He felt free from his armour, a burden taken off his shoulders. The gentle breeze against his skin a simple feeling he hadn't realised he had missed, along with a few other small things he had grown to not apricate. Thanos sat watching the sun rise over the green land, the grass glistened thanks to the rain that came the night previous. His purpose was complete, he had righted the world, the universe. Now all he had to do was relish in it, to live his life. However long it be. Taking his eyes from the blooming orange sun he glanced down at his hand. There still sat the infinity gauntlet the golden metal now warped, having melted into his thick purple skin, the skin itself was scarred and clearly damaged. Veins, arteries seeming to have imploded from within rendering his hand useless. The stones however remained in their place unharmed.

"Why?" A familiar innocent voice asked, it was quiet, calm. Thanos did not react immediately, taking a moment before looking up. There stood Gamora, as a past self. The short child stood a single meter away, her dark purple hair in two pig tails on the back of her head, she wore a sadden look on her green face.

"I did what others could not." He replied, looking straight into her eyes, a gentle smile forming on his face, Gamora's presence something he had longed for.

"Why?" She again asked, not breaking eye contact. The child's stair harrowing.

"To allow this universe to thrive, to allow life to continue on."

"What about my life?" The girl seemed genuinely confused, tilting her head slightly to the side like a puppy.

"Collateral damage." He looked away, eyes facing the ground. The sun having crawled its way slightly higher in the sky, the yellow glow reaching more of the land. He forced himself to look up but is daughter was gone, as if taken by the wind. Thanos reached up to his face with his undamaged hand, fingers brushing on his check, pulling away something wet laid on his finger tip, a tear that had glided down from his eye. He studied it, not sure of its purpose. He had saved the universe; his mission was complete. It was over. Images flashed through his mind, he watched Gamora fall to her death, through his own eyes he relived throwing her down, killing his daughter. His beautiful daughter. Thanos scrunched his eyes, shaking his head from side to side. Banishing the memory for now.

Steve watched the holographic screens cycle through those who were lost; Wanda, Sam, Tony, Bucky, a few among too many others. It would be a lie to say the photos had no effect, each face was another stab in his gut, guilt overwhelming at times. Everything they had fought for lost just like that. Every war won, every battle, it meant nothing. Natasha watched Steve from across the table, also struggling with her emotions. The room was silent; Rocket, Bruce and Rhodey also sat around the table, while Thor stood a distance away. His hair was still short, his beard having slightly grown in length, but on his face and in his eyes revealed a soulless man. One drained of hope. The Avengers building itself was now empty, the only ones occupying it in that very room.

"I know it's been almost a month now and moving on is hard." Natasha paused, having almost stumbled on her words. "But we need to look forward, make a future with what we've got left."

"That purple bastard killed my only family, the only family I have ever had." Rocket stood up on his chair, anger bringing him there. "I want revenge." He added, showing his sharp pointed teeth.

"We've all lost people." Steve was strangely calm, even though a voice inside wanted to shout and argue, to wallow in pity. "We can remember them, even mourn them." All attention was now on the captain. "And your god damn sure we're going to avenge them." His words brought a smirk to Rocket's face, even making Thor look over.

"Where would we even start?" Rhodey now questioned. "I want to get at Thanos as much as everyone else. We don't know where he is, and we have no way to get there." The truth brought silence back into the room. Rocket even sitting back down. A new sound broke the silence, a roaring coming from outside, the sun still slowly setting, halfway through its decent from its perch in the sky. Everyone was on their feet in seconds peering out the window to see the Milano, its engines spluttering, threatening to go off at any moment. The ship had landed by the time they got outside, they approached slowly. The doors suddenly parted. Steve's mouth dropped, Natasha's hand met her face. Rhodey's eyes simply widened. Both Steve and Rhodey rushed up towards the ship, where Nebula was helping a frail Tony down the steps of the Milano. Tony practically fell into Steve's welcoming arms; the captain couldn't help but dig his face into his friends' shoulder. Another friend he thought was long gone. Bruce went to rush to his side but stopped himself a meter away, just deciding to observe

"Pepper?" Tony voice was rough, his eyes tired. Steve didn't answer, except just held onto Tony tighter. Rocket was the only one to move, approaching Nebula.

"I'm sorry Tony." Steve mumbled into his friends' shoulder. Suddenly he had to keep Tony standing, feeling his knees give out beneath him.

"No, no." Tony sobbed, letting his body give up on him. Thor even though happy to see Tony's safe return, turned away. The sight of another's pain, all because he didn't stop Thanos, just another effected by the destruction he let happen. Tony stopped crying, his eyes slipping closed. Steve did not hesitate to lift Tony into his arms, cradling him.

"Banner?" Steve called, looking for assistance. Bruce was by his side in one step, two fingers on Tony's neck.

"He's alive, his pulse is weak." Bruce announced, prompting everyone to head inside.

Steve sat beside the sofa where Tony lay, the genius still slept while Bruce inserted a syringe into a vein in his arm. Slowly Bruce pushed the syringe's content into Tony's blood stream.

"Should help." Bruce gave Steve a comforting smile, before checking Tony's wound on his stomach. Having mostly healed the wound was no longer life threatening. Bruce pulled the top back down, noticing the man had lost some weight, but again not enough to be of concern.

"I'll be in the other room if you need me." Bruce told Steve, holding the empty syringe still in hand. With a grateful nod from Steve he left, passing Nebula who lent against the door frame.

"What happened?" Steve asked, knowing Nebula was in the room, having known for a while.

"Strange gave up the time stone." Steve's head snapped in her direction, now looking at the battle-hardened cyborg.

"What?" Steve thought he had miss heard, he couldn't believe it. He refused to believe it, desperately trying to convince himself that her words where nothing more than a lie, a cruel joke. Nebula crossed her arms. "He willingly handed it over." Steve's head rested on one of his hands, the truth still not believable.

"Strange had to of had a plan, he must have had a reason." Steve lifted his head up, placing a hand on Tony's arm.

"Will he be alright?" Nebula then asked, she would indeed be lying if she said she had not grown fond of the human in the weeks they spent together on the ship.

"Banner said he will pull through." Steve looked back at her, hand still on Tony's arm, as if worried he will vanish at any moment.

Authors Notes

This is simply a rewrite of Endgame, after watching Endgame I was disappointed with the narrative as a whole and thought I would write what I would of liked to of seen and expected from the film. Love to know what you think so far and what you thought of the movie. See you soon.