Author's Note: Shorter chapter but I thought it would be cool if I explained the night through Laxus' perspective as well. As always hope you enjoy and feel free to comment and review!

"No Freed! Just shut the fuck up!" Laxus Dreyar roared at his best friend and roommate, Freed Justine.

Earlier in the evening, Freed, while checking the mail had discovered a thin envelope addressed to Laxus Dreyar. Inside, an elegant, yet simple wedding invitation confirmed Laxus' worst nightmare. The love of his life was getting married. To another man. To say Laxus was angry was the understatement of the century.

"Laxus! Please be rational! Mirajane would never do this! I'm sure there must be some kind of mistake, maybe it's your frat buddies playing some sort of practical prank!" Freed tried to reason as Laxus continued to angrily stomp around their small living room in circles.

"It hasn't even been six months since we broke it off! Was it not enough to ruin by reputation my breaking up with ME?! How dare she invite me to her damn wedding?!" Laxus continued to angrily rant.

Never in his life had he been more embarrassed. His ex-girlfriend of three years had just sent him a fucking wedding invitation. Sure, he knew the thin envelope containing the last remains of his dignity would one day arrive in his mailbox, but he damn sure didn't expect it so soon after their breakup.

Fuck, he would have bet money it wouldn't come for at least a couple of years, they were college juniors after all.

"How about we head out for a drink or two, after all, it's been years since I've last been your wingman," Freed suggested while Laxus continued to throw a tantrum.

"You're shallow in the head if you think I'm ever showing my face around here again! My life is over!" Laxus cried as he face-planted into the couch.

"You know that's not true Laxus. Now stop being a drama queen and get dressed, I'll wait for you downstairs in the lobby," Freed demanded as he reached for the door.

"Freed! Do not do this to me! I'll die, this is the end!" Laxus roared and threw his body off the couch and into the ground. In response, all Freed could do was shake his head and close the door behind him.

After realizing Freed wouldn't come back, Laxus crawled to the bathroom and began running water for a bath. As the tub filled up, Laxus stuck his big toe into the hot water and instantly relaxed. Maybe going out wouldn't be so bad after all.

After an embarrassingly long bath and putting on his lucky purple button up shirt along with a pair of black skinny jeans, Laxus couldn't help but to feel excited. He hadn't gone out clubbing in months, after all, football practice and Mirajane had completely consumed him all throughout college. In contrast to his harsh exterior, everyone close to him could admit that Laxus was extremely passionate about the things he loved. He had really envisioned a future with Mira, but it seems as though she thought he wasn't good enough.

Before his thoughts could be further consumed by his ex-girlfriend, Laxus finished combing and gelling his hair and hurried out the door. He had made up his mind that for the first time in months, he was going to let loose and have fun.

As Laxus confidently walked down the lobby Freed couldn't help but feel a sense of tremendous relief, he was finally going to get his friend back, and he could not be more delighted.

As the pair walked down a busy, bustling street of their college town it was obvious to see that if Laxus' ginormous six feet and three inches frame didn't turn every girl's head, his confidence most definitely did the trick. Laxus, feeling ever so confident, had even stopped to wink at a group of obviously dense delta zetas even more obviously ogling his greek god like build.

Upon reaching the crowded club doors, all Laxus had to do was flash his signature toothy grin towards the bouncer to gain instant entrance.

Inside, the music was blaring and the smell of alcohol and sex stuck to the walls much like a grandma's wallpaper, and so Laxus licked his upper lip in anticipation of what was to come.