Author's note: Hey they are going to start watching the Incredible Hulk movie from 2008 in this chapter. There's going to be a certain order I believe it will be 1) Incredible Hulk, 2) Guardians of the Galaxy (certain scenes) 3) Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 (Not sure if I'm going to do full movie or just certain scenes) 4) Iron Man 3 (might just show certain scenes), 5) Ant Man (certain scenes), 6) Captain America: Civil War (certain scenes), 7) Spiderman: Homecoming, 8) Black Panther, 9) Thor: Ragnarok, 10) Avengers: Infinity War, 11) Ant Man and the Wasp, and 12) Avengers: Endgame. Let me know what you think of the list. I don't own Marvel at all.

IH pt 1:

The movie starts of flashes, showing how Doctor Banner became the Hulk. With him hurting a few people.

Bruce had stiffened at what was showed so far, not happy that all these people were about to see his past.

Ross wasn't worried a bit, he found it entertaining that Bruce is being showed as what he should be viewed as….a monster.

Natasha noticed his look and glared, not happy with how he treated Bruce.

There's some more flashes with Bruce being kicked out of Betty's hospital room by Ross. Also the military trying to catch Bruce.

It then goes to the present day with words written on the screen, Days without incident '158'.

Clint whistles while others gave Bruce some encouraging looks. Natasha smiles at him and Bruce smiles back not noticing the excited looks from the two sisters. (They really like Brutasha)

We are shown buildings of Brazil. Then shows the building Bruce is in. He's cooking and feeds a little to the dog next to him.

Cassie sequels, "There's a doggy! Daddy can we get a dog?"

"But peanut we already have a giant Ant for a pet." Scott says causing the rest of team Cap and some others to look at him strange.

"But he's lonely and needs a friend!" Cassie says pouting and being stubborn. Scott sighs, "I'll think about it." Cassie nods satisfied.

Sam starts laughing under his breath while muttering something about Scott being rapped around her finger causing Scott to glare at him.

No one really noticed the sad look Bruce had on his face when the dog appeared on the screen.

"Is it ready?" he asks the dog and puts the food on the plate flipping through the channels on the tv.

He opens a book.

Nat shoots a look of surprise towards Bruce although he doesn't notice.

Bruce is with an Aikido instructor that's helping him control his breathing by telling about using his diaphragm.

Bruce's friends nodded and smiled encouragingly at him but he paid them no notice.

Scene changes, to busy streets and then a crowded locker/changing room and Bruce gets pushed into his locker. In the factory that Bruce works at, he is doing his job until he's called by the boss.

"Hey, Tech Guy, Tech Guy." He goes up the stairs.

"Wait, okay. I can make it work for a while, but you need…"

"I need a need a new factory." The Boss says.

"Okay. Okay."

"Five months you've been helping me out like this. You're too smart for day labor. Let me put you on payroll."

"Wait you weren't being paid?" Rocket asks.

Gamora glares at him and says warningly, "Rocket." He puts his paws up in surrender.

"Why were you being paid?" Clint and Scott both ask.

"I didn't really need it." Bruce says shrugging trying to avoid looking at the others.

Bruce cuts his thumb on a piece of metal that was sticking out. "No, no, no! Shut that off! Turn it off! Watch out!"

He hurries down and the Boss tells the workers to shut it off. The machine stops, Bruce runs over to check and clear the blood, then super glue his thumb.


"Okay!" Bruce says up to the Boss who rolls his eyes, but tells the workers to get it running again.

Bruce thinking that he got all of the blood walks off. He doesn't see the bottle that had blood on it. The blood gets mixed into the soda as the process went on, and ends up being in a package to the USA.

People made discussed faces

The bell went and it was time to go to lunch, but Bruce notices someone bugging a girl named Martina. She looks to him for help, but he keeps walking.

Clint turns to say something, but Bruce holds a hand up and says, "Don't say anything Clint." Bruce then glances over at Nat who smiles.

Just as the guy gets to her face, Bruce comes back.

"Martina, You want to have lunch with me?"

"Get lost, Gringo." The guy says and Bruce questions him, then the guy turns to face Bruce.

"You got a problem?"

"No Problem."

"Too late." The guy pushes him.

Many of Bruce's friends glare up at the screen, causing Bruce to smile slightly. Loki shivered slightly not wanting to watch a scene where Hulk appears way too early.

"Don't make me…angry."

Tony starts cracking up, as did a few others. Ross was sitting tied to his chair looking angry but he was mostly ignored.


"You won't like me when I'm…hungry."

Everyone but Ross was laughing now, because of how ridiculous that sounded. Even Bruce was chuckling a little bit, but was a little pale.

He didn't want people to see his not so perfect past after the Hulk was created.

When he notices the looks on their faces he says, "That's not right."

That's when the boss cuts in, letting him and the girl go. The scene changes to show buildings. Then Bruce talking to a man near a truck, the two talk before the man gives Bruce a gift. They hug before Bruce leaves.

Bruce runs up stairs where he is staying and says to his dog, "Oh you. You see that? See that? My ticket out of here."

He starts setting up equipment then starts typing on his laptop with a picture of Betty close by.

Bruce's face turns red when a few of the guys in the room start cat calling and Tony starts to laugh until Pepper slaps him with a look.

He types- Blue are you there?

Mr. Blue- Mr. Green!

Mr. Blue- Good hearing from you again, my mysterious friend!

I found it.

Mr. Blue- At long last

Mr. Blue- It's a lovely little flower, isn't it?

Bruce looks at the white flowers that he had wrapped up.

Mr. Blue: Be sure to try a high dose.

Mr. Blue: Good luck. :)

"I don't understand what was just going on." Thor says and then turns to Bruce.

Bruce sighs and says, "I was trying to find a way to get rid of Hulk Thor."

"What?! You wanted to get rid of my buddy?" Val asks looking slightly mad as Bruce quickly states, "It was in the past. It's different now."

She nods and everyone goes back to watching although some of the high school kids are getting a little bored. They were waiting for the action to start.


Author's note: Hey sorry that it took so long to update. I just was really busy and got into a funk that I just couldn't wright this. The next chapter will be up soon and I hope to make it longer than this one, I made this short because I wanted to get this up. Please R&R.