at the amusement park.

Jonathan and Erina we're having so much fun at the amusement Park.

they were playing in different rides of the amusement park.

Jonathan and Erina playing together in the lake.

one day Erina, when Dio was hiding behind the tree.

Dio forcefully kissing Erina on the lips.

he actually kissed her. Boy 1 said.

this guy got more guts than us. Boy 2 said.

Dio is really my idol. Boy 1 said.

Tell me... Have you and JoJo kissed yet? Dio asked Erina.

I'll take that as a no. You thought your first kiss would be JoJo. Dio said to Erina.

but it was I, Dio! Dio said to Erina.

Erina was in shock.

I've killed their romance before it began. I'll deny JoJo the comfort of friendship AND love! Dio said in his mind.

hey look at that Boy 1 said to Dio pointing Erina washing her lips with a muddy puddle.

she is washing her lips with a muddy puddle! Boy 2 said.

this is very indecent. Boy 1 said.

which get Dio very mad.


Dio hit Erina into the muddy puddle.

Brats did not reply without saying anything what they saw.

Hold yourself, you damnable fool. She's not worth it. Dio said in his mind.

?: stop right there you scum!

...! :Dio

who in the world are you? Dio said.

allow me to introduce myself my name is Amarullah joestar. Amarullah said introducing himself.

I did not know anything about this! Dio said.

I would recommend you stop it! Amarullah said to Dio.

Dio Brando and the brats walked away from here.

are you okay madam? Amarullah said to Erina.

I'm fine thank you. Erina said to Amarullah.

you're welcome. Amarullah replied to Erina.

the next day in the city.

Jonathan and Foxy we're walking around doing nothing, when they saw Erina.

Erina how you doing? Jonathan asked Erina.

Erina did not say anything and walked away

is it something we said? Funtime Foxy said confused.

a bunch of punks were laughing at Jonathan and Funtime Foxy.

what the hell is so funny? Funtime Foxy said to them.

let's say that dio Kiss Erina. Boy 1 replied to them.

Jonathan and Funtime Foxy really got serious that Dio gone too far.

Jonathan and Funtime Foxy Storming into his home in rage.

DIIIIIOOOOOO! Jonathan yelled with rage.

Hold your tongue, boy! You won't speak my name in vain again! Dio said to them.

Your fight is with me! Jonathan yelled at Dio.

Upset about Erina? That she shared her favors with me. And now you intend to give me a proper thrashing for my impudence. Dio replied to Jonathan.

This time, Dio, YOU HAVE GONE TOO FAR! Jonathan yelled with rage, charging at Dio.

first of all steal someone else's girlfriend is not cool.. Funtime Foxy said to Dio.

I guess if you whatever I want to do. Dio replied to Funtime Foxy.

you're really are messed up! Funtime Foxy said to Dio.

Dio knocks the wind of out Jonathan.

If you wish to repeat out earlier bout, then be my guest! Dio said to them.

Overpowers Jonathan and Funtime Foxy before knocking them into the wall.

I..I can't lay a finger on him. If I lose now, I'll spend the rest of my life cowering under Dio's shadow. But more importantly, I have to fight.. I have to defend Erina's honor! Jonathan said in his mind.

Dio throws his shirt as he is about to finish the fight.

Time to put an end to this pissing contest. I'll defeat this boy in his own home. He'll understand that his place in this world is under my heel. Dio said in his mind.

Dio suddenly finds himself getting pummeled on by Jonathan.

DIOOO! I'm going to make you cry like a baby! Jonathan yelled with rage, pummeling Dio.

Jonathan was hitting Dio so rapidly across the head.

he really get Incredible strength. Funtime Foxy said.

Impossible! How can this pampered brat beat me at a fight? Dio said in his mind.

Once I learned to control my temper, I will be invincible to even the likes of him. Dio said in his mind.

Jonathan was still punching Dio in the face so much that is kept on bleeding.

however some of the blood got on the stone mask beginning to fall out from the wall into the floor.

however Jonathan and Funtime Foxy saw the mask that has ribs growing out from it.

What in the world!? Funtime Foxy said.

Dio Began to cry.

why did you have to hit me like that... Dio said crying at Jonathan.

he's actually crying!? Jonathan said confused.

well this is a first. Funtime Foxy said.

however Dio had a knife on his back.

you are going to die! Dio said to Jonathan.

that's enough all of you! George said to them.

Jonathan and Dio both stopped, When they saw George come in.

father I can... before Jonathan could say anything.

look dio cannot fight anymore and that means that's enough. George said to them.

father I can... before Jonathan could say anything.

no excuse for both of you go back to your chamber and I'll think of a punishment for all of you. George said to them.

Jonathan along with Foxy looked at Dio with a serious look.

To Be Continued...

A/N: however Dio with trying to ruin Jonathan even more by messing with his life. however did you know anything about the stone mask until now. see you all in the next chapter.