
On a planet with orange skies and ash colored earth a skinny teenager stood near the burning ruins of their home. A farm, single and isolated from the outer colonies, it was supposed to be somewhere safe and quiet, shielded by distance from the war.

Dark eyes flat and dead the human being gazed out into the burning sunset, brown face dry and cracked with blood that glowed an unnatural green. They were tall and gangly, on the cusp of adulthood, ash and blood clung to their halo of curly hair. An alien stood beside them, more than two meters tall, weathered, scarred, and worn. The jewelry bound around his locs chimed softly in the dry air as he lay his heavy paw of a hand on the human's shoulder. A low chittering growl issued from behind the mask he wore. The two watched in furious silence as the orange sunlight skimmed off of the metal of the renegades ship before it rocketed out of orbit and into god knows where.

The hunter clicked in his strange language to get the humans attention, they had been far too still for far too long, their hands were broken and bleeding from their struggle, blood trickled down their neck from what was left of one of their ears.

Humans aren't meant for this… the yautja thought quietly, the youths gaze held nothing within it. This wasn't supposed to happen. Humans were no longer prey, hadn't been for the entirety of his long life.

They finally stirred and looked up at him, their eyes held a cold rage that belied their soft human face, their hand came up to grip his, skin hot and wet from blood.

"If you're going after those bastards I'm coming with you,"

It wasn't a request, the hunter didn't need his translator to understand the tone of their voice. Humans could be, at times, disturbingly yautja-like.

The hunter tilted his head as he thought over their command, if they were yautja he would not have hesitated- it would have been their right to claim vengeance- but this human was far too young for it to be permissible, he also suspected that they had a womb which further complicated matters. Life-givers were inherently precious.

"HEY!" the human yelled to get his attention,

The hunter growled and in the human manner shook his head side to side, he had been too slow to find and kill the bad bloods, what had happened here might have been prevented if it weren't for his incompetence. He did not want to be responsible for this young life as well.

But the human's dark eyes alighted with fury and defiance, "Fuck you! Fuck you! Take me with you! Take me dammit!" their wet hard fists struck his armor, the hunter felt the impact and chittered in shock even as the human screamed in agony. The pain in that howl dug itself into the alien fiercely, it wasn't just broken fingers that caused their wail, from their ruined throat they screamed all their grief and horror out into the red sky,

"Don't you deny me my vengeance you ugly son of a bitch!"


The hunter closed his eyes and a low growl reverberated from his chest, but the sound lacked any passion, this human would only be half alive until they had ended what began here today. He respected those sentiments.

Clicking in annoyance and casting one glance at the ruined farm he looked down at the human and- quickly- fiddled with the communicator on his gauntlet, a thin recording of the humans voice broke the hot silence between them.
