I shove my hands into my pocket before walking into the bar. I'm nervous but I won't let it show. I head inside pushing down my nerves. With it being a Friday night the place is packed wall to wall. You can tell those who got off from work versus those who came here for a good time. The bar is actually a good size, deem lighting but plenty of space. Most of the square wooden tables are taken. Plenty of space is available at the bar. I'm hoping to get someone that is willing to work with me tonight. This is my first time in a gay bar.

If I am gay is not important but finding out how I feel about men is important. I have been kind of curious and what better place to go for a bar for a hook. No way would I hook up with a prostitute. I have no intention in letting them know that I curious. No need in hurting their feelings. They want to get laid and I want to experiment. It's a win win. I head up to the bar and lean on the counter. A dark haired man with a thick mustache and beard comes over.

"What can I get for you?" he asks.

"I will just have a Samuel Adams," I reply. "Bottle." He nods going to grab my drink. I take this time to look around the room. I don't see anyone I find myself attracted to. I shouldn't be surprised though. The bartender comes back handing me my beer.

"Did you want to start a tab?" he asked. I nod my head yes. With that he begins my tab handing me my credit card back. I put my card up before opening my beer. I sit down in the seat that is available beginning to watch those around me. Amazes me how confident most of them look. I'm sure I look the same way. I'm drinking my beer when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see none other than Kirishima. My eyes almost fall out of my head but I quickly recover. He actually looks good. He has slimmed down slightly. His muscles aren't as defined or bulky. It sure if him getting taller standing at 6 feet even has anything to do with it. I am 5'11 so not too much of a gap.

"What's up?" I ask him cooly. Kirishima begins to laugh. He is just as I remembered from high school. We graduated 5 years ago. I speak to him from time to time but we have both been really busy with hero work. More time passed before I knew it.

"Fancy seeing you here," he smirks.

"I could say the same," I reply keeping my face still. Kirishima I must admit looks pretty good. He doesn't have his hair up but he is wearing it down. I like how his hair is in his eyes a bit before he shakes the crimson red strands away. I feel the butterflies in my stomach from the way he looks at me. I shift my eyes knowing he had to be off today if his hair is down.

"I come here every now and then," says Kirishima. "I have never seen you in here."

"Whatever," I mutter. "What are you drinking?"

"Not sure yet," says Kirishima. "I'm more of a liquor person."

"When did you get into liquor?" I asked. I recall Kirishima being into beer when we did our underage drinking.

"I grew up," he says flagging the bartender. He comes down to us quickly.

"The usual?" he asks.

"You know what I like Mark," he replies. "The usual." I look at the bartender called Mark as he begins to fix Kirishima drink. He hands him the cup.

"This one is on me," says Mark.

"Cool," says Kirishima taking the cup. He begins to drink from his cup. Once Mark is gone I tilt my head looking at him.

"You fuck that guy?" I ask. Kirishima almost drops his drink.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" he says lowly blushing a little.

"He gave you a free drink," I stated. "Not only that he seems to…..linger." Kirishima takes a sip of his drink.

"Um hm," he replies. "So how long you been on the scene?"

"The scene?" I ask.

"Yeah," he laughs. "How long have you been into men is what I'm asking?" Kirishima came out our senior year of high school. Everyone was pretty cool about it. I didn't really care but then it kind of made me question myself a little. Just as of lately I finally had enough of my sexual thoughts with men. I also wonder what it would be like to be in an actual relationship with a man after realizing Kirishima was gay. We do have a lot in common after all. That is why I am here right now trying to see how things are. Most people like to confide in others when it comes to these kind of issues but me, I can handle this myself.

"Does it matter?" I ask before drinking my beer.

"No," replies Kirishima. "I was just curious. Did you want to get a table? We can catch up."

"That's fine," I reply following him to a table that just opened up. I'm glad to see these people aren't complete snobs and left the table clean. Kirishima pulls out a chair sitting down looking at me.

"So you are climbing the ranks quickly," he notes. Deep down I am glad he decided to change the subject on why I am here in this bar. Kirishima is a cool guy but I am not sure if I really want him to know why I am here.

"That shouldn't be a surprise," I replied smirking. I have been busting my ass working so many long shifts. It's exhausting but it's not like I have anyone to go home to. "You seem to be moving pretty slowly strangely." Kirishima shrugs.

"I don't mind actually," he replies. "People know who I am that's for sure. I mostly just want to do a great job, live up to Red Riot's rep."

"The last thing we need is for you to suck," I chuckle.

"As if that would happen," says Kirishima. "I can't believe Todoroki quit being a hero." I'm glad his ass quit. He was my top competitor. It was annoying as hell that he kept beating me out. It would have been nice to surpass him as I take the number one spot but this works too.

"He will be okay," I replied.

"I think his dad was getting to him," says Kirishima.

"I would have tuned his ass out," I shrug. Kirishima laughs. "Seriously I never understood why he let the old man get to him so much."

"What are you talking about?" he chuckles. "You do that even now, tuning people out. You are still the worst at working with others, just like Endeavor." Kirishima chuckles before snipping his drink.

"For good reason!" I exclaim. "You got people trying to come in and take my credit, my money, yeah no, not having that bullshit happen to me. Endeavor may not be well liked but the man knows how to handle business."

"Noted," says Kirishima. "How do you feel about Midoriya doing so well?" It took everything in me not to flinch. Knowing Midoriya was quirkless but he was the chosen to carry on All Might's work still pisses me off. Like why him? I still feel like he is not better than me. If not for that hand me down quirk he wouldn't be shit.

"It's whatever," I reply.

"Why does it seem like you can never be happy for him," he states. Not this shit again. Kirishima would always ask me what was my problem with Midoriya. It's not like I can tell him the truth. So many days I wish Midoriya never told me how he got that damn quirk.

"I never said that," I say glaring at him. Kirishima rolls his eyes dropping it. He flags down a server so we can order another round of drinks. We talk some more about movies and shows we want to watch. Like we rarely have time for that so we are super behind. Neither us really discuss our personal life. I decide to come back here another night to look for someone to hook up with. I much rather enjoyed my evening with Kirishima since it has been so long. We pay our tabs heading outside.

"So do you have your own place?" asked Kirishima as we begin to walk towards my car.

"God yes," I reply. "I'm not the one for that roommate crap."

"Having a roommate isn't too bad," he replies. "I personally like rooming with Sero and Kaminair. It helps me to say money too."

"Yeah it's not that serious for me," I reply approaching my car. "My sanity is more important. Did you want a ride?" Kirishima looks at me.

"I'm kind of not ready to go home yet," he admits. Is he blushing? "Did you want to hang out like old times."

"And do what?" I asked before swallowing hard. It's not what I think so why am I anticipating something more.

"Still got your game system?" asks Kirishima.

"Fuck yeah," I exclaim. "I got the latest one of course. Like you have to try the new Street Fighter. Button controls are pretty much the same but the graphics are incredible."

"Well let's go then," says Kirishima. "I still owe you an ass whooping!" I chuckle pulling out my keys. We use to game a lot towards the end of 3rd year. Kirishima could never beat me but he made it his mission to do so. I haven't played in a while but my reflects should still be good. We approach my car quickly climbing inside. I take off down the street towards my apartment.

"You will be able to get home when we are done?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replies. "I can call uber."

"You don't have your own car?" I ask him.

"I do," he replies. "I just planned to get fucked up at the bar so I didn't want to drive. What kind of example would I be otherwise?"

"You drink a lot?" I ask him focusing on the road ahead.

"Why would you ask me that?" he replies.

"Because you sound like you do this a lot," I note.

"Well I don't," replies Kirishima folding his arms looking out the car window. I can tell my question bothered him.

"Did I hit a sore spot?" I inquire. Kirishima continues to gaze the window not answering me. Well alright then. I'm not going to beg for him to bare his soul to me. I pull into the apartment complex finding a parking spot way in the back. Our parking lost fills up quickly. With me getting here late, got us a nice little walk. Kirishima gets out looking around. "Not much to see," I say putting my hands in my pockets.

"Seems like a lot of people live here," he notes.

"Well I am close to downtown," I reply entering my building. I head to my door on the first floor opening it allowing Kirishima inside. I cut the lamp on to the left of my door. My apartment is pretty simple as I don't care about decorating. I did invest in some curtains because I don't want to chance anyone looking all up in my space. I have a cream leather sofa and matching the single chair. I have a 55 inch TV screen in the living room and a 40 inch TV in my bedroom. The living room does have some side tables and a rug but that is about it. I am not in here enough to care. I spend most of my time in my bedroom when I'm home.

"You have leather?" asked Kirishima running his hands over the sofa.

"It's easier to clean," I explain grabbing a controller. I cut on the TV and system before sitting on the sofa beside Kirishima who is looking around.

"You could really use some color in here," he states.

"It's fine the way it is," I snort. "You need to be focused on this game and not my apartment decor."

"You haven't played in a while," he replies. "That may work in my favor."

"Oh, and you have time to game?" I asked looking at him.

"More than you," he smirks.

"Let's see you talk all that shit in about five minutes," I tell him going to the main menu of the game. We get our characters selected and dive right in. He gets a few good hits in also winning the first round. He is grinning, super excited but that won't last long. I just had to get back into the swing of things. I quickly make a comeback destroying him within minutes. I can't help but laugh at him.

"Seriously?' he asks.

"Yup!" I tell him chuckling. We end up playing until I realize my eyes are burning. I set my controller down walking into my bathroom. I can see my eyes are red tell me I am in need of sleep. I walk back into my living room. "Kirishima, I have to go to bed man."

"You can't hang?" taunts Kirishima.

"Fuck you," I reply. "Some of us worked today." I rub my eyes trying to get the burning to die down.

"Fine," he huffs standing up. He walks over to me as I'm busy rubbing my eyes. "So I guess I will see you later."

"Yeah," I reply. "You can sleep here if you want though."

"Seriously?" he asks.

"Yeah man," I replied pulling out my phone. "It's late as fuck, it's like 5 am."

"Is it really?" he asks pulling out his phone.

"Times flies," I reply stretching my arms over my head. "Come on, I'm tired. I head into my room more than ready to crash. This evening didn't go the way expected but whatever. I head over to my draw pulling out some shorts from Kirishima.

"You can sleep in these," I state tossing them to him. Kirishima catches them easily.

"Still hate being in bed with your clothes on?" he asked.

"Hell yes," I replied pulling my shirt over my head. I grab some shorts for me to sleep in as well. I crack my blinds since the moon is out. I usually close them around the time the sun comes up. I cut off my lamp once Kirishima is comfortable beside me. I roll over on my side pulling my comforter up to my neck trying to get comfortable for a good day's rest.