Final chapter! Aka: Ahsoka is back! Yeah, my baby is back! I was so excited to write her! Hope you all enjoy!

Coruscant was a far cry from anything that Luke was used too. Before they had even landed, he could not find a single spot on the crowded planet that was not covered by tall towers and gray buildings. As the Millennium Falcon circled the planet, Luke started to sense two familiar force signatures along with another strong force signature, that was strangely familiar, but at the same time, so different.

"They are there." Luke leaned over Han's shoulder in the cockpit and pointed to an area next too what looked to be the ruins of a temple.

"You sure kid?"

"I can feel them too." Leia leaned over Han's other shoulder and squinting at the area the force signatures.

"All right then, here we go." Han sighed before parking the Falcon at a nearby bay.

Before the Falcon was even properly docked, Luke was running out the door, shortly followed by Leia, much to Han's frustration. Sometimes he wondered how he didn't figure out they were siblings sooner.

Luke ran full tilt towards the ruins in the middle of the city, with his sister hot on his trail as they reached the ruins, only to halt outside the crumpled building, Leia pulling up next to him.

"They are in there?" Leia asked, pointing at the pile of building materials with no discernable entrance.

"It would appear so." Luke answers as he looked around the building, eventually going to the alley where he found what he was looking for. There lay four storm troopers, who Luke was unsure if they were dead or merely passed out, as he did not stop to check. He reached a part in the wall that he quickly reached out and pulled off a sheet of metal, opening up a small passage.

"Do you think that's how she got in?" Leia asked.

"It would appear so," Luke said, turning to his sister with a smile, "regretting wearing that dress yet?" Luke gestured towards the nice dress that the princess was adorned in.

"Don't be ridiculous Luke, it's just an outfit."

Luke gave a fake gasp of indignation, "Leia! So scandalous"

Leia was quick to swat her brother on the back of the head, "Are you done being an idiot, or do you want to see if these troopers are really still alive?"

"Fair enough, come on."

Leia crawled into the tunnel ahead of Luke as Luke entered after, making sure to place the metal once again so it covered the entrance. The tunnel itself was not too long and before long they came to what seemed to be the ruins of a hallway. From there they continued to follow the force signatures.

"So, what exactly do you know about this Ahsoka person?" Luke asked quietly.

Leia shrugged, "Not a lot, basically what my father told me about her and what I have heard from other members who have worked with her. She's always made an effort to keep her personal life as secret as possible. Apparently, she used to be apart of the Jedi order before the Jedi were all massacred. My father always said that she was a trusted friend during the clone wars and was to be trusted as a part of the Rebellion." Leia turned her gaze to Luke, "what did you find out while you were trying to find her?"

"We believe that she may have been behind the disappearance of some force sensitive children." Luke felt Leia's concern rolling off her, "don't worry, it's not like that from what I know. The emperor had his eyes on them, so she probably saved them from whatever he wanted to do with them."

"Well that's good, I guess." Leia gently placed her hand on Luke's shoulder stopping him, "Luke, I know my father said I could trust General Tano, but still, we don't know what's going on here."

"I know, stay on our guard." Leia nodded, withdrawing her blaster as Luke unclipped his lightsaber and held it at ready as they approached the door where the force signatures was coming from.

As they reached the door, they were caught off guard as they heard a familiar voice shouting from inside, they sounded near tears.

"Stop pretending like you can't hear me! I said I was sorry! Please Ahsoka, I know I'm absolute poodoo, but at least you can acknowledge me!"

Leia and Luke exchanged a look at the sound of their father's voice before Luke nudged the door open quietly and they slipped in. The giant room looked like it had once been a grand library, but know it lay in disarray with shelves on their sides and piles of ashes and torn pages scattered everywhere.

"Please Ahsoka!" Their father's voice cried from further in, they followed his voice till they found Obi-wans spirit standing by one of the aisles, looking very amused. He turned his head as he noticed the twins, and Luke could have sworn that he was holding back laughter as he gestured to the area the commotion was coming from. Luke and Leia slowly made their way towards the aisle, first noticing the pale glow of Anakin, before seeing the creature that he was standing over. Luke noticed that the grown Togruta looked much different from the pictures of her younger self, even if he couldn't see her fully. He also took note of the familiar white cloak and pale green winged creature near her, which had appeared in many of the reports. The Togruta herself was rifling through a stack of books and documents that seemed to have been spared from the destruction around them.

"I'm sorry little one, please just listen to me, I'm so so sorry Ahsoka." Anakin practically sobbed as he stood next to his old padawan.

Luke thought the scene was rather funny, the once mighty Darth Vader reduced to tears over a woman who looked to be less than a decade older than his friend Han. Luke took a step closer to observe the scene, but it seems that it alerted the woman to his presences. Ahsoka was up with her glowing white lightsaber at the ready before Luke could blink, it made him stumble back as he unsheathed his own lightsaber, he could sense Leia reading her own weapon behind him as they watched the Togruta carefully.

"Who are you?" Ahsoka practically snarled. Luke had faced many fearful foes at this point, but something about her, seemed off putting, different, but he couldn't quite understand.

"Ahsoka! Stand down, they're not dangerous, they were just following me." Anakin tried his best to place his ghostly hand on his padawan's shoulder.

"Shut up Master!" The aggressive tone that she took when acknowledging her old master for the first time caught him off guard as Anakin took a step back. To Luke, Ahsoka looked like she had just transferred into a predator ready for her kill.

"General Tano, stand down." Leia commanded, Luke was impressed by how authoritative his sister sounded, she was really getting used to her leader role.

Ahsoka's gaze moved behind Luke too Leia as her face softened and Luke watched her gracefully fall to a knee as she bowed her head. Just like that, she seemed to go from a hungry animal to a put together representative.

"Princess Organa, it is good to see you. I hope that you have been well."

"As well as one can be in these times." Leia dropped her blaster as she approached Ahsoka, "Thank you for your concern, though, I'm afraid that I am no longer a princess, General Tano, Leia will be fine." Leia noticeably directed a glare at Anakin as she extended a hand to help Ahsoka up. "I hope that you have been well too, my father always spoke very highly of you."

As Ahsoka stood Leia curtsied to her. Ahsoka just placed a hand on the younger girl's shoulder. "You will always be a princess to me." Her voice was calm, yet full of warmth as she smiled at Leia, "I am very glad senator Organa thought enough of me to speak so highly."

Anakin watched his daughter and padawan fondly, he was so proud of the woman that his little Snips had become, and whether Leia ever forgave him or not, he was proud that she had grown into her own the way she had.

Ahsoka turned to Luke in turn, "That must make you Luke Skywalker then." Ahsoka looked him up and down giving him a comforting smile. "I am very sorry for my reaction earlier, I'm afraid you can never be too careful, even with the defeat of the Emperor and his attack dog."

"I am literally right here!"

"Likewise, I believe we are all on edge right now." He bowed toward the Togruta.

"You remind me very much of an old friend."

"Again, right here."

"I'm sorry, I was unaware that your name was Padme Amidala, Master." Anakin looked taken a back, but Ahsoka didn't even spare him a glance. Though Luke and Leia's hearts both swelled at the mention of their mother's name.

Luke swore he heard a snicker come from Obi-wan as his father, wait, was Anakin pouting?

"Well, thank you, general Tano."

"Ahsoka will be fine Luke, I don't care much for those military titles at this stage in my life."

"Very well then, thank you Ahsoka."

"I suppose that you two have come here to do more than exchange pleasantries."

"uh, yes! Yes we did!" Luke took a breath before explaining his plan for establishing a new Jedi order. Once he was done with his explanation, he saw the Ahsoka had a deep frown on her face.

"I am not very found of the idea of resurrecting the Jedi order as it once was."

"Why not? Weren't you once a Jedi?"

"I suppose I do not blame Obi-wan for leaving part of the story out, but I was never a Jedi knight. A Jedi Padawan, yes, but I was expelled from the Jedi order before I could become a knight, and I chose not to come back."

"Why were you expelled?" Obi-wan finally appeared by them, joining the conversation for the first time.

"It was not her fault," he didn't face Luke, but instead was steady focused on the woman in white, "the Jedi charged her for a crime that she was not guilty of. She is right, we had many flaws that we needed to address that lead to our fall." He seemed to float closer allowing a hand over the woman's face as if he were trying to cup her face. Luke could have sworn he caught a touch of guilt on Ben's old features. "Though, for all our faults, we are very proud of who you have become, and we are thankful for any part we may have played in that. Ahsoka, I'm so proud of you."

Ahsoka's face seemed to look twenty years younger as she looked at Obi-wan, for a moment Luke saw the girl from the old photos from the Clone Wars.

"Thank you, Master."

"It's been a long time since you've had any need to call me that not so little one." Ahsoka laughed, Anakin had an unconscious smile spread across his face as he watched his old padawan and master interact, it reminded him so much of a time so long ago, that he never thought he would look back to fondly, but many things had changed since the Clone Wars.

Anakin didn't notice the silent tear that was rolling down his cheek until he caught his son and daughter staring at him in shock, Ahsoka also seemed to notice their looks as she turned to face her old master.


"I'm fine Ahsoka, just happy that you're okay."

"You tried to kill me." Her voice didn't hold resentment, and it was not a question. It was a statement of fact, that caught Luke off guard. It was hard to believe that the man who had taken over his living room for months looking for this woman, had once tried to kill her. Though, Luke probably should not have been too surprised, as his father had attempted to do the same to him. Everyone turned to watch Anakin as his face fell slightly.

"You have to know that wasn't me, it was the darkness, I would never try and hurt you Ahsoka."

"I know."

"You knew?"

She smirked, "You really think I thought Darth Vader would ask me to join him after killing almost every other force user if you didn't have some sort of say?"

Anakin's shoulders slumped as he let out a breath, "In full honesty, I never thought you would agree, I think I would have been disappointed if you did. Though, I would have protected you if you had."

"I didn't need any help."

"I know." Anakin's smile was spread across his face as he looked towards the twins, "But, I do believe there are some people who need your help."

Ahsoka turned around to face Luke and Leia, looking them over again. "So, are you really looking to restart this thing?" She gestured around her to the ruined temple.

Luke took a step forward, "I think it would be beneficial for force users to have a safe place to train."

"Be that as it may, you can not simply copy what once failed."

"I agree," Luke nodded, "that is why I was hoping you would help me construct a better system."

"If I'm going to join you in this endeavor, I am going to be the one in charge, at least to start with. In my books experience outranks everything." Ahsoka and Anakin exchanged a knowing smile.

"Then I hope you will guide us." Leia bowed to Ahsoka and Luke followed.

"Very well, you two do not have to bow." The twins straightened, "I have some people I would like to introduce you two if this is the route you plan to take. But first," she bent over to pick up the texts the had found, handing them to Luke and Leia, "while the Jedi had their faults, they also had their points, study those." The twins nodded.

"Thank you Master Tano."

"Luke, there is no reason to call me master, I never earned that title."

"Well you have earned it to us."

"Hear that Skyguy? I'm a master." Ahsoka laughed as she turned to her master.

Anakin couldn't help but smile, she looked so young when she smiled, it made him wish he had been there more, before everything had collapsed before them.

"You've earned it." Obi-wan and Ahsoka were both surprised by how earnest his eyes were at that moment. Anakin smiled at Ahsoka, "hey, snips, can you promise me something?"

She smiled at the nickname she had not heard in ages, she had never thought she would miss it, "Depends, Skyguy, what is it?"

He glanced past Ahsoka to the twins, "I know I have been a long way from being a good father. Probably the closest I have gotten to being a decent father figure was being your master."

"You act like you did a bad job or something."

"I will admit, you turned out better than I could have ever hoped for." His hand reached out as he ran it over Ahsoka's Lekku. "But sometimes I wonder if that says more about you than me." He then nodded towards the twins, "Unfortunately I am not perfect, and that resulted in me not being able to do right by them. I know I messed up with you too, but I was hoping that you could still find it in you to help me fix things and be there for me. Plus, I think they could use a big sister sometimes." The twins let out noises of protest.

"I mean, he isn't wrong they are part him." Obi-wan stated as he strokes his beard causing Ahsoka to double over laughing as Anakin gave him a death glare.

"Gee, thanks old man." Anakin rolled his eyes as Ahsoka continued to giggle.

"Alright, alright." Ahsoka turned towards the twins after calming herself down. "We better get going, I have some people I need you too meet, and some kids to check up on."

"Thank you again for your help." Luke bowed again.

"It's my honor." She returned the gesture, "You two go ahead, I'll meet you outside."

The twins hesitate for a minute before heading back towards the tunnel they had came from. As Ahsoka turned back turned back to Anakin Obi-wan looked between them before turning to the Togruta woman.

"I guess this is goodbye for now, young one."

"I guess so."

"I will always be a call away if you need me. May the force be with you."

"Thank you, Obi-wan."

With that the old Jedi Master dissolved back into the force, leaving Ahsoka with the force ghost of her ex-master.

"You have grown, young one, not even sure if I should call you that anymore."

"Maybe not, but I think you can be an exception."

"I'm glad. Have you been able to contact anyone else who may have survived?"

"I have, and I'm pretty sure that Rex would shoot me if I didn't call you an idiot and tell you hi for him."

"Rexy boy is still kicken around then?"

"Yeah, he was able to remove the chip from his head, he's the reason I was able to escape order 66 myself."

"Good old Rex! Remind me to thank him for that one day."

"Will do, Skyguy."

"Thank you, Ahsoka, for everything. You have grown into such a wonderful woman."

"Thank you, Ani, I don't think I could have done it without your guidance."

"You better get going, you don't want them to think you are going to abandon them.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. Plus seeing as they are your kids, who knows what sort of trouble they may be getting into."

"You should know, aren't you my eldest?"

"Very funny Ani." Ahsoka rolled her eyes, "I guess this is bye for now." Ahsoka turned to leave, ignoring the part of her that was begging to stay just a little bit longer.

"Hey snips!" Anakin called from behind her, causing her to pause and turn around, "I am unbelievably proud of you."

"Thank you, Anakin." Once again, she turned around, she felt his force signature start to dissolve before she spoke again, "One last thing Skyguy!" She felt his signature snap back behind her as she took a rugged breath, "for what it's worth, I forgive you."

She didn't turn around, but her old master stood behind her smiling sadly, as he heard the one thing he really needed to hear.

"Thank you. I'll always be with you, my little Snips"

With that he finally dissolved and Ahsoka let out a breath she hadn't even realized that she was holding. Of all the things she had expected when she came to scavenge the old Jedi library today, surely none of this was it. And while she may have not heard the words, she felt the familiar force signature wrap around her, and the feelings of love resonated in the air.

"Love you too, Skyguy." She didn't dare speak above a whisper; the force gave a happy buzz before dissipating around her.

Ahsoka sighed and picked up her cloak before going to meet the twins. Memories of the Clone Wars ran through her head, of her friends and comrades who she had once relied on. She tried her best to set those aside, while it may be fun to reminisce, in the long run the future had to be separated. The past was to learn from, and the future was to be lived, and the kids waiting for Ahsoka, they deserved the best future they could get, and she was determined to give them that.

Thank y'all for reading this story everyone! This last chapter was a lot of fun and a little emotional to write (This is actually a scene I always sort of wanted to see played out). Anyway, hope you enjoyed, and may the force be with you!