The first two chapters of this story were originally published for The Dark Lords Poison first ever fest - When we're alone. They were also my first attempt at fan fiction. Thank you to Cherie for your assistance and thank you to the group for their encouragement. I have not stopped writing since this fest.

Disclaimer: All characters, plots, and situations from the Harry Potter series belong to JK Rowling. I'm sure as hell not profiting from this work.

"I can do this" was the thought passing through Hermione's head. Forget "this is a trap", "you're a fucking idiot", "Constant vigilance!" Hermione laughed to herself. That went out the window a long time ago. She knew she shouldn't be here, but Harry would never know. He already knew he had her unconditional support. And Ron? Never mind that git. This was something different. This was only for her.

Hermione slowly walked into the remains of an old stone building. Tall trees surrounded the roofless structure while vines grew wildly on the floor and over the barren walls. He promised no harm will come to her; can she trust him? Absolutely not! She wasn't an idiot, only determined! And the idea of seeing him was much too exciting. To finally be alone with him.

There were lit candles on top of an alter causing a warm glow to push away some the darkness. She whispered a Nox and lowered her wand. Hermione walked over to the altar trying to stay as close to the light as possible. "How bloody romantic" she retorted as she rolled her eyes and moved to sit on the nearest pew. "I can do this" she whispered while removing the warm gloves from her hands.

"Are you speaking to me or yourself, Ms. Granger."

Hermione quickly turned around, pointing her wand straight ahead. She was startled, but her hand did not show the slightest tremor. She slowly stood up. She knew he would be here, but the sight of him made it so real. "Vol- "she paused. "I'm not sure what I should call you."

"My Lord will be acceptable," said Voldemort with a smirk etched on his serpentine face.

Hermione's eyes narrowed as a mocking smile formed on her lips. "I believe we can skip the introductions. We both know they're not needed." Hermione lowered her wand and stepped closer to the dark wizard. She made sure her Gryffindor courage could be seen, but still stopped within a meter of the wizard. Instantaneously he filled the gap between them looking directly into her eyes. She sharply inhaled as her confidence wavered. "I can do this" she thought.

"Your mantra is getting quite boring. Perhaps I've I made a mistake of inviting you here. But that can't be it; now can it, Ms. Granger?" his eye bore into hers with such intensity she moved her head down to focus on his chest. She refused to have him stare into her mind. Hermione exhaled and moved over to look out the window noticing the pieces of broken colored glass. "Hermione? This shy pretense doesn't work for you."

"What happened to Ms. Granger?" she asked as she turned around to face him again.

"It's only fitting to address you as a...friend. Hermione tried her hardest not to roll her eyes at the most feared wizard in the wizarding world. "A friend indeed!" she thought. A memory of herself outside a tent late at night came to the forefront of her mind. She was bringing herself to climax as a voice demanded her to press harder on her clit. The naughtiest things being whispered to her as the voice moaned. Suddenly, the image changed into a man with messy black hair replacing her fingers with his tongue. Hermione cringed. Friend was definitely the wrong word to use!

"Enough!" Voldemort snapped as he pointed a slender finger at her. "How dare you taint such memories you filthy Mudblood?" he hissed as he walked closer to her.

A gasp left Hermione's mouth "I'm here, am I not? You know that never happened and if it did (it didn't) it is none of you bloody concern!" she responded through gritted teeth. "Also" now with a sneer across her lips. "Let's not pretend that I'm the only one here with filthy blood."

The area where a nose once lived flared as he rushed over to the young witch. "Never say such things!" he hissed. "Let's not forget who I am, my pet." Placing a long finger under her chin as he continued "It is I in control here. Don't make me cause you unnecessary pain." Hermione tilted her head to the side avoiding his eyes. She felt his finger as it moved to touch an unruly curl next to her ear. A chill ran down her spine. She thought about turning ever so slightly to press her lips against the inside of his wrist, but instead, she raised her head and placed her hand over his. She noticed something flicker in his crimson eyes as he watched her hand on his. She let go of his hand taking a step back. Voldemort once again approached her lowering his face to smell her hair. Then she heard it under his breath. He moaned.

"Hiding in the woods, my dear?" Hermione squared her shoulders before she spoke: "Wouldn't you like to know?" He laughed.

She didn't know if she should be ashamed or...pleased. Ashamed she might be risking her and Harry's location or pleased because she caused that reaction from him. Hermione thought of those long nights keeping watch. Her only companion; a golden locket that belonged to Salazar Slytherin himself. Within a few days after retrieving the locket, the trio noticed wearing it caused negative effects. That was how this unusual acquaintance formed. At first, she was frightened then that morphed into curiosity. In the end, it boiled down to self-indulgence. She enjoyed the praise the voice provided.

"My dearest, you are brilliant."
"Your knowledge is impressive."
"How I wish to touch you."
"When we're alone, I want to feel you come undone."
"My beautiful witch." That was her favorite, it made her laugh knowing who the voice really was.

Hermione learned quickly that Voldemort was the voice. Between Harry's irritableness and Ron being suspicious, it became a needed distraction. The lack of carbohydrates didn't help the situation either. Three months of nightly conversations and a month of nightly masturbation lead her here. She assumed, in the beginning, she was communicating to only a piece of him, a small fragment of him. Tonight, proved her wrong.

"Hermione." His voice removed her from her thoughts. He was sitting on a window sill looking out into the darkness. His skin glowed as the full moon lit up the empty window. "Come sit with me." he asked quietly. Hermione approached him and sat down. She couldn't help but admire the length of his neck, the translucent quality to his skin, and even the scarlet glow of his eyes. "A fallen angel in a collapsed church. How poetic?" she thought.

"I'm pleased you're here Hermione. I have to say your courage has always been intriguing." He turned his head to look at her. His red eyes meeting her chocolate brown. "Why aren't you afraid th-"

"I'm not afraid of you." she quickly answered as she felt him look into her mind. "Please don't." she looked away. "I'm right here. There's no need for you to do that." She once again looked at him.

Voldemort stared at the witch; providing her a small nod. "I was going to ask, why aren't you afraid that this is a trap; before you so rudely interrupted me." He had a smile on his face. She would have thought the site horrifying, but the small lines that formed around his eyes prevented that.

"Is it a trap?" replied Hermione.

The Dark Lord shook his head "No, Hermione. This is not a trap".

"So, you just wanted to get me alone?"

"Yes, that is one of the reasons."

" exactly are you going to convince me to join your side, now that we're alone?" she asked.

"My dear, you are much too clever."

"For a Mudblood, that is." Voldemort made no attempt to agree or disagree. She shrugged her shoulders. "You want to convince me to join you and I want to...expand my knowledge."

"Your thirst for knowledge can almost be compared to my own." He replied. "I do on occasion get very...thirsty."

"Oh, the things I can teach you, my darling." He lifted his hand and cupped her cheek. This time she did not step back. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the feel of his skin against hers. She gently turned her head allowing her lips to move trail across his fingertips. When she reached his thumb, she opened her eyes to meet his while sucking on the tip of his thumb.

"Now, I believe it's time to inform me of your other reasons for inviting me here." whispered Hermione.

A moment later he quickly lowered his head placing his lips on hers. Passion took over sending warmth throughout her body and in-between her legs. Hermione opened her mouth to brush her tongue across his bottom lip causing him to open for her. She pushed her tongue inside his mouth relishing at the feel of his tongue moving against hers. As she nipped his lip, he moaned. Voldemort grabbed her pulling her over his lap, her legs now hanging out the window as she straddled him. Hermione's arms wrapped around his neck pushing him closer to her. He glided his hands down her back to grip the tightness of her round arse. He moaned again. She wanted to feel all of him. She was convinced that this would be the only outcome of all their conversations. This is what brought her here.

They both wanted something for each other. Hermione had no issues with this. She wanted to feel him, and he wanted a chance to convince her to join him. She shifted, rubbing herself against him; he moaned. There was no doubt that "joining" will occur tonight, but not in the way he expected. And that is exactly the way she wanted it. For now, let him believe he has full control.

"Do you want to fuck me, My Lord?" she whispered to him as she bit the tip of his ear. He moaned.

Hermione couldn't help but savor the sounds she was causing him to create. "How easy it is to stroke the ego." she thought.

She would never betray Harry. Anyone who truly knew her would know that. She only needed something of her own and this is what she decided on. In the end, she will find a way to destroy the locket, destroy the rest of the horcruxes, and will stand with Harry as he destroys him. But for now she just groaned "Teach me everything, My Lord!"

Hermione lowered her hand to rub the length of his hardness; he moaned. She smirked as he started to roughly kiss her jawline then moving lower to trail his tongue along her neck. She couldn't help getting wet by the sense of power she had over him. "Yes, My Lord!" she breathed out. He moaned as he swiftly removed her shirt. Hermione leaned forward and allowed him to unhook her bra causing him to moan at the site of her round breast with perfect pink nipples. As Voldemort took one of her nipples in his mouth, she moved her hand in-between his robes stroking his hard cock. He moaned. The dark wizard stood causing Hermione to wrap her legs around his waist. With a wave of his hand a pew slid over causing a screech to echo in the abandoned space. Voldemort moved them on the surface, she was positioned under him. He once again kissed her then pushed up on his knees to view her. As he started stroking his large cock, Hermione lifted her hands moving them over her stomach until she reached her breasts. When she started to pinch her nipples, she looked into his eyes and groaned softly "Now, I need you to do a hands on demonstration of all the disgusting things you can do to me."

He moaned.