IWAEWoz: IWAE! I am Woz... well not re- anyway I finally decided to write this Kamen Rider Series based on Greek Mythology known as Kamen Rider Bind. If you could please let me know your thoughts at the end, thank you and enjoy.

Kamen Rider Bind Episode 1:

Lost Mythology

*The scene opens with a flashback to 1 month ago*

*In Greece, a historian is digging somewhere looking for artifacts from years ago*

*He then discovers something like a chest*

?: What is this?

*The person pulls the chest up*

?: A chest? Lets see whats inside... pirate treasure... what no its the middle of Greece obviously its not that.

*The person grabs some bolt cutters and cuts the chains off the chest and opens it*

*Inside he finds a mysterious device as well as some stone or jewel.*

?: Huh? This seems interesting... I ACTUALLY DISCOVERED SOMETHING! Wait... but what is it.

*The person then discovers a book in the chest written in Ancient Greek there are enlarged words that reads 'Bind Driver Manual'*

?: Bind... Driver?

*The scene then goes to present day in Japan at the Japan Museum of Mythology in a room under the Museum where the person that found the Bind Driver tries to activate the Bind Relic*

Rekishi: Why won't this thing work! Its been 1 month and I haven't been able to access this thing in the Bind Driver yet!

Ayaka: Calm down Rekishi, maybe it takes time for that thing to activate that thing.

Rekishi: I've been trying to calm down but this is insane. I want to use this for something I read in the manual.

Ayaka: What?

*Rekishi grabs the manual and opens it to what he is talking about*

Rekishi: It says "about 3000 years from now the Myths will rise to try and mess up the world like they have tried to before. Using the Bind Driver and unlocking the power of a Bind Relic, said user will be able to defeat the Myths." This was written back with all the Greek Mythology stuff going on about 3000 years ago! Which means these "Myths" could end up rising again soon... whatever they are.

Ayaka: And how do you know that? For all we know it won't happen for another 200 years!

Rekishi: Because its about that time according to these papers. I don't think whoever wrote the manual and made the Bind Driver won't lie.

Ayaka: I swear you are crazy.


*Rekishi holds up the Bind Driver as they start arguing a bit and joking around*

*Meanwhile the scene switches to a location kinda looking hot like hell 2 beings appear after like they were just reborn or something.*

?: Masashi, good to see you again after about 3000 years.

Masashi: You too Slyphe. Now enough talk we got business to get to.

Slyphe: We just got reborn, why already?

Masashi: It'll be easy to get this done and over with without the Greek Gods really around to destroy us again.

*Masashi grabs an old dusty book that has been laying in their base and opens to a page showing a picture and info about the Calydonian Boar he then uses an ability creating a monster like the Calydonian Boar*

Masashi: Hello there Calydoboar. Your time has come to rise again.

Calydoboar: C-Cerberus? Medusa? Ok then this time I'll rampage through the world and nothing will defeat the almighty BOAR!

Masashi: Just don't screw anything up.

Slyphe: Yeah you know what to do Calydoboar.

*Calydoboar then rushes out breaking a wall*

Slyphe: He may have strength but he has no brain cells.

*Back at the JMM a robotic voice interrupts Rekishi and Ayaka*

Inter-God: CAN YOU TWO NUTS PLEASE STOP ARGUING! Anyways Rekishi... I have some news.

Rekishi: And what is that?

Inter-God: The Myths... well what I think is a Myth is roaming around the city.

*an image appears on a screen of Calydoboar*

Rekishi: A giant boar? Wait... its based on a Greek Mythology monster, The Calydonian Boar! Thank you Inter-God.

Inter-God: I AM GOD!

*Rekishi grabs the Bind Driver and blank Relic*

Ayaka: You're gonna try that?

Rekishi: Probably the only choice we have to beat these things. Might as well give it a try.

Ayaka: Rekishi... just be careful.

*Rekishi nods as he heads up and out while Calydoboar was causing chaos in the city charging into buildings and other things*

Calydoboar: All of these humans are fools. No matter what they use no one will take down the MIGHTY BOAR!

*While Calydoboar continues causing havoc Rekishi walks up to him*

Rekishi: Hello there.

Calydoboar: Who the hell are you?

Rekishi: You don't need to know that. All you need to know is that I'll be the one who defeats you.

*Calydoboar starts laughing*

Calydoboar: Sure go ahead and try.

*Rekishi takes out the Bind Driver and puts it on*

Calydoboar: What are you gonna do with that thing?

Rekishi: Just watch.

*Rekishi takes out the Bind Relic inserting it into the Bind Driver, and pushing down on it*

Rekishi: HENSHIN!

*nothing ended up happening*

Rekishi: Crap! Whatever. I'll still stop you.

Calydoboar: HA HA HA HA!

*Rekishi runs up to Calydoboar and punches him, although it had no effect*

*Calydoboar then punched Rekishi back and rammed into him with Rekishi falling down*

Calydoboar: What a joke. And you said you'll stop me?

Rekishi: Your right and even if I can't...

*Rekishi gets up and dashes to Calydoboar*


*Rekishi hits Calydoboar just hard enough for him to feel a bit of pain*

Calydoboar: What the? That is... That is... IMPOSSIBLEEEEEE!

Rekishi: Oh please anything can be possible, I may be a historian but I got some other tricks up my sleeve, and I got something you don't, and its not the Bind Driver.

Calydoboar: Oh?

*Rekishi runs around Calydoboar punching him again*

Rekishi: Belief, but most importantly...

*though after that Calydoboar knocked him back once again*

Rekishi: I also have determination. And I'm determined and believe I can stop you.

*All of sudden everything stops Rekishi sees white all around and in front of him a giant person engulfed in red flames appears in front of him.*

Rekishi: What the? Where am I?

?: Hello there Rekishi Nohito. I am the great god of fire: H-.

Rekishi: Hephaestus!

Hephaestus: Oh... yes. Anyways fighting Calydoboar I see great power in you. And the fact you are able to never give up when reaching a goal and just able to get a hit on him without any special gadgets on him.

Rekishi: Thank you sir.

Hephaestus: And for everything you've shown. I lend you my power.

Rekishi: Wait what?

*everything goes back to normal time where the blank Bind Relic in the Bind Driver was now applied of a red figure with fire on the Relic.*

*All of a sudden a bunch of red energy, and chains appear around Rekishi*


*All the energy around Rekishi explodes as the chains disappear, a fire wall appears in front of Rekishi. He then walks through the fire wall now unlocking the power of the Bind Driver and becoming Kamen Rider Bind. This new state has Calydoboar confused.*

Calydoboar: What the? Who the hell are you?

Bind: Now tapping into the power of the Bind Driver and Hephaestus. I am The Crimson Historian: Bind.

Calydoboar: Bind?

Bind: Now using the power of Greek Gods: Prepare for you judgement.

*A weapon appears in Bind's hand known as the Bind Riser which looks like a sword*

Bind Riser: BIND RISER!

Bind: Ok?


*Calydoboar charges at Bind who guards the attack with his Bind Riser*

*Bind then dodges around Calydoboar and gets a powerful punch on him followed by attacking him with his sword*

Calydoboar: It seems you actually do have some tricks up your sleeve.

Bind: No really?

*The Bind Riser switches to a sniper as Bind aims for Calydoboar's horns firing at them causing them to break*

Calydoboar: MY HORNS! Oh you're definitely causing some hell to release now.

Bind: You're probably right. I am.

*The Bind Riser switches back to Sword Mode as Bind takes out the Hephaestus Fire Relic from the Bind Driver and inserts it into the Bind Riser*

Bind Riser: End! Bind! Hephaestus Slash!

Calydoboar: DAMN YOU!

*The Bind Riser is engulfed with flames as Bind jumps up and slashes Calydoboar in half causing him to explode*

Bind: Well, he has been slayed.

*Bind took out his Bind Relic and changed back to himself as he walks off being watched by Masashi and Slyphe who are dumbfounded*

Masashi: That bastard... Bind!

Slyphe: How did that human even get a Bind Driver?

Masashi: I don't know... all I know is that we're gonna need to watch out for him because Bind is now gonna get in our way... As a matter of fact likely any Bind Driver user will get in our way.

Slyphe: Not if we manage to get one.

*Masashi looks at Slyphe*

Masashi: What are you talking about?

*Meanwhile, Rekishi arrives back at the JMM Basement where Ayaka and the Museum owner: Mr. Shun Kazuka were there*

Mr. Kazuka: Hello there Rekishi. I see you have finally managed to activate the true power of your discovery.

Rekishi: I have Mr. Kazuka! Though I couldn't have activate it without the power of Hephaestus.

*Rekishi looks at the Hephaestus Fire Bind Relic*

Mr. Kazuka: Interesting, you were able to gain the power of the god of fire.

Ayaka: It seems you can end up doing something that ends up gods lending you their abilities like fire.

Rekishi: Maybe I could gain more. That would be so cool!

*The news comes on talking about Bind*

News Anchor: Today, the city was threatened by some kind of boar-like monster but the day was saved by what appears to be a new Kamen Rider.

*Rekishi looked puzzled*

Rekishi: Eh? Kamen Rider?

Mr. Kazuka: Ohhhh yeah those things.

Rekishi: What does the News Anchor mean? A-a Kamen Rider?

Ayaka: You know, those masked heroes that fight other monsters. Apparently Bind is a Kamen Rider too.

Rekishi: Kamen Rider... Bind.

*End! Episode! (lol get it?)*

*Kakusei! Bind Preview!*

*Masashi and Slyphe are seen creating many of a certain Myth*

Masashi: Lets see if Bind can destroy these.

*Bind is seen looking up at the sky seeing various Myths known as Stymphbirds*

Bind: Whats with all of these Myths?

*Bind is seen putting the Hephaestus Fire Relic into the Bind Riser in sniper mode*

Bind: Thats it! These stupid birds.

*an enraged Bind is seen aiming at the Stymphbirds about to fire*

Bind: Time to be cooked!

Ayaka: Rekishi! Calm down!