Author's note: I thought this up a couple months ago but didn't get it going until now. I just watched Ant Man and the Wasp causing it to inspire me to go with writing this. It's going to be originally blackmail for Ross that will be showed to a lot of people then they'll have other things to watch that are also important. I don't own anything related to Marvel.

Waking up:

Tony's POV.

I groan waking up wondering what happened to cause me to pass out. I can't remember what happened.

"Tony?" I hear a familiar voice that I never wanted to hear ever again, near me.

I slowly turned to look and I saw Rogers….

End POV.

Tony stared for a few minutes until he heard another voice say, are you behind this Stark. Clint Barton was also there.

"Where the heck are we!?" Many voices shouted.

"I swear this wasn't me and why would I even want to see you ever again?" Tony and then he noticed Bucky standing near Steve and went to go attack him but was stopped by a voice.

"Mr. Stark?"

He turned, and there stood Peter Parker, "Kid what are you doing here?"

The rogue Avengers looked confused, "I don't know I was hanging out with Ned, then suddenly both of us end up here. Apparently my whole school is here along with some other people."

Before Tony could comment they heard a voice shout, "HEY PENIS! What's a POOR kid like you hanging out near Ritch Tony Stark!? Just admit that your internship is a fake and quit the act."

Before the kid could finish he was hit over the head, "Knock it off Flash, your embarrassing yourself."

"Shut up Michele!"

"What did you call my Personal Intern?" Tony asks dangerously, just registering what Flash had called Peter.

Flash started stuttering incoherently. Tony glared and turned away from him and back to Peter, "Why didn't you tell me or your Aunt that you are bullied?"

Peter shrugged and suddenly, "Your bullied!"

They look to their right as did everyone else in the room and they see Peter's Aunt May standing next to Pepper.

Peter smiled sheepishly, "We'll talk about this later." She warned him and he nodded.

"Well, well, well. Looks like I just found the fugitives that I've been looking for." The rogue Avengers who were standing a little bit away from Tony and the others gasped.

There standing not to far away was Ross, but before he could say anything else he was suddenly tied to a chair.

"Alright that's enough everyone, my sister and I brought you hear to solve things not kill each other."

A teenager standing next to the tied up Ross said.

"Who are you?" Natasha asked.

Before the girl can answer there was a flash of light and standing a little bit away were a bunch of people and a racoon that started to talk.

"Where the (censored) are we?" the raccoon actually spoke.

"I would suggest to reduce the swearing please Rocket there are kids here." The strange girl stated.

The raccoon and the people with him looked at her in shock. "I'll explain once my sister comes back from going to fetch Thor, Bruce, Loki and what's left of the people of Asgard.

The original Avengers looked at her in shock, then there was another flash of light. "I'm back Rebecca!"

"It's about time Kars."

"Yeah sorry I had to help Bruce shrink back down from the Hulk.

"Yes she punched a wall, it was strange." Thor stated confused.

"Woah! What happened to you Point Break?"

"Many things, and I found out Loki is alive and he has changed." Thor said pointing to Loki who was being what looked to be hugged by this girl they never seen before.

"Hey Sparkles your brother seems a little tense, you alright Lackey." A few people including Stark snorted at the names.

Loki glared but slightly relaxed.

"Okay can you tell us where we are and what we are doing here, I'm kind of on house arrest." Scott says.

"Daddy!" Cassie yells and runs over to him.

"Hey! It's good to see you Peanut."

"Yes right now we are here for all of you to learn about blackmail on Ross which is about to be exposed hence why there's so many people here to learn."

Rose pales and the Rogues get very excited.

"Alright I would like for all of you to sit down and relax while we start the movie, it's how Bruce became who he is now while we learn dirt on Rose."

The two girls smirk evilly, everyone settling down, Clint's family who actually showed up sat close to him even though they were happy about what he did in Germany.

A screen appeared and the lights dimmed and the movie began playing.


Author's note: I know not the best intro but hey I tried, and I think I did a good job. I haven't seen Endgame yet but I hear that it's heartbreaking, please nobody don't spoil it for me. Somebody already said something and I'm not happy. I'll probably be seeing it with my brother like next week. Please R&R and no flames.