"MEGAAAN!" The figure of an old man was seen walking through a corridor. A lot of his weight was being supported by his cane, which had definitely seen better days. His shoulder-length, white hair was messy and his beard had knots all over. His clothes were wrinkled and crumpled in all places, but his eyes spoke of determination. "Megan! Get your bloody arse here, NOW!" He yelled again. Soon afterwards, hurried footsteps were heard.

"What do you want, you old goat?" She answered despondently, but the amusement in her eyes was clear for everyone to see. She was the polar opposite to the man. Female, for starters. She also was young, did not look a day more than twenty. Her robes were pristine, and her posture spoke of confidence.

"What in Merlin's name did you think you were doing!? Did you even think? You know what, don't answer that." He hurriedly said as soon as Megan opened her mouth to reply. "I've told you a million times, you just don't leave an out-of-stasis lit cauldron unattended without alarm charms! I don't give a rat's arse that the potion needed to simmer for eight hours. You either sit there waiting it out, or you place god-damn alarm charms on it! Seriously! What is wrong with you young people these days!?" He spoke the last part in a whisper, clearly talking more to himself than to anyone else.

In truth, the old man was really frustrated. He had had this same discussion with the young woman, one she saw as a daughter, at least once a week from the time she started to use a cauldron. And, considering her first potion was brewed when she was six, it meant sixteen years of chaos.

"In Merlin's name? Just how old are you, really? Nobody ever remembers that old coot anymore. 'In Potter's name' is the expression you were looking for." She answered in mock innocence. "And I told you a million and one times that the magical residue of any type of spell, specially charms, in the proximity of a boiling potion can slightly alter its properties. Granted, it's dismissible or downright insignificant in most cases, but not in a mixture as delicate as this one. Even the tiniest imbalance could cause the whole potion to fail. And believe me, you don't want it on the floor." She answered nonchalantly while coming to a stop in front of the man.

"Why you cheeky little brat! You have the audacity to lecture me on potions!? POTIONS!? Why don't you tell me who taught you all you know about it!? And charms! And transfiguration! And nearly every other damn thing you know! I know there isn't a single potion out there so delicate it can't afford the magical disturbance left by a single charm residue!" He yelled in response, but there was also some humour in his eyes. "And don't even try to tell me otherwise! There just isn't! Believe me, I would know of it. Or the Headmaster would. Or the Potions director. Or any of the other THREE potion masters in the house. I swear to Circe, just because you beat Snape's record and got your mastery at thirteen-"

"With honours" She interrupted, but would know it would be ignored, same as always.

"-you think you know better than anyone else! You need to learn to tone down your arrogance, girl! It will be your undoing one of these days! Remember that Diggory kid? Well, let me tell you a story about him. Or rather about how he lost his hands because he thought he knew better. Honestly, of all the things you could add to a fire-freezing draught! The damnable boy thought-"

"Phoenix's ashes would balance the freezing sensation once it was applied to exposed flesh and avoid frostbite altogether. I know, you have told me the story about a hundred times. And to everyone else that will listen." She interrupted once more. The old man eyed her oddly, for she didn't usually behave like this.

"You know, you are snarkier than usual. Did you forget to avoid inhaling the fumes of a potion? Seriously, why they ever gave you a mastery will always be beyond me." He said distractedly.

"You approved it, Sir High Jury of the examination panel." She smirked in response.

"Details." He said while waving it off. "I never see the name of the examinees, and only even approved because you proposed thirteen different uses for dragon blood. And some of them were even useful! Oven-cleaner and spot-remover. Seriously! Albus' head got so big that he even dared to publish his ground-breaking discoveries. And people bought that crap! I swear, wizards are so dull sometimes. Why didn't they use soap? Merlin-"


"-damned soap! And they called him the greatest wizard of all time. Albus too-many-damned-names Dumbledore was a very gifted wizard. But the greatest, he was not. Oven-cleaner. I swear, if he wasn't dead, I would just-"

"Yeah, yeah. He was an overrated, manipulative, condescending, twinkle-eyed bastard, we've heard it many times. Which begs the question, how old are you?" She dutifully interrupted his rant before it became too late. Which was too often, unfortunately.

"I'm wise beyond my years. Now, care to tell me just when are you going to check on that potion of yours? If the cauldron explodes-"

"Not necessary. I've taken all precautions." She answered sweetly.

"Precautions? PRECAUTIONS!? Why, you aren't even monitoring it! How in the name of Merlin-"



"You wouldn't. And besides, I really took all necessary precautions." She answered and took out a silver pocket watch which she proceeded to open and shove it on his face. "See? It still isn't done. The time remaining and progress of the mixture are still perfectly aligned." She answered smugly. Too smugly, for the man's taste. He grumbled snatched the watch from her hand, examining it closely. He continued for two minutes until he reluctantly returned it.

"Peripheral wavelength communication runes, transmutation of matter inside the warded area, and an energy transformation turning magic to static electricity. Are you not afraid it could ionize your field and pollute the potion?" He asked.

"I would if the cauldron wasn't an onyx one. It isn't a conductor. Less than a thousandth of it can filter and even then the rune array would redirect it directly to the fire where it disperses. Not affecting the potion what-so-ever." She answered seriously.

"All wrapped up nicely inside a very ingenious and, previously unheard of, alchemical construct." The old man stood silently and observed her for a few seconds before nodding. "Congratulations. If you present it to the committee, I will approve it and you will become the fourth person to get your Alchemy mastery since the times of Flamel. And good timing, too. The old codger did too little for the field. And don't get me started on his star apprentice. Dimitri is too old, so you will get his spot on the council as soon as you get the official recognition." He told her softly.

She squealed in delight.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" She mumbled incoherently.

"So, you finally get your seat. And it only took you what, seven masteries?" He gently teased her.

"Yeah, Potions, Transfiguration, Conjuration, Transmutation, Charms, Healing, and now Alchemy." She answered, still too happy to ease the smile on her face.

"You still need your grandmastery accreditation to be on the High Council, but don't worry about it too much. You are still ridiculously young. At your age, most people still are in an apprenticeship, not presenting their seventh mastery project." He said offhandedly. She opened her mouth to reply when a very distinct sound interrupted her.


"I wouldn't be too sure about that." She answered and left the room running.

"Sigh, young people these days, seriously." He said and took out a locket. Opening it, he spoke to the picture inside it. "You would've liked her, you know. A lot like you, if a bit more motivated, but just as brilliant." He smiled. "Too bad we didn't have the same resources back then, right? Would've made life a lot easier."

He stared at the picture for a couple of minutes before closing it and shaking his head.

"Right. Well, anyway, time to call the council." He talked to himself while walking towards his desk. "They won't like it, they won't like it one bit. Most of them already feel threatened by her, I can only imagine what they would do once they learn of her new position." He scoffed at the thought, but then smiled fondly. "A twenty-two-year-old in the High Council. They will be surprised, that they will." His smile got wider at he thought.


The Council chamber was, arguably, the most important part of the entire organization. There were thirty-one seats in total. Thirty for each branch of magic studied in the institution, and one for the Highmaster. The Headmaster, while required to be a member of the High Council, didn't have any additional power. Just his seat alone was enough.

Of course, each member of the council needed to have at least one mastery, the one matching the seat they were occupying. This meant that the Arithmancy seat was always occupied by an Arithmancy master, but he could also be a Transfiguration master and any number of other masteries.

In this particular room was the best of the best seen in the last hundreds of years, and possibly the last millennium. Not counting the Highmaster, the thirty people present held a total of a hundred and three masteries combined, with one more to be added soon. The person which held the least number of masteries was the Alchemy master, with only two. Alchemy plus potions. And even then, he tried his best to avoid getting seated in the council. He was outvoted.

The Highmaster, by himself, had masteries in all thirty magic branches, and grandmasteries in twenty-one of them. It was rumoured he had a higher degree for some of them, as well, but it was never confirmed. That was the stuff of legends.

Once everyone was seated and the traditional five-minute wait was over with, the meeting started.

"Hello, my friends. And thank you, for meeting me here in such a short notice. First, the reason why I called this meeting. Young Megan Winter has presented the respective parties with a thesis for her Alchemy mastery. As there are only two Alchemy masters in the institution, Dimitri and myself, it is of protocol that she is evaluated in this room. I, for one, agree that the material presented is above of the required standard, and so move for approving her mastery. Dimitri?" He asked professionally.

"Absolutely. I approve. Excellent work, and very innovative." He said in an even older voice.

"Perfect. So, by the place granted to me as Highmaster of this council, I grant Megan Winter with the title of Alchemy Mistress. Congratulations." He said, while clapping politely. An action which the rest of the chamber imitated. Some more reluctantly than others.

As for Megan Herself, she was sitting in view of all the masters, blushing madly but with a proud smile on her face.

"Also, Potion Mistress Megan Winter recently developed a potion of grandmaster standards. She has presented a sample and her notes to the relevant parties. She needs a majority approval, which in this case is that of two potion grandmasters. I, for one, approve." He said and kept quiet.

"I, Potion Grandmaster Jacob Prince, approve." A middle age man said quietly and then grew quiet.

"I, potion Grandmaster Dimitri Gellishev, approve." The same Alchemy master said, and the room once again grew restless.

"By unanimous approval, Megan Winters is now the newest Potion Grandmistress. Congratulations." This time, the applause was thundering and every member of the council seemed happy for her.

The main reason why most of the council didn't respect Megan that much despite her monstrous intelligence and commitment, was that she was viewed as a glory-seeker. Her seven masteries suggested she only wanted the titles and didn't devote herself to the fields of magic completely. This grandmastery dissaproved of that notion, so her standard in the council grew quite significantly.

"Now, I open the room for challenges. Megan?" He asked. It was a tradition. When a person received a mastery, he or she could challenge the current occupant of the seat for said mastery. If the challenger won, she would gain that seat.

"Yes. I challenge Alchemy Master Dimitri for his position on this council."

There were a few laughs around the table, for the outcome was so glaringly obvious this was just a mere formality.

"I accept and forfeit the challenge." Dimitri said and promptly stood up and left the chambers, muttering to himself. "Good riddance. Took long enough for somebody to finally get a mastery in alchemy. All that time, wasted."

"This council welcomes Alchemy Mistress Megan Winter as the new occupant for the Alchemy seat." The Highmaster said and everyone voiced their congratulations. "Now, are there any order of business? Because if not, I have a need for the members of the High Council." He said and after a few minutes of unimportant enquiries, the room vacated started emptying until only twenty people were left. Not including Megan and the Highmaster himself.

"Now, for the next order of business. Thanks to her Grandmastery in potions, Megan Winters fulfils the criteria of three masteries and one grandmastery to be seated on the High council. Any objections?" He asked. There were none.

"Great. Then welcome, Megan, to the High Council. Please mind your new position and responsibilities." He said gently and took a deep breath.

"Also, and this is an announcement, not a topic to be discussed, I am retiring and leaving the institution permanently." Deadly silence followed that announcement. Everyone seemed to be expecting it, with the exception of Megan, who paled dramatically. "I thank you for all the work you have put along the years and am dearly happy to have worked with you. I will take with me the originals I provided all those years ago and copies of everything else. I will also empty the vaults of that which is mine, along with 50% of the revenue generated. Thank you, that would be all." He said and exited the room without waiting for a response.

After a couple of tense minutes in which the occupants of the room just sat there stunned into silence, the newest member of the High Council bolted through the door.


"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" She asked, yelling, once she entered the room.

She was in tears and out of breath, obviously she had run all the way here. Her chest was heaving, and her eyes were wild, as if fearing the answer.

"That was the required notice, Megan." He said while trying to play it cool. He knew this would be hard on her, but he didn't have much of a choice.

"That's not what I meant and you know it! Dammit, old man, what the hell are you doing!? All my life, since I could remember, you have been grooming me. Teaching me, parenting me. And now, after twenty years, that I finally get a seat on the council, AND the High Council, you are leaving? What the hell are we supposed to do without you here!? We won't be able to keep our neutrality! We will be hunted down like the rest of them. You are the only deterrent we have! And now you are leaving? Don't you care anymore?" She asked, now openly crying.

"Megan, I…"

"And you are taking your library!? Sweet Circe, you know very damn well the Historical Value of all the originals you are taking! There are books there that are two millenniums old! Some even older than that! And you are taking them? Why? Just so you could have them? What is wrong with you!? What happened to your only goal being the pursuit of knowledge!? You are just being a selfish prat! What are you going to do? Join the war? There's no way we can win this time, not even you can! So why!? WHY ARE YOU LEAVING!?" She asked hysterically, and finally broke down crying at the end of her rant.

The old man was just standing there, processing her last words.

"You… know?" He didn't say anything else, but what was on his mind.

"Of course I know, Harry. You practically raised me. How could I not know your name? You may not say it, but people aren't as stupid as you think they are. They just pretend to not know because you don't like it." She said, sobbing.

The old man, Harry, carefully knelt beside her. He wasn't as strong as he was before, and even an action as simple as that was taxing.

Harry hugged for all he was worth, but couldn't stop her shaking.

"You promised, Harry. You promised the world you wouldn't solve its mess again. And you can't win this time, you can't. This is not you against a Dark Army, not even you against the European Magical Governments. This would be you against billions. Against tactical nuclear weapons. You against unmanned drones. You against millions of bullets per minute. It would be you against the whole muggle world." She sobbed, inconsolable. "They have only left us alone this far because of your exploits, and precisely because we haven't interfered. What would happen to us when you do? To your work? We can't defend ourselves. Not like you can. So why are you leaving?" She asked miserably.

"Megan… I'm not joining the war. I made a promise and intend to keep it, but I can't stay anymore." He said softly, as if fearing he would break her.

"Then why? Are we not enough? Have we not performed to your standards? What about me? Are you disappointed in me? Because I can work harder, I know I can! Just, please. Don't leave me, everybody leaves me. Not you, I couldn't handle you leaving me." She said, openly sobbing.

Harry found Megan on the streets of New York, starving. She was a baby back then, not even a year old. He found her in an alley, sleeping between two cold bodies. Her parents, presumably. A diagnostic charm proved they had died of an overdose. He took her with him to an orphanage.

But just when he was taking her from her parents, she started crying in distress. She had a bout of accidental magic so strong it even knocked Harry off his feet. Those were dangerous times to be a magical child in the muggle world, and the Magical communities of America had already fallen, so he took her home with him.

She proved to be the most extraordinary child he had ever seen, and educated her as such. They would never have the relationship of a daughter and father, no, Harry was too damaged for that, but they did consider each other family. He loved her like a daughter, but considered her a grandchild.

Everyone else did too, for that matter.

That was why it was so hard to do this, and to explain it to her plainly.

"Megan, I shouldn't even be alive anymore." He said sadly. Defeated.

"What are you blabbering about? You are the great Harry Potter. I mean, yeah, you are old, but not old enough to be considered a dead man walking. So what is up with you?" She asked, having calmed down a little more.

Harry sighed.

"Megan, I should've died two centuries ago. I am close to three and a half of them, and it is too much. If it were not for my abnormal magical core and several rituals I did, I would've been dead. You know this." He said calmly, like he was talking to a scared child.

Which he was, in a way.

"Yes, but you are alive. Rituals don't mean your longevity is evil, you taught me that." She said, trying to make academic sense of things.

"Yes, that is correct. But even with rituals, even with the philosopher's stone, I can't live forever. My body is too damaged and my magic too wild. I knew this was coming, I've known it for years. When the High Council had 21 members I would leave. That was always the plan." He said.

"But… No, there has to be something we can do. We have a dozen master healers, we can work something out." She said, pleadingly.

"Megan, I'm dying." He said firmly. "My body is already shutting down. My magic is the only thing that keeps me going, but even it can't heal me. My liver and both kidneys don't work anymore. My lungs are at 10% capacity. Combined. I am dying, and am only alive because I needed to. But even then, the strain is too much. Each day it is more difficult to climb out of bed, and to use my magic to keep whatever part my body has given up on working." He took a deep breath and started right into her eyes. "Megan, I am a dead man walking. There's nothing you or I or anybody can do to help it. And I am taking the books, as well as the money, to leave my inheritance." He told her.

"But why? You could just leave it here…" She tried.

"You know why. If I leave it here, if the institute is destroyed, all the magic I know will be gone. We need to prepare contingencies, and this is one of them. You know it as well as I do. Magic will not die out, but knowledge probably will. That is why I need to do it. We need to keep it safe." He told her.

"I know, but I don't want you t-to leave us. T-to leave m-me." She sobbed.

"I'm sorry, little snowflake. I really am, but it is the way it has to be." He told her, crying.

"I love you, gramps. I love you like I would a father." She told him and his breath hitched, his tears coming down with more strength.

"And I love you like I loved my daughter, snowflake." He smiled softly at her. "Please take care of everything, alright? You are the smartest witch of your age, and the only slumbering sorceress alive." He told her, rubbing her back. "Live a happy life, and don't forget your morals."

"With all you have taught me, I don't think that will be a problem." She said, smiling a little. Harry chuckled.

"In the end, I was a good teacher, wasn't I?" He rhetorically asked, not expecting an answer. Nevertheless, when it came, it was all he could ask for.

"You were the best."


Harry left the Institute the next day. He walked through the country aimlessly, trying to find a good place to be his resting place and his inheritance location.

He had long discovered how to keep the spells in place, and his strongest muggle-repealing ward would be able to stay undetected.

That was the little secret of his plan. When the muggle world learned how to detect magic, or 'arcane energy' as they called it, they only could detect quantities under a certain number. If a spell or person was strong enough, it could stay undetected. And that was what he was aiming for. The problem was, he still didn't know where to place his treasure.

After a couple of days deliberating, he apparated towards Hogsmeade.

The once only magical village in the world had now its fair share of muggles. The wealthy, mainly, who lived here because of the benefits magic could provide. No matter how much technology advanced, there was still nothing capable to cure cancer or mend a bone in a day. It was a high commodity.

And that was what Magic was to the world nowadays, a commodity.

When the muggle world discovered magic, their first instinct was to observe. Once they did that and concluded there wasn't any active threat against them, they started kidnapping magicals. Specimens, they called them. All to discern how we were able to do what we did. And once they found out they couldn't replicate it, as even perfect artificial duplicates wouldn't be able to perform magic, they started to capture and slave witches and wizards.

Of course that didn't last long, since they could easily destroy their slavers. But by then, the damage had been done.

Instead of their own magical governments, they were now ruled by the muggle government of the country they were born in, and couldn't receive a normal education. No, they had to receive a magical one. And when they graduated, the best they could wish for was to find a wealthy family to serve.

For witches and wizards had now become servants. They were paid handsomely, true, but they were servants nonetheless.

While reminiscing Harry made his way through Hogwarts. No longer were the portraits there, for they made the students think outside of the box. The staircases didn't move anymore, and ghosts were exorcized. All of them. After thinking furiously, he decided to leave everything inside the room of requirement.

Harry tweaked its access so only a witch or wizard who wished to know what real magic was and how to control it could access it. So that only a magical person ignorant of magic while standing on the grounds of the oldest magical school could access the room.

But why? If they were in the room of requirement, that meant they were at Hogwarts. And if they were, they would obviously know of magic, right? So, ultimately, it would be absurd to select this place as his ground of inheritance.

The thing was, Harry didn't expect his last gift to wizard kind to be discovered in the near future. If it was, it would only be a matter of time before the muggles found about his inheritor and took the knowledge away from him. Knowledge that was crucial for the development of future witches and wizards.

So, really, what Harry was aiming for was for it to be discovered at a time when conventional magic was almost forgotten. It would take a thousand years, maybe more. But what mattered was that it would be discovered.

And why the room of requirement, then? Surely in a future where magic was a myth the castle wouldn't be there anymore. Too true, but what few knew, and he only discovered a few decades ago, was that the room was the representation of the magic generated by the lay lines that connected on the grounds.

In a sense, the room was the heart of Hogwarts, and it was Hogwarts itself. The stone the castle was made of, the water in the lake, the leaves on the trees, and the very ground it all stood on.

So, even if this whole area was hit by all the nuclear weapon in the world combined, the room and thus, his inheritance, would always be there. Ready for his inheritor.

It was fool proof, in Harry's opinion. Too bad things didn't always go the way you expected them to.

After arranging all the necessary enchantments for his tests and concealment, and just as he was about to take out the books, artefacts, potions, ingredients, treasures, and everything needed for a renaissance of the magical world out of his trunk to place them inside the room, his heart stopped.

Harry clutched at his chest and fell to the ground. A self-depreciating smile on his face. He was sad that he wasn't able to last long enough to get everything in place, not even the restrictive enchantments, but the condition for the room and the muggle repealing wards were set, so everything would be safe.

The room could take his trunk and order it to educate the next bearer of magic, and it would do it so at Hogwarts, the place where it all started. The place where she met her, and the place where they fell in love.

Gods, did he miss Hermione. One of the two people he regretted losing the most, but he would see her soon. He would see them soon. He would see all of them soon. Smiling, they would hug him again, and he would be able to spend eternity with his family. Just remembering their smile calmed him down. Assuring him that everything would be okay.

As he thought of this, a sad and relieved small appeared on his face. He closed his eyes, content with death. And with the very last breath he had in him, he uttered words that would reverberate across magic herself, where beings highly attuned to their magic could hear him.

One of them, Megan Winters, was crying on her bed, still missing her mentor, friend, and family. She was destroyed he had to go, but smiled slightly as she heard that whisper. She knew that voice all too well, but the happiness, relief, and utter peacefulness in that tone was one she had never heard.

Perfectly content with his death, Harry Potter uttered his famous last words.

"Finally, I'll be there soon."

And he would be, but not exactly where he thought he would. For just before his soul left his body, a blinding flash of white light engulfed him, disappearing but a second later.

And from that moment on Harry Potter, alive or dead, vanished from the world.

Going on his next great adventure.


Hello, people! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter (kinda second prologue) of this little story of mine.

Let me tell you, it hasn't been two months since I uploaded this story, and the reactions you guys gave were pretty extraordinary to say the least. I may not be a long-time author on this site, but even I know the numbers this story got are awesome.

You guys are awesome!

Seriously though, 111 follows, 54 favourites, and 16 reviews. All of this for the first chapter of this story. The first story written by a completely unknown author. So, yeah, I guess what I want to say is thank you all. Both for the confidence and support.

Now, let me explain a little more about this modest work of mine.

First of all, the prologue (last chapter) was written to be a one-shot. It was all written in one night, and there may be things I will change about it in the future. Not many things, and probably not relevant ones, but there will be changes. I will tell you when that happens so if you want to, you can read it again.

So, as I said, it was originally conceived as a one-shot, but things spiralled out of control. If you write, you know what I mean. There were just so many things I could do that would be awesome to do just based on it, and I started outlining. Which is the reason this update took so long.

To make things clear, this chapter should be considered the prologue for this story, last chapter is like an origin story. Kinda. They work well together anyway, I think. So expect updates for this story here.


I liked last chapter (the origin story) so much I will also be using it as a divergence point for a lot of other different stories.

What do I mean? Well, think about it as an origin timeline, where things will diverge in alternate stories from there. A little bit like Nemesis13: Red Mage Looking for Group. Which I recommend. It's funny as hell.

Just to make things perfectly clear, there will be a lot of storylines derived from last chapter. The ones that I'm currently working on are:

This one, obviously. (Which will be a slightly AU time travel, in case you didn't get it.)

A Game of Thrones (HBO) Crossover, because c'mon, anyone can beat that ending.

A The Walking Dead Crossover, because it just is so much fun.

A Star Wars (Extended Universe, but not the whole of Legends. Seriously, fuck the Yuuzhan Vong.) Crossover, because Harry deserves to wield a lightsaber.

There will probably be other stories derived from this, but so far those above are all the ones I've started outlining and have a clear idea about.

I will also be writing a gamer-style Naruto SI, for those that are interested, First chapter of that one is almost done.

And I will be writing a Marvel Crossover for that one.

That, and I'm currently writing 2 original works, as well as translating a third one.

All that added to the things I'm currently reading. (Like 6-7 novels, I just forgot, really.)

So, just so you get me, I am currently working on nine, I repeat, NINE projects almost simultaneously.

And my normal reading.

And I might have to find a job soon before I no longer have a ceiling over my head. So yeah, I will be veeeery busy. But hey, anything for you guys.

And last but not least…


I honestly loved the Megan OC and her relationship with Harry on this chapter and genuinely think it would be a waste for her to just be forgotten. She will be appearing in this story, but only in the form of flashbacks, anecdotes, pictures, and the like. So, I need your opinion. We have four options here, people. And there's no reason we can't choose all four of them if you like it.

First: Should we have a magical painting of Megan for this fic? She could be a companion that helps Harry cope with his new reality or something.

Second: Can we send her alongside Harry to other crossovers? If so it would most likely be the Game of Thrones one. Maybe The Walking Dead too, but I prefer GOT.

Third: Do we make her time-travel with Harry in this story? Not gonna lie here. It would take a lot of the things I have planned and muck them up, but it could be done.

Fourth: I really, reaaaaaally hope you don't pick this one. I am only writing it because, well, I am all for the crowd. We could continue Megan's story where this chapter leaves her, and see what happens to the little genius. Of course, please be aware that it would be a mostly original work by that point, and every character would be an OC. I also don't know what the plot would be, but I'm sure we could figure something out.

Anyway, please be sure to give me your opinions. I am honestly leaning towards options one and two, to be honest. But it is your opinion that counts, in the end.

Have a nice day!
