This will be another dark story similar to my previous one 'Because of You' by Kelly Clarkson that was posted years ago. Thank you all that left reviews as well as the last chapter of the short story. I have this story all written/done as I wanted it completed before posting it like my previous story. This story will be longer than my other dark story as you requested. This will be an AH story featuring Liason and Lucky as the main characters. It will be rated 'MA' for violence, sex, and language. I wasn't sure how my first dark story would go considering it was my first time writing one. Being it received positive responses and you requested a longer one, it inspired me to write another one. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in a review and I will gladly answer them in a PM or in an Author's Note in the next update. Some chapters will be longer/shorter than others. Liason will have their HEA and they will be endgame, but it will take time getting there. There will be a lot of angst. There is mentions of rape and an actual rape scene in this story. I will warn you at the beginning of the chapter when that time comes so you can decide if you want to read that chapter or not. I had a few betas for this story, but in the end, all mistakes are my own. Some details/facts is not real/made up to fit with my story. I don't own any rights to the song title or the characters, but I do own this story. As for the posting schedule, it'll be on Tuesday's and Friday's. If it changes at all, I'll let you know. Happy reading.

Title: Bring Me To Life

Artist: Evanescence

Summary: What started as a good relationship turns ugly when Lucky discovers a secret that Elizabeth has never told anyone and uses that to keep her away from Jason. Lucky turns more violent when he blackmails her to stay in the relationship. Will Jason uncover the secret in time and rescue the woman he loves from her tormentor before it's too late? AH. Rated 'MA' for violence/sex/language.

Few things to know:

Kate Howard and Sonny Corinthos don't know each other in this story like they did on the show.

Emily and Jason are not related.

Dante Falconeri and Sonny Corinthos are not related.

Chapter 1

(Elizabeth and Lucky have been together for about two years. They first told the other 'I love you' a year into their relationship and soon after, they moved in together. She thought she had the best of both worlds: a wonderful boyfriend in Lucky and a great friend in Jason she could always laugh with. She and Jason have been friends forever and while she always considered him a friend, she didn't know what was truly in his heart: how much he loved her. Jason never said anything out of respect for her relationship with Lucky. Deep down, she knew she had feelings for Jason, but she always pushed them down as being with Lucky made her happy. What she didn't know was that Lucky's been noticing her growing bond with Jason and does not like it. What happens when your boyfriend doesn't like your friendship with a guy you've been friends with for years and you see nothing wrong with it? Elizabeth was about to find out.)

(Elizabeth is currently at work at 'The John Carter Art Center' in Port Charles. She's been a painter there for about five years and loves it there. She wouldn't call herself popular, but she had great friends there who she respected and enjoyed being around. One of her friends, Emily Quartermaine, is the same age as Elizabeth, who is twenty-five years old. They have been friends since after Elizabeth started her job there. Emily has worked there a little more than five years and had a talent of drawing as well as Elizabeth. Elizabeth hung out with her outside of work often and sometimes when Elizabeth was with Lucky. So far, Emily had nothing against Lucky as he's always been kind and respectful towards everyone at the art center. Emily was dating Dante Falconeri, who was a detective at the police station along with Lucky. Lucky and Dante became good friends being they worked together. They enjoyed going out for a beer or two and Emily and Elizabeth joined them sometimes. But the ladies admitted it was also nice to just have a girl's night. Another one of Elizabeth's friends, Abby Haver, was an artist as well. Elizabeth enjoyed her friendship with Abby, but she noticed the twenty-five year old girl tended to gossip whether it was about a good thing or bad thing. Abby liked to joke around, which tended to get her in trouble but for the most part, she meant well. She was currently dating Johnny O'Brien, who was in the mob like Jason and also the same age as well, 30. Johnny adored Abby, but he was learning the hard way that when you date someone who likes to gossip, that it can get you in trouble, especially when some innocent gossiping is about your friends. The boss of 'The John Carter Art Center' was Kate Howard. Although she can be bossy and determined she was well liked because when her workers did their job and worked well, she always complimented them, Elizabeth, Emily, and Abby always told her if there was an award for best woman boss who meant business but liked to have fun, Kate would win in a heartbeat)

(It is the afternoon and Elizabeth, Emily, and Abby are sitting on their stool with a paint brush in their hands looking at their drawings. Emily, who drew a picture of a mother feeding her toddler daughter, is debating whether to add to her project. Abby stares at her portrait, which consists of a teacher looking at her class. As for Elizabeth, she is just finishing her art picture and looks at it. She tilts her head and studies it, wondering if she's happy with the outcome or if she should start over. Abby looks at Elizabeth and laughs before speaking)

Abby: "Elizabeth, honey, if you look at that painting of yours any longer, your eyes are gonna get dizzy and you'll see two of it rather than one."

(Elizabeth turns away from her painting to look at Abby, who raises her eyebrows. Elizabeth deeply sighs before looking back at her design. Emily shakes her head at her friend and smiles)

Emily: "You're too hard on yourself, Lizzie. You know damn well you paint great pictures, so why do you doubt yourself every time?"

Liz: (deeply sighs) "You know me, Em. I'm never satisfied with my designs. I always feel they can be better."

Abby: "I'll say the same thing I said last time and the time before that and the times before that and…" (moves her hand in circles) "…well, you know what I mean." (shakes her head) "You have a great imagination and everyone in this place with half a brain can see that. Anyone who doesn't needs to get their head out of their ass."

(Elizabeth and Emily look at Abby and smile while shaking their heads. Abby shrugs and raises her hands)

Abby: "What? What'd I say?"

Liz: (chuckles) "Oh, Abby. There's never a dull moment in this place when you're here."

(Abby smirks as she nods her head in repliance)

Abby: "True."

(Emily looks at Elizabeth and points her brush in her direction as she speaks)

Emily: "So, where is Lucky taking you tonight?"

(Elizabeth looks at Emily and notices the paint brush in her face and looks at the brush and then back at Emily)

Liz: (chuckles) "Well, if I didn't have a paint brush pointed right in my face, I'd be more than happy to discuss it."

(Elizabeth tilts her head and Emily chuckles nervously before quickly lowering her brush)

Emily: "Sorry."

Liz: "Lucky thought we'd all go out to 'The Dug Out' and have a few drinks. We went out to eat last time, so we thought this time we'd go out with everyone."

Abby: "By 'everyone', do you mean all of us or anyone specific?"

Liz: (chuckles) "Yes, I meant everyone…all of us. We weren't sure where to go out, so we're open to suggestions."

Emily: "How about 'The Pier'? It just opened a few weeks ago and I heard it's pretty nice."

Abby: (eyes wide open) "Ooh! Yeah. Let's check it out. I'm in."

Liz: (smiles) "I'm in, too."

(Elizabeth puts her paint brush down. Abby and Emily look at their friend)

Emily: "Decided it's a keeper?"

Liz: (sighs) "Yeah, what the hell?" (smiles a little) "You two convinced me."

Abby: (smiles) "I love it. That's gotta be one of your best paintings yet."

(Elizabeth smiles appreciatively before looking at her portrait, which is a flower garden. She puts her brush down and brings her painting to the appraisal room so the person in charge can decide whether it's good enough to be sold. Elizabeth then goes back to her spot and puts her painting supplies away before getting her purse. When she's all ready, she looks at her friends)

Liz: "I'm assuming you'll be bringing Johnny and Dante with tonight?"

Emily: (nods) "Yep. Dante's been looking forward to trying out this new club, so he'll be a happy camper."

Abby: "Johnny may have to work a little bit late tonight, but I'm sure I can talk him into leaving early." (smiling)

Liz: (chuckles softly) "Okay, whatever you say. I'll call you two when Lucky and I are getting ready to head over there and we'll all meet up."

Emily: "Sounds good."

Abby: (smiling) "Clubbing here we come!"

(They all laugh before Elizabeth leaves for the day. When she gets home to her and Lucky's apartment, she calls out his name. A minute later, he comes out of the bedroom and smiles when he sees her)

Lucky: (smiles) "Hey, babe."

Liz: (smiles) "Hi."

(Lucky gives her a quick kiss. Afterwards, she puts her purse on the kitchen table and looks at him)

Liz: "Are we still going out tonight with everyone?"

Lucky: (nods) "Yep. Do you have any place in mind you wanted to go?"

Liz: "Well, the girls thought of 'The Pier', as it just opened so they wanted to check it out. I told them I'd call them later when we go."

Lucky: "That place is fine. I've been curious about it, as well."

Liz: (smiles) "Perfect! I don't want to stay out too late, though being it's a work night. I know it's only Thursday, but us women need our beauty sleep."

Lucky: (laughs) "Gotcha. Sounds good. Well, how about I make us something to eat before we get ready?"

Liz: (nods) "Sounds good."

(Lucky makes supper, which is chicken Alfredo. After they enjoy it, they get ready. Elizabeth calls Abby and Emily and lets them know the plan. As Lucky and Elizabeth finish getting ready, she puts on some makeup. She faces Lucky, who admired her outfit)

Lucky: (smiles) "I better keep a close eye on you. Being you look that good, someone might try to pick you up."

Liz: (giggles) "Well then I guess you better."

(Lucky gives Elizabeth a big kiss on the lips before they put on a light jacket. They get to the club and when they go in there's a fair amount of people in there. Lucky and Elizabeth look around before seeing their friends. They all chat for a while before Elizabeth asks Lucky if he wants a drink, which he says yes to and tells her what he wants. When she goes up to the bar, she orders drinks for her and Lucky. As she's waiting, she sees a guy go up to the bar and orders a drink as well. She looks at him with a surprised look)

Liz: "J-Jason?"

(The guy looks at her and smiles at her, revealing Jason)

Jason: (nods) "Hi, Elizabeth."

Liz: "Wh-What are you doing here?" (shakes her head) "Don't get me wrong. I'm glad to see you. I just didn't know you came here."

Jason: (shrugs) "I thought I'd come check it out. You know, being it's a new place and to see if it's any good."

Liz: (nods) "Yeah, that's what we decided to do, too. Lucky and I and our friends are here."

Jason: (nods) "Sounds like you're having fun."

Liz: (smiles briefly) "Yeah. Do you want to come over and say hi? I'm sure Abby and Emily would like to see you. I'm sure O'Brien would like to see you, as well, considering you two work together. Besides, it's been a little while since I've seen you. How have you been?"

Jason: (shrugs) "That's okay. I'll see him at work tomorrow." (nods & smiles briefly) "I'm doing well. How is your painting job?"

Liz: (smiles a little) "Going good."

Jason: (smirks) "Still feel that the paintings that you draw aren't good enough?"

Liz: (confused) "H-How did you…?"

(Jason and Elizabeth look at each other before laughing. She shakes her head and smiles)

Liz: "You remembered."

Jason: (smiles tenderly) "I remember everything about you, Belle. I would never forget." (jokingly) "The good and the bad."

Liz: (tilts her head & smiles) "Ha-ha. Funny man."

Jason: (smiles) "I try."

Liz: "Being I haven't seen you for awhile, I was beginning to wonder if we still had a friendship."

(Jason looks at Elizabeth, who looks down a little sad. He lifts her chin up with the tips of his fingers so she's looking at him in the eyes)

Jason: "I could never forget about you, Belle. You're one of the best relationships I've ever had. Actually now that I think about it, you're the best one I have."

Liz: (raises her eyebrows jokingly) "Relationship, huh?"

(Jason looks at her and shakes his head and rolls his eyes)

Jason: "Well, you know what I mean."

Liz: (giggles) "Yeah, I do. I was just teasing you."

Jason: (chuckles) "You always did enjoy doing that, Belle."

(Elizabeth smiles as she looks down and briefly closes her eyes. She speaks in a low vice, but still loud enough so Jason can hear her)

Liz: "You still call me that." (nervously)

(Jason lifts her face again and looks at her tenderly)

Jason: (shakes his head) "I will never stop."

(Jason looks down a little nervously before meeting with Elizabeth's eyes)

Jason: "Do you hate that name?"

Liz: (confused) "The nickname you have for me?" (smiles) "I love the name 'Belle'. You're the only person who has ever called me that. And to be honest, you're the only person I want calling me that."

Jason: (chuckles softly) "Yeah, that has always been my special name for you."

Liz: "Do you mind my nickname for you?"

Jason: (chuckles a little) "Not at all. I admit it puts a smile on my face when you call me it."

Liz: (jokingly) "So if I call you it a lot, you won't get annoyed?"

Jason: (shakes his head & smiles) "You can call me 'Jay' anytime you want. You're the only want I want calling me that, as well."

Liz: (chuckles) "Sounds like a plan."

(As Lucky is chatting with the gang, he looks over at the bar and sees Elizabeth talking with a guy and when he gets a better look, notices its Jason. He gets an annoyed look on his face and scoffs a little. Dante looks at Lucky and notices he looks angry about something and taps him on the shoulder)

Dante: "Hey, man, are you okay?"

(Lucky turns his head to face Dante and puts a smile on his face for his friend)

Lucky: "Yeah, I'm fine."

(Dante looks at the bar to see Elizabeth chatting with someone. Dante points in Elizabeth's direction)

Dante: "Who's that she's talking to? Kinda hard to tell from here."

(As Lucky is looking in Jason's direction, he speaks)

Lucky: "Jason Morgan."

(Dante can tell Lucky looks a little bothered when he says Jason's name)

Dante: "I take it he's not one of your favorite people?"

(Lucky looks at Dante with a puzzled look)

Lucky: "What do you mean?"

Dante: (chuckles softly) "You're not looking too happy with your girl talking to him. Does he have a thing for her or something?"

Lucky: (shrugs) "They've been friends for awhile, but I just get the feeling he cares more for her than he's letting on."

(Dante pats Lucky on the shoulder)

Dante: "Well, you don't have to worry being she's going out with you."

Lucky: (under his breath) "Yeah, right."

(Lucky briefly smiles at Dante before going to Elizabeth. When he gets to her, he puts his arms around her)

Lucky: "Hey, babe."

Liz: (to Lucky) "Oh, hi, babe." (chuckles) "Sorry I haven't brought our drinks over yet. I ordered them but then saw Jason and we started talking."

Lucky: (nods) "I can see that."

(Lucky looks at Jason and nods)

Lucky: "Morgan."

Jason: (nods) "Spencer. I can see all of you are having a good time at this new place."

Lucky: (shrugs) "Yeah, it's not bad." (to Liz) "You ready?"

(Just then the bartender gives Elizabeth their drinks which she thanks him for and pays him)

Liz: "I'll see you later, Jason."

Jason: (smiles a little) "You can count on it."

(As Lucky leads Elizabeth back to their friends, he gives Jason an angry look. Jason just stands there and takes a drink of his Bud Light. When Elizabeth and Lucky reach their friends, they all speak)

Abby: "There you are! We thought you abandoned us!"

Emily: (rolls her eyes) "Never mind her. You ready to party?"

Liz: (smiles) "Sure."

(After a few hours of chatting and drinking, Elizabeth looks at Lucky, who looks like he's wasted. She worriedly speaks to him)

Liz: "H-Hey, Lucky? Maybe you should stop. It looks like you've had a little too much."

(Lucky looks at his girlfriend and rolls his eyes and is clearly having trouble standing straight)

Lucky: "Why? So you can go back to your little buddy Jason?"

(Elizabeth leans back a little, surprised by his rudeness)

Liz: (shakes his head) "No. Why would you say something like that?"

Lucky: (drunkenly) "I saw the way you were looking at him, Elizabeth."

Liz: "Lucky, Jason and I are only friends."

(Abby laughs in repliance)

Abby: "I take it one guy isn't enough for you?"

(Elizabeth looks at Abby, who is clearly drunk as well. Johnny looks at his girlfriend in disapproval. He wasn't happy with the fact that his girl was talking about his boss like that. He knew Jason may not have been well liked, but he felt she could have at least worded her sentence differently or not have said her comment at all. Granted, Johnny was in the mob and it might have felt a little weird at times that there were two detectives on the scene and a mob employee at the bar. But to all three of the guys, in their personal lives, things weren't really strange between them. But Johnny knew the two detectives would behave differently if the business part came into some trouble and it involved the PCPD. Johnny shook his head at Abby)

Johnny: "Abby, I think you've had too much to drink as well." (to everyone) "How about we call it a night?"

Emily: (nods) "I agree."

Dante: (nods) "Yeah, I think we've all had enough fun for one night." (to Emily) "I'll take you home being I brought you here."

Emily: (smiles) "Thanks, baby."

(Johnny leads an angry Abby out of the club. Elizabeth tries to help Lucky out to their car)

Liz: "Why did you make that comment about me and Jason?"

Lucky: (laughs) "I was just kidding. You know me, Lizzie. Sometimes I drink too much and I say things I don't mean. Sorry."

(Elizabeth helps Lucky into the passenger side before she gets in and starts the car. She looks at Lucky, who's passed out. She shakes her head)

Liz: (sighs) "He's right about one thing. When he's had too much to drink, he does things he shouldn't be doing. Oh well. He'll be better tomorrow. He'll have one hell of a hangover in the morning." (raises her eyebrows) "That's what he gets for drinking too much. Hopefully the others weren't too pissed." (scoffs lightly) "As for Abby, she doesn't know when to shut her mouth sometimes."

(A smile creeps up on Elizabeth's face)

Liz: "The one good thing about tonight was running into Jay again."

(Elizabeth shakes her head and smiles before leaving the club to go home)

Chapter 1 Done

I hope you liked the first chapter. This is only the beginning, so things will definitely get more interesting. Thank you to those who review/follow/favorite. Until next time!