"You okay, 'Mione?"
Hermione jerked out of her thoughts and forced a smile. "I'm fine,"
"Are you sure?" Ron asked, concern evident on his face.
"Absolutely." Hermione struggled to keep her smile in place.
"Okay, Harry and I are going to the next compartment over if you want to come."
"No thank you, I have some reading to do."
"Okay, if you're sure."
Hermione waited until the boys were outside before she let her smile slip and curled up on the floor.
"Calm yourself!" she thought as the tears streamed down her face, "In 15 minutes, the train will pull into the station. Pull yourself together!" Hermione managed to calm herself down just as the train came to a stop. Harry and Ron burst into the compartment.
"What are you doing on the floor?" Ron asked.
"I-I fell." Hermione stood up, brushing herself off and discreetly wiping her eyes. "Just me being clumsy!" Her friends bought her lame excuse and she followed them off the train and into the castle.
"Miss Granger!"
Hermione turned to face the head of her house and plastered a smile to her face. "Hello, professor! How was your break?"
"Miss Granger, I've just received a rather peculiar owl from Molly Weasley." Hermione's heart sank as Professor McGonagall continued. "I'd like to discuss the owl with you after the sorting."
"Oh, professor, I'm sure it's nothing!"
"Quite the contrary! You will meet me outside the Great Hall after the sorting." Professor McGonagall walked away before Hermione could argue.
Hermione fidgeted nervously all through the sorting wondering what McGonagall had in store for her. As soon as the last person removed the sorting hat, Hermione excused herself from the table and stepped outside the Great Hall. McGonagall joined her and they walked in silence to her office. Once inside, McGonagall gestured for Hermione to sit. "As I said before the sorting, I received an owl from Molly Weasley that I would like to discuss with you." She slid a crumpled piece of parchment across the table. "I believe you know what this is?"
Hermione smoothed the parchment with shaking hands and looked down at her own handwriting. "Y-yes. I know what this is."
McGonagall reached across the desk and took Hermione's hand in her own. "Do you understand what is going to happen now?"
"Now you're going to tell me what happened."
"I-I can't,"
"I'm sorry dear, but you must."
Hermione took a deep breath and dug her nails into her palm, drawing blood. "I don't want you to think poorly of me."
"Never," McGonagall promised.
"I was outside one night. I wasn't dressed in a provocative manner, I was just outside enjoying the night air."
"And then?" McGonagall prompted gently.
"And then, and then, and then...Professor, I'm pregnant." Hermione burst into tears. "I pretended I was fine in the hopes I'd wake up fine and nothing would have happened. But my parents found the pregnancy test and threw me out of the house. They said that I need to marry the man who did this to me before I come back."
McGonagall passed her a tissue, "Miss Granger, do you mean to imply that this...situation was caused by someone you don't know?"
"Y-yes," Hermione blew her nose.
Professor McGonagall walked around her desk and pulled Hermione into her arms, stroking her hair as she held her. "Oh, child, I wish I could tell you things would get easier. I wish I could tell you the hard part is over. But then, I'd be lying if I told you that."
"What do you mean?"
"Miss Granger, there are reports to be made. We have to get you checked out."
"No! No, I don't want to strip down and have people touch me."
"I know, but we have to make sure you're okay."
"No! I'm not okay! Isn't that obvious? I'm pregnant, covered in scars, and even when soaking wet I don't weigh 100 pounds!"
"Oh, my dear," McGonagall rocked Hermione gently as the child sobbed into her robes, "I'm here. I'm going to keep you safe."
Hermione slowly lifted her head, "Professor, don't you have to go to the feast?"
"I've fulfilled my duties. Now, would you object to me allowing Molly in through the floo so she can talk to you?"
"What for?"
"You may be surprised to learn that Molly worked in the child protection field. She pulled some strings so that she could be the one to interview you and write the official report. She thought a familiar face would make you feel better. Madam Pomfrey will help Molly check you over but Molly will be doing the interviewing. And myself, if you want me to stay."
"Would you?" Hermione asked, pressing a hand to her stomach.
"Of course. May I let her in?"
Minerva waved her hand in the direction of the fireplace and a blur of red hair rushed into the room, gathering Hermione in a hug.
"Oh, Hermione, I'm so, so sorry! I should have known! I should have helped you!"
Hermione gently removed herself from Mrs. Weasley's vice-like grip. "It's okay. It isn't your fault. It's mine."
"Hermione Granger, it was in no way your fault! Don't believe that." Hermione nodded and wiped her eyes as Mrs. Weasley turned to Minerva. "Minerva, would you go get Madam Pomfrey while I begin the interview?"
"Of course," Minerva gave Hermione's shoulder a gentle squeeze before she stood and left.
Molly pulled a quill and parchment out of her bag. "I'm going to ask you some questions. Try to be as honest as possible."
Hermione nodded.
"Now, first off, how has the support from your parents been? I know from the note that they've kicked you out. But did they offer any kind of support?"
Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "No, no support from them." Molly scribbled on her parchment while Hermione bit back tears.
"Did you have plenty to eat while living there?"
"They let me eat a few times a week and when we had people over."
"Was there physical abuse?"
"Yes, there was lots of physical abuse."
"Can you-"
"Mrs. Weasley, I can't. I'm sorry, I can't."
"We can take a break if you want."
Hermione stood up. "I need some air. And I need to go on my own."
"I'd prefer if I came-"
Hermione cut her off. "I have to go on my own." Before she could argue, Hermione walked into the hallway. She crept past the open doors to the Great Hall and continued towards the Astronomy tower. She finally let her tears fall as memories came flooding back to her. All the punishments for accidental magic, all the times her father came into her room at night, all the times her parents allowed other men into her room at night...Her tears blinded her and she collided with someone.
"Sorry," she mumbled, trying to move around the person.
A gentle hand gripped her arm, preventing her from walking away while another hand wiped her tears away.
"Now, my dear," the voice said, "why don't we sit so we can talk face to face?"
Hermione allowed herself to be guided to a chair. Once seated, she looked up. Albus Dumbledore looked back at her, eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles.
"Miss Granger, where were you going when you're supposed to be in Professor McGonagall's office?"
"To the astronomy tower, sir."
"May I ask why?"
Hermione looked at her hands "I-I needed some air, sir."
Dumbledore looked sadly at Hermione. "I believe there's more to it. Were you perhaps planning to jump?"
"Let's get you back to Molly before she organizes a search party."
Hermione accepted the hand offered to her and followed Dumbledore back to Minerva's office.
"Albus, you found her!" Molly wrapped Hermione in her arms.
"Molly, I believe it would be best for Miss Granger to sleep while Poppy performs the examinations."
"Of course, thank you for finding her."
Dumbledore nodded and left. Hermione allowed Mrs. Weasley wrap her in a blanket and settle her on the couch. Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey joined them a short while later. Professor McGonagall wrapped Hermione in a tight hug.
"Oh, thank Merlin, Albus found you."
"Professor, I can't breathe!" Hermione freed herself from her mentor's grasp. Madam Pomfrey tutted and wrapped the blanket tighter around Hermione. Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and straightened her robes.
"We're going to give you a sleeping draught while Poppy examines you. Then, you will stay with me until you are cleared to return to classes."
Hermione nodded, accepting the goblet. She was asleep in seconds. Madam Pomfrey and Mrs. Weasley gently removed her clothes while Professor McGonagall held her hand in an effort to keep Hermione calm as she slept. Molly cried out when she saw the extent of Hermione's injuries.
"What kind of monster would do this?!"
Madam Pomfrey ran her wand along Hermione's body, causing her to glow bright blue with hints of red. "All of the blue is from abuse. The red is self-inflicted."
Professor McGonagall bit her lip to keep her tears at bay.
"Molly," Madam Pomfrey said, face pale, "be a dear and fetch Severus. She's not going to like it but we need his Legilimency skills."
Molly looked hesitantly at Hermione before she nodded and left.
"Why Severus?" McGonagall asked.
"She's built up so many mental shields that I can't get in to find out what happened. He should be able to get past them."
A moment later, Professor Snape walked into the room with Molly at his heels. "What could possibly be so important that I had to postpone my annual meeting with my house?" he snarled.
"Severus!" Madam Pomfrey glared at him.
Professor McGonagall looked up. "Severus, please. We need to get into her mind."
"What has the insufferable know-it-all gotten herself into?" Snape drawled.
"Absolutely nothing!" Molly snapped. "Unless you consider building up mental walls to prevent us from knowing about all the abuse she's endured! I most certainly don't."
Snape paled upon hearing Molly's words. "Abuse? What abuse?"
"Why don't you look and tell us?" Molly said, crossing her arms.
Snape nodded and cleared his throat before kneeling beside Hermione and carefully entering her mind.