Hello, everyone. I am having a cousin help me write since I am bored finally being let out of the hospital. Thank you for typing for me, Crissy. Yep thanks to me lol. Anyway, I did not expect to get this out so fast from the announcement I made but I'm happy to finally have something for all of you to enjoy. Thanks for the comments and well wishes so far. I will be going over the comments with Crissy shortly. Also, it will still be a bit before I have anything for my other current stories. Hopefully Crissy will help me. I should be able too, I love my cousin.

Robin walked out of the restroom with a dangerous area to her. She hoped that if she acted better than the others around her they would turn a blind eye. Some of the secretaries that glanced at her quickly went back to work with bent heads. Her lips tilted toward a smirk at the reaction and returned to a sneer. Going as planned. Sadly, she wouldn't be able to get to the cells anytime soon, but if she could find where most of the guards were or a monitor system then she could be able to help Zoro and Luffy alone.

She walks confidently to a different door that some people have come from and walks in to another hallway. The place had too many hallways. She started to walk up steps which confused her. Were there two ways in and out of the prison? This was not the way they came. Suddenly a door appears with two guards beside it laughing at something to each other. Robin raised an eyebrow and walked over with a glare.

"Is this what you do on the job, Marines?" She asked with hands on her hips.

Both gulped and bowed without really looking at her. "Sorry, Ma'am!"

"Hmm...I am visiting this prison for an inspection and seem to have lost my guide. Vice Admiral Garp expects a report from myself about the security of the prison due to the number of high class criminals you have gained lately. Any slack is to be strictly dealt with". Robin stated slowly watching the two men sweat while still bowed down. "Tell me where the guard housing, mess hall, monitor center, and the warden's office is".

"Yes Ma'am! The guard dorms and mess hall are throw this door to the right. That is where a majority of the guards are housed. There are also some housing outside but they are for the permanent guards stationed around the perimeter. The monitor center for outside the prison and the warden's office are through the hallway passed the mess hall. There are monitors of the inside of the prison on level 2. We are so sorry Ma'am. Is there anything else we can do for you or the vice admiral?" They say in sync and bow a few more times.

Robin sighs internally in relief from the information gathered. She got lucky with finding incompetent guards. "No, that will be all". She sneered and keyed herself through the door. She would have to be careful here and get a new keycard. She wasn't sure if they monitor who has what keycard.

She turned into a large mess hall with a few marines spread about and eating. One of the women in a corner had a keycard sticking out of her bag near her left leg. Robin walked calmly toward the poster near the woman and looked at it with fake interest. She shifted her weight to one foot and crossed her arms casually. A hand came out of the side of the bag and quickly tossed the keycard to Robin's right hand. She tucked it into the crease of her arm and started to walk toward the other end of the mess hall toward what seemed like the hallway to the monitor center. As she walked Robin noticed a hat that would shade her face and used the same trick while no one was paying her any attention. Now with a brown cowboy hat on her head she walked passed some restrooms and a closet to a door with computer key sounds coming from behind it. She used her acquired keycard and made a note of the two people inside the small room.

Before they could fully turn around she knocked both out with hands that came out of their chairs and tied the poor marines up. This may not be the best plan, since it did not give her much time, but it was the least complicated. Robin had already created a tangled web with the two officers she impersonated and the keycards. Hell having no other true disguise would be a little nerve racking for her too. She was the demon child after all and many would have at least seen the posters of her over time to know her general description.

After throwing the men into the closet she saw without others notice, she started to look over the monitors for any blind spots or weaknesses on the surface of the prison. Sadly, the marines weren't completely incompetent and there were no blind spots. There were also no true weaknesses that she could see from the video feed. Getting out would be a true challenge but Robin was determined. It seemed the best way would be to climb the wall, as long as Luffy could spring them all up it should be ok. Robin didn't see any way she could get rope that quickly and long enough for such a climb.

Before leaving she left a virus made by Usopp and Franky for the computers. Suddenly all the screens were showing a jolly roger of Usopp's face and his voice began to talk thru the monitors of how awesome he is. Robin shook her head and sighed. He wouldn't be Usopp without his outrageous stories. At least he did not use his name. She slipped out the door silently.

Zoro was not having a good time. He had been trying to find Luffy in this maze of a prison but no luck for the past two hours. He had knocked out a couple more guards and ran into one weird looking rhino beast. The place would be cold one moment and hot the next. Screams would echo around the walls of this prison. Zoro really hated it. He was starting to feel bad for some of the poor bastards in the cells. He even saw that weird splitting clown pirate.

Where the hell was his idiot captain? Why did everyone get lost when they split up. Zoro quietly snuck by a cell with a guy tied up on a bloody rack. He couldn't help but grimace at the sight. He hoped Ace wasn't in such torture. The prison would not be able to stand long if Luffy saw his big brother like this poor man. Zoro was also extremely happy that he started to learn haki. It was really helping his stealth. Take that witch. He could be sneaky too. Zoro paled a little at the image of Luffy trying to do the same. Maybe that is why the idiot couldn't be found. He got captured for real. Zoro paused as he heard a familiar voice not too far from him.

"I'm fine, Jimbe". The voice cracked and coughed in pain. There was no doubt about it. That was Ace.

Zoro moved toward a decrepit cell in caution. He had no idea if this Jimbe was truly a friend or foe after all. He was also amazed he found Ace so fast. There were fewer guards then he thought around the place.

Ace could barely move let alone lift his head after being brought back to the cell he shared with Jimbe. Blood dripped from the cuts on his chest causing a stinging to the older cuts and tender skin. He looked like he was put through a grinder. He closed his eyes for a moment coughing up some blood. At least the bastards couldn't truly dig into him with their sadistic torture. He had to be in a somewhat presentable fashion for the big day when his head left him in front of the world. Ace grimaced at the thought.

He was at the point where he almost didn't care that he was about to die. He had a longer life then he thought he would have led as 'his' son. He truly regretted leaving Luffy all alone though. Just the thought of Luffy's tears and reaction brought tears to his eyes. At least Luffy should be far away from this and hopefully that bastard Teach would leave him alone. He got what he wanted by turning Ace in after all. His chest tightened again. He could still go after Luffy though. Luffy's dream and Ace's death would most likely lead the two to meet. There would be no older brother to help him. Ace's fists clenched in anger and frustration. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it! DAMN IT!

He panted in suppressed grief and fury, shaking completely head to toe. He felt like he was coming apart at the seams. Ace was going to lose his mind before he lost his head completely. He just barely realized that Jimbe was saying something to him in a worried, urgent tone of voice. He quickly lifted his head toward the cell door since it was probably more of those fuckers, back for more rounds of fucked up fun. He swears they got off on it.

Ace sneered at what looked like a man, blinking in the dim light. At least his cell was plane and not personalized like the more permanent cellmates. The one across from him was a cell designed to fill with water and drown you for a couple minutes before draining quickly just to do it all over again. Did he mention it was salt water and it was for a devil fruit user. He had no idea who the poor sod was but he was partly still alive by his muttering 'not again' and 'water'.

"What the fuck do you fucking bastards want now?" He asked harshly to the figure.

"Is that you Ace?" A slightly familiar voice asked. "I thought they said this place was hard to break into and out of. If this is any indication we'll have you out in minutes. Though where that rubber brained idiot of a captain went..." He muttered at the end.

There was only one rubber captain Ace knew of and it nearly caused his heart to stop. Then a sudden rush of adrenaline kicked in and he thought his heart was going to come out his mouth. "Luffy?!" He gasped in shock.

"Yeah, sorry it took a while, but as soon as the captain saw that paper burning and the news about you he was determined to free you. I'm Zoro if you don't remember. It is pretty dark down here. '' Zoro walked closer to Ace.

"You're apart of the Straw hat crew? Your captain is here?" The fishman spoke out in shock and worry.

"Luffy would never let his brother be executed and we weren't going to let his ass come alone". Zoro stated as if it was a common fact of life.

Ace let out a sound that was in between a groan and a dying shriek. "He can't be here! No, no, no, no, no, not Luffy. There's no way to escape and he's going to die for me. Zoro you need to get him out of here before they notice, damn it!" Ace felt like crying in hysterics. His idiot little brother couldn't be here.

The green haired swordsman just glared with determination and resolve at the hyperventilating pyro. "He won't leave without you Ace. So, you either come with me or he will be here soon to drag you out".

Ace gaped at the man and felt an overwhelming rage take hold. "No, you don't understand. My brother is not strong enough and I'm not strong enough with these sea stone cuffs to help him. You would need the specific key held by the warden that is a poison devil fruit user! There is no saving me, Zoro. Now do what i asked you in Alabasta and take care of Luffy by getting him the fuck out of his hell hole!"

Zoro stood there with shadows over his eyes and hands crossed over his chest, silent. Ace panted in sudden exhaustion after his plea. "Ace...You don't seem to understand. You weren't there when he saw that paper you gave him burning. You weren't there to see the shattered look in his eyes. I have never seen Luffy so angry and upset before. Like he was losing his whole world. Ace, I don't like getting into emotional, personal shit, but I feel you need to know something that terrifies me still. Are you listening?"

Ace felt a chill down his back. This was not something he wanted to hear. "Yes".

Zoro's eyes held such pain as he stated. "He told me in confidence that he was not sure if he could survive your death. That he would be completely alone in the world, even with us. Do you understand now?"

Ace was shaking suppressing the many emotions that hearing this caused him. His little brother still feared being alone above all. Luffy's voice came to his mind, "It hurts more to be alone then to be hurt". "I'd be alone without you". "Yes, we're brothers forever right Ace?" "Sabo!" "Please, promise me you won't die Ace".

Jimbe watched the interaction between the two in worry. Then something he thought would never happen occurred. Ace raised his eyes and had such fire in them again. "Alright, how are you getting us out of here?"

Also, I wanted to run an idea by a few of my commenters. I was watching One Piece with Crissy, who never saw it till now, and we both cried about Ace not meeting Sabo. Do you think I should include him in this story or just leave it as a Luffy/Ace brother fanfic? Also, I had an idea for a different Sabo story, with him being an assassin for the world government, like the cps, but stronger. Would that be interesting? Sabo instead of being saved by Dragon is saved by the celestial's guard and enslaved for his eyesore of a life. I'm thinking of having him forget because of torture/devil fruit user controlling him and he remembers by seeing ace is going to be executed. Let me know what you think thank you.