Hi everyone! Unfortunately I HATED Endgame and am not happy about how several characters were treated. So I decided to do my own version of it to make me feel better. Hopefully this story will help you feel better as well.

Please enjoy!

P.S Because I didn't like Endgame, there won't be a sequel to my "Teen Titans: Motherbox War" story from last year. Anyone is free to write a sequel to that based on Endgame if they want.

Edit as of October 7, 2019: Thank you all so much for your support of this fic! Since I finished publishing it back at the end of May, every now and then I have been making edits and adding more scenes and expanding on some scenes and as well as fixing as many errors I could find. Now, I feel this story is truly complete and I want to thank everyone for their support!

Even though Endgame didn't go the way I wanted or hoped, I still am looking forward to Phase 4 and confident it will get things back on track.

Thank you all again and hope everyone else reading this for the first time will enjoy this fic!


Doctor Stephen Strange could not believe what he saw. He saw 14,000,605 possible futures to defeat Thanos and only one had them winning. Unfortunately, this possible future involved horrific things like Tony Stark dying and the Avenger known as Natasha Romanoff dying as well. He saw the hero known as Steve Rogers forsake his role as a hero and he saw Thor (the one who visited him along with his adopted brother Loki to look for their father Odin a few months ago) abandon his people as he went further and further into to a deep depressive state. Among other disturbing things.

Stephen could not believe the cost of defeating Thanos came at the price of tearing apart The Avengers, but he suppose he had no choice, but to go back to the present with The Time Stone and warn Stark and the others there would be only one way to win.

"Still looking through the world through a keyhole, Stephen?" Asked The Ancient One, shocking Stephen.

"What?! I thought you were dead?!"Asked a shocked Stephen.

"My physical form may have faded, but I live on in other ways." Explained The Ancient One who looked like just her astral projection before she died.

"Look, I don't understand how you're here, but it doesn't matter. You know only one way will cause Thanos to be defeated. There's nothing more that can be done." Explained a shaken up Stephen who did not like the idea of how they won.

"That's just one possible outcome, Stephen. It doesn't have to be the conclusion. You yourself managed to defeat Dormammu when it was thought to be impossible, but you did it." Explained The Ancient One to Stephen, whose spirits were lifted somewhat.

"I got lucky then. The circumstances are different now." Stephen countered.

"They're no different than they were before. You found a way to win last time and you can do it again. The vision you saw doesn't and shouldn't be the way you win. There might be another way." Explained The Ancient One to very intrigued and slightly hopeful Stephen. "I can point you towards a better way, but I can't promise you it will happen. Only by the actions of those left standing can make things right." The Ancient One told an even more hopeful Stephen.

"How?!"Asked Stephen pondering where his mentor's riddles were leading this time.

"You will have to give up The Time Stone for now and Thanos must win this battle, but if events are in our favor, he will lose the war. But you must make sure events and the heroes are put into place to make this happen." The Ancient One explained to Stephen more hopeful than ever.

"Who?" Stephen asked.

"The ones known as Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton must and will survive this battle. They were the original Avengers, the ones that stopped Thanos the first time, and fate wills they will again. But they will need help for this." The Ancient One explained to a thinking Stephen.

"Who else?" Asked Stephen.

"They will be joined by those known as Rocket and Nebula. Each of them has and will have a motivation to help defeat Thanos. They will also be joined by Stark's oldest friend James Rhodes as well. The other one is known as Scott Lang. A flawed, but good man, who will soon journey to The Quantum Realm to help a enemy-turned friend out of the goodness of his heart. You will need to put events into place to where he will be stuck there for a time, so he can help make things right later." The Ancient One explained with visions of the heroes being shown to Stephen. "And there is one more they will need if they are to even have the slightest chance of making things right." The Ancient One explained to Stephen very curious about whom his old mentor was talking about.

"Who?" Asked a curious Stephen.

"The one known as Carol Danvers." Answered The Ancient One with Stephen seeing another vision of this now known hero. "Like you, she was broken and lost everything, but also like you, she put herself back together and became something more. She could have had her old life back as well, but then the universe would have been all the lesser for it." Explained The Ancient One to Stephen with a smirk on his face.

"Heh, you told me the world would have been all lesser for it if I had my old life back." Said a sarcastic Stephen.

"Well, last I checked you weren't fighting amongst the stars, are you?" Replied The Ancient One with a rare humorous smile.

Stephen simply laughed at that and asked "So how do I get this one to where she needs to be?"

"Do not worry. An old friend of hers will summon her before he too meets his fate for a time. Despite her power and the alien blood running through her veins, she is still human and will have an even greater motivation to make things right with the loss of her friend that helped changed her life." Explained The Ancient One to Stephen understanding.

"So that's it then? "Asked Stephen.

"Yes, but remember. Even I do not how this story will end. I only see pieces of a much larger puzzle. But I do know, despite everything, real heroes never stop fighting no matter what." The Ancient One said to Stephen. "Now go. Warn your friends and get ready, for they will be our last hope at winning this war." The Ancient One ordered to Stephen before fading away like that night she did in the hospital all those years ago.

Stephen was sad to see her gone again, but had renewed hope there was still a chance to fix this without losing everything. Stephen returned to Titan with some pain waking up and was greeted by Tony Stark.

"You're back! You're alright!" Exclaimed a worried Tony.

"What was that?!" Asked a confused Peter Parker.

"Went forward in time. To view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict." Explained a worn out Stephen.

"How many did you see?" Asked a confused and worried Star-Lord.

"14,000,605." Answered Stephen regaining his breath.

"How many did we win?" Asked Tony already knowing the answer.

"One." Stephen replied hesitantly.

He just hoped it was the one The Ancient One was hinting towards and not the horrific one he saw.

I hope everyone liked that! I didn't like the idea Stephen knew Iron Man and Black Widow would die (among other things in his plan) and this first chapter was meant to fix that as I just can't see the same guy who was so torn up over killing that random zealot in his movie would let actual good people die.

Anyway, I'll have another chapter up in a few days or so.