHH!" the one who screamed fell on his bottom on the ground. He looked at the source of such a noise; his forgotten water bottle. He subconsciously facepalmed himself. He then heard a click of what sounds like a gun. The boy saw Mista, who just woke up with wide eyes, aimed the shooting weapon at him.
"Oi Narancia! What the hell man!? You scared me, I thought you were an enemy for a second!" The gunslinger yelled at him for his mistake. He sighed in relief, thankful that there was no actual enemy. Anger was building up in Narancia, as he stood up and poked his finger at Mista's chest.
"Well you didn't have to point your fucking gun at me! You could've shot me, you idiot!" the eighteen year old then defended himself.
"Don't put the blame on me, you dumbass! You were the one who made the noise! Atleast I tried to protect all of us if there was an actual enemy!"
"Atleast I wasn't the one who almost killed his friend!"
"Do you want to fight me?!"
"Hell yeah I do!"
The two looked at the sudden voice, and then shut themselves up. It was Abbacchio who stopped their bickering at each other. They put themselves at a distance and and scoffed at each other. "You guys are supposed to be mature enough to handle a misunderstanding, not fucking argue with each other like a bunch of children. For Christ's sake, grow up you two." Abbacchio finished with an annoyed look at his face, probably because they disturbed his sleep.
"Abbacchio's right, it was a simple mistake, but you guys argued for no reason. You should apologize to one another." Buccellati said. The gang leader was extremely tired after the event, and all he wanted was to rest. However, it was also his job to lead his team to victory and defeat the Boss, so if they were going to work together to their fullest, they better have some sort of agreement. The ones who started this entire thing said their sorries, and everything was back to normal. Well… sort of.
"Now that's done with, why don't we switch our attention to the lovebirds?" Narancia asked, gaining the attention of the rest of the gang, excluding of course the ones he was referring to. He pointed a finger at their direction, and soon their eyes followed.
Mista gasped, Abbacchio just stared, and Buccellati smiled. Giorno and Trish were still in the chair, and they somehow slept through all of the commotion. It was then that the blond moved his head a little to the side, away from the pinkette. She then nuzzled further into him, which made him smile.
"Holy shit… I never knew…" Mista chuckled, then put his hand over his mouth to silence himself.
"This is probably the most peaceful thing I've ever seen since starting this journey." Buccellati stated. Narancia and Mista agreed with him.
"I think we should wake them up, we don't have much time left, and we better get this over with now, plus I don't want to see his damn smile anymore." Abbacchio recommended. Suddenly, they heard a small yawn. It was from Giorno, who was finally waking up. He opened his eyes and saw his team standing in front of him. "Oh, good morning everyone." He said calmly, while turning his head to look at Trish. "Looks like she hasn't woken yet, are we heading out now?" The blond questioned.
"Yeah, we were going to leave now, but we saw you two cuddling with each other and didn't want to disrupt you guys." Narancia admitted, which made the gangster blush a little. Giorno sighed and grinned at him.
"It's all right, I respect you guys for that. Also, the reason for this was because she asked to sleep with me because of something, so I accepted her offer." It wasn't a complete lie, but he didn't want to let them know what happened last night. It was just a thing between him and Trish.
"All right then. We're heading out now, so if you could wake her up, then we can head to our destination faster." Giorno nodded, and soon his teammates were outside the turtle. The blond moved his hands from Trish's back, and onto her shoulders, shaking a little. The pinkette mumbled something, then woke up to see Giorno's green eyes, looking at her own. She let out a light yawn and smacked her lips a little.
"Oh, good morning Giorno. How did you sleep?" She asked for his opinion.
"I probably haven't slept that well in ages, so thank you for making me finally have a good night's rest." Trish felt something warm in her heart when he said that.
"Ditto." She replied, making them both have a quick laugh. She then rested her forehead on his, nose brushing with his. She sighed and Giorno can feel her breath on his lips.
"Trish… what ar-" he couldn't finish his sentence before soft, pink lips were against his. If he wasn't wide awake before, then he certainly was now. He was taken aback. No one ever kissed him before. Not like this. My first ever kiss… he thought, still trying to believe if this was reality. The kiss ended when Trish pulled back, the girl's face red as a tomato. He was dazed, mouth still open.
"I-I'm sorry G-Giorno, I-I should have as-" the blond gripped her chin and pulled her lips to his once again. The boy closed his eyes and breathed out through his nose. Trish was surprised, but in a good way. It was a mutual feeling, one of happiness. After a few seconds, he disconnected their mouths, shaking a little from the intensity.
Giorno then reached up to touch his lips, which felt swollen, but he wasn't complaining.
"Trish, I have a question." The pinkette nodded, signaling him to continue. "Why did you kiss me?"
"W-Well… I just wanted to show you how much I c-care for you. You treat me so well, and I wanted you to feel the same. You were the one that awakened my stand, you were the one that showed me I can do something. That's why… that's why I k-kissed you. You taught me so many things, saved me too, saved us. I… just wanted to show you how thankful I was." She stated, gulping after her speech was done.
"You know, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have my hands right now. You've grown since I first met you. I'm glad I met someone like you, a teammate that I can talk to, and now with your stand, one that I can fight with. Your special now though. You went and took my first kiss." The blond didn't hesitate to include the last statement.
"O-Oh, then I guess we're equal then?" Trish said with a smile. Giorno closed his eyes and nodded.
"I suppose so. Also, can you get up? I think I'm losing blood circulation to my legs." He said, trying to move his legs, but failed. The pinkette then got off of him, and held out her hand to him. He grabbed it, then stood up.
"Thank you, now should we meet up with the rest?" Giorno asked.
"Yes we shall." Trish replied, intertwining their hands as they continued their journey to defeat her father.
And that's all folks! I feel like this was my best written story yet! Not only was this my first multi-chapter story, but my first kissing scene as well! I accomplished alot with this fanfiction. Thank you to the people that follow and favourite my stories. It inspires me that people like my content and want to see more. This has also turned into my most viewed fic! Once again, thank you for reading this, and I hope you had a great time reading this. More will come in the future, so stay tuned!