Another wonderful story by guestsurprise, who owns Esmero and a new OC that will make his appearance. :)

Ever After High belongs to its respective owners. :)

Fairy VS Hunchback

Faybelle smirked to herself as she heard rumors of Esmero, Quasimodo and Esmerelda's son. She then fluttered her wings and prepared herself.

"This is gonna be fun," she said, now flying over to him and gently poking his hump. He turned to her and gently moved his hood.

"Yes?" He asked, now arching an eyebrow.

"Y-You're…?" She gasped.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Y-You're cute!" She said in surprise! She then observed him over and over and her grin widened! Esmero was actually handsome! "Pity. You have a handsome face. Too bad for the hump," she said.

"And what is the matter with my hump?" He asked.

"It's simple. You can't do anything the others can. No one will want a boyfriend that is hunched over and can't move around," she said in an unfeeling tone.

Esmero let out a light chuckle and then stood upright slowly. Faybelle let out a shout of disbelief and flew away to hide behind a pole.

"W-What did you just do?!" She asked in panic.

"Prove you wrong." He said. "I choose to sometimes walk like my father because he knew the meaning of what it was like to have real beauty. He and my mother found love despite what he looked like. His heart is what mattered."

Faybelle, however, didn't hear most of what he said. She had a dreamy look in her eyes. She was usually not into some of the boys at EAH, but Esmero was different than most of the princes. She then fluttered her wings and flew gently towards him.

"I'm sorry for what I did and said. You are definitely handsome," she smiled. "Let's have lunch."

"No, thank you," he replied calmly.

"What?" She said, now somewhat aggravated that he turned her down so quickly.

"I already have a lunch date today with a few of my new friends," Esmero smiled, now waving to Cerise, Apple, and Cedar.

"Well then, maybe dinner later," she said confidently.

"I am not…," he started.

"Perfect!" She said happily.

"Wait, I didn't…," he tried again.

"I'll meet you front of the school at 7:00!" She said, now quickly flying away.

And with that, she quickly flew away to stop him from saying anything else. Esmero looked at her flying away and sighed. He didn't like Faybelle, but he was still trying to remain a gentleman.

"Well, that was awkward," a voice said. He turned and his eyes widened at the beautiful girl that came into view. It was none other than Lizzie Hearts.

"W-Who are you?" He asked.

"Lizzie Hearts. You must be Esmero Dame. Welcome to Ever After High," she said softly. He then knelt and gave her a gypsy-like bow.

"Thank you," he smiled.

"Now don't be too concerned with Faybelle. She's one of those students that you wanna say 'off with your head' to," Lizzie said.

"She is most interesting, I will say that." He said, now looking uncomfortable. "She wants a date later on and I would hate to disappoint."

"Just don't show up," Lizzie shrugged.

"I can't do that," he said.

"Yes, I suppose it would be a bit rude. But other than that, I would find a way to let her know you don't like her like that." Lizzie said.

"But she does know. She is just fascinated with my looks after she saw what I truly looked like," Esmero replied.

"Yes, I was told how she greeted you. Faybelle is not a favorite around here, but we try to get along as best as possible," Lizzie said. "Now then…we need a plan to help you."

"Plan?" Esmero asked.

"Yes. To get Faybelle to leave you alone," Lizzie said, now leading Esmero back to the lunch room.

At lunch…

"Faybelle is flirting with him now? Good grief!" Cerise growled.

"Beauty is only skin deep to her," Apple said.

"But we need a plan to get him out of his date," Cerise said, now determined.

"But how?" Lizzie asked.

"Why don't we have him tell her the truth?" Cedar added.

"The truth about what?" Faybelle smirked, now coming over to the table and smirking at Esmero.

"Faybelle, I do not think that I can make it to dinner tonight," Esmero said honestly.

"Oh well, we can just…," she started.

"Or any other night, Faybelle," he said seriously. "For you see, I do not wish to hurt your feelings but I know already what you think of me. You only like me for what you've seen."

"Well…," she said, somewhat sheepishly.

"Exactly. And I don't need friends like that," he said, now a bit angry.

"Please, let me say I'm sorry!" She said, now making the entire table stare! Did Faybelle just say she was sorry?! "I um…just want you to go on a date as a way for me to apologize."

"Well…," he began.

"Oh, come on! Please?" she smiled, now getting closer and getting her beautiful face closer to his. All the girls began to gag, but Cerise growled.

"Fine. I suppose if it was to apologize," he said, now feeling her touch the back of his neck.

"Perfect. Meet you in front of the school at the same time," she winked, now turning and flying off. Cerise was livid!

"ESMERO?! You can't be serious! She doesn't wanna apologize!" Cerise blurted out.

"She is no good; Faybelle doesn't care about others; only herself," Apple said strongly.

"Watch your back," Cedar said.

"Or we will have to for you," Lizzie said, now looking uncharacteristically concerned. Esmero only smiled at them and grinned a bit.

"I am fine you all. I only want to let her apologize for what she said." Esmero said calmly. "And now listen to me! We are going to have some fun this weekend! My family is throwing a large celebration and you all are invited! The train will leave tomorrow afternoon! I want you all to be on it!"

"You guys have fun!" Lizzie smiled, making the others look at her.

"What do you mean? You're coming with us," Esmero said, now looking at her. Lizzie was shocked! They just met and he was inviting her to the party?

"I don't think I can. I have some homework that night and uh…I don't think I can," Lizzie said, now getting up and quickly leaving.

"Lizzie has a little anxiety about parties sometimes; she doesn't consider herself very social," Cerise said sadly.

"Well we are gonna change that because any friends of yours are friends of mine," Esmero smiled, now getting a devious smirk on his face. "Now we don't have to worry about anything."

Little did he know, there was a lot that was about to happen that night.

Later that night…

Esmero was practically drug to a restaurant down the road from the high school. Faybelle was wearing a sleek, black dress and he was wearing a red shirt and nice, form fitting black gypsy pants.

"Faybelle, slow down. What's the hurry?" He asked, now feeling her drag him down the road.

"We can't be late!" she grinned, now dragging him inside and the two quickly seated at the table. Esmero grimaced a bit at the creepy lights and decorations on the wall, but Faybelle smirked.

"Isn't this place beautiful?" She chuckled.

"If this is your kind of taste, then I suppose." He said gently.

"Esmero…look. I know we didn't get off on the right foot. I would like us to make up," she said, now putting a hand out. "I'm sorry for what I said."

"I accept," he smiled softly, now shaking her hand. She gave a flirtatious wink, but her smile faded as she saw a small pendant around his neck.

"Who is that from?" She asked, now looking at it curiously.

"Oh, this is from Cerise. She and Apple have been showing me around," Esmero smiled.

"I see." Faybelle said, now a quick roll of her eyes. "But you should hang out with more people from my group."

"Your group?" He asked, now arching an eyebrow.

"Of course! We're way more fun and we're just better than…than…," she started. Esmero gave a displeased look and slowly stood.

"Faybelle. I appreciate your apology, but I won't have you talking bad about my friends," he said, now upset.

"Well, we are better! I'm just saying the truth!" she said, now standing angrily!

"But they're special to me and I don't like that! And honestly? No one is better than them!" he said.

"Oh, just loosen up, Esmero!" Faybelle snapped. He only gave a small bow and then looked at her once more.

"Thank you, but I need to leave." He said, now turning to head out.

"No one walks out on me!" Faybelle said, now letting some flashes fly from her fingers! Esmero turned in shock as he was now bound from head to toe in ropes. He then fell to the floor, not able to keep his balance!

"What is this?! Let me go, Faybelle!" He growled.

"Oh I don't think so. I will prove whose better; just watch me!" Faybelle said, now disappearing with the bound teen in her grasp.

Esmero began to squirm and panic; he was being kidnapped!

"What am I gonna do now?" He thought to himself. "This is a fine mess I've gotten into."

"As a clever gypsy, you should be able to get yourself clear of this pretty quickly," a voice said telepathically.

"Malchior? Is that you!?" Esmero said in shock!

"In the flesh…now then…let's see how you get yourself out of this circumstance," the voice chuckled, now disappearing into thin air from his mind. Esmero only rolled his eyes fondly; Malchior was back in town.

guestsurprise's words: Oh dear! What do you think will happen?! And yes…Malchior is my other OC and you will find out soon just what he can do! :) But for now…I just thought I would give you all a look at him. :)

To guestsurprise: Color me curious. :) Oh and Steelcode had a suggestion for you. With your recent release about some of the people at the Grant Mansion losing the ability to see the Lauhinians because they were getting older, he thought of an idea that could work for those who are truly worthy to see Lauhinians for longer.

So later in the series with Sage and Macy, Sage's gift the bottle with his fur gives her powers, different abilities and such. Well what if Sage suggested putting a single lock of Lauhinian hair/fur into a special locket that allows people to see Lauhinians forever. The locket could be magical to where it can't be opened except by a Lauhinian and it being magical could also keep it safe from Nitian hands.

He thought it was sad that people at the Grant Mansion couldn't see them, so he thought this would be a good idea.

Tell me what you think! :) Also, I will shoot to work on the next chapter of "Becoming One" soon. :)

To everyone else: Please leave guestsurprise a review, but no flames!
