Bright Ionian skies and magic filled the air, Jhin felt a little nostalgic, he remembered his first performances and the shocked audience, the fear, and awe in his cruel work. Sometimes he missed the outrage of the citizens, but now he is back, and had a few ideas for his new work, ah so many possibilities. He walked through a deep forest, seeking to find his first studio, every artist must prepare, and nothing is acceptable but perfection. He was content when he saw his old cottage, now he could prepare in peace. Jhin opened the door, and the smell of old and dusty wood filled his nose and he frowned, he wasn't very pleased with having to clean this place, but for art, sacrifices must be made. Whole noon he spent cleaning and preparing, old memories filled his head, Golden Demon, that's what he was at the time, feared and loved, his art has no boundaries, no limits, yet he was captured, the very thought of someone stopping his creative genius irked him, of course, he had no intention of being caught again, ah so sad that he, talented as he is had to hide himself, unacceptable! He cleaned his guns frowning, and sighed, then slightly smiled.

"Let's start the show."

He changed his attire to a fine looking coat and a half mask, he didn't intend to bring back the Golden Demon, tonight. His intent was to observe, find the most beautiful flower and give it's life and death meaning. They are nothing before he made them everything, beauty, grace, pure. He stepped out and his body shivered with anticipation, he must choose his victims carefully, because they are vital for the performance he had in his mind, he wanted to terrorize Ionia again, to be a legend of his cruel art, to be unforgettable and immortal in his works.

After an hour of walking, he finally reached the town's center, lively, full of color, laugh, and sound. People were kind to each other, caring, but everything else is hidden or forbidden.

"My dear countrymen, you remind me how little our culture has advanced" Jhin softly whispered to himself.

He sat on a bench in a nearby park, it was a dark evening but the trees were decorated by lanterns that made the park glow in red. Jhin wanted to make his performance glow red, slowly and softly. He was lost in his thought when he first heard gentle sounds, strings emitting a tender melody, beautiful and soft, it was definitely good, yet lacked cruelty, but Jhin was intrigued, who was talented enough to get his attention. He stood up and picked up his pace, a few moments later he found a crowd looking at a musician, a lovely looking female, with long blue hair and slender small hands, hitting sweet notes and lulling her audience to peace. Her music moved her listeners, but Jhin disliked it. It was good, but he was the one that should be adored, not her, she is just novice while he is the master, she's as good as background music, she will be forgotten but his genius will be remembered for ages. He still observed, her delicate face and long shiny locks, her milky skin and full shaped body, she indeed was a beauty, but how perfect her death would look like? Her pink lush lips changing color to blue and milky skin turn ash, Jhin shivered, his body tingled and he knew that he had to have this flower, she was his blue orchid, as her florist he'd make her his best work yet, a bouquet of exquisite beauty.

After her performance Jhin tailed her, hiding in the shadows, he had to know where she lived, and who was she, because her opera needed rehearsal, preparation like no other. He was excited, his blood pumping through his veins, ragged breath and lust for her death filled him. He always loved his job, it was the only thing that made him feel alive, there was nothing else for him. The graceful lady with her companions enjoyed her evening walk home, yet she never spoke. Though Jhin waited to hear her voice, so he could imagine the way she'd scream for her life, sometimes he envied the silence, because his performances were always loud.

"Sona, you were very lovely today, your music touched my heart, I've never seen a better performance." A gentleman from her left said to her, she nodded and smiled.

Jhin frowned, what does this mongrel know of performances, mine are ahead of this time! The conversation continued.

" You're here to look for your birth parents, right? I was thrilled to receive your letter, I'm glad you decided to stay with my family, we are going to help you as much as we can. Have you written a letter to your orphanage? You can't exactly tell them what you're looking for." He politely smiled at the lady and she only shook her head.

"Ahhh, I see, but you'll have plenty of time, I'll dedicate my study for you, lady Sona." He kept on trying to hold her hand, brushing his palm against hers but she always slightly moved away, trying not to hurt his pride. Jhin was annoyed, she was his main ingredient, this Sona was his blue orchid, and he will make her final breath a masterpiece, but some dirty … He gasped, now he understood that she can't make a sound. She has no voice, her death would be as silent as a falling snow, his first performance, silent as her death, pure, and white. He took a few steps back, this opportunity only comes once in a life time. He felt enlightened, like everything he did was for this reason alone. His fresh canvas, freshly fallen snow, tempting him to step and leave a print. He started quietly laughing, she will be perfect and I will be perfection, no one will forget her or me, we will be immortal my darling Sona…

Jhin waited for them to walk into the mansion, young man, Sona and as he assumed the man's parents. They seemed to be from a noble family, friends perhaps, but one was certain, he could not waste any time, or she may leave. Although Jhin was prepared to fallow her everywhere if needed, no one could or would stop him, now he dedicated himself for this only. He returned to his studio, opened the doors and stepped in, everything was dark, he threw his coat on the ground, and peeled off his shoes. He plopped on the bed. He had the biggest grin on his face, ear to ear, he pulled his mask and started laughing.

"I feel inspired! Haha!" His whole body trembled at the thought of her death, so many ways he could do this, endless possibilities, he had to do this right, perfectly. He closed his eyes and envisioned her face, her blue locks and crystal lake eyes, milky skin and pink cheeks, red plump lips parting slowly and releasing her last breath, slow fade of her pink color and her eyes going empty. Her white skin painted with the drops of her blood, every and each of one perfectly placed, her body limp and cold and her heart locked out of all her possibilities and her future. Jhin imagination thrilled him, he couldn't sleep, obsessing all of her expressions, maybe she'd smile, and understand that he made her beautiful, even beyond that. He imagined her body, her fragile neck, shoulder blades, her delicate and small shoulders her full breasts, covered by heard small hands, hiding her lustful body, her locks resting on her skin. Jhin wanted to rip her white angel wings off and smear her body with blood, maybe he'd slit her throat and let her naked body be painted with all the words she wanted to say, maybe he'd cut her fingers off and let her play the last symphony of death. Or maybe… His imagination took him a little bit elsewhere. His hand on her throat, choking last air out of her lungs, his other hand tracing her shoulders, then her shoulder blades, then her breast. He suddenly sat up in his bed, his heart beating violently. Confused Jhin stood up and went to the bathroom, and washed his face in ice cold water. He lifted his face and stared into the mirror. He started at his flushed red face and frowned his brows. Times like these he wished not to be a man, before he didn't care for his body's cravings, of course when he had to, he took care of things, like everyone else, but it didn't bring him pleasure, not even with women, but his art did, he was not a killer, but his performance did kill. That is the only way he'd feel alive. But now, this was a weird new raging sensation, her face would send shivers down his spine, he blamed it on being a perfect piece for his perfect spectacle. He tried to shut out the thought of her, the remaining rest of the night, but he couldn't not of her death and not of her, or her body made for lust and man's touch. Jhin was very unpleased with his mind, and where it wanders. He looked at the mirror again, this time studying his face, his brown eye, and his dead eye. His slightly curved nose, from being broken and his strong jaw. He wasn't handsome or beautiful, his short messy brown hair, thick mean eyebrows, but somehow he looked good, all of it was nicely proportioned yet not perfect. And what Jhin disliked, was an imperfection.

"pf…symmetry is boring and overrated." He said to himself.

The only way he could be perfect is when performed, only then he was his true self. He stepped into the shower ashamed of his own body betraying him. The only time he'd be touching her is when he kills her, that's it. But that didn't stop his mind from wandering and his body from lusting. Hot water just lulled his mind to imagine her soft body against his, warmth enveloping and filling his body. Jhin switched to ice cold water and his mind flashed an image of her wet dead bleeding body. Jhin smiled, beautiful. He dressed up and sat beside his work desk, he started making his bullets, every each one crafted, each shot containing a piece of him, his own soul. One for S, two for O, three for N, and four for A. Yes, good, his eye glistened with killer intent, the daylight gave him back his composure, now he wasn't deluded by fantasies, only his work. After making his bullets he wiped his guns, preparation for tonight, but for that to happen, he had to eat, weak body and mind was artists enemies, he should be in his best form. He never took his physical body lightly, he wasn't a brute, yet he had athletic form and was fast on his feet. Some say, even graceful. He picked up his coat, shook it and put it on, it was time to leave for the city.

Meanwhile, Sona was having her cup of tea, sitting peacefully in gold decorated study room, she held a pen in her hand and a piece of paper, she thought of the things she wanted to say, and ask. The memories she had at the orphanage were not pleasant at all, 17 years of silence and loneliness, even after 6 years she never learned how to behave with people. Her adoptive mother had given everything she needed and she ever confided her feelings through music, now looking for the truth she contacted her mother's friend Ausvald Allurio and exchanged letters, he was happy to welcome her in, and give her any help she needed. The man was extremely gentle and caring, seeing to all her needs and he was uncontrollably smitten with the young beauty. Now the man stood in the study, peering upon her and shyly stepping forward, he was a handsome man, chestnut colored hair and blue eyes, a gentle smile and proper posture.

" My lady Sona, as you know, there is an annual Blossom festival, and I… I would you to go with me… I mean would you like to go with me?" He asked with a trembling voice.

Sona smiled and nodded, no one ever asked her to dance, her cheeks blushed, even though now she was a known artist but she had no opportunities to properly communicate with people, everyone she met was kind to her and she was kind to them, but mostly she rehearsed her songs and tended to her mother.

Ausvald mother slyly sneaked into the study and smiled.

" Dear Sona, darling, we were so happy you came here, some of us more than other" She chuckled.

" No! I mean…Yes. Ugh, I have to get back to work…" Ausvald rushed out of the study, but his ears were red.

Sona chuckled, he was very cute, and charming, her heart fluttered… she couldn't wait for the festival.

Now the only son Allurio family was headed to see his favorite lady of the night, every man had their urges, but this was the last time, now he'd dedicate his efforts and attention only to lady Sona. She suffered so much, and he'd seen how war rips apart the families and friends. He was dedicated to make her happy.

After a while in a little more darker part of town, Jhin spotted a random inn, he stepped towards it, when two ladies with revealing clothing stopped him. One gently took his hand in to hers.

"Hello mister, are you in need of some company?" Little thing asked, she was no more than 15, her hair was light hay color and hazel tired eyes, she tried to fake a smile as best as she could. It was obvious that the girl was forced to sell herself, poverty is the same in every country. Anyone should be ashamed by touching a child, her bare feet were blue and dark circles under her eyes proven that she didn't have a moments rest. She only wanted a home to go back to and a warm meal, but none of those things could be received, none of those things would be given with a kind hand. Her clothes were dirty and ripped, how many men touched her little body, defiled her, ripped her hopes and dreams from her heart until she was dead inside… Her eyes were void of any emotion, just like mine. Jhin thought to himself

"Ah little darlings, I must refuse, I'm in a hurry you see." Jhin politely and softly refused the ladies.

"Please don't go, sir, we can make you feel good, that's a promise" The other one, dark-haired woman insisted, her dark eyes glistened with intent to steal belongings, and what they didn't know they would be making him feel good. She must be her mother, or at least a substitute one. She should be protecting her child, she sells her child, for a few coins a night, she sells herself, to live, they all want to live…until they die. He went after them in the dark alley, after few moments Jhin returned leaving two beautiful corpses, a composition of a pathetic mother and a desperate daughter, holding each other in a final embrace. They all shared four shots, no one could tell their faces now. The mother tried to protect her daughter, yet it was futile, they had no time to shout or scream and their faces are a work of art, lovely. Now Jhin's mood was lifted and he resumed to go to his destination, he entered the inn and ordered some dumplings, oh how he missed the Ionian food, now he had his food in the furthest table he could find, quietly scheming and planning how to get closer to Sona, she had to be prepared for her role, so no one could interrupt. He lifted his eyes and saw a pretty blonde lady accompanying the young man he saw the other day, with Sona, to upstairs rooms. Ah so he was looking for some fun, Jhin smiled, naughty. He ordered another bowl of food and a drink, he must wait now…After the man had his fun, he returned and sat at the bar, asking for the finest alcohol drink they have, while drinking it he gloated and said to the bartender that he will dance with the most beautiful lady Sona tomorrow night. Ah The Blossom Festival, memories, memories…Jhin took a part of it once, it's was to celebrate artists music and he is the best of them all, a step ahead than all of them, but not everyone had thought kindly of his occupation, well what do they understand, capturing and imprisoning, The Khada Jhin, Golden Demon. Ah but that was years and years ago, it let him to study finest arts and techniques and he prided himself on. He will attend once more because he is an artist. Jhin stood up and smiled, tomorrow is going to special, he started slowly walking towards the exit, glancing towards the man, he has done his role well, there is no need for him be around anymore, may he enjoy his drink tonight… He stepped out from the tavern and went towards the house he had seen Sona go into. He carefully observed his surroundings and the mansion, in one of the second-floor windows he spotted the blue-haired maven, exquisite blue amethyst eyes, he hid behind a tree and followed her every movement with his eyes, she opened a window and Jhin stepped further into the shadow but didn't stop looking at her. She had a blank facial expression and soulless eyes, even though he could have sworn they were filled with kindness the other day, he was surprised but found himself looking at the mirror. Maybe she is the same, dead inside, with only with her music to comfort her. She wore a silk white nightgown with lace, and her locks were free and covered her shoulders. Jhin could see her curves very well, in the breezy evening air she shivered and he noticed her breasts, his gaze did linger on her nipples, but when he caught himself he quickly turned around, his face was slightly red. It's was a preposterous behavior, he is a proper artist, not some perverted stalker, yes, yes her body is beautiful, so she is attracting him as a piece, nothing more. That thought soothed Jhin, of course, he would never do anything indecent to a lady, and his art was pure, he did not think of anything more serene than his works. He hurried home, he had a festival to attend to and he would make a killer impression, he was sure of it.

Jhin made his preparations, his clothes, his guns, and bullets, he looked for something else to do, he did not want to sleep, last night was torturing him, and he wanted his mind clear, but her white gown, amethyst eyes, and body haunted him, so delicate, so fragile, like she's made from glass, or something even frailer. He wanted to touch her, to find out what it takes to break her and his thoughts just became even more intense, now filled with lust that he had never known before. He had women, but never wanted them, they never brought him ecstasy, his work did and never he had cared for those females. Though later their expression was indeed better, betrayal, surprise. All just for him. Jhin laid in bed, trying to sleep, but he never could, his obsession was eating him from the inside and he would never be free until he'd make her his masterpiece. Now in his mind she was dying, crying and moaning, he knew she couldn't, her expression was lewd, her body was made for touching, licking every curve. Jhin's fantasies made him delusional, he was turning into something he didn't know how to control, he had to have her in any way he could. Half of the night he was frustrated and restless, his body raging and begging for release, Jhin is a willful man but he still gave into his desires. He was very disappointed in himself, but it did allow him to sleep the rest of the night.

The morning light woke Jhin up, his studio was a little messy, but it was okay, one huge room that served as a kitchen and living room with a bed in it. Besides that there was the bathroom and toilet. Not very fitting for a world renown artist, but he has to lay low, he is indeed in Ionia, and today is indeed a festival in which he had been caught, but he couldn't let his legacy be forgotten, oh no, what kind of an artist he would be. He had planned something beautiful today, a gift perhaps, for lady Sona. He stepped in to a shower and washed his shame of yesterday, he would not allow himself to think of that or cloud his judgment. When he finished he looked at the mirror, he never liked how he looked, his mask was his true face and his face was just a mask that he will have to use today. He had changed a lot from when he was younger, 17years old when he got caught, a child, but those 10 years taught him everything he knows, scholars worked with him, taught him many subjects ,poetry, art, dance even smiting, even though he excelled at all of them they never could do anything about his morbid fascinations. Then with long shoulder length hair and a baby face, now he was a man, with his short hair and slight beard, only thing that was unpleasantly noticeable was his dead eye. For this he had contact lenses, right from Piltover, after he did some work there he managed to get his hands on this peculiar technology. One of his victims had them and Jhin was inclined to have the same. And anything that helped Jhin hide his face, was worth the thought. Though it was a close call that time, Piltover's authorities almost caught him, but art cannot be stopped. Now he placed a contact in his eye, it was a messy procedure, but he managed it. Jhin brushed his wet hands over his head to stick his hair in place. He dressed up in a black buttoned up shirt a red vest and black pants, His coat was grey and fit him well. Now he looked like a noble, decent man. It's just for a while, this is just a mask. Told himself. Now everything he needed was in his guitar case, an artist posing as an artist. This thought amused him. It was the time to leave, he took a deep breath and his anticipation returned. He couldn't wait until the encore of screams.

A beautiful evening, lights, music, dance, food and people. There were too many for Jhin's liking, he hated crowds. Now his show begins, sometimes the creator has to be an actor of this lovely performance. The town square was full of shops and restaurants, Jhin spotted lady Sona with the young man, he never bothered to find out his name, only the lead is worthy to be remembered by him. Now he walked through the crowd, hiding in plain sight, taking cover in the crowd he got closer and closer to the couple, they were sitting by the table enjoying the performance, lady Sona had finished hers already it was a shame to miss it, but some things must be done. She wore a beautiful white and gold dress, It was knee length and freely flowing on her body, she looked like a butterfly, elegantly free, the man wore a classic suit, what a boring look. The moment finally came, the waiter walked towards their table to refill their glass of champagne and tea, that's when Jhin moved, swiftly he picked up his pace and bumped into the waiter, startled the man looked up in to his deep brown eyes, Jhin slipped few drops of liquid in to the glass of champagne.

"My apologies sir." Jhin said and moved out of the way, a second too long and he'll be noticed. The waiter nodded and rushed to the table. Jhin disappeared into the shadows and watched everything to go according to his plan. Few drops of this liquid from Zaun and any man will have only one thing in mind, sex right here, right now, Jhin was glad that he could string this man affection, he still had in mind how he was trying to seek her hand, dirty her with his touch. Jhin smiled when the man stood up and rushed to the bathroom, the potion was too strong, it will be in effect for days, but he will definitely not miss the opportunity to dance with her. Now Jhin stalked after him and tinkered with the bathroom lock, Jhin had one hour, and that was plenty.

The evening dance started, many couples, men with fancy suits and ladies with colorful dresses spun in the town square, Jhin looked at the lonely butterfly waiting for her date, though he was nowhere around. Her face was embarrassed and shy, she didn't want to stand there alone, people gawking at her. Many men would want to dance with her, even to stand near her, but her date was a noble, and no one wanted to get on the bad side of the nobles, so many men fought their urge to sweep her up for themselves, but were too scared. Jhin placed his coat on the chair he was sitting and walked toward Sona, now this part was the gamble, would she accept? His palms were sweaty, but he wiped them, walked in front of Sona and bowed, he extended his left hand and gently purred in his deep, and rich as honey voice.

"My Lady, shall we dance?" He gazed into her amethyst eyes and saw a slight change of color in her cheeks, they turned bright pink, she gave Jhin her hand and he gently kissed it, then escorted her to the dance floor. Now he was delighted, her hand was so small and delicate and soft, he placed his arm on her back and slowly started to dance, they slowly spun in the rhythm of waltz, her body was so close to his, her eyes were locked upon him. She was a good dancer and so was he, in this lovely moment he could have lost himself, just for a second forget that his face was a mask, and she was his canvas for a masterpiece. They danced and she smiled, Jhin was smiled as well, his plan was on point. With every graceful turn and spin, the time went by so fast, and when her date came back Jhin felt her being ripped from his arms, he would lie and say he wasn't disappointed, but was that the truth? The man shouted, his face was red and breathing uneven, but he managed to hide his arousal.

"How could you dance with someone else?! You came here with me, remember?" The man shouted and gripped Sona's hand tightly.

"The lady was lonely, so I thought she could use some company." Jhin calmly explained.

"No one asked you, disappear!" The man was furious, but he wouldn't fight a stronger opponent.

He just pulled Sona with him and hurried towards the outskirts of the town, Ausvald dragged her through the alleys, and she couldn't scream, only try to oppose him, but in vain. After a while the man stopped, they were by a forest now quite far from any seeing eyes, moonlight was bright and you could see Sona's eyes flooded with tears, and his hands pushing her down, touching places where no woman should be touched against her will, pressed his mouth against hers, his hands were ripping her dress apart and all that she could do was to silently cry. Now Jhin waited for a perfect moment, she had to be filled with despair, though he hated, what he saw, if he could he'd make this mans death so slow and agonizing maybe he'd reach his record of the longest performance, unfortunately this wasn't the plan. Lights, action! Now Jhin sprinted full speed towards the man and pushed him away from Sona. They both tumbled on the ground but quickly got on their feet.

" You?! I told you to leave" Ausvald shouted.

" This is no way to treat a lady, leave her at once!" Jhin took off his grey coat and covered her.

"It will be all right, trust me." He offered her a gentle smile and a hand, but before she could reach it, the man pushed Jhin on the ground and took out a knife, with his whole force he tried to stab Jhin in the neck, but soon he was overcome and pushed back. The man retreated and found his footing again, ready for the next attack, now he rushed towards Jhin and swung the knife right in his face, but Ausvald couldn't combat while drugged and Jhin overpowered him easily by jerking his head back, grabbing his hand and twisting it behind the attacker. The knife dropped on the ground and Jhin picked it up, the man carelessly tried to get it back and grabbed Jhin's hands they struggled and the knife found its way to the Ausvald's throat. Jhin removed it and smiled, that he could allow for a faint second because he wasn't facing Sona. The man fell on the ground gasping for a mere moment and then fading out. He was dead. Jhin kneeled on the ground and started shaking.

"I killed him… I swear I didn't mean to, I… I…" Jhin was crying out in his trembling voice, his eyes filled with fear. Sona rushed to him, held his shoulders, she wanted to say so much but she couldn't.

"I'm a murderer, oh no what I'm going to do…I don't want to go in jail, or worse, they'll kill me…" He kept on panicking. Sona just cupped his face in her hands and shook her head, no he was not a killer, he was her savior, she grabbed his hand and spelled on his palm "R.U.N." Jhin shook his head.

"If I run, you will be blamed, people saw you with him, I'm so sorry…" Jhin held her hand gently.

"It's better me, than you. You're too lovely to suffer." Jhin sighed and stood up and stepped towards the town but Sona stopped him and pulled him by his hand, she was clearly panicking, poor maven was involved in something unpleasant. He turned around and held her hand in his, they started running towards his studio, dawn was coming, and the place was quite far.

Everything went perfectly, he could have had more time with his body, it looked like any other murder, that's the only thing that irked him. But it was all worth it. Sona trusts him, now he just needs to prepare her for the grand finale.

Now she was sitting on his bed, observing his studio, first rays of dawn hit the sky and illuminated everything around them. Now he could see her clearly, scared, crying, hurt, devastated, on his bed. Everything she was feeling, he was the cause, even though she didn't know. He even prided himself on that, now she was near him, close, now he was able to do anything he wanted with her, everything he imagined. But the play was still on, he still had to play his part, and he loved every second of his deceitful plan, every word he said to her was a lie, and she believed it, her naïve and kind nature didn't see through his deception, he didn't blame her, he was first class actor, she was a butterfly in his web.

Jhin looked at her, her body was bruised, her eyes red from crying, she was trembling from fear, he came closer and took her hand in his. He gave her a notebook and a pen.

" My dear, everything will be alright, I promise, I am Khada Jhin, a humble artist, and you are?" Artist he was, anything but humble. He was a visonaire, someone to reach artistic heights no one ever reached, and she was going to be his piece, she wants to or not. The woman scribbled in the notebook.

" I'm Sona, I am a musician, I came here to find my birth parents, I was a guest of Ausvald Allurio." How Jhin loved that she spilled the beans, she was very trusting, too much, ah she sure is innocent, how did he ever cross this little gem. In his head she was a starlet of his opera, living only to die. He could ponder and imagine everything he'd do, now he had to take of some minor things.

"Lady Sona, what a lovely name. I know you are scared, but you have to calm down, I will get you some change of clothes you should wash yourself and then I will be able to treat your wounds. After that we can talk about everything else." Jhin helped her to stand up and walked her to the shower, he quickly gave her a white plain sweater and black pants, he never had any women clothing, so this had to do. Then he left her.

Sona stared at her reflection in the mirror, bruised and tired, she couldn't believe what just had happened. Tears only poured from her face, she slowly stripped her torn dress, she dirty and hurt, some places she had scraped her skin, some places were bruised. Her mind was filled with memories of being forced. If Jhin never showed up, what would have happened to her? It was a sick thought but somewhere in her heart she was glad Ausvald was dead, oh how he deceived her with his charm, cute stuttering and stolen glances, she could never believe that it was him, doing all those things. She took of her underwear and stepped into the shower, hot water stung her flesh, but she endured. She couldn't scream for help, she couldn't ever say thank you to her savior. She was cursed, that's what she thought. Sound and heat of falling water soon lulled her and she relaxed, she remembered Jhin, when they both spun on the dance floor, being held close by a stranger, and feeling safe. Sona felt safe with him, he was kind to her and even stained his hands with blood for her. She closed her eyes, and remembered deep brown eyes and an intense stare, he looked at her as a starving man looked at food, for some reason she liked it. She smiled, she was glad that he was the one to save her…She washed away many things that time but the brown eyes stayed in her mind…

Meanwhile Jhin leaned against her shower door and slowly sided on the floor. He heard clothes rustling, bare feet on marble floor and water. He had a wish to see her, her broken body, indeed it would be a beauty, nothing like he'd seen before. He wanted to barge in the shower and break her neck, hang her and give her wings form those shiny blue locks so she could fly one last time. Jhin felt his body getting hot, he shivered, so many things he wanted to do to her, she was just too beautiful and he couldn't pick the right way, he imagined her body, first pink and soft, warm, then limp grey and cold, his thoughts lingered where he they shouldn't have and he imagined her parts he never had interest in. Jhin shook his head and stood up, rushed to his medicine cabinet and prepared to treat Sona, once she leaves. But he was deep in thought, was he attracted to her dead body sexually? Was his fascination gone too far? These thought make Jhin restless, he never wanted a dead body, or alive one. He never had any attraction to females, neither males. But his mind produced such indecent images of her, and he couldn't stop it. He knew that he couldn't let her go, not now. He will make her his piece. He will dedicate the biggest part of him, he will give her his soul and mind just to see her perfect.

Sona walked out of the shower wearing a slightly oversized sweater and pants that bagged on her, but her skin glowed, she was refreshed. She had braided her long hair into a braid in the back, but a few stray stands covered her face. Jhin smiled and came closer. He eyed a droplet of water slowly making it way down her neck and disappearing in a collar of the sweater.

"I'm sorry I don't have anything else for you… Here, sit, I will look at your injuries." He said softly.

Sona sat on the edge of his large bed, it was all black except for the pillows and blanket, they were red, looked warm and inviting to rest. She was tired, very, very tired. Jhin kneeled in front of her and pushed up bottom of her pants to her thighs, bruises and cuts covered her legs, he gently disinfected them with alcohol, he had a sudden urge to lick every cut and bruise, from her toes going up, gently biting her thighs and then up. Get yourself together! He could slap himself for these thoughts, now she was practically in his arms and his delusions were getting stronger, must hurry, before truly he lost his mind. And while Jhin was mentally fighting his urges and himself, Sona observed him, his messy hair, she did want to ruffle it, his concerned brow and focus on her, his gentle hands going slowly upwards. If she had a voice she surely would have gasped when he touched her inner thigh. She was touched there, yesterday, it was disgusting, but Jhin's touch was gentle. His long fingers caressing her skin, she started turning red, she hoped he didn't notice. She hoped he didn't stop.

After Jhin treated her wounds looked at her, Sona's face was bright red, was the maven feeling it? This amused thought amused Jhin, but he wasn't the type to tease, in all honestly, he preferred the silence. Sona grabbed her notebook and started writing.

"We should go to authorities, I will testify it was an accident and Ausvald meant to hurt me. And thank you… for everything." Jhin read her note, he wasn't happy with it at all, going to the authorities was the last thing he wanted.

"Darling…I'm afraid that's impossible, he is nobility, do you think anyone would truly care about my innocence, they want someone to blame. They will think I've taken you against your will. Forced you to vouch for me, there is no escape for me now. There is no way back." Jhin was a master of emotions, he truly looked concerned and sad, he sat beside Sona, buried his face in his hands, trembling. No way she could betray him now, for all the kindness he showed, she was naïve and that made her his willing prisoner.

Sona felt responsible for his demise, she leaned on Jhin's shoulder, tears pouring out of her, and every each one meant "I'm sorry." Jhin faced her and gently wiped he tears with his thumb, buried his hands in her hair, she looked pale and tired, her lips were pale but oh so kissable, he almost leaned to have it, to taste her lips but he just pulled her close and hugged her. He could not believe himself, he almost did something unthinkable. He felt her warmth on his chest and her hands slowly wrapping around his waist, he could feel that she gently clutched on to him. In a moment Jhin pulled away from their embrace, he was confused, but as always, the show must go on.

"Lady Sona, I believe you are tired, you should get some sleep, I will not bother you, you shall have this bed for yourself." Jhin smiled and pulled the blankets, gently encouraged her to lay down. He didn't know, but she did, he looked tired himself, pale skin, bags under his eyes, she couldn't have him suffer any longer. He did uncontrollably charm her, his politeness, his care for her. So she acted without a thought, and grabbed his hand, she couldn't say but she hoped he understood.

"My lady, I cannot, it would be indecent…" Jhin timidly said.

Sona covered herself in blankets and tapped on the spot beside her. They wouldn't touch, she cocooned herself stealing all of the cover and smiled. She was a little childish but it was adorable, Jhin thought. Good thing this thought of his went unmonitored, because he wouldn't let himself lay beside her, but he did. He closed his eyes but didn't sleep. After a moment he heard her breathing relax, she may have fallen asleep, and now he, against his will sunk into slumber, he couldn't fight against his body shutting down.

Sona opened her eyes, she was warm, clean and safe, because of him. Khada Jhin was his name, and now she explored his sleeping face, she loved how he looked, he wasn't as handsome as Ausvald, but he was better, his broken nose and slightly stubbled jaw was charming. He was shivering, maybe he was cold, she broke her own rule, would he be angry at her? She covered him with blankets, now they shared a bed. She never shared a bed with any man. Her heart was beating fast, she felt hot, they didn't touch but those places they could have touched tingled. All those thoughts spinning in her head, but she too gave in to the sandman's spell and fell asleep.

Jhin felt warm, he never felt so peaceful.

He opened his eyes. He would have gasped if he didn't control himself, her face was in front of his. Her pale skin, pale lips, reddish eyes, a few strands of her locks covered her face. Closed eyes. She looked dead. So beautiful, Jhin's heart almost busted out, he felt a heat wave overcome his body, a blood rush he never felt before, like his fantasies came alive and she was perfect. He couldn't handle it anymore. He stood up and rushed to the bathroom, he covered his face with his hand, he could see blood dripping from his nose, his heart was bleeding violently, and he was aroused. He washed his face, the dry air didn't help his nosebleed. Jhin was confused and scared, truly scared, he never had his body react this way, it was conflicting and mixing everything he knew. He took out his lens, stripped and rushed into the shower. He never gotten this hard before, it felt like if he didn't ravage her, he'd lose his mind. Yes Jhin, that prided himself of his masterpieces of cold blood, now boiled from lust. He tried to wash it all away, but he couldn't, he had only one solution. His face was red, he couldn't believe what he was doing and it was all her fault, yes, he did think of her, but he would never admit it. He couldn't win the battle against himself, Jhin stepped out of the shower and started rubbing his head with the towel, but suddenly the bathroom door opened and Sona barged in. For a moment she stared at his naked body, he face went bright red, she pointed at the door to outside. Someone was knocking.

Jhin's eyes widened, his cheeks heated for a moment, but that wasn't the time.

"Stay here. Don't leave until I get back." Jhin said and put his pants on in a hurry, a second later he disappeared behind closed bathroom doors. Sona was left there standing, with her red face. She never seen a naked man before, she seen her other children when they were little, but never a grown man. She indeed liked what she saw, his toned body, tiny drops of water on his skin, and there where she shouldn't have looked, he looked good...almost edible. She was confused about what she was feeling, her heart pounding, this was all too new for her.

Jhin opened the door an old man was standing in front of him. He seemed tired, so very tired, he had rags instead of clothes.

" Please, I'm just a traveler, would you spare me some bread water... I couldn't find anyone for so long. I just want to see my son and granddaughter for the last time." The old man said, he was at his last moments, and he didn't seem to pose any threat.

" Ah I see, wait a moment, I'll bring you some food." Jhin retreated to his studio, he picked up a large nail and a hammer.

" Thank you, stranger... I thought I wasn't going to make it..." Old man had a tear in his eye, he started rubbing his eyes.

Jhin returned and without hesitation put a nail to his forehead and hammered it into his skull.

" You won't." Jhin said and watched his body go limp, one drop of blood dyed the man's forehead. He dragged the corpse further into the forest and hid it inside bushes, he will come back and dispose of it later. He was content the way it went, clean and fast. His eye glistened and he felt like he could breathe again. Ah, beautiful. Now he returned to Sona, she did complicate things a little, he put the hammer back in to its place. Now he was confident, smiling, there was truly nothing but this for him. He stepped into the bathroom.

"Sweetheart, everything is alright, it was only a man seeking a meal, I gave him some food and he was on his way" Jhin purred. He was confident but it quickly faded, it took one look in her eyes and he was charmed. Red cheeks, pouty lips , her eyes gaze was averted, looking down and shy, she was thinking of him, naked. He was sure of it, he couldn't stop looking at her.

" ah, you must be wondering about my eye, I'm sorry , I didn't want to scare the ladies at the festival, does it bother you?"Jhin was trying his best change the mood. Sona slowly lifted her head and looked upon his face, she shook her head, his eye didn't bother her, he looked rough and she liked it. She stared at his lips , then to his eyes and again his lips, would they be soft or warm, how would they feel? Jhin noticed her gaze, the fact that she wanted him was too much, now all of his abstinence disappeared,she was so close to seeing his true form, his self control crumbled and he stepped towards her, cupped her cheek in his palm and leaned towards her, pressing his lips to hers. They were so soft and warm, better than his favorite dumplings, better than anything he ever had. He couldn't stop from tasting her, he deepened their kiss, Sona didn't mind and wrapped her hands around his neck. Their lips intertwined and parted, meshed together into one hot and wet sensation. She smelled so sweet he could bite into her flesh and she would be made of sugar. Jhin pulled away and looked at her, her eyes were clouded, her breath was ragged so was his, he went back to kissing her, now he was nibbling her neck, licking it, exhaling his hot breath and tickling her ear. Sona shivered, her whole body was a slave to this sensation, she felt how all of the thoughts faded, and all of the questions dissapeared. Her heart was like a bird trying to get out, her body shivered in anticipation, she started feeling things she never felt before, slightly rubbing her thighs together, pushing herself on to him, putting her arm on his chest and let it wander. She gasped when his hand found it's way under her sweater, slowly it was exploring her body, gently brushing on her skin, caressing her breast. Jhin slowly pushed Sona until they collided with a wall. He vigorously kissed her lips, pushing his tongue in her mouth, he couldn't control himself anymore and now he wouldn't. He hardly let her breathe, pushing his body on her and parting her legs with his own, he wanted her so much. Sona unconsciously grinned herself on his leg, it felt good, everything he did to her, made her head spin and she wanted more. His hot wet kisses, how he fondled her breasts, how good his leg felt... She was his right there and now. Jhin stopped and retreated from her, he was messed up, confused, his gaze didn't find a spot to hide. He would have stripped her and violated her, definitely, but he stopped. His raging hard on didn't help to make that decision.

" I'm sorry... I need to clear my head." Jhin said, his voice was shaking. He rushed out of the bathroom, leaving confused Sona alone. She was in awe, her mind was blank, she just could feel a strong pulse between her legs, her body wanted him, so does she. Did she do something wrong? Why did he leave? She left the bathroom but he was not in the studio. She sat on the edge of his bed, then sighed and plopped on it. The sheets smelled like him, like pine trees. Sona bit her lip, now she wondered what was next...

Jhin grabbed a shovel and was rushing towards the corpse he had hidden away, his mind a total mess, his body still craving for her touch. He couldn't stand it, his hands were shaking, he sat down in the shade of a tree and when he closed his eyes he could still see her, his hands still felt her, he could still taste and smell her. This was the moment when Jhin came undone, now he was a slave to his lust, never before he was so weak. He, born in this ugly world, found beauty, death was salvation, he was beautiful when he killed, like a lotus blossom, graceful. Now she was his dawn he must finish what he started, she was his muse, and she will die. Throbbing between his legs didn't stop, his mind was clouded, now he was seeking physical release, only she was on his mind when he touched himself. He imagined all of the things he could have done to her, broken her body and soul, she made him feel everything he never did. Not once he wanted to have someone as much as he wanted to rip them apart, limb by limb, piece by piece, now he wanted to have her whole, taste her. He was ashamed of what he was doing and thinking but it was too late, the deed was done. The sky was getting darker and darker the storm clouds were gathering and Jhin knew he had to hurry and get rid of the body. He started digging a hole, every time he hit the dirt, he was digging a larger grave for his victim and for himself. His delusions were too vivid, his urges too strong, he wished he was burying his emotions, that he never had before or at all. Now he cursed and blessed the moment he saw her. He wasn't perfect for her, yet. He smiled. He can be, she will make him whole, beautiful... While she bleeds for him, her pain is beauty and grace, her tears are life's essence for Jhin. It started raining, pouring cold and heavy drops of water, the mud puddles reminded him of his dark and dirty childhood, life was cruel and ugly, but it didn't have to be. His mother showed him that, once laying on her bedroom floor, after many visits of strange men. She was finally smiling, like an angel flying over the clouds, she had wings of blood. Mother was kind, mother was sweet but her death was perfection itself. So will be Sona's, she will be an outstanding, mesmerizing piece of art, for him. The cold calmed Jhin and now he was back to his usual self, yet she changed something inside him... whatever that was. One step, two steps, three steps, four. The last steps to the door of his studio, he was drenched from the pouring rain and so cold, but he was feeling good, she was occupying his mind, but now he threw away any lingering thoughts, he breathed in damp air, filled with the smell of wet grass. He was ready to go in, he hoped so. He opened the door and stepped in. His head was hanging low from losing the battle against himself, or maybe he was avoiding her, he was ashamed, not something he felt many times. Sona was laying in his bed, clutching his blankets, her face was buried in his pillows and it seemed as she was hugging them, the covers were in between her beautiful legs, she was wearing only his sweater, her pants were on the ground. She was sleeping, so calm and trusting. Jhin sneaked closer, sat on the edge of the bed and observed her. She rustled and changed position, now exposing her front side, still intertwined in his blankets, but exposing her delicate neck, Jhin's hand was reaching out for it, he wanted to squeeze the last breath out of her lungs, his hand moved closer and closer, it would be so easy, he could snap it with one hand. Sona opened her big baby blue eyes, and Jhin carelessly caressed her cheek, she smiled, he knew she was happy that he was back, but he wasn't, he wanted to run, resume his work, and never see her again, but as the baby blues stared into his soul, he was petrified. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled herself closer, warming his cold body, breathing life into his dead heart. He was so cold, and she was so warm, so clueless and kind, like his mother. The sun was setting, the rain was heavy, the only thing you could hear was rain drops and two faint breaths, whispering secrets that none of them knew yet. Jhin stood up and lit a few candles, he knew she wanted to know where he went, but he did not intend to share, he would lie if she asked, but now it wasn't on her mind, he suspected. Jhin was standing in his small kitchen area, trying to salvage anything edible, he found some canned peaches, it wasn't exactly a nutritious meal, he'd always eat out, now he wished he stocked up something more, while he was looking for something more Sona joined him and was exploring his kitchen cabinets. She glanced over Jhin, his shirtless body, spiky wet hair, blue tinted lips. She yearned for more, the rain soothed her, charming her into the state of seduction. Jhin found a few more cans of preserved fruits and now was trying to pry them open with a knife, but his hand slipped and he cut his finger, he was bleeding. Sona gasped.

" Don't worry darling, it's just a minor scratch," Jhin said and smiled. Sona took his hand, and placed his finger in her mouth, she didn't know why she did it, tasting his blood,she just wanted to know more about him, she wanted more of him. Jhin's eyes widened his pupils dilated, the wound stung a little, but he could feel her soft tongue, now she had really done it, riled him up, she was such a tease...though she stopped the bleeding.

" Sona... we can't..." Jhin whispered. Her eyes said were glazed over, her expression said, "we can and I want to." Jhin pulled his finger from her mouth, her lips were stained with his blood. Jhin grabbed her by the neck and squished it, his eyes were not kind, he pushed her back on to the bed.

" You keep doing this to me, do you think I can't lose control, like your date that attacked you?!" Jhin shouted, he was frustrated. Sona's eyes filled with tears, she remembered, what was done to her, the crystal droplets fell out from her eyes like tiny diamonds. Jhin released her neck, leaned and kissed away her tears, he knew that he was a bastard, he would not defile her before the performance. Though why had he comforted her?

" I'm sorry my dear, but surely you must understand... I am a man too." His voice was hushed, Jhin let out a sigh and backed off, his hands were shaking he brushed his palm against his scalp, he got himself in a pretty messy situation. Sona sat up, rubbing her neck, confused, yet she didn't want him to stop. Yes, he was rough, but surprisingly she enjoyed it, even wanted more... She knew that he was a man, she wanted to be a woman in his eyes. She looked at Jhin sitting beside her, nervously she took his hand and placed it back on her neck, she wanted nothing else but to be seen, to be noticed, to be wanted. Her whole being begged for him to see how much she wanted this. Now Jhin didn't have a place to escape, no excuse to hide. He faced her and started kissing her lips then neck, she gave into his arms and placed her own on his chest. Jhin gently pushed Sona on the bed, getting on top of her, feeling up her skin on her bare legs, under the sweater. He pulled it up and exposed her big round breasts, her first reaction was to hide them, but Jhin pulled her arms away and marveled in their beauty, they were soft and round, her nipples were pink and looked delicious, he wanted to taste them, so he did. He put one of her nipples in his mouth and gently sucked it, his hands were caressing her inner thigh, his body gently pressing his weight on top of her. He started slowly licking her whole body, going down the navel, he put his hand between her legs and started rubbing, she was wet, Sona arched her back slowly, she kept on shivering. Jhin's mouth wandered lower and lower... her body was so sweet, he wanted more, he had to have more, but she was afraid like she never did it before, has she? Hasn't she? Jhin leaped from her and stared at her confused.

" Have you done this sort of thing before?" Jhin uttered. Sona shook her head, no she never did anything like this, she never kissed a man before, she never felt his touch, she wanted to, her body ached for it, Jhin frowned for a second, his little angel was pure, but he was so far from perfect, he couldn't soil her. He looked upon her flushed skin, covered her with a blanket and went back to the kitchen. If he glanced at her one more time he'd rape her, steal everything from her, defile her, oh he wanted to, but he hated himself, he didn't know were these feelings were fake or true, was his face truly his right now? He lost his description of perfection, he needed to remind himself that the only way someone was perfect is when Khada Jhin brought their life meaning, before him his victims were worthless, after... they were works of art, their bodies rearranged into cruel compositions. Sona was his pure flower that waited for his touch of death. But could he ever look at her without lusting for her and seeking her comforting warmth...?

Sona was out of her breath, she shivered and closed her eyes. Why...? Why he didn't touch her more, was it because she was a virgin? Did he like his women with experience? Was she not pretty enough, maybe he didn't like her body, maybe she was weird somehow or maybe it was because she was mute? She didn't know and it ate her alive. She wanted to know everything about Jhin, he was mysterious, his voice hypnotized her, he was inside her mind,shamelessly corrupting her. Sona's eyes filled with tears as her head filled with questions, she stood up and made her way to the table, where she started writing on her notebook. She took it and turned towards Jhin. She was shaking and couldn't look at him straight. Jhin felt her presence and turned to face her, Sona's face was sorrowful, she pushed the notebook in his hands.

"You don't like me?" Jhin's eyes widened, oh he liked her, too much even. "Am I weird? Ugly?"

For God's sake, she was the most beautiful woman he laid eyes upon, so frail, it was messing with his mind. She couldn't imagine how much he wanted her and how much he tried to deny it. Jhin frowned and threw the notebook over his back, he took Sona's hand and pressed it onto his throbbing erection.

" This is how much I want you, is this what you want?!" He hissed through his teeth. Sona blushed, her face went bright red and she stepped back. It felt big, thick and hard it was the first time touching a man that way. Jhin chuckled while letting out a sigh.

" I thought so..." He smiled, but there was a certain sadness in his smile. He turned his back to her and picked up a plate to put the canned fruits in it. He sighed and placed them slowly one by one. His erection was killing him, he wanted to get rid of it as fast as he could, so his mind could be clear once again. But then he felt a warm sensation on his back, Sona was hugging him from behind, he could feel her breasts pressing, her hands wrapped around his waist, they were slowly and shyly moving down. She didn't know what was she doing, she didn't know what to do, her face was so red, her heart was pounding. She pushed one of her hands into his pants and Jhin hissed, he didn't expect her bold touch. She started awkwardly touching his boner, he chuckled, the little angel didn't have any idea what she was doing. Jhin grabbed her arm and pulled her in front of him, then pressed her palm on his shaft, her fingers wrapped around it, he showed her how to move it, gently going up and down, when she felt braver he released her hand and she was touching him on her own. Sona was looking at what she was doing, it was indecent, naughty but his face was sexy, he even panted and hissed at times, she found it very erotic and she was getting drunk on it. Jhin couldn't handle it anymore, he pulled her closer and shoved his tongue in her mouth while she was learning new things on him, he put his own hand in between her legs, gently rubbing the surface of her panties. Sona gasped, then shivered, she just felt Jhin's hand going down her panties, he pushed a finger inside, she bit her lip. Jhin enjoyed her reactions, her face was so arousing, he started fingering her, he was glad he was the first one to give her pleasure. She didn't stop what she was doing either and loved every moment of it. What she loved the most was his voice, subtle moans hushed under his breaths, his hand was making her feel so good, he pressed his thumb on her clit, now that brought her over the edge. She bit her lip and clutched to him as she came. Sona was embarrassed, she never felt that before, she did explore her body but never brought herself that much pleasure. She eagerly was kissing Jhin and stroking him until he came, he let out a muffled moan. His face was red.

" Um...Let's wash your hands, alright?" Jhin cleared his throat, he wasn't good with women or words. One thought bothered him, this moment, was this real or performance, was he truly intoxicated with her smell and was she truly into him? Jhin's hold over Sona was greater than he imagined. As they went to the bathroom, she already wanted more of him...

Jhin took her by the hands and put them under warm water after he was done he washed his. So many times he was here, washing the blood off his hands, now as he stared at the running water he imagined it being red, covering his hands. He lifted his head up and stared at himself, his face was unfamiliar he wished he had never met her, although he didn't regret it, it made everything much more difficult, made him question his own life and actions. As he stared at his own reflection he briefly recalled screams of his victims, sending shivers down his spine, twisting his guts making him wince. He never was close to anyone, he never let himself to care and now this strange woman made him feel what he never did. He felt as he needed her to forgive him, to accept him, what he was. He felt how she wrapped her hands around his waist, put her head on his back. Jhin turned around and pulled her into his embrace, he held her and felt like everything vanished, his sorrows, his wars. He pressed her closer an closed his eyes, now he felt at home.

Sona held onto him, she felt happy that he held her so dearly, she wanted to heal him, she wanted to be his light, even though they just met, she never felt such connection with anyone, she never felt that she could belong. No matter how many people surrounded her she felt all alone, never could connect. Now all she ever wanted was to be needed.

But Jhin knew what he was, cold-blooded murderer, his breath became slower, he opened his eyes and stared at her, smiling, he could never be forgiven, there will never be a place for him. Now he knew what was what, he knew that once he kills this angel he will have to follow her. And only then he can finally rest.

Jhin slowly pushed her away and smiled. Even though it hid sadness.

"I'm not the man for you... I don't even know if I'm a man at all..." He almost whispered those words. He led her out of the bathroom and suggested they'd eat, it was not much but better than nothing. He had a lot of thoughts in his head, usually, they were about a million different ways he could kill someone, now they were about her.

Sona had so many things she wanted to say and ask him, she would be quite chatty if she could, but she only resorted to writing things she must say. Now Sona sat on the edge of his bed, eating canned peaches in silence and stared at the opposite direction than Jhin, she still felt his warmth on her hands, her heart still raced, she waited for what will happen next, hopefully he finally could make her a woman, she was curious, didn't want to wait a second.

But Jhin still couldn't let himself have her, she was like a drug to him, he already craved her again, he didn't understand how much she tempted him, he wanted her to be his in all the ways possible to possess a human being and their soul. He wanted to own her.

" My dear, what am I going to do with you? How can I resist you?" Jhin stood up, he had to leave, he knew she was willing to sleep with him yet he couldn't have her. He had to find himself again because everything was blurry, he had to kill, find his cold tranquillity, hide his lust, hide. Remove everything that reminded him of Sona, of her kindness and blind trust, forget her warmth. He took a few steps towards the door, even though it poured outside he was ready to leave, he didn't want to be here a second more. He didn't want to cloud his judgment anymore, he didn't want to care for her, he didn't want to break. But he was so close to breaking and surely if he took her, he would lose his mind completely and then she would see what he really was, a monster, a demon, she would fear him and run, cry and try to scream. Jhin shivered, wanting to end this war inside of him.

Sona stared at Jhin's back and she couldn't wait anymore her eyes filled with tears. She didn't want him to run, she didn't want this to end. Now there was no going back, she already had a taste of him, of what he had to offer. She didn't care that he was a stranger, he was a thief of her common sense, she was drunk on the new sensations. So she put her hand on his shoulder and spun him around, she had to show what she felt and how she felt, if not, then she might die from her overwhelming emotions. When their eyes met and she saw his curious expression, she kissed him, not a peck on the lips, not a sweet touch, she just grabbed him and pushed herself, maybe even too hard. Once his lips parted she pushed her tongue down his throat, she didn't care that it was messy but she kept on kissing him. His hands squeezed her buttcheeks and he pushed her to him. Something about him saw so raw, he was violent and strong yet she felt that he was breaking apart, every kiss was stronger, every step was towards the bed and finally, Sona was near the bed. She knew she broke him. His eyes furious, his face angry, that man had lost all of the control he had.

" Why can't you just let me be? I'm a fucking monster!" He yelled and pushed her down on her knees.

" I'm going to show you what it means to be with me!" He lost it, he had to scare her away or there will be no going back, he couldn't allow himself to care about her, nor anyone. He pulled his pants down and pressed his erection to her face, hoping she would get scared and push him away, he wanted to have her and kill her, he hated and loved every moment spent with her. She was too beautiful, too innocent, that's what he thought. But Sona wasn't a child, perhaps under that angelic facade, she was a little demon preying on men's lust. She opened her mouth and licked along the side of his shaft. Jhin shivered. His mouth opened. He did not expect that. He tried to step back and move away but she grabbed him by the hips and took his erection in her mouth. Jhin didn't know what to do, he let out a faint moan, now she was licking him and it felt so good, he guessed that she won't stop until he had her, that damned vixen, she knew how to toy with men, pretending to be all shy then attacking when they're weak. Jhin pulled her away and took a step back. Sona looked at him, her lips red and face flushed with redness, her breath was ragged and eyes filled with lust. Such a tempting view. He pulled her to her feet and grabbed her sweater, he peeled it off, exposing her underwear. He didn't want to deal with all that so he quickly ripped it off and thew it to the side. Oh, Gods, she was so beautiful, so pale and pink soft and round. He wished to bite her, sink his teeth into her flesh as some sort of vampire. He took her braid and undid it, letting her long hair free, they fell around her like a blanket, long shiny and wavy, framed her beautiful face. He saw himself in her eyes, he hated himself he wished to stop it, but it was far too late, he should have killed her long ago, now he wanted to screw her senseless. He had a moment of doubt but Sona didn't let him run away, she turned him around and pushed him to the bed. He fell on the mattress and before he knew she was on top of him, holding his shaft in her hand, gently stroking it. Now she wasn't that innocent girl, she only wanted pleasure that only he could give. Now she was going to put his erection inside of her, she was so hot and wet for it, wanted nothing more than just feel connected to him. She slowly lowered herself down on him it was a tight fit but if she took it slow it shouldn't be as painful. She took a moment to look at Jhin's face, he was grinning, put his hands on her hips, he wasn't gentle anymore, she had woken his demon. Now he gripped her hips and with one swift move, he had impaled her. Her face showed shock, it hurt, but he didn't stop, he pulled her up and pushed her down again. He honestly didn't care if she hurt or not, he was already lost to his lust. She wanted to scream wait, move away but she just felt motion now he had changed their position, she was under him, her legs spread, Jhin held them by the ankles and pumped in and out of her. His jaw was clenched, she felt so good, he didn't intend to stop he wanted to own her. Sona gripped his bedsheets and slowly pain disappeared, now she was just left with pleasure. She enjoyed seeing his face, he looked like a wild animal. Jhin put her legs on his shoulders and pushed himself even deeper. He didn't slow his rhythm, ravaging her, squeezing her breasts, making her take all of him. If she'd had a voice she surely moan, it felt like nothing else. Jhin was a good lover, he made her feel ecstasy she never felt before, she could die happy right now. He pushed himself into her, she was so soft, he couldn't stop himself at all and he came inside of her. He didn't think at all, he was blinded by lust, he never felt so good. He could think that it was better than murder.