While I think books should belong to everyone, the rights to the Twilight Saga belong to Stephenie Meyer. No infringement intended.

Beachcomberlc edits the mistakes out of all my stories, but sometimes there are just too many for her human eyes to find. Those mistakes belong to me.

IpsitaC77 winnows out my plot holes and pre-reads for me. She also makes the most intriguing banners to enhance the story.

I thank both of them from the bottom of my heart.

Chapter 1

Riley Biers stormed into his boss' office late on a Thursday afternoon without bothering to knock. He was sure the information he had to share would outweigh his rudeness and he would be forgiven; perhaps even rewarded.

"Sir, they found it. You were right and they found the perfect one." He was overheated from running and panting slightly.

Edward Cullen, President and CEO of Cullen Tech Enterprises, rose slowly from behind his desk. His mood changed from murderous to hopeful as Biers explained his intrusion. He had been searching for an excuse to fire the smarmy little weasel for months. Biers' tenure as Edward's first Executive Assistant had outlasted his predecessor by six months and Edward was tiring of him. There was only so much ass-kissing one man could take during the course of a week. And Biers was an expert ass-kisser.

"It checks out on all levels? Medical has signed off on it?" His voice was gravelly from lack of use. Edward was very stingy with his words. Why waste time speaking if a sharp look or pointed finger could say everything for you?

Biers nodded his head furiously.

"Walk me through the steps already taken, Biers. There must be something you've overlooked." Edward sat back in his chair and waited. He knew the criteria checklist better than anyone else involved; after all, he'd conceived, designed and written the damn thing.

Biers waited a moment in hopes of being invited to sit in one of the plush wingback chairs that faced Mr. Cullen's desk. He had yet to receive such an invitation in the nine months he'd held the position. Instead, he stood between them feeling nervous and awkward. Mr. Cullen cleared his throat and Riley jumped into his task.

"First, a company-wide blood drive found six potential volunteer donors: four men and two women. Three of the men and one woman were O negative and universal donors; one male was A, but with a negative Rh factor. The other female was found to be A positive. Rh factor has no bearing but, as per your orders, the closer the match the better. All were screened for common blood disorders and disease first. One failed due to hemochromatosis, a hereditary disorder leading to an excess of iron in the blood. Fake random drug tests were then administered to the remaining five donors to collect specimens for urinalysis. Two more failures from there. All medical records were obtained for the remaining potential donors. One failed for psychological reasons; a long family history of depression and bipolar on both sides."

Riley shuffled his feet and reordered his files to have the most important one ready.

"The final male subject, after passing thorough criminal and background checks, proposed to his girlfriend last weekend, taking him out of the running. The last subject, an Isabella Swan, meets every criteria you've set."

Biers opened the file folder and passed it to Mr. Cullen for his perusal. Mr. Cullen waved a hand to permit Biers to continue with his report.

"Isabella Marie Swan, age 28, born in small town Goderich, Ontario to Charles and Renee. Prefers to be called 'Bella'. Blood type A positive. Textbook vaginal birth with no complications. Parents divorced when child was two. Mother gained custody with visitation allotted with the father for summer vacations. Resided throughout Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario. As a young child, she was taken to emergency for one bout of pneumonia, one broken collarbone with cuts and scrapes from a bicycle accident, twice for sprained ankles and once for sprained wrist. No concerns of child abuse ever levied, or considered within the doctor's notes.

Solid and consistent grades through high school, maintaining a B-plus grade average. Moved back to Goderich during eleventh grade to live with father. Mother remarried to Phil Dwyer, semi-pro baseball pitcher, strictly small leagues Jays' feeder team. Mother currently lives in Sapporo, Japan with Dwyer working as a university baseball coach. Minor car accident shortly after arriving in Goderich; injuries included mild concussion and another sprained wrist. Graduated Goderich District Collegiate Institute with a 79 average. Worked part-time at Newton's Outfitters. Attended Fanshawe Community College Woodstock for six years. Holds several diplomas, certificates and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management. It looks like the initial plan was to start at Fanshawe, then move to Toronto and go to Ryerson or York, but the funds just weren't there. Charles Swan married Sue Clearwater a few months before Isabella started college. Isabella refused the small college fund Charles had set up and insisted on paying her own way through school. The money went to the wedding and the mortgage of the family home insead. Isabella rented a small apartment in Woodstock with Leah Clearwater, her new stepsister, and waited tables part-time. High marks and honours from Fanshawe.

Upon graduating, she moved to Toronto and was employed here as an Administrative Assistant, third grade in the HR department. She's since been promoted to second grade and is in line to be promoted again within the next few years. She rents a studio in a less than savoury neighbourhood, but on one of the nicer streets. She's never been late with her rent and the landlord says she's a model tenant; no parties, loud music or frequent guests. She holds a couple of store loyalty cards, pays off her credit card within a month, two at the very most. She rides the TTC or walks; no car in her name, but she does have a license to drive. She has no pets, no computer and no mobile phone.

She's dated off and on, in college mostly, but nothing serious that we can find. She's solidly heterosexual in her choice of partners. STD tests have been clear. She keeps fresh condoms in her bedside table. There's a blue lipstick vibrator in the drawer as well, but the batteries are dead and she's made no effort to change them in the two months we've been surveilling her."

Riley swayed slightly. He was getting light-headed talking this much. Mr. Cullen showed no reaction, but he was listening to every syllable. Riley wanted to sit, but stayed in his spot. He swallowed and took a deep breath before continuing.

"Three years ago she had a huge disagreement with her father, stepmother and stepsister that led to an estrangement. Her mother is in touch from time to time, but theirs is not a close relationship. Her stepbrother, Seth Clearwater, was disowned for being gay and Bella disagreed with her stepmother and father's choice. The young man lived with her for six months before travelling to Australia and finding work there. He lives there now and would probably be the only family she would contact in case of emergency.

Her coworkers call her sweet and hard working, but there is no evidence of a relationship with any of them outside of the office. She has one friend she speaks with infrequently, an Angela Weber-Cheney. However, Mrs. Cheney lives in Northern Alberta and is a new mother, not someone who could drop everything to come to her friend's aid.

Given the right planning and strategy, this could go off without a hitch, sir. Last weekend, our surveillance watched her get held up at knife point, outside her grocery store using that fancy spy-tech gear you recommended. The thief took all her cash, cut a few buttons off her blouse to scare her and punched her in the side of the head when she tried to explain why she didn't have a mobile phone for him to steal. The trace of her home phone showed that she didn't report it or call anyone, nor did she seek medical attention. If you go forward with this, there is a very high probability she will keep quiet, especially with the proper incentives in place. This is the right girl, Mr. Cullen. She ticks every box and then some."

Edward Cullen was silent. He swivelled his chair and stared out the window for a very long time. The view was sublime, an uninterrupted vista of the Toronto skyline and Lake Ontario. From the thirty-second floor, traffic was just a whisper. Sailboats, container ships, and barges played on the water like some giant chess game. Gulls swooped and dived below, not often flying this high. It was gorgeous, but not something he looked at nearly enough. Work got in the way of being able to enjoy the spoils of his labour. Edward couldn't remember the last time he took a moment to enjoy the view from his office window. He had promised himself, when he took over from his grandfather, that he wouldn't let work overtake his life. That he would remember the simple things and take time for himself and his family. Eight years later, he was an old businessman at thirty-four. His second assistant had to schedule a weekly phone call to his mother, Esme, otherwise Edward would forget to keep in touch. She also had to send a daily message to remind the man to eat, shower and sleep. The only thing outside of work he remembered to do on his own was his daily call to Alice.

"Double and triple-check everything, Biers. I want a full report on my desk by Monday. Hit her with another random drug test and if that checks out, I want to meet her. Make up some lunch or dinner with the CEO bullshit or some sort of crap like that. I want one-on-one time with her before anything happens the following Friday. I also want a revised schedule and calendar in the morning. Hire another private detective, pay him overtime if you have to, but I want his report also on Monday. You have four more days to get this all together, Biers. And a week after that for all the finalities. Now, get out of my office." Edward waved his hand with the barest flick of his wrist and dismissed the weasel. He sat for a good hour, staring out the window before returning to the quarterly statement printouts.

AN: This story is purely fiction. I ask you to remember that when it comes to any inconsistencies with real life, legalities, medical procedures, historical or geographical inaccuracies. To be blunt, I've made a lot of shit up, just go with it.

I will try to translate all of the Ontario Canada specific parts that come up. For instance, the TTC is the Toronto Transit Commission, in charge of the public transportation system in the Greater Toronto Area.

Many, many thanks to the wonderful ladies of The Lemonade Stand for showcasing Perfect Match in their Saturday Sneak Peek, especially 6dlb5 for giving me a chance.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, this story will post every Thursday.

Thank you for reading.