Steve eyed the long road leading down to the entrance of the property, the space ship beside him ready to go. Its passengers making their way aboard. Steve felt good to dawn his suit again, wearing his shield on his back. He had always seen it as a symbol of hope, something people could look for in dark times. As well as something his enemies learned to fear. Bruce approached Steve, snatching him from his thoughts and breaking his stare.

"Cap, do you really think it's a good idea to bring me along?" The scientist held his hands nervously, looking at the ship behind the captain as he spoke. Steve laid a gloved hand on the man's shoulder.

"Right now, we need to stick together. Fight this together." Bruce nodded, knowing Steve spoke the truth.

"I just don't know how much help I can be."

"Your so much more than the Hulk." Steve returned his arm to his side. "But It would be nice of him to show his face." Steve smiled, causing Bruce to do the same. He adjusted his glasses keeping back a laugh.

"I'll see if he's busy." Bruce then told him before proceeding forward and up into the ship, leaving Steve alone. If only for a few seconds.

"Why haven't we left." Carol questioned, Steve again turned to make conversation.

"We leave in ten minutes." He informed her, the time not negotiable. Rhodey pasted them, now in his war machine armour, helping Tony along who was wearing a more skin tight athletic black t-shirt, a faded grey honeycomb design rising up from one side, his arc reactor sat on top in the middle of his chest, the blue light beaming brightly.

"We leave now." Carol eyed Steve, her tone almost threatening. Steve made sure he was head on with the woman before him.

"We leave in ten minutes, when it reaches midday like we agreed on." Steve laid the facts out, she couldn't argue with them. Time ticked by, Steve waited, and he continued to wait. However, there was no sign or Natasha or Clint, he had hoped they would make it back on time but is was becoming more and more unlikely as time went on. The minutes ticking by. Steve sighed, with three minutes left Steve made his way over to the ship. The revving of an engine made his stop, he turned on the spot, his head snapping round to see a black motorbike speeding towards him, a driver and a passenger in the seat. Natasha put the kickstand out, keeping the bike on two wheels and both dismounted. Clint was now clean shaven, his hair now cut right back. He once again dawned his leather attire, quiver on his back, bow slung over his shoulder. Hawkeye was back.

"Sorry for the close call, someone needed to sober up." Natasha looked to Clint who just smirked, it had been a long time since he had been sober, and it felt good to have his mind back. Everyone jumped when a crash of white lightening stuck the ground near them, emerging from the bolt was Thor, returned to his armour, cape trailing behind him. He gripped Strombreaker with pure determination.

"Let's go." Was all he said as he walked past.

"What he said." Steve turned to Carol before following the god of thunder.

It was strange to be back for Clint, the group together again, as if they hadn't been at each other's throats. He took everything in as he boarded the ship, trailing behind Natasha.

"No keep the thrusters low for take-off, we don't want to put too much pressure on the engine." Tony's voice made him stop, he had seen his friends face on the list of those who had vanished. He had mourned him alongside his family. But there he was standing with his back to him, leaning over a chair as he spoke to someone who was sat in it.

"Tony?" Was all he could get out, he quickly glanced at Natasha as if asking if she was seeing this too. His attention turned back to the man who had turned around.

"Barton." Tony smiled taking a few weak steps over to the man. Clint took his arm when he got close, not just to support him but to make sure he was actually there.

"How?" Hope flashed in his eyes, if Tony was back then that means his family have a chance.

"We fought Thanos on a planet far from here, when he won me and Nebula where stuck there." Tony explained, gesturing to Nebula when he spoke her name. She sat in the corner arms folded expressionless look on her face. Clint wasn't fazed by the blue cyborg, he had seen much stranger. "We got this ship working and made our way back to earth, we only arrived back a couple of days ago." The hope in his eyes faded, even though he was indeed happy to see Tony safe and well, even after everything that had happened. His family was still dust and lost in the wind and their master plan was still only a theory.

"You lot gonna stand around chatting or are we going?" Rocket's head poked round from the seat and Clint jumped in surprise, Tony now held onto him keeping him from backing up.

"Barton meet Rocket." Tony made his way back to his seat, the one beside the talking raccoon.

"You get used to it." Natasha then told him, seeing his wide-eyed expression.

"Natasha, Clint, buckle up down stairs with Bruce and Rhodey." Steve then ordered, take off imminent. Thor and Nebula where already strapped in, In the back seats. Steve and Carol getting themselves ready in the next two seats. In the front two Rocket was ready to go, Tony letting himself fall into the seat beside him.

The roar of the engines filled everyone's ears, the ground slowly being left behind. Rocket controlled the ship while Tony worked through the numbers, checking everything over, multiple screens in front of him.

"Engines still above normal temperature." Tony informed the Raccoon.

"Like I said before it's fine." The ship had practically floated off the ground in a gentle manner but with a flick of a switch the Milano took off, speeding through the air. Everyone forced back into their seats as they charged closer and closer towards space, leaving the world of oxygen behind. Steve clutched at his seat's arm rest, fingers turning white. Carol turned to him completely relaxed, her seat belt barely tightened.

"First time?" She joked before looking forward once again. Within a matter of moments, they were in space, Earth now behind them.

"Jump point's just up ahead." Rocket told Tony, prompting him to lock onto it and input their co-ordinates. Steve gazed in awe, the stars having never been so close.

"Good to go." Tony replied, still keeping an eye on the ship's analytics.

"Right, those who haven't made a jump before, you throw up on my ship you won't be getting a ride back." Rocket shouted loud enough so that bellow could hear him, his tone making the others unsure whether he was joking or not. It all happened in a matter of moments, space opened up in front of them, yanking them in. The force like nothing some of them had ever felt. When the ship finally stopped Steve was in a daze but was snapped out of it with words of panic.

"Somethings wrong, I'm losing power." Rocket frantically pawed at the controls, the ships thrusters sputtering. A new world sat in front of them, a planet never known to the human race. Tony was up out of his seat in seconds, Steve went to do the same.

"Stay here, I've got this." He ordered the captain before disappearing down into the ship.

Tony made his way into the engine room, sparks flying from the engine he had slaved over to get working. As if by only thinking it, Tony was encased in his iconic armour. Just as flames started to spurt from inside the engine, he could feel the ship slipping into freefall.

"Stark?!" Rocket asked through his communicator.

"Working on it." He replied, the armour scanning the engine to deduce the problem. Images flashed before his eyes showing him the ins and outs of the machine in front of him. Tony pulled off the faceplate to the engine, revealing its parts to him. Sparks causing the fire deep within to grow. Before Tony could do anymore he was forced back, smashing against the wall behind him. The engine having given up exploded.

Authors Notes

Sorry this chapter is a little short, hope it was still good though. Been loving your reviews, really appreciate it. See you soon.