Author's Note:

After reading an engaging story by E J Daniels, I've found it hard to find many good stories on this website where Harry, Luna, and Daphne are the leading romantic characters. Hence why I have written this story, incorporating an unexpected romantic dilemma for Harry. I also wanted to explore hopefully new ways of how Harry could have become a Slytherin pupil, and how Harry would have coped with that.

Constructive, helpful, balanced criticism that is meant well is appreciated – as are of course positive reviews. Otherwise, any reviews or comments that I judge to be unhelpful and/or too negative in any way will now be ignored.

To the growing number of people who are enjoying this story (including those marking it as a favourite), please let me know what you do like about it! Thank you. Now, on with the last chapter…

Chapter Six:

Partners, Plans, And Polyjuice Potions.

November to December 1998

The next few days saw Harry continue with his schedule of classes, homework, and Head Boy duties. Daphne, of course, was often with him when he was on patrol – and they equally shared their Head pupil responsibilities when the prefects and teachers – and Hagrid and Filch – had to confer with them. In addition, Harry shared several of his lessons sitting with Daphne, whilst he sat with Luna at others. He felt blissfully happy, more so than he had for most of his six years at Hogwarts – and his extended circle of friends soon remarked amongst themselves just how relaxed Harry was, now that he was free of Voldemort – and free of the negative influences of people like Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape. But also his Slytherin friends were aware that Harry was happiest when he was spending time with Daphne, or Luna, or – as was sometimes the case - both of them.

Away from Slytherin House, and on the advice of his two girlfriends, Harry made sure that he spent time with his friends in the other Houses – especially with Ron and Hermione. Harry was worried that Hermione would soon work out what was happening between him, Daphne, and Luna – and that Ron (like Remus already had) would develop his werewolf senses enough to detect how often Harry's scent would contain traces of both of his girls. Furthermore, that Ron would turn resentful towards Harry for 'having more than his fair share', as he imagined the red-headed young man would say. But when Harry – with Daphne's and Luna's permission – told Ron and Hermione of how he was now at the centre of a 'thrupple', Hermione had smiled, embraced Harry, and told him to love and honour both of his ladies equally. Meanwhile, Ron had slapped Harry's back, winked, and wished him the best of luck.

Harry had been taken aback by their lack of anger or criticism. "You're not mad at me?" he asked, bewildered, as they sat at the base of a tree near to the Black Lake.

Hermione shook her head. "Harry… You were raised by a family that failed to love you. Your first brush at fancying a girl went nowhere. And the first girl who was serious about having you as her boyfriend…" She trailed off, eyes flicking to Ron, who nodded glumly.

"…wanted you for your title, money, and fame - as much as she wanted you for your…er…more physical qualities," Ron completed Hermione's thread. He shrugged, grinning. "Before you became a Slytherin witch, I admit that I was prejudiced against any Slytherins. Some of that is down to how I was brought up. What I was taught by my parents, and other relatives. But now… I've seen how being in Slytherin during our sixth year changed you for the better, mate. And er, I don't mean how you were better looking as Daphne…"

"Ron…" Hermione rolled her eyes.

Ron grinned. "Just kidding. I mean that you became more patient and better at planning ahead…"

"Both Daphne and Luna helped you to think before you leapt into action – whereas you were too rash at times before, Harry. Daphne got you to guard against showing your weaknesses to others – whilst thinking how to exploit opportunities and work out how to outsmart Voldemort and the Death Eaters. And how to nudge the magical world's political system to our advantage. Whilst Luna helped you be calmer, and look at the bigger picture. As well as listening to your heart and being true to yourself," Hermione declared, smiling. "I may not have approved of either of them, at first. But like Ron here, I saw how they were changing you for the better. And I know that they both love you dearly. For who you are. For what you're fought for. For what you have achieved."

Harry nodded, taking this in. "I love them for the same reasons. And, thanks to them, I've not only got a goal – changing Slytherin House from within – they're helping me in every way they can to make it possible to make a real start towards that goal. Funny… I made all these plans with you pair, our friends, and the teachers, in order to outsmart Ginny. But I didn't plan to be shared between Daphne and Luna." He shrugged, smiling. "But we've worked it all out between us now." He looked directly at Ron. "I was afraid that you would resent my luck."

Ron shook his head. "I'm better than that now, mate. I'm not jealous of you with those two blondes! I've got my own blonde witch to share my future life with – including the nights when we both turn wolf…" His lips turned up as he paused and sniffed the air. "Ah… Here she is now!"

Seconds later, Lavender emerged from the trees, along with a cheerful Hagrid. Between the grounds man and his apprentice, the pair was carrying a crate filled with dead branches, to be used as firewood. At Hagrid's nod, he and Lavender put down the crate – and Lavender ran over to her boyfriend, hugging him tightly even as she giggled a hello to Harry and Hermione, who greeted her warmly in turn – the animosity between the two girls having been buried whilst Lavender had slowly recovered from the injuries she had received from Fenrir Greyback. The injuries that had caused her to become a werewolf herself.

With amusement, Harry watched Ron and Lavender give each other Eskimo kisses, as they drank in each other's scent. Then Ron left with Hagrid and Lavender, promising to catch up with them later. As the three departed, Hermione spoke.

"I'm glad Ron and Lavender have embraced their inner wolves. Thanks to Ron, Lavender is no longer ashamed of her…other self. And thanks to Remus and Dora, she has a new family," she declared. "But out there, in the wider wizarding world…"

"…they are still going to face prejudice and discrimination. And that's what Remus and the pack need to challenge and fight when we become adults in the wizarding world, Hermione. With help from us, Hagrid, Tracey, and the rest of our New Marauders circle," Harry confirmed.

Hermione smirked at him. "Having you and Neville becoming lords on the Wizengamot soon will help."

"True. But I want there to be ladies with voting rights on the Wizengamot too, Hermione. With luck, Neville will make sure that Ginny gets to become Lady Longbottom before very long…"

"…and Daphne will take her place as Lady Potter-Black, besides you, if all goes well." The end of Hermione's lips twitched upwards. "What about Luna? I guess she has to remain as your mistress, so that you can't be charged under the present laws of our society."

"Luna's not interested in politics. She'll have her own ways of wanting to change the world for the better when we are ready to do so, as adults." Harry tossed a pebble into the edge of the lake. "So… That's Ron and me answered for. How about you, Hermione? I've noticed that you and Michael spending more time together…"

He was amused to see Hermione's cheeks turned a shade pink. "Um… Well… Michael and I have acted as liaison links between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. You know. Part of the scheme to make sure the Houses do not descend into senseless rivalry and bickering…"

Harry stood up and folded his arms as he tapped his heel. He grinned. Hermione sighed as she realised that he was impersonating her bossier, younger self.

"All right! Fine! Michael and I are…, um… Starting to think of each other as a potential couple," she huffed in defeat, as she got to her feet. "I was worried that he had a thing for Cho Chang – but it's just a friendship between them. And Michael's more gracious about losing since his days as Ginny's boyfriend. He's actually really interesting – and sweet, too – when you get to know him. So… I think I have a good chance."

"That's great news, Hermione! I hope he's a better match for you, than Ron was," Harry gushed as he hugged her. Hermione squeezed him back tightly.

"Thanks, Harry. Good luck with your two ladies, by the way. Don't worry about whatever any doubters say. You deserve Daphne and Luna – and they both deserve you!"


Ginny was one of those who sometimes saw Harry walking the grounds, hand-in-hand with Daphne. At first, she felt jealously and resentment – when Neville was not there to distract her. But as the weeks passed by, and her own relationship with Neville grew stronger, she watched the smiling Harry and Daphne pass by with acceptance at their bond.

The last time during the autumn term that she saw Harry and Daphne walk to the hill overlooking the Black Lake, she nodded to them respectfully, and they duly nodded back, their green and grey scarves wrapped around their necks and draping over their casual warm clothes, to protect them from the faint chill of the late November day.

Ginny still resented the fact that Harry now wore…the wrong colours…with his scarf and uniform. But she tried to think about it as little as possible now.

As she pulled away, Ginny caught a glimpse of something in the edge of her vision. Frowning, she spun round. Had she really spied something dark on the path, close behind Harry and Daphne…? But there was nothing there to see.

After a long pause, Ginny shrugged and moved on, continuing her Sunday afternoon walk.

Minutes later, Luna pulled the Invisibility Cloak off her, and carefully folded it up, before placing it on the ground. Then she sat down next to Harry and Daphne at the base of a tree, as the trio snuggled together in the light wind and stared out across the lake and the loch beyond.

"I was careless with the cloak," Luna told them. "Ginny spied my shoes. But she dismissed her concerns and left."

Harry kissed Luna's forehead. "That's the only worry I have left, now that I've got you pair. I wish I could be truly open about the fact that both of you are my girlfriends," he sighed. "After all, our closest friends all know about us – and accept us."

"I know, Harry. But we've all agreed on the plan for this." Luna rubbed her nose against Harry's. "I need to be the secret girlfriend here, so that when we finish at Hogwarts, you and Daphne here can go on to marry and become Lord and Lady Potter-Black, and enjoyed your lives at the restored Potter Manor…"

"…and you take up residence as our secretary, or whatever you decide to officially be. Besides being my secret mistress, that is." Harry smiled at her.

"Ron's not jealous of you having us both, then?" Daphne asked. "He's been jealous of you in the past, as you've told us."

Harry shook his head and chuckled. "No, he's not. And he's very happy with his own blonde-haired witch. So much so that I expect they won't be virgins by the time June comes round. Especially given that Ron was bitten by Lavender at his own request – like Dora was by Remus. I understand that the maker-cub relationship helps to strengthen the connection between two werewolves in love."

"Oh! They've already lost their virginity to each other, Harry," Luna declared with a deadpan expression.

Harry's eyes widened. "Er… Th-they have? I know I don't see much of Ron, now that he's in a different House – but he's not yet…"

"I'm friends with Lavender too, you know! She gushed about it to me this morning when I helped her to feed the Thestrals," Luna clarified, smiling widely. "It was just last night. She and Ron wanted to experiment with their ability to change of their own accord into wolves. So, in one of the better rooms in the Shrieking Shack, Ron and Lavender tried to transform without a full moon. Lavender got frustrated with her repeated failures so much, that Ron got Lavender to calm down by kissing her – only for them to go somewhat further than they had planned to. And after they had rested from…their session, Lavender and Ron found that it was easy to shift into their fury forms. And later on, after hunting rabbits, the two of them went for another round – only this time, of course, as…"

Daphne swiftly bounded across to Luna, and placed her hand across the mouth of the other girl. "Enough! Too much information!" She winced.


Harry chuckled as the wide-eyed Luna made little protesting noises behind Daphne's hand, before the older witch relented. "I take it then, that Tracey hasn't been…too naughty…when she's donned the wolfskin and hunted with the changed Theo?" he put to her.

"Tracey hasn't…mated…with Theo! She's told me everything that she remembered from her two full moons that she's experienced so far," Daphne retorted. "She's not been…naughty!"

Luna exchanged a look with Harry, and then smirked. "Are you sure, Daphne?"

"Yes! Tracey's my oldest friend and best friend… Well, you pair are my best friends too, now… Tracey tells me everything! Well… Almost everything…"

Harry and Luna finally gave in to their shared fit of laughter at Daphne's flustered expression.

Shaking her head, Daphne's lips twitched upwards as she knelt down and pulled Harry and Luna in for a group hug. "You two will be the death of me," she groaned.

"Maybe. But hopefully not for a long while, yet." Harry's eyebrows wagged at her.

"So…," Luna piped up again. "When do we have another night of fun with our shared boyfriend here, Daphne?"

Daphne groaned again. "You're developing a one-track mind, Lovegood."

"But it's a track that you love, when it comes to Harry," Luna pointed out, grinning.

Harry snorted with laughter once more. Once a week – usually, but not always, on a Friday or Saturday night – Luna would be given a pass by either Harry or Daphne, so that she could visit the Head Boy and Head Girl. And after playing whatever Muggle game Harry was able to order by owl post (on the last occasion it had been a Truth-or-Dare version of a game involving building a tower of wooden bricks, which had left them shrieking with laughter at each other's confessions and dares), the Silver Trio would retreat into whichever bedroom they would be sharing for the night.

On those occasions, Harry and Daphne would use their experiences of being in each other's forms, to help coax the other during their foreplay – with Luna watching on with interest. Now that they were established as a threesome, Harry now felt less nervous with each successive experience.

During their first sessions of lovemaking as humans, Daphne was invariably the more passionate lover. But on the last occasion, Harry had been pleasantly surprised to find that Luna had become more confident – and was now just as likely as Daphne to make their lovemaking as fierce and passionate. Equally, over time, Daphne had learnt how to become just as tender as Luna.

And each night, after spending as much time and care over Luna as he had done with Daphne, Harry would collapse on the pillows between the two girls. Whilst they giggled about having exhausted their 'young man' – before snuggling next to Harry, one on either side of him.

But despite being worn out on each night that he made love to them both, Harry thanked the powers that be for his two wonderful, gorgeous ladies. None of them had any regrets about their arrangement. Theirs would be a bond for life. And in the afterlife too, if they had any say in the matter.


On the following Friday night after Ginny had nearly spied Luna following Harry and Daphne, Harry made love again to his two girlfriends.

On this occasion, whilst Luna watched from her chair, Harry instructed Daphne to lay on top of her bed, face up and eyes closed, whilst he gently etched slow circles on her calves with his fingers – teasing her as he gradually stroked closer and closer to her exposed privates, making Daphne's sense of anticipation build up as she shuddered and squirmed with delight. Then, with Daphne allowed to look again, Harry stretched his nude form alongside hers and slowly stroked the edges of her breasts, before leaning in closer to carefully tease her nipple with his lips, making it stiffen. Next, Harry's tongue licked around her areola.

Sucking in a deep breath as she fought not to gasp out, Daphne allowed herself to otherwise reel from the sensations that Harry was triggering in her, feeling herself becoming moist where she needed to be. Then she abruptly grabbed hold of his head with both of her hands.

"That's good, Harry…," she panted. "Now… The other one."

Harry smiled back. "Whatever you say, my lady."

And as he got to work, Daphne's hands roamed all over Harry's lean body, including the smoothness of his face where he had recently shaved. Pausing, she carefully removed his spectacles and placed them safely on the bedside cabinet. Then she breathed in the scent and sweat emitted by him, even as Harry's nostrils took in her jasmine perfume, her sweat, and her soft skin. Daphne's wandering fingers traced random patterns across his hair, his shoulders, his legs, his bum…and his malehood, which stiffed even as she gently stroked it.

Daphne chuckled as Harry gasped.

And when they were both ready, they aligned themselves against each other – and Harry slowly pressed his way into the pretty blonde witch underneath him, until he could go no further. Before long, Harry and Daphne were in a tight, mutual embrace – with one of Harry's hands gripping her hair as he panted. They pressed their locked hips against each other as their pace gradually quickened and become more urgent and demanding. This time they found their release almost at the same time.

Practice makes near-perfect, Harry thought to himself, as he clutched at Daphne whilst recovering his breath.

Wearing a predatory smile as she held Harry's head with both hands, Daphne abruptly rolled over – taking him with her. Now she was on top.

"Hey!" Harry protested lightly. "You could have warned me!"

"Now where would be the surprise in that, Harry?" Daphne smirked and lowered her face to his, in order to nibble on his earlobe first…

And after a second round with Daphne, Harry recovered his breath and used his magic to clean himself up, and Daphne likewise used hers as she scooted aside to watch the next stage. Then, still lying in bed, Harry invited Luna to him with his eyes. The smaller witch shyly approached the wide bed, dressed only in her silk nightgown – which she gradually lowered away from her slender body as she drew closer to the side of the bed, letting Harry slowly drink in her beauty with his eyes, a part at a time.

Then, dropping her nightgown to the floor, Luna giggled and snuggled herself against Harry. Their first kisses were long and lingering.

"What have I done to deserve both of you?" Harry teased Daphne and Luna, when Luna broke lip-contact with him, in order to breathe again.

The still-naked Daphne, sitting on a nearby chair, folded her arms and shook her head in a mock-scowl. "It really would take a long time …"

"…to list all the reasons, Harry," Luna completed Daphne's sentence, smiling. "We deserve each other."

"All right…" Harry winked at them both. "Now then, Miss Lovegood. How do you want me to make love to you?"

Luna gave him a saintly look that was belied by the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Hmm… Exactly the same way that I saw you love Miss Greengrass, I would say…"

And so he did. All of it.

Some time later, Luna emerged from the experience just as exhausted, and happy, as Daphne. But her expression would always be dreamier than his other girlfriend, Harry thought to himself.

Finally, with Daphne besides Harry – and with Luna sprawled at an angle over their wizard – Daphne raised her wand and magically extinguished the lamps in the bedroom, before placing the wand next to Harry's glasses.

Seconds later…


"Yes, Daphne?"

"Kindly stop that purring."


Harry chuckled and embraced them with both of his arms. "Now, now. No fighting, girls! And make sure I get space to turn over. At least some of the time."

With their usual tittering and cries of 'Goodnight', the Silver Trio closed their eyes and allowed themselves to drift away for another night.


1998: The end of autumn term

Ginny sighed as she broke off her kiss with Neville. They were standing at one end of the platform at Hogsmeade station, trying to ignore the wolf whistles from some of the older pupils who had paused to watch, before boarding the waiting Hogwarts Express. Smoke blew across the opposite platform, to disappear above the frost-tinted roofs of Hogsmeade.

"Well. I'd better go," Neville declared apologetically as he relaxed his embrace. "Wish you were coming with me, Gin."

"Sorry. Ron told me earlier this week that he would have an early Christmas present waiting for me at Hogwarts when this train left," Ginny explained. She smirked as she brushed a gloved hand through his dark hair. "Don't worry, Neville. I'll still come to visit you and your Grandmother on Christmas Day, when I Apparate over to your home. I just hope that she likes me."

"Well, she remembers you from the battle. And she knows the part you played in the DA, and at the Ministry with me - and what you did in the resistance against the Carrows and the Death Eaters. She approves of you. I don't find Gran so intimidating now, after all I've been through. And so I'm not going to let her intimidate you!" Neville affectionately rubbed Ginny's cheek. "So, see you in a few days time. I'll meet you at the agreed site – then key you into the wards of the house."

Ginny smiled. "Looking forward to it. Until then, Neville. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Gin."

After waving to Neville through the window as the train steamed away, picking up speed, Ginny adjusted her Gryffindor scarf, shivering in the chill north breeze before walking back along the long path back to Hogswarts. Harry and most of his friends had departed also – leaving only a handful of pupils who were staying for the holiday. Ron and Lavender amongst them.

And back inside, as she approached the Fat Lady's door, to enter the Gryffindor common room, Ginny found Ron and Lavender waiting for her – both of them, like her, dressed casually. But Lavender looked apprehensive and…twitchy? Whilst Ron was smiling. At ease. More than that. He was…beaming?

"Merry Christmas, Ginny! I've managed to get you a present that I heard you wanted!" said Ron.

"You have…?" Ginny frowned. "Neither of you look like you're carrying anything…"

Still smiling, Ron pointed at Lavender. He gave a giggle. "Put it this way. I felt a bit…heavier, at first. But now I'm fine with the way I currently am!"

When was the last time I heard Ron…giggle…?

Ginny squinted her eyes as she turned to peer at Lavender. The older witch wasn't wearing any make-up, and she had her arms folded together across her chest. Her hair was loose, rather than being tied up in its usual bow. Also, she was staring at the floor and biting her lip.

"We played Wizard's Chess some days ago – and she beat me. This is my forfeit!" Lavender huffed, her face turning a shade redder.

"But I'm paying you a good sum of Galleons to do this…," Ron giggled.

The penny dropped for Ginny. So too did her jaw.

"R-Ron!? You and Lavender…? Polyjuice Potion?"

"Yeah… Well, here I am. Like Harry, I'm man enough to become a young woman," confirmed Ron-as-Lavender. She checked the lady's watch on her wrist. "Thankfully, not for long in my case! We've got about three quarters of an hour left. So let's get this over with…"

Ginny let out a shriek of delight and dived forward to embrace the new girl. "Th-thank you, Lavender! Yes! At last! I have a sister!"

"Keep your voice down, Gin!" Ron-as-Lavender scolded her – whilst Lavender-as-Ron giggled again. "Let's head for somewhere more private – before anyone comes out…"

"Oh no, Lavender! You're coming with me to my bedroom in the girls' dormitories." Ginny now sported a predatory grin. Her sadness over parting from Neville had now abruptly gone.

"Err… Why?"

"You've got no nail vanish or make-up on! And we can do some work on your hair. If you want to understand what it's like to be a girl for only an hour, we've got to make the most of this limited opportunity…"

"Ginny! I'm already dressed up as a girl. Putting on a bra over my… I mean… That was awkward enough!" Ron started to resist her sister as Ginny grabbed hold of her arm and dragged her to the Fat Lady's door. With gusto.

"Right… I'll find you a skirt and tights whilst I'm at it, Ron. Lion's den!" Ginny called out the password to the Fat Lady, who beamed back. The door to the common room promptly swung open.

"I ain't your doll to dress up! And I'm not a Gryffindor anymore, Gin!" Ron-as-Lavender protested.

"No – but you're my guest. In you go!"

"Help me, Lav!" the new girl pleaded to the new boy.

"Sorry. I'm a Hufflepuff now. Remember?" Lavender-as-Ron smiled angelically. "I wouldn't be allowed in. Whereas you're not in any House, now. At least you won't have to worry about experiencing my time of the month. You know… Not the full moon one!"

"I hope your Christmas present to me is worth all this, Lav!" Ron-as-Lavender yelled angrily, in the moment before the common room door closed again, cutting her cries off and sealing the two Weasleys inside. Lavender-as-Ron was left alone in the corridor, where he broke down into hysterical laughter, clutching his hands against his face as the tears of mirth ran down...

In the meantime… Well, I already know what I look like, down below. Maybe I'll test my new boy physique with a quick jog around the school…, he decided as he recovered, patting his broader, flatter chest, before giving his firmer arm muscles another squeeze.

With a smile of approval, Lavender-as-Ron set off jogging, keen to test his new werewolf speed and stamina in human form.


Elsewhere, when Daphne and Luna accompanied Harry upon his return to Potter Manor, the three of them relaxed before helping out the house-elves to prepare the house for Christmas.

On the night of Christmas Eve, Harry set off for bed first. He grinned at Daphne and Luna.

"Give me about twenty minutes – then come and find me. I'll be in the master bedroom. If you're both ready for bed, of course." Then he slipped away upstairs.

Daphne and Luna exchanged raised eyebrows.

"Now… What's our boy got planned?" Daphne wondered aloud.

Luna tilted her face slightly to one side. "Hmm… Harry did look thoughtful after coming back from helping Hannah with carrying her Christmas shopping, today."

"She's got Ernie and Astoria staying with her during the holiday, now that she's been orphaned by the war," Daphne muttered. Puzzled, she finished off her supper as she listened to the Christmas carol service being played over the Wizard Radio.

After the two teenage witches brushed their teeth, they walked from the bathroom, and headed past their guest bedrooms and the study…

Daphne halted, her snub nose twitching as she sniffed the air. Then she turned and pushed on the door of Harry's spare room, which was ajar. Inside, in an empty corner amongst the books and various bric-a-brac that Harry had yet to sort was a medium-sized cauldron – steam still rising from the pot. A ladle was resting inside. Daphne and Luna took in the scene, and looked into a cup that lay on the nearby writing desk, finding the cup empty. A pair of scissors and a dark hair on a saucer were next to it.

"Polyjuice…," declared Daphne.

Luna sniffed at the residue liquid in the ladle and agreed. Her eyes shining with intrigue, she pulled at Daphne's arm and led her to the master bedroom next door. "Let's find out Harry's plan for us!" she urged the other witch.

Harry urged them to "Come in," as Luna knocked on the door. Seconds later, the girls strode in – to see two more cups on top of the bedside cabinet, one of them empty. The other was filled with warm, recently-poured Polyjuice Potion. Meanwhile, Harry neatly folded away his underpants as he added them to the pile of his clothes on the floor. The only things he was wearing now were his glasses and pyjama bottoms. He turned to them and smirked.

"You've still got a trace of Polyjuice on your lips, Harry," Luna calmly pointed out.

"Oh, sorry. So… You've…"

"…smelt and seen your work with the cauldron. Yes. Care to tell us who you are about to become – and what this is about, Harry?" Daphne asked, her expression guarded.

"I still feel rather guilty that I didn't lose my virginity to you, Daphne - given that you were dating me before Luna entered the equation. During a talk with Hannah today – when we were alone together during lunch, both having, er…drunk a little too much mulled wine, I confessed this to her. In turn, she then confessed a secret to me. Hannah is now in a threesome herself with Ernie and Astoria – with the real Astoria sharing Ernie with her. But since Ernie has no intention to become a boy again, Hannah resorted last night to brewing Polyjuice, in order to…"

"…become a young man, herself? Or rather himself? So that Ernie-as-Astoria gets to have two boyfriends – at least once in a while?" Luna speculated.

"You can be scary sometimes, Luna." Harry chuckled. "Hannah used hairs from the fake Ernie to become a second Ernie."

Daphne's jaw dropped open. "My brother… My adopted sister. So you're planning to…"

She trailed off as Harry grimaced and sat on the side of the bed, clutching his stomach. His face and body began to change.

"Sorry girls… I'll be with you shortly," Harry announced, as he felt his insides churn. Then his body started to thin out – his muscles and bones shrinking slightly. His shoulders and waist pulled in a little closer, whilst his pelvic bones altered and widened slightly – as if in counterbalance.

Further down, unseen by the girls thanks to his pyjama bottoms, Harry's genitals rapidly shrank. Moments later, he gasped as a vagina started to open up and fully form – with the displaced male body cells changing to take their new shapes and positions …

Harry did not panic – even as he lost a little height and his hair started to grow, changing colour in the process. He removed his glasses as his eyesight sharpened.

"Oh, my!" Luna beamed as she and the fascinated Daphne watched Harry's chest suddenly turned hairless and then grow a pair of feminine breasts. His – no, her hair lengthened to cover her neck. Harry's eyelids turned hooded, and her now-smooth face changed into that of a familiar young witch. As she stood up, Daphne and Luna took in the impression of Harry's now-flat groin and wider hips underneath the pyjama trousers.

Harry glanced at herself in the room's dressing mirror, brushing her altered hair as she did so, with a smile. Then she briefly jiggled her medium-sized breasts, taking in their softness and weight. Her chuckle came out as a feminine giggle, as she reflected on the fact that there were now three blonde witches in the room.

"Well… I'm surprised that Hannah gave you one of her hairs, Harry," remarked Daphne, her eyebrow arching.

"Well, it was after all that mulled wine," Harry admitted, "I certainly didn't want to turn into another Astoria Greengrass. That would've been the wrong approach for you, Daphne."

Daphne tried not to think about that. "Definitely," she quickly agreed.

Harry then silently cast a spell upon herself with her wand. "Testing. Testing… There, do I now sound more like Hannah?" Harry asked her audience.

"Passably so," Daphne answered as she stepped forward. "I take it this is just normal Polyjuice – and that you'll be Harry again in an hour?"

"That's right." Harry-as-Hannah nodded towards the filled cup. "That one is for you to drink, Daphne. For you to become me again – then, when we've had our fun, Luna can drink the third cup in the study…"

"…and take over from Daphne in being Harry for a while! Yay!" Luna suddenly looked like a little kid who had been offered a huge jar of sweets. Or the entire sweetshop, for that matter.

Daphne narrowed her gaze slightly. "But…remembering the trouble you had fully regaining your attraction towards girls, when you become Harry again…"

"…I know. Am I going to be attracted to boys for tonight?" Harry-as-Hannah shot back. "I'm prepared to just lose myself in the flow. Just for this night. Meanwhile, I hope that you pair will be able to…" Harry batted her eyelids seductively. "…rise to the occasion."

"Oh! I think we're both prepared to try. Aren't we, Daphne?"

"I guess that we are, Luna. Given that it's Christmas…" Daphne gave a sly grin as she spied a few blonde hairs on the small plate that was in between the cups. She offered the plate to Luna. "Keep that cauldron warm. Give us the full hour, Luna. Then you and Harry can take your potions for your hour of fun!"

"Will do!" Luna took the plate containing the spare hairs that Hannah had clipped from herself, and left the bedroom, shutting the door to behind her. Meanwhile, steeling herself for the vile taste of Polyjuice, Daphne managed to gulp down the potion with Harry's dark hair added to it without gagging. Then, she quickly started to undress before her underwear would make her now-changing shape uncomfortable…

"You'll need this. Just be on the safe side…" Daphne cast a spell on Harry.

Harry felt the brief tingling. She was puzzled for a moment. Then it clicked.

"Ah… Contraceptive charm?" she asked.

Daphne grinned and nodded. Then as her face and body shifted and settled into his new, temporary form, Daphne felt the eyebrow ridges on his altered skull, slipped on Harry's glasses and patted his firm chest and legs, admiring the muscles within.

Well, I'm Harry again… Daphne smirked to himself.

The real Harry rose from the bed, and glanced at Daphne's new malehood. Then, pausing to adjust her actions to those of a lady, she slipped her slim arms around Daphne-as-Harry's neck – whilst Daphne's arms wrapped themselves Harry-as-Hannah's back.

"One early Christmas present from me to the two of you. Just for tonight," Harry breathed into Daphne's ear.

"Thank you, Harry…" Daphne-as-Harry tilted his face down a fraction and – using his green eyes to linger, made Harry build up anticipation for the kiss, which came moments later. It was gentle, but firm. And as their lips broke apart, Daphne asked, "Do you think that despite us having already…? Well, you know. Do you that you turning briefly into a woman will mean that your… Well…, your hymen will…be intact?"

"That's the point of this plan, Daphne. Hannah's not lose her female virginity, or so she told me. So we're about to find out how that bears upon my current form of her." Harry grinned as her roaming hands were intercepted by Daphne's. Then the pair of them moved towards the bed and they stretched themselves out on it – as they started to explore and kiss each other all over. With Harry using her knowledge of how he liked to be touched by his girls – and Daphne intimately knowing how a girl would want Harry Potter to love her…

And so, in the minutes that followed, the transgendered couple moaned and gasped as they found how to stimulate each other. And when Harry-as-Hannah made it clear to Daphne-as-Harry that she was ready, the witch-turned-wizard lined himself up against Harry, and soon found out that Harry-as-Hannah did indeed have her maidenhood intact.

"Okay…Harry. As you have witnessed from our first time, this will sting a bit," Daphne hugged Harry to him, as he panted. "Thank you for this. I love you."

Harry nodded back as she gripped Daphne's shoulder with one hand, and his untidy hair in the other. "I love you too. Don't hold back, Daphne," she urged him.

Harry bit her lip, but still gave a slight cry as Daphne-as-Harry entered her. Then, recovering their breaths, the pair found their shared rhythm and took their lovemaking to the next level, whilst the tips of their tongues fought each other in their kisses of fire…

And an hour later, having drunk Hannah's second hair in the Polyjuice Potion Luna had brought to her, Harry resumed Hannah's form once more shortly after becoming Harry again. She watched with amusement as, simultaneously, Daphne reverted back to being Daphne Greengrass – whilst Luna undressed and started to grow taller, as she began her transformation, acquiring the wider shoulders, narrower hips, flatter chest, and the slightly more muscular frame that Daphne was now losing, even as Daphne left the room to let the other pair play by themselves. Luna felt her internal genitals grow smaller and smaller, until she saw her labia bulge out and her now-lengthening clitoris join onto his emerging scrotum. Seconds later, the new, wide-eyed wizard excitedly examined himself in the mirror. Then, taking Harry's glasses from the smirking Daphne, Luna put them on – and crawled onto the bed to begin kissing and cuddling Harry-as-Hannah…

Like Daphne before him, Luna cast the contraceptive charm on Harry. "Maybe we should teach you that – if we do this again, Harry!" he giggled.

"Maybe… Now come here!" Harry-as-Hannah whispered to him, as they got down to thoroughly exploring each other, whilst trading their tender kisses. Soon, Harry was reeling from Luna's tongue teasing first one nipple, then her other. Whilst Harry fingertips began stroking Luna-as-Harry's firm legs, before moving onto his privates.

Finally, after more experimentation, Harry and Luna climaxed - almost at the same time – before slumping onto the bed sheets as they recovered their breaths. Waves of bliss washed over Harry-as-Hannah – whilst Luna-as-Harry gave a dreamy smile that betrayed the real identity of the witch-turned-wizard.

After their hour was up and they had reassumed their real forms, Harry and Luna took a few moments to clear themselves up – then they retreated back to the bed and dived underneath the sheets.

"We've finished, Daphne!" Luna happily called out.

Back in her nightclothes, Daphne soon entered the bedroom and stood by the double bed. "So…, room for one more, Mr Potter?" she asked teasingly.

"Well, 'tis the night before Christmas, Miss Greengrass…" Harry grinned back.

"Yes!" Daphne soon joined the rest of the Silver Trio under the bed clothes and, snuggling herself against Harry's warm body, bade them goodnight.

"Goodnight, Harry and Daphne!" Luna cheerfully answered.

"Goodnight, girls. Pleasant dreams!" Harry chuckled.

"Well, we never have Wrackspurts when we're laying next to you, Harry," Daphne pointed out.

"Hey! That's my line!" Luna mock-pouted.


Friday 18 February 2005

In the flickering torchlight of the antechamber, Harry stood to one side of the double doors as they opened up. A sixth year couple emerged from the Great Hall within Hogwarts and held hands, smiling as they did so. They paused and turned to each other.

"So… Where do you want to study this evening, Samantha? And how long for?" the boy asked. "Personally, I prefer that we go to the Astronomy Tower."

The brunette smirked. "You mean you want to do other things besides study, Garth. Like kissing…"

"Drat… I'm too much of an open book."

"You're an open book to me anyway. Ever since Saint Valentine's Day. But we can't go to the Astronomy Tower tonight. My dorm mate will soon be there with her Ravenclaw boyfriend… Oh!"

Samantha and Garth stopped and turned round, having glimpsed Harry standing next to the painted shield emblem of Hogwarts that hung on the wall.

"It…it's…," Garth stuttered.

Harry sighed, but smiled – shaking his head.

"Harry Potter from the board of School Governors… Um, I mean… Lord Potter-Black," Samantha managed to say. She gave a curtsey. Whilst Garth, at a nudge from his girlfriend, duly bowed.

Harry laughed and raised his hand to stop them. "There's no need for that…." He trailed off as his eyes took in the pair's school robes and ties. Garth was a Gryffindor and Samantha was a Slytherin. Hence her sense of etiquette.

"Good to see that Gryffindors and Slytherins can now date openly," he noted.

The couple blushed, but smiled back. "We've got you and your friends to thank for that, sir," Garth pointed out.

"Yes. You all helped to redeem Slytherin House, after…the war. Thank you," Samantha solemnly declared.

"My pleasure. Is Miss Lovegood still in the Great Hall?"

"She is, my Lord." Garth grinned. "It's a delight to have her teaching us, by the way. Hagrid is happy with her being his teaching apprentice."

"Yes. I envy how she makes friends with the magical creatures so easily…," added Samantha.

"Well, almost all of them. Even she can't befriend a Blast-Ended Skrewt!" Garth finished.

Harry chuckled and raised his hand in farewell. "Good to talk to you both. Don't let me stop you…from your homework, though."

"Um, of course not, sir…." Samantha gently tugged on Garth's hand, and they headed off along one of the corridors, their satchels over their shoulders as they debated where to go.

Then, before Harry could enter the Great Hall, two more figures walked out. Their conversation stopped as Luna saw Harry – and she dashed over to hug him. Then Horace Slughorn approached and shook his hand.

"Harry me boy! Good to see you again!"

"You too, sir." Harry was glad to see that the Potions teacher had slimmed down since he had left Hogwarts.

"Come to greet your friend on her birthday, eh?"

"Oh yes, Horace!" Luna trilled. "Harry never forgets the birthdays of those he's closest to."

"Good to know. How is Lady Potter-Black faring these days, Harry? I miss that girl. I miss you being around too, of course. But amongst your set of friends, you, Luna, and Daphne in particular have done so much for Slytherin House, and the Wizarding World in general," Slughorn gushed.

"Daphne's keeping well, thanks." Harry relaxed. "She sends her regards to you. She thinks of you fondly from her Potions lessons, compared to Professor Snape and his manner. You helped her to build up her confidence."

"I'm glad to know that I helped. Well… I've got papers to mark. Please excuse me…" And with an exchange of raised hands and goodbyes, Professor Slughorn headed off.

Harry glanced again at the Hogwarts crest on the nearby wall. Luna smiled and held his hand, as she followed his gaze. The Gryffindor lion and the Slytherin snake were no facing each other as poised adversaries, but were now facing the 'H' at the centre of the shield – like the badger and eagle were, more or less. The lion's expression was calm, its mouth closed. Its forepaws lowered.

"I'm glad McGonagall and the rest of the staff decided to redesign this. It reflects what we've tried to achieve within the school. An end to inter-house hostility," Harry declared quietly.

"What we have achieved between all of us, Harry. Though granted, it's still a work in progress." Luna squeezed his hand. "C'mon. I still need to pack a few things into my bag. Then we can head home for my birthday weekend!"

"I'm still not sure if you're an Aquarian or a Pisces – with you being born on the cusp, Luna…"

"I'm the best of both, Harry!" Luna beamed as she led him along the corridor to the nearest stairwell. "It fits well for you, Daphne, and me. I represent the air and water elements in our relationships..."

"…whilst I'm the fire - and Daphne as a Capricorn literally keeps us down to earth and on our feet, as we keep trying to change the magical world for the better. One stage at a time. I know." Harry smiled. "How was the evening meal, Luna?" he asked her, as they headed along to her quarters, pausing for the flight of stairs before them to swing into its locking position, before climbing onwards.

"Oh, good. Especially pudding! Ever since Justin's taken up the post of assistant caterer in the school with handling supplies, we get a greater range of Muggle foods. Tonight I had Victoria Sponge for the first time!" Luna gushed.

Harry chuckled, and as they reached a landing, he gently pulled her in to hug her.

When they entered Luna's quarters, she closed the door behind them and grabbed hold of Harry – tilting her face up to met him in a heartfelt kiss, as he squeezed her firmly in return and rubbed circles on her back with his fingertips.

"Hmmm…" Luna sighed as she broke lip-contact. Her gaze became more dreamy than usual as she reflected on the evolving nature of her relationship with Harry and Daphne. The middle of 1999 had seen Slytherin House winning the Quidditch cup, without any underhand tactics – after one cheating Slytherin had been ordered off the team by the team captain, Tracey. Meanwhile, the House cup was jointly won by Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Harry, Luna and Daphne had been happy for them. All too often those two Houses missed out on trophies.

In the summer of 2001, amongst a moderate-sized service that was attended by the Greengrass family, the Lupin family, several of the Hogwarts Professors, and Harry's invited friends, Harry James Potter and Daphne Catherine Greengrass were married – with Luna, Hermione, Tracey, and Ernie-as-Astoria acting as bridesmaids. Whilst Ron (who by that time had already married Lavender) was Harry's best man. The only other Weasleys in attendance were Bill and Fleur, Charlie, and George. Neville and Ginny Longbottom did not attend – but Neville sent Harry and Daphne a card of congratulations, along with a letter of apology that they couldn't be there.

Harry, Daphne, and Luna were not worried. Due to Ginny's acceptance (via the hard way) that Harry would never be hers, she had allowed Neville into her heart – and they had married in the January before. Ginny and Neville had a small ceremony – attended by the Weasley family, Lavender, and Hermione. Harry, Daphne, and Luna weren't on the invite list. But there was no malice between them and Ginny now – just an acknowledgement that they had gone their separate ways. Harry and Neville were still on good terms with each other, though. And in the last few years they always had good conversations, when meeting each other by chance or whilst attending the Wizengamot.

After their honeymoon, which was mainly spent at Potter Manor, Harry was formally made Lord Potter-Black by the Wizengamot at the same time as Neville become Lord Longbottom. Before long, they, along with the support they mustered in the chamber, managed to change the law so that the wives of appointed Lords could vote in their absence. Consequently, the new Lady Potter-Black and Lady Longbottom would sometimes meet at gatherings. They always managed to keep things cordial between them, however.

The irony that Daphne had switched from one colour to another with her surnames in the process of becoming first married, then becoming a Lady was not lost on her. Instead, she accepted the fact with good grace.

Since leaving Hogwarts, Daphne was learning to run her father's housing business. The current Lord Greengrass was providing accommodation and care for the families and children who were devastated by the wizarding war. Some of the pupils in Harry's school year had volunteered to help the Greengrass family in this endeavour. In the end, Tracey and Theodore, Susan Bones, Megan Jones, and Katie Bell all joined Astoria and Ernie and Hannah in various roles. And Harry, in his role within the Wizengamot, helped to expand the business with money from both official sources, and from charity donations. Harry, along with both Daphne and Luna would – when they had the time – visit the homes in person and get to befriend the families and traumatised children.

In due course, the future Mr and Mrs Macmillan would adopt one of the orphaned boys – with Hannah happy to act as his new 'aunty'.

Luna smiled as her thoughts drifted onto her twenty-first birthday, in 2002. Amongst a small gathering that included the witnesses of Daphne, their friends, the Lupin family, and Luna's tearful father (who, thanks to Luna and Daphne's matchmaking efforts, had now made friends with a good witch of similar age), Harry James Potter-Black and Luna Aphrodite Lovegood were joined together in a civil service hand-binding ceremony. And just as Harry's magic had been joined with Daphne's at his official wedding, there was a flash of combined magic between him and Luna.

As far as Luna's father and their cheering friends were now concerned, Harry was legally and magically married to both Daphne and Luna.

Whether Daphne would ever admit this to her conservative-inclined parents or not, Harry and Luna could not tell. It would be up to her. Just as it was up to Astoria and Ernie whether or not to own up to the secrets in their switched relationship to the elder Greengrasses.

After his wedding to Luna, Harry had taken her and Daphne on what he called 'the real honeymoon' – which included a sightseeing tour of Paris, followed by many sunny days on beaches in Ireland and the UK. They were always discreet about their ménage a trois, though. And now, during the weekends when she lived at Potter Manor, Luna acted as Harry and Daphne's part-time housekeeper.

Mrs Luna Potter-Black's thoughts returned to the present, and she reluctantly let go of her hubby, in order to pack her bag for the weekend. Then she and Harry headed towards Hogsmeade, in order to Apparate over to their shared home, Potter Manor.

But as they crossed the boundary of the wards and were warmly greeted inside by Daphne, Harry was taken aback by a change in the usual arrangements.

"Harry…," Luna began, as she held his hands in hers. "We know that when it's Daphne's birthday, I leave you two to have your private time together…"

"…and that normally, in turn, I would leave you pair to yourselves on Luna's birthday…," a grinning Daphne continued.

"…but, for tonight, I would like Daphne to join us," Luna concluded, her eyes twinkling with what Harry knew to be mischief.

"Umm… You two have been plotting behind my back again, haven't you?" Harry said evenly.

"Plotting? Us?" Daphne raised an eyebrow. Despite her attempt at assuming her 'ice queen' mask of old, Harry knew her too well by now. After all, he had once spent over a year being her.

"Well, we are all New Marauders here…," Luna conceded, tilting her head.

"Okay… I'll entrust myself later on, to the tender mercies of you two ladies," Harry relented. "So, as arranged, Daphne and I have already had dinner. So, what's the plan for the rest of the evening, girls?"

"It's your birthday, Luna. So, over to you," Daphne declared.

Luna beamed. "Let's all go for a broom ride around our estate. Whilst playing aerial tag! Then, when the time is right, the three of us…"

"…retire to bed for some fun?" Harry speculated.

"You know us so well, Harry," Daphne chuckled.


Some time later, Harry was blissfully losing himself in Luna's arms. His two wives had earlier insisted on getting undressed in another room – before entering the master bedroom that all three of them shared, with Harry laying naked underneath the bed sheets, tingling with anticipation as Daphne and Luna slowly approached.

Luna had asked Harry to make love to Daphne first – and he had complied, as the elder witch climbed into their wide, four-poster bed. And after they had had their fun – Harry took a minute to regain his breath, before inviting Luna into his warm embrace.

And as he flopped back onto the centre of the bed, with his arms still ensnaring a giggling Luna, Harry panted and tenderly rubbed the smooth skin in between Luna's shoulder blades.

"Yikes!" Luna twitched suddenly and violently.

"Hmmm? What's wrong, Luna?" Suddenly alert, Harry focused on the smaller blonde witch.

"Er… Nothing. It just…"

"Tickled…? But you're not ticklish in between your shoulder blades, Luna. In a couple of other places, sure - but it's Daphne who doesn't like being tickled around her shoulder bl…" He trailed off. Then he turned his head to Daphne, who was lying next to him underneath the blankets. His eyes kept shooting back and forth between his two blonde-haired wives. His jaw dropped open.

"You sneaky Slytherins…"

"The term is 'cunning', Harry!" Luna snorted, in a un-Luna-like manner.

"Oh, poo! He's sussed us out already…," declared Daphne. Her demeanour was also suddenly different.

"You are really Daphne," Harry announced to the witch that he was still locked together with, lower down. He glanced at the girl besides him. "And you're really Luna… Polyjuice potion?"

"Well reasoned, Harry. It was my idea for Daphne and me to have some extra fun with you!" Luna-as-Daphne smiled sweetly. "For the rest of our switched hour, I guess you can call me 'Laphne'!"

"And that would make me 'Duna'," added Daphne-as-Luna. We did try our best to impersonate each over – including working on our voices. Oh, well…" She kissed Harry on the lips and then smiled widely. "You can close your jaw now."

"Ha…ha… Well, hopefully this trick of your proves that I love you both equally, girls." He kissed 'Duna' back and then gently pulled himself out of her. "Witch is to say, I love you both very much. I wouldn't be the man I am today without either of you." Harry paused and gave both Daphne and Luna a long, sober look. "In fact, without either of you, I wouldn't be alive today."

"And if it hadn't been for your love for us, in turn, Daphne and I would've died alongside you when Voldemort tried to kill all three of us, that night," Luna declared matter-of-factly. She reached over and kissed Harry on the lips as he squeezed her in gratitude. "We couldn't live without you, now, Harry."

"No, we couldn't," Daphne agreed. "But let's hope that all three of us have many, many more years of life and fun together, ahead of us." She snuggled against Harry's side. Out of well-honed habit, Luna smiled and simultaneously pressed herself against Harry's other side, mirroring Daphne, as Harry smiled contently and snaked out his arms to encircle his wives – his left hand coming to rest on Daphne's bare left shoulder; and his right hand resting on the creamy skin of Luna's right shoulder. Meanwhile, Daphne reached out with her left hand – which was gently held by Luna's right hand. They came to rest on the blanket covering Harry's chest – completing their intimate circuit of affection, of friendship, and of love.

"Hear, hear," Harry agreed. His mind flashed back, and he smiled contently. "And to think that you two started to change everything for me on the same day. First with Luna holding my hand in sympathy, after Sirius's death – then with Daphne and Tracey proving to me that not all Slytherins were bad, after all."

There was the feeling of shifting body cells, as Daphne and Luna's forms and hairstyles reverted back to their real personas.

"No... After your experiences with Snape and the Malfoys, you really did discover that the Greengrass was greener on the other side, did you not, Harry?" Daphne pointed out.

"Yes. I did." Harry snickered. "And so did Luna, when she became Astoria for a while. Anyway, you two have tired me out now. So, goodnight girls!"

"Goodnight, Harry!" Daphne and Luna called out simultaneously. Giggling, they closed their eyes and allowed their minds to drift away contently into sleep.

In the years to come, Daphne would give birth to twins. The boy would be called James Sirius; and Harry's and Daphne's daughter would be known as Selena Lily. 'Selena' after Luna's beloved mother. As per the arrangement solemnly made between Harry and his wives, Luna never became a mother. Instead, she was 'Aunt Luna' to Harry and Daphne's twins – although the children regarded her as a second mother in all but name. And Luna never regretted her choice. She had no wish to tip off the wider world about her marriage to Harry by bearing his children.

Elsewhere in their circle of friends, in the course of time Hermione would marry Michael Corner – whilst Tracey married Theodore. Both couples had long, happy unions together. As for whether Tracey joined Theodore as a fully-blooded werewolf in Remus and Dora's pack… Harry and the rest of the New Marauders kept that secret to themselves. Meanwhile, Lavender Weasley gave birth to a girl, whom she and Ron named Clover. Like Teddy, she would join the werewolf pack as a youngster, and both of them would in time help to ensure the future survival of their joint race. In the interim, Remus, Dora and the others in the pack not only helped to rehabilitate the disaffected werewolves of the wizarding world – they also educated them into how to control their animal natures, so that they were less of a danger to themselves and others. Under Kingsley Shacklebolt's leadership, the Ministry of Magic provided safe havens for the werewolves who wanted to learn from the assistance of Remus, Dora, Ron, Lavender, Theodore, and Tracey.

When it came to the adventures of Teddy and the rest of his generation at Hogwarts… Harry, his wives, and the other New Marauders would always be there for their children, and would always love them – no matter what mischief and trouble they would invariably get themselves into. They would continue the ongoing work of their parents, to ensure that the Wizarding World they lived in would never become as divided and dark as it had been during the previous Wizarding Wars.

It would be a generation that would make Harry, Daphne, Luna, and their friends very proud and happy indeed.


This tale was inspired by some wonderful Luna and/or Daphne stories written by: IamMegumi, E J Daniels, James Spookie, and CaskettFan5. Feel free to check them out!