Sakura wasn't sure what her next encounter with Sasuke would be like after their spare a few days prior. She felt embarrassed that she became all "Shaky" in front of him over using his chidori, and it made her also wonder as well if he understood the reason for her frighten state. Maybe that is why he decided to end the spar so abruptly knowing she was in a fragile state of mind not wanting to make it worse, although he didn't seem mad whatsoever which was a good sign. She knew Sasuke was trying hard to be a different and better person and she felt as if she destroyed possibly any hope he may have had for believing he was doing good and changing towards a better person.

"Ugh what if that is why Sasuke-kun enunciated this spare , even possibly , the reason fo being considerate and walking me home as a way to create a common ground between us ? And I've done and flush that down the drain ! Bringing back memories from years ago how silly of me, deep down I am sure Sasuke-kun has to have some regrets from that day and he is probably trying hard to forget only for me to bring it up and make it clear how much damage he has caused..." Sakura spoke to herself while taping her pen on her oak desk.

On another note though from this spar she also felt different than she had days before. Sakura felt...more...confident perhaps? more determine with a new found flame in her chest ? Sakura couldn't help but feel more comfortable with her taijutsu after her and Sasuke's spar. Always believing that Sasuke would find her weak and completely demolish her within seconds seemed to vanish from her mind as instead she smiled at the memory of him complimenting her on her taijustu and even making her feel as if she, born from civilian parents no less, is able to keep up with probably the strongest Uchiha in history! Sasuke even tried to help her perfect her pose and give her advice rather than sneer and complain how clueless she was for a jonin. Sakura was positive that everyone believed she was strong ( I mean they saw her fight the war, not to mention all the hits she landed on Naruto and Sai having them fly half way threw Konoha with one hit) but she's never known truly what Sasuke thought of her new found strength. For years worried of his opinion, scared that he would judge her and call her "Weak" , never believing she would pass in Sasuke's eyes, was just a assumption in her head that SHE had formed was indeed false. Even when Sasuke criticized her for being distracted it was not to be cruel , he was trying to help her to be better and not to make foolish mistakes he was being a teammate. A blush appeared on Sakura's cheeks in the memory of how Sasuke lingered his fingers on her body, the way he sent electric bolts up from her toes to ears over a mere brush of his finger tips, ,the warmth of his breath by her ear, and his wet hot tongue sliding smoothly on her neck. Sakura shuddered with the lustful remembrance, but why did he do that? Did he purposely do these things for his own pleasure?

"Don't be silly Sakura, Sasuke-kun obviously knew your weakness and was proving a point that you were indeed distracted." Sakura said shaking her head.

After Sasuke quickly ended their spar and left Sakura was not done. Oh no she continued practicing on the training grounds until close to dinner time arrived. She had hoped she could show Sasuke the hard work she accomplished by engaging in another spar however the next morning Sasuke did not bang on Sakura's door...nor the next morning after that... now Sakura's days off were over and she was back to work with no time to play during a twelve hour shift. She wanted to be positive but she wasn't sure if she should expect Sasuke to wait for her after work tonight, after they way they ended things days ago.

Sakura continued tapping her pen faster and faster against her desk as these thoughts ran threw her mind that she nearly screamed when Shizune knocked on her office door.

"Eh-come in!" Sakura responded.

"Ah Sakura I was hoping you were in here, I just wanted to deliver these messages to you before you leave this evening." Shizune spoke with a smile and handed Sakura a few sticky notes with messages written in beautiful cursive writing. Shinzune then bid farewell and left Sakura to read her messages in private .

Sakura blankly read threw her messages, mostly just notes from the nurses explaining the condition of her most injured patients, if they were still stable or still advised to stay in the hospital...the usually daily notes Sakura received which was somewhat repetitive as Sakura WAS the doctor after all she knows how her patients are doing and didn't understand the waste of such to basically repeat to her what she concluded. Sakura throwing the notes into her small trash can, that resided by her desk, she almost didn't see the glance of Sasuke's name written at the top of one of the yellow sticky note. Sakura gasped and quickly put her full attention on the message that read-

Dr. Haruno

Sasuke Uchiha stopped by the front desk to speak with you however I informed him you were in surgery. He told me to let you know he will be unable to walk you home tonight? Was not aware you two had something going on ! How exciting!


"What! We are not a-a-a thing!" Sakura blushed madly

Sakura gathered her things and headed down to the front desk where Sukui sat typing away on her computer. Noticing the approaching Dr. with pink hair Sukui turned her attention to her with a smile on her face.

"Well hello Dr. Haruno, about to head home?" Sukui questioned.

"Yes in a minute, I was just wondering exactly when did Sasuke stop by today?" Sakura asked, looking everywhere except directly at Sukui.

"Ah yes Sasuke showed up around noon asking if you were available to speak with. I had told him you were currently in the middle of a surgery that may take some time. He frowned and asked me to let you know that he couldn't walk you home tonight as he had other matters to attend to. Why didn't you tell me that the handsome Sasuke fancied you eh?"

"Whh-at no it is not like that! He has just been being a friendly teammate an making sure I got home safe is all."

"Home safe? Sorry Dr. Haruno but that surely cannot be his reason, everyone knows about your monstrous strength! I doubt he has any reason to worry about you making it home your house that is less than ten minutes away." Sukui then chuckled.

This made Sakura ponder Sukui's assumption. Sakura had also thought it was strange that Sasuke would feel the need to walk her to a place so close by.

"Good night Sukui." Sakura muttered and headed out the door, ending that converstaion before Sukui made anymore points.

Sakura began walking the streets alone with her brain working at full capacity.

"Strange that Sasuke-kun even felt the need to inform me that he was not able to make it tonight, normally Sasuke-kun is not the type of man to mention such things on a simple matters, he keeps his business to his self.. Did he perhaps feel that it would be rude to not inform me of this as he sees it as an ongoing occurrence to walk me home? Like this is going to be a normal thing to expect when I leave to for the day?" Sakura thought to herself with her finger tips rubbing her chin in thought.


Sakura eyes widen for a moment and then looked up from the stony side walk to see that Sasuke was indeed in front of her in his ANBU uniform, wolf mask hanging on the left of his belt. He looked slightly disarrayed with his face soaked in dirt and sweat, as if he clearly just came from a mission, he still looked intoxicating. Sasuke's breathing was little heavier than usual from acute exhaustion, the tips of his bangs were clearly moistened with sweat, and his musky scent was now mixed with an earthy odor of soil.

"Sasuke-kun? I thought you were away tonight...and would not be meeting with me?" Sakura questioned, worried that he was possibly hurt and was called off the scene to gain medical attention.

Before answering, Sasuke carefully took the papers that cluttered Sakura's arms, and very gently had brushed his fingers against hers in the process, causing her to take in a sharp breath.

"I finished the mission, those rogue sound ninja barely put up a fight before they gave in and begged me to let them go." Sasuke finally answered.

"Ah I see. You should of gone home though, you've obliviously deserved to rest after such a day."

Sasuke slightly scowled. "You mean to say that you think I let those ninja almost get the best of me?"

Sakura stared at Sasuke with a confused look on her face, right pink eyebrow propped up. Why would Sasuke question such a thing as if my opinion mattered, he knows who he is and is quite confident but why the reassurance from me ? Additionally was that also a slight bit of curiosity behind his demanded question?

"Sasuke-kun what a thing to say! I would never in a million years believe that you'd let any ninja for that matter get the best of you." Sakura smiled up at Sasuke giving him that possible "Reassurance" that she in no way was trying to insult him. Sasuke started at Sakura for a moment to see if she was being sarcastic but when she continued to smile warmly at him he gained his answer and began walking her home.

Feeling confident tonight Sakura decided not to hold back and apologize to Sasuke about the previous day just in case if it was on his mind, and so he might feel more active to ask her to spar again.

"I am sorry for the other day-" Sakura began and Sasuke glanced at her with an odd look "- for...getting upset...i knew you would not have used that chidori on me, I just , I don't know what I was thinking."

"I know exactly what you thought."


Sasuke paused for a minute trying to find the right words to explain his intentions for what he just stated. Closing his dark obsidian orbs Sasuke took a breath and began...

"I may have been a different man at the time with no feelings of empathy but don't think I can't remember that look you gave me of betrayal when you turned around and looked me in the eyes as I acted without hesitation. The magnitude of not fear but anguish in your face is something that has been bore into my eyes, it was the same look you gave me at the training ground the other day as if you were reliving that moment, one that I ponder on often. I find that to be the darkest time in my life as that moment I truly lost myself to evil." Sasuke then opened his eyes but still refused to look at Sakura, just keeping his eyes on the road.

Sakura stared at Sasuke mouth agape and eyes wide, with a slight glaze of tears making her emeralds cloudy. To hear Sasuke say he knew the hurt he caused her and that he didn't just pretend that day never happened brought Sakura a sense of peace. A sense of peace knowing that Sasuke was no where near that same dark shell of a human anymore that even he knew what he had became was wrong truly that of a monster, and most of all peace knowing that his intentions of killing her was the biggest regret he had made in his dark days.

Sasuke then stopped in his tracks, Sakura was about ready to question him when you realized that they were standing underneath the light to her apartment building.

"Thank you for walking me home Sasuke, I really appreciated it." Sakura said with a smile while taking her papers from him. Turning her back to him Sakura just barely got the key in the door lock when Sasuke spoke to her again.

"Are you seeing anyone?"

Sakura stopped mid way of turning her key, frozen in place, with eyes large with confusion. Her heart thumped fast making her stomach feel hot and queasy as if a warm strong flame as erupted. Why would he ask such a thing? Why was that even a question that seemed to be on his mind? Sasuke was not the type of man to ask questions without full intentions of wanting to know the answer. Why would he think that anyone would even be interested in me?

"Why do you ask?" Sakura questioned, back still turned to him. When she got no answer back from Sasuke she realized that it was a dumb question that Sasuke knew was not worth explaining so he waited.

" I am not seeing anyone Sasuke-kun." Sakura then turning to glance at Sasuke to read what his face was saying. Unfortunately Sasuke had the best poker face, his emotions were never to be displayed on his face, it was too be a mystery. Sasuke then nodded his head and began to walk away back down the street, hands in pockets. Sasuke got his answer that night but Sakura never got hers.