Chapter 1:

I was unsure how I felt about today. Last night when I laid my head down on my pillow, tossing and turning throughout the entire night out of invasive thoughts, I honestly though for a second that today wouldn't be so bad.

But looking at myself now, my reflection now berating me with insults as it appears and vanishes in the large store windows, I can tell I am not looking forward to today.

Not going to lie the morning could have gone better. I set my alarm for 6:30, giving me time to wake up, make tea, get into my body and get ready for this already troublesome day. But alas, I did not wake up until 7:35, when I looked over at, my clock and my adrenaline started pumping.

8 o'clock. That is when my new school starts. A new school with new people and a whole new curriculum to adapt to. That is why I am currently running as fast as I physically can to this new hellhole. School starts at 8, it is 7:53, they told me to come in 10 min early to fill out paper work.

I dash and take a left around the corner of a lovely smelling bakery when I see it, the large stone archway with the school crest smack dab right in the middle, Konoha high. I slow down my run into a steady walk. I'm already at the school, I'm doing to be late no matter what, might as well take my time now that I'm here. I pull my phone out of my back pocket, 7:59, oh well, at least I'm here.

I pull my tiny green vape out of my other pocket. I never liked vaping, hell I made fun of people who vaped, but I needed to be different this year, and first step to that, Quit Smoking. I puff on my vape and I make my way up the front steps of the extremely large stone building, the structure looking as if it was hand made. I never liked vaping, but this year wasn't about doing things I liked, so I got myself a little thing, nothing obnoxious, its vapor thin and barely noticeable, but with enough nicotine to kick a regular person on their ass, but I'm no regular person. I slip my vape back into my pocket and pull on the heavily weighted oak wood door. The hallway is huge, with lockers on each side of the hallway, the floor, tiled in a black and green checker marked pattern, giving you an amazing optical illusion. The hallway is quietly empty, all of the students probably in homeroom.

I go to run my fingers through my hair when I feel it, I feel all of the knots. I was in such a rush today to couldn't do anything but brush my teeth and get dressed. I sigh and begin walking down the hallway. My heavy, black clanking against the tiled floor as I search for a bathroom. The bathroom doesn't take very long to spot, I make my way in and practically scare myself to death with my reflection.

I look like an absolute mess. My baby pink hair is knotted with obvious bed head, my makeup from yesterday now under my eyes. Since I'm already late I'm going to take my damn well time making myself presentable.

I use my fingers and try my best to run them through my hair, smoothing out what knots I can. I'm not in the worst shape today considering I ran out of the house completely unprepared. Once I make my waist long hair somewhat presentable, I look at myself, still unhappy with what I see. I feel around the inside of my black leather jacket, relief flooding through me at what I feel in the pockets. I quickly wash my face, the ice cold water shocking me back to life, reminding me I'm still here, still fighting. I dry my face off and settle myself onto the bathroom counter, my booted feet resting in the sink.

I look at myself. The past year has changed me quite a bit. I look at my features, my cheekbones not high, but sharply angling my face. My nose petite, accented by the silver nose ring I got the day of my 18th birthday. I pull the black eyeliner and mascara out of my jacket pocket and begin my cat eye. I'm not stupid, I know that by the book I'm pretty, to some I might be beautiful, but, that doesn't really matter. I finish one eye and begin on the other. To some I might be seen as blessed, my florescent jade green eyes with my naturally thin frame and pore less, blemish free skin. That is, aside from the small slit scar on my eyebrow. I shake off the memory and eye myself.

My winged eyeliner is long and dramatic, I begin applying my mascara when I hear the bathroom door open. A girl with long bright red hair walks into the bathroom and instantly looks to me. I pay no mind to her, giving her nothing more than a glance through the mirror before focusing on my mascara. She looks at me for a second more before heading into one of the three bathroom stalls.

I stay sitting on the sink, looking over myself, while I put my makeup back in my jacket pocket. The red haired girl walks out of the stall and stands, staring at me. I raise an eyebrow, "Do you have a problem?" I ask her. Her arms are crossed as she looks at me. She has eyes matching her fire red hair, sarcastically resting behind thin rectangular glasses.

The red haired girl scoffs, "I want to wash my hands." She says in a bitchy manner. I widen my eyes and look to the 2 other sinks next to me.

"I don't see why you cant use those." I motion to the sinks next to me as I turn around and slide off the sink, before I can notice I'm sliding the hair tie off of my wrist and tying my hair up in a tight, high ponytail. I move up to her, staying a distance away,

She looks me up and down again, a different look in her eyes, she grins while basically spitting out, "I think you're lost, this isn't the public school, maybe you should just go out and walk to the other side of town and it'll be easy to spot." I look her up and down, her grey and beige school uniform sassily hung on her figure.

I clench my fists and grin, I could knock this girl on her ass and she wouldn't even know whats happening to her. I feel the fire build in me but extinguish as another girl walks into the bathroom, breaking me out of my trance. I quickly turn around and head out of the bathroom, into the large patterned hallway.

I came here to change, not be like I was before. I cant get into a fight on the first day of school. I slide my hands over and down my long pony tail as I begin walking, continuing to try and remove what knots I can. I reach the end of the hallway, a layout of the school is posted, telling me that the Deans office is located on the top floor of the 7 story building. I check my phone, 8:27 a.m. I sigh but begin making my way up the first set of stairs. When I reach the second floor I spot an elevator. I go over and see it takes me to the top floor. I call the elevator and wait, it arriving quicker than expected.

To my surprise, when the elevator door opens a figure steps out. He is tall, his head a mass of silver, unruly hair, his body accentuated with a white button up and simple black jeans. He looks up to me from behind that orange novel he was reading and my breathing stops. Most of his face is hidden underneath a black mask, hiding his nose and mouth, but his eyes. I can feel myself get lost in the dark obsidian eyes, both of them drowning me as if I'm sinking in a pool of oil, it slowly filling my lungs and every crevice of my body. One of his eyes, adorned with a long red scar, part of it running underneath his mask.

We stare at each other, which for me feels like a life time, before I snap out of it. "Oh, pardon me." I say as I move to the side, giving him space to exit the elevator. Although his face is covered I can tell he smiles at me as he exits into the hall way. I make my way into the elevator, I stare at this mans ass as the elevator doors begin to close, the jeans amplifying his wonderful gift. But right before the elevator doors close completely I look up, and feel my face get red.

He was watching me.

He watched me, watch him.

When the elevator doors close completely and I feel the box begin to move, I all but collapse. The embarrassment all to fresh in my mind.

He saw me checking him out! Who was he? Was he a student? No he wasn't in a uniform. Oh god was he a teacher?

I let the embarrassment sweep me away as I make my way up to the deans office. Can this day get any worse?