A/N: So I realised I forgot to do a disclaimer on the previous two chapter so here it is now. All bar one character belong to GRRM, and Percy belongs to Rick Riordan. Not even sure If I can truly claim the OCs since I haven't created any Houses, and have no intention of doing so.


Jon rode beside his father, Harald Umber, Lord of Last Hearth. They were travelling down the Kingsroad to Winterfell to meet their future Liege Lord, Brandon Stark. Jon didn't really see the point, since they'd begun preparations to leave the same day that they received the raven that brought the news of the birth. His father said it was essential, however, so they started riding south the following day.

"We'll clear the Wolfswood later today, son," his father said.

"Tell me again why we going all the way to Winterfell to meet a babe who won't remember us from one day to the next," he complained. He much preferred training to wield a sword. His uncle Mors served as master-at-arms at Last Hearth, and had promised Jon that he could begin to practice with a greatsword soon.

"Because it's expected of us, Jon" his father said. "Besides, the birth of a Stark is always a cause for celebration, you'll understand when you get to know them."

Jon could not understand what could possibly be so great about one family, but said no more on the matter. His father, and his father before him, were steadfastly loyal to the Starks, and it was expected of him to be the same.

His colt, Thunder, shied to the right. Jon frowned. Thunder may have been young, but he did not shy easily. He looked around for the cause, but saw no reason. A moment later he heard a rustle coming from the forest to the left, followed by a bellow. Why a bear would think it a good idea to attack a large convoy of men he could not fathom, but there was no mistaking that noise. His father must have heard the noise as well because before Jon couild say anything, Harald Umber called a halt and began shouting orders to the men to stand ready.

"Stay back, Jon," he said to him. Jon tried to protest but his father cut him off. "There will come a day when you take down a bear single-handedly. But you are only ten namedays old, Jon, and that day is not today. Now stay. Back."

Harald Umber did not often use his commander's tone on his family, but it was effective at keeping Jon in line. No sooner had he manoeuvred Thunder to stand behind the lines of his father's men, then the bear came charging out of the forest. It was a large one, though he'd seen Umber men return from a hunt with larger carcasses before. It did however, have a large, bloody, claw mark across its face. It must have lost a fight with a larger, stronger bear somewhere nearby and was fleeing from its victorious opponent. It wasn't attacking the armed contingent, it merely didn't care that it was there. The bear may have been strong, and fuelled by fear, but it was no match for fifty armed northern men. Archers put ten arrows in it before reached the Kingsroad. Already weakened, it did not last long against the spear of his father's cousin, Osric Lake. Before the beast went down though, Jon heard the shriek of a horse and a series of bellowed swear words. His father came up to him a moment later.

"Jon, you're the fastest rider we have," he began. Umber's were not known for their horsemanship – they made far better infantrymen when it came to war. Jon was still small enough that a horse could run faster for longer with him riding than one of his father's men. "I need you to swap Thunder for one of the spare horses and ride fast to Winterfell. Take a banner, and show it to any innkeep you pass and they should give you a new horse. I need you to fetch the Maester from Winterfell. Osric's horse crushed his leg as it fell."

"What about one of the Wolfswood clans, surely their halls would be nearer?" Jon said.

"Aye, quite possibly, but their halls are well hidden, and none of us know the forest well enough, so it'll have to be Winterfell," his father said.

Jon nodded. He certainly wouldn't know where to find the hall of one of the clans. He exchanged Thunder for one of the spare horses, took a spare banner from their flag bearer, and began riding fast down the Kingsroad.

He passed a few startled looking smallfolk on his way. Inns were very frequent along the Kingsroad north of Winterfell, so he frequently had to slow the horse he was riding to a canter or a trot so as to not lame it or exhaust it to the point of risking injury or even death. Announcing who he was, showing the banner was usually enough for the innkeeps he did meet to agree to swap his horse, with a silver coin for their troubles. Only once did he have to threaten an innkeep with the wrath of House Umber should he refuse to give him a fresh horse. That man did not receive a silver coin for his troubles.

It took two days for the walls of Winterfell to come into sight, and when they did he raised his banner. The problem was, he was not a banner-bearer, so he had to just hold it above his head by a corner and let it flap about in the wind. As he neared the East Gate of Winterfell at a full gallop, he saw men moving about on the walls. One of them shouted at another to open the gates, much to his relief. He slowed the horse down to a trot as he passed through the gate, where a man and woman stood waiting for him.

"Lord Stark?" he asked, panting. He was nearly as winded as his horse, and absolutely exhausted – he'd had little sleep since he'd left his father's men.

"Yes," the man said. He looked like he was about to say more, but Jon, not caring about courtesy in this situation started talking again.

"Father… sent me," he said. "Lord Lake is injured… needs a maester… bear… horse crushed… his leg…"

Lord Stark nodded. "Rodrik, send for Walys and organise a group of men to ride north along the Kingsroad to meet the Umber party," he barked. "You must be Jon Umber, Lord Harald's boy," he said. Jon nodded. "My wife will take you to a room in the Guest House where you can sleep. I'll arrange to have bread and salt brought to you."

"Thank you, my Lord," Jon said, as he dismounted his horse, stumbling as he hit the ground. He felt an arm around him, and looked up to see the woman who been stood with Lord Stark, presumably Lady Stark, holding him up. He smiled in gratitude, but found himself unable to form the words to thank her.

Jon woke up in an unfamiliar room. For a moment he was confused – the last he remembered they'd been travelling south from Last Hearth to Winterfell. Then he remembered what happened with the bear and cousin Osric. Head pounding, he sat up with a groan, to see a girl sitting by his bed.

"Lord Umber, you're awake," she said.

"Lord Umber is my father," he said. "Who are you?"

"I'm Berena Hornwood, sorry to have surprised you, but Lady Stark thought someone should keep an eye on you," she said.

"I'm Jon. It's nice to meet you, Lady Berena," he said, remembering the courtesies taught to him by his mother. "How long was I asleep?"

"Almost two days," Berena said. She was a pretty girl, with long curly brown hair and mossy green eyes. He judged that she was of an age with him. "The maester rode out with an escort about an hour after you arrived. You must have been so tired. My brother told me you rode for near a week without stopping."

If Jon remembered correctly, Berena was the younger sister of the current Lord of the Hornwood, Halys. He smiled. "I'm afraid Lord Hornwood was exaggerating, my lady. It was only two days and I did stop, though only for an hour while I convinced an innkeep to exchange my horse for a fresh one."

The girl blushed, probably thinking he thought her foolish. He didn't though. His uncles had tricked him into embarrassing himself many times before.

"You're still very brave though, my lord," she said. "I would not want to ride out on my own for two days."

"Thank you, my lady," he said, "though I'm sure you would do the same if you needed to."

"I'm going to put them out of their misery," he heard someone say, before an older woman entered the room, followed by Lady Stark.

"Jon Umber," the older woman said, "my good-son is very impressed with you."

Jon blinked, not knowing who the woman was. "Thank you, my lady," he said.

"Lord Jon, this is my mother, Arya Flint," Lady Stark said.

"Yes, yes, now everyone knows who everyone else is. We came to inform Berena that we will be having our midday meal shortly, and since you are awake, Jon Umber, you will accompany us. Lords Stark, Glover, Hornwood, Cerwyn and Tallhart are waiting on us in the Great Hall," Arya Flint said, before turning and exiting the room.

Lady Stark sighed. "You'll have to forgive my mother, Lord Jon. As you may know, the mountain clans do not hold to the same standards of etiquette as the rest of us Lords and Ladies. There is a bath waiting for you already. I fear my mother would have simply thrown you in if you hadn't been awake. I will send a servant to show you the Great Hall when you are ready."

A/N: So that's my take on a 10-year old Greatjon. I don't know whether he'll have any more chapters in this story but I had the idea of giving him this one and decided to roll with it. Next chapter will (probably) time skip a few years.